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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.6240175 [Reply] [Original]

when we getting a black en holo
the japanese love niggas

>> No.6240234

It’ll just be a dark skinned white girl like Nessa.

>> No.6240301

i will never understand how this meme managed to spread to nippon

>> No.6240341


>> No.6240421

they find black people funny

>> No.6240598

Lmao this shit actually in jp too? Any other memes that did the same? I want to know what jp meme landscape looks likr

>> No.6240736

"The reaction of the black brother gradually began to look like "Is this again?""
thank you japan, very cool and funny

>> No.6240846

My fucking sides

>> No.6241209

If that happens it would inevitably involve BLM in one way or another. Then HoloEN will get HoloCN'd

>> No.6241508

But in the Funny person is funny sorta way
The Monkey is throwing it's shit kinda way
In between - weird-skinned human is neat?

>> No.6241690

We won't, but maybe we'll get Mr Popo on holostars in a dragonball crossover

>> No.6241836

its japan, i have no fucking clue. it's hard to tell when they genuinely like something and when it's just a novelty to them.
as an example, i think many like westeners and are jealous of their "free spirited" nature, but, at the same time, how many talk to you because of that? how many are talking to you because you're a white guy in japan?

>> No.6242019

I can see there being a black one, only for people to say she sounds white, forcing the girl to do a hand reveal to prove she’s black once the Twitter woke mob strike.

>> No.6242840
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>> No.6242875

Why the hell are comments not loading for me
Somebody please copy paste them

>> No.6242933

Isn't it incredibly difficult to not get attention from ojisans as a white guys in Not-Tokyo Japan?

>> No.6243074

Nothing wrong with having some chocolate.

>> No.6243566


>> No.6243639

While studying abroad, I was eating bittersweet. When I said this, I was glared at by a black man.

>> No.6244034

English is more that they stared when they said something is bitter. Bitter is, of course, Nigai

>> No.6244075

Everyone in HoloEN is black except Ina

>> No.6244132

meant for

>> No.6244143

That reminds me, what ever happened to that one vtuber that was in Vince McMahon's pocket but also doing vtubing on the side, is he still around I remember Nico Nico knee that's about it

>> No.6244210
File: 96 KB, 300x300, lacari-profile_image-decef76ca583dfaa-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urionically get Lacari as Holo Stars EN Gen 1, dude's roots run deep in the 4chan world and is actually good at vidya

>> No.6244355

Yeah, hes just not entertaining

>> No.6244411

>plays tekken

It'll be a short career. I feel like holo digs pretty deeply into the people they hire, I'm sure they would avoid lacari like the plague.

>> No.6244478

Dude's working with Alliance right now with no issues, seems to have a very healthy viewership and is a humongous gacha simp and vtuber follower

oh so just like every other Hololive branch that isn't EN

>> No.6244645

I'm an esl so I'm not sure what you're implying, but all the JP girls roommates are pretty innocent, at least in their prior public facing lives, same with ID.

The only holo girl from any region or gen who has a kind of controversial roommate is Kiara. Can't name a single person that has had as many rage and hate fueled melties as lacari, at least compared to people in holo. I can guarantee that combined with the fact that hes black, he'd never be hired.

Plus I don't think he'd take the job regardless.

>> No.6244748

i'll not dredge up too much of the JP girls past, but to put it vaguely
>Most of the original 20-25 odd all came from another platform
>some of them were elitist shits to one another
>some dissapeared from said platform because of this, on both sides
>They re-emerged over time in Hololive
There's plenty of dirt on most of them, just so much time has passed no one really cares minus the rrats

>> No.6245820

get me a new yorker girl whos deeply religious, that shit would be entertaining as hell.

for those non americans -- yes, the religious black lady stereotype is real and they are usually very nice and often pretty funny.

>> No.6245991

Gura is catholic

>> No.6246041

no black religous aint the same

>> No.6246300

Remember no niggers

>> No.6246837

i swear every artist is constantly shortening Senchou's skirt every damn time.

>> No.6248102

But he already have mori

>> No.6248172

God bless them.

>> No.6248188

Black or BLACKED ?

>> No.6248382

>how many are talking to you because you're a white guy in japan?
To be fair, nobody's talking to anybody just randomly on the street unless they're trying to hit on you or trying to sell you something.

>> No.6253252

Someone is going to doxxpost again

>> No.6253317

Gospel singer chuuba
the possibilites are endless

>> No.6253422

When you stop letting him smash your boipussy every waking moment, faggot

>> No.6253598


>> No.6253602

Not in the way you’re thinking thankfully. Blacks in Japan will always be seen as poop throwing monkeys who deserve to be mocked on television

>> No.6255190


>> No.6260228

seething chud who has no clue

>> No.6260263


>> No.6260298

Nessa is either black or tanned asian, but probably black. And yes she's based.

>> No.6260412

MattieNottage Vtuber when?

>> No.6260516

I like this one better because of the kirai at the end
almost like "I hate niggers"

>> No.6260539

>who said dis nigga finna be dabbed on? he cute

>> No.6260561

EN is too big to fail at this point. the CN branch wasnt being pandered to like the english audience by the JPs and theyve hitched their growth to an international audience

>> No.6260611
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we already have mori though

>> No.6260620

This. If they debuted a dark-skinned character in EN, they better be black irl and sound black or social media will descend upon them with the fury of a thousand suns.

Having a black or even dark-skinned character is opening a can of worms that just isn't really worth the pandering.

>> No.6260634
File: 74 KB, 270x728, shakista.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6261178
File: 14 KB, 739x415, images (45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't stop staring at Senchou's humongous ass. Her curves and overall thiccness hopelessly absorbs all of my attention.
choyeon really did god's work portraying this horny pirate with near-perfect features.

>> No.6262652
File: 313 KB, 879x480, 35283738_1990385634610500_8560664772129849344_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6264862

That was kinda funny that’s a first for vt

>> No.6267450


>> No.6267477

God I want to rape a baby into that pirate

>> No.6271578
File: 113 KB, 311x311, 1625286913634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuh what?

>> No.6271884

Hopefully never

>> No.6272088

Bitch please

>> No.6272128

she is Indian its obvious

>> No.6272152

Holla at Chad boi!

>> No.6272219

>oh my he almo-
>t h i s
non-burger's don't get it, but there are more than one kind of Black person, esp. their women.
Gospel Vtuber would be hilarious, for one reason, but also a few others

>> No.6272337

I want to nonconsensualy implant my offspring into that waterborne career criminal

>> No.6272423

it's not like she doesn't non-consentually raid booty all the time herself.....

>> No.6272643

>the japanese love niggas
okay first of all no, they do not. they might like them in doujins or if they have ntr fetishes but that's about it.
secondly, you would get a massive fucking shitshow when the jogger got substantially less views/subs/popularity than their counterparts. if cover have any sense at all they will absolutely control their en branch with an iron fist so they specifically do not open any doors to allow political and sjw horseshit to flood in like that. the minute that gets in, it's dead and there's no way to backtrack and fix it.
the fact that it's an avatar should allow them to sidestep all that garbage because when you're technically not meant to know who they are or what they look like, you should be able to push back against any diversity mandate bullshit from retards relatively easily.

>> No.6272726

>The Japanese love niggas
Guile kun...

>> No.6273259

Why is Marine so erotic?

>> No.6277092

actual chud who has no clue
try talking to real japanese people and try finding actual hatred or disdain for blacks.

>> No.6278120

Oh yeah, just like you can try talking to people who live in bradford and see what they say about muslims. Try talking to americans and find hatred or disdain for blacks when you ask people. are you a retard? What they say publicly means absolutely nothing. Welcome to the real world, where people hide their true views and opinions when they're not politically correct or can result in punishment or negative actions coming their way.
Japanese people do not like foreigners very much to begin with regardless of what a handful of them might think or what people might politely tell you publicly. And blacks are at the absolute bottom of the foreigner list worldwide, stay mad about it if you want anon. Nice of you to dodge the rest of the post to focus on your butthurt though, clearly an american

>> No.6278894

Hololive is not political so never

>> No.6279913


>> No.6283636

As they should.

>> No.6283710

>The Monkey is throwing it's shit kinda way
This one, and it's the same everywhere you go. The only upside with having them around is the low IQ antics without a hint of shame.

>> No.6283779

I see it all the time on imageboards and forums
>le not real life in public to a stranger
20% of Americans oppose protections against discrimination towards LGBT, but you're not gonna get one who'll publicly state as such to you by just asking a few people.

>> No.6283918

>try talking to real japanese people and try finding actual hatred or disdain for blacks.
The Germans during WW2 didn't understand why whites and blacks were segregated for meals despite wearing the same uniform. Point being, when you don't live around a group of people you have no real experiences to be given a reason to be weary of them.

>> No.6283942

Look at the comments on this one

>> No.6283949

No fucking way she's Black. Have you ever seen a Black person? It's not just dark skin, anon.

>> No.6283996

>In between - weird-skinned human is neat?
This one mostly. Its the same in every European country as well that doesn't have many darkies

>> No.6284014

I want a black female holo for en gen 2 if for no other reason than because it'll be funny watching Mori awkwardly try to keep up her wigger act

>> No.6284090

Most are just laughing about how it sounds like she is saying she hates niggers

Plus that and non-english youtube is a lot less moderated

>> No.6284116

They can only do reaction videos at their level, so probably should join Vshojo or some other company with lower standards.

>> No.6284230

These anons you're bitching at are talking like Twitter/Tumblrinafags. "Cope" "Chud", muh discrimination, LGTBBQ, etc.

To add on to your FACT, South Koreans also hate blacks. They're fucking racist to them and will disparage them behind their backs.

>> No.6284319
File: 1.33 MB, 498x498, 1625325995486.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she (male) says "chud"

>> No.6284673

>Person who has never been to Japan or knows any Japanese somehow knows how all Japanese people feel

>> No.6284719

Japan has barely even seen black people in real life.
What makes you think they're going to get every single black feature correct?

>> No.6284823
File: 32 KB, 1024x460, ana_gaijin-1024x460[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coping, they dont draw whities like this either, it doesnt mean much

>> No.6284946

even if it's a somewhat darker skin-colored avatar, some groups won't sit well without trying to involve race in it. better not risk it

>> No.6285138

If you had actually been to Japan or know Japanese people, you'd know that for negativity for foreigners, they'd be ignorant at best, scared at worse.
But please keep pushing the rrat that Japan hates all foreigners

>> No.6285190
File: 104 KB, 950x1540, de6175a0f0a56d052fca2440915d9626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they've gotten it right before, dipshit. There's no fucking question whether Lenora is Black. You can't excuse this by saying Japs don't know what Black people fucking look like.

>> No.6285216

Remember when her apron was censored outside of japan? good times.

>> No.6285233
File: 103 KB, 900x811, whimsicott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just shocked they got away with making the cotton pokemon Black.

>> No.6285336

Because the majority don't you fucking waterhead. That is a fact.
Again, if you actually knew anything from Japan, you'd actually know this or you're that blind.
But you clearly must be because you showed a picture that's suppose to highlight alleged "black features" when they have fucking blue eyes.

>> No.6285356

This thread is filled with mutts who can't put their head around the idea that just because there are no joggers in other countries the same way as they have it must mean that darkies are universally hated there

Look I wish it were true but it isn't. Most often it is just plain ignorance

>> No.6285361

Cope harder. Blue eyes or not, she looks fucking Black. Nessa doesn't. Clearly a South Asian.

>> No.6285370

Why do you people go down these blind alleys of stupid arguments? While it is certainly true that some retards think any tanned skin must mean the character is black, it is also true that blacks in anime are generally not going to have the same fat lips and gorilla noses real blacks do. That would be considered racist to portray them realistically. So they are heavily stylized like everyone else.

>> No.6285407

The irony

>> No.6285474
File: 46 KB, 582x433, 1619994697606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add

America is most likely the most racist country in the world towards black people. Way more racist than Japan is. Why? Because America has black people and people there need to be actively racist

Its the same reason why Americans tend to get shocked how universally hated gypsies are in Europe

>> No.6285509
File: 567 KB, 640x4135, 2MLYOjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we're sick of the ongoing Blackification effort and don't want it to infect anime as well

>> No.6285573

nver and stop asking dindu

isn't ariel supposed to be able to swim

>> No.6285708

There needs to be one only because hololive is lacking delicious brown girls. Your typical harem anime has 6-7 girls, and at least one of them is brown. I don't care about the ratio, but more than Flare would be nice. If people try to get uppity about it on twitter, all they have to do is say nothing or just state that they don't dox their talents. Either way it'll go away in a few days just like every other controversy they've had that didn't involve the chinese.

>> No.6285810
File: 48 KB, 640x480, ganguro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delicious brown girls
Who's to say they don't already have one?

>> No.6285816

Hololive is supposed to be escapism, nobody wants to escape into a world with blacks in it

>> No.6285975
File: 3.14 MB, 1176x2047, 1176px-NaomiOsaka-smile-2020_(cropped).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the new face of Japan. Say something nice

>> No.6286005

Hilariously enough, she considers herself a black Floridian with I believe Haitian roots. She doesn't feel anything but superficial ties to Japan so why should they embrace her either?

>> No.6288303

Whenever I see the image of houshou marine, it's like I'm looking at twitch thot except in 2d form. Is there any seiso image of her you can post? I know she encourages her viewers to do this but geez, even Matsuri and Noel have images without male gaze.

>> No.6288961

flares ethnicity is okinawan
