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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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623739 No.623739 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never drill her pink little butthole
why live?

>> No.623928

How does one cope with the fact that i might have fallen in the parasocial meme, and i've fallen in love with this person, and that none of us will never meet her.

>> No.624044

Spend more time with irl friends and less time with her.

>> No.624055 [DELETED] 

Watch her roommate leaks and realize she isn't cute irl

>> No.624072 [DELETED] 
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I heard she used to face cam with Kaceytron. But, anyway, op, Ame may get you hard as fuck, but the VA is probably some eh roastie.

>> No.624083

where the hell do you guys get all those leaks?

>> No.624226

do your reps newfag
she looks not bad actually for a hikki, the voice is weird as fuck coming out of 3dpd but

>> No.624307

most leaks are false narratives. Most anons decide what to believe in despite there being no evidence towards it.

>> No.624324

just spit it out faggot

>> No.624334

>the voice is weird as fuck coming out of 3dpd but
Didn't she lose part of her tongue as a kid and that's why she sounds like that?
It's easier to believe leaks that have video and audio of the person speaking

>> No.624391

and where is that audio and video?

>> No.624405

It's against the rules to post and I don't feel like spoonfeeding you if you don't already know

>> No.624417

Her butthole is brown and leathery from all the dick she's taken

>> No.624431

already found out

>> No.624435

Against the rules sure, but most of this board didn't come from /jp/ like you sekrit club fags, it's too early for the lurk moar meme

>> No.624467

also this. I'll never get 4faggots and it's "hehe lurk moar xdddzzzz, i know this and you don't hehe"

>> No.624529

Comparing to all of Hololive, she's the probably most relatable because of her roommate's past niche and she really didn't change much switching to HL. A true GF experience.

>> No.624558

The culture of the site is predicated on integrating new members by making them assimilate to the site by manner of gatekeeping rather than accommodating their newfag tendencies

>> No.624677

Sorry faggots but youtube will literally fill your recommended feed with videos of Ame, Gura, and Calli roommates. Ina is a ghost and Kiara is somehow left out. This isn't normal spoonfeeding, we're telling you to do your reps because you're essentially asking us what to do with a fucking .zip file. Also spoonfeeding doxxes is a dick move, and asking for spoonfeeding is even worse, so do your etiquette reps too.

>> No.624750

incredibly youtube only reccomended me videos of gura's roomates

>> No.624778

this, but also I only get constant senzawa reccs, none of the others, and never a face.

>> No.624830
File: 70 KB, 805x671, ErmnA-dW8AEYTwI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can play with this 3D model of Ame instead:

>> No.624845

But she's actually cute irl
How the fuck are you guys not getting all the roommate YT recommendations? I literally get all doxx videos in my feed when I don't even watch clips. Are you perhaps clipfags?

>> No.624875

She’s cute irl, people who think she isn’t are talking about the videos that were clearly from the period where she wasn’t showering (as she’s admitted herself)

>> No.624905

nope. i do watch their streams, although most of the times in archive

>> No.624916

Yeah I don't have time/interest to watch streams most of the time, also there's so many holo clipfag channels even if you do stream only it's luck of the draw.
>tfw I've never had a non-clip in my recommends since watching my first one

>> No.624955

I do watch a lot of clips but also watch streams too. I just don't seek it out, I've only seen like 2 total and one of them was literally today.

>> No.624975
File: 28 KB, 495x496, kanna-with-a-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah I don't have time/interest to watch streams most of the time

>> No.625392

quit gossiping like an idiot trying to spread misinformation
both of the things you said are false
read the board rules and don't talk about the real person

>> No.625470

Get a job neet

>> No.625652

I mean she is tho

>> No.625678

>he thinks it's pink

>> No.626044

just found her roomate a while ago. She is quite cute indeed

>> No.626193

Ame is a honest and selfless girl, hololive saved her life. Anyone that wishes something bad for her deserve the rope.

>> No.626197

Read the rules next time

>> No.626206

Okay hall monitor

>> No.626388 [DELETED] 

Amelia has the cutest roommate in my opinion. Used to be ugly 4-5 years ago but started taking care of herself. Haven't seen shark in motion so can't judge.

>> No.626426

Read the rules faggot.

>> No.626464

Big tits as well

>> No.626591

Why did you post that...

>> No.626607

Must be a newfag that didn't bother reading the rules. Lots of these recently.

>> No.626647

Someone ban this faggot

>> No.626673


>> No.626708

This is already on youtube right

>> No.626819

You double down into it then come back here and post results in greentext form so we can laugh at you.

>> No.628916

>implying it's not brown and shit-stained

>> No.628982

What did i just miss. seems like a doxx bomb just went off

>> No.629021

even better!

>> No.629023

Do you think she gets the grumpy dumpies?

>> No.629047

>Ame makes me want to drive around town and save a qt homeless grill
>nothing but crack addicts and war vets
Just god damnit

>> No.629684

Idols don't poop

>> No.629937


>> No.629990
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>> No.630107

anyone have the soundclip of that?

>> No.630141

Here you are my friend

>> No.630169

Extremely based but hard to pick out

>> No.630294
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>> No.630299 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 508 KB, 647x667, 1613417378250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bubba cute

I miss my dog man..

>> No.630704

because its great

>> No.630802


It was debunked

>> No.630842

No it wasn't, your oshi took a shit on stream, deal with it.

>> No.631026

prove it

>> No.634124

Shut up!

>> No.634165

The debunk was debunked!

>> No.634228

The pp in rapper stands for poo poo

>> No.635313

Moons makes it quite clear that she takes creamy shits

>> No.636046

Japan diet does that to you. Its great.

>> No.637007

Then feel free to you know what to you know where

>> No.637544
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you're welcome.

>> No.638533

take your meds

>> No.638602


>> No.638706

I get Kiara all the time and I don't watch any of EN.

>> No.644896

Epic thread

>> No.644952
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>> No.645006 [DELETED] 


>> No.645115

Doesn't she say that she bathes every 2 days? Her butthole is probably brown.

>> No.645351

You fap to hentai or develop your social skills to get friends or develop yellow fever and pour your entire life into trying to get qt asian GF, whatever happens, if you post results we laugh at it.

>> No.645365


>> No.645572
File: 197 KB, 316x334, 1612919037269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can u dont

>> No.647090

Kiara sounded different in this stream

>> No.647218

