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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62371076 No.62371076 [Reply] [Original]

By wishing for Nijisanji EN's downfall you are throwing all of Pomu's hard work out the window. You are stomping on all the good will she has put into the branch. She is like the mother of NijiEN, literally among its first members. Look at all of you, cheering in unison. Blinded by hatred.

>> No.62371353

if pomu was the one picking people, she wouldn't have let all these normalfag shitters like vox and kyo into the branch. it'd be 35 maria marionettes right now.

>> No.62371380

>By wishing for Nijisanji EN's downfall you are throwing all of Pomu's hard work out the window
>you are throwing all of Pomu's hard work out the window
Huh? I am doing no such thing

Maybe Pomu’s coworkers should stop “throwing all of Pomu's hard work out the window”
They are creating constant controversy. The problems they are causing for themselves are completely avoidable, yet they just keep blindly stumbling forward in their retarded stupor. What these nijiEN idiots are doing could also cause problems for the whole of nijisanji, not just the EN side

>> No.62371462

From the same people who brought you the classics, such as
"I can't wait for Hololive EN's decline"
"It feels like an all out war"
we present to you our latest hits

>> No.62372209

Not our fault she lost the all out war.

>> No.62372404

>35 boring chinese girls that play valorant and offcollab with men
wow so much better
i feel bad but only a little

>> No.62372565

At least a fifth of NijiEN's own members have thrown away the work Pomu put into building up the branch wanting to be a bunch of trashy dramafags. Hell even management threw away the momentum that NijiEN's talents put into the branch, nearly 3 years of EN being a branch, tons of people spending money on merch and tons of viewers/subs, and only 2 talents have any form of Home 3D to date.

>> No.62373561

It's for the greater good

>> No.62373630

>you are throwing all of Pomu's hard work out the window
>You are stomping on all the good will she has put into the branch.
But enough about NijiEN management

>> No.62373760

good. her positives don't outweigh her being a willing cocksleeve male accessory and ruining nijien more by the day. she could have been part of the solution, but instead she's part of the problem.

>> No.62374036
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Pomu has a Vshojo safety net if things get too bad at NijiEN.

>> No.62374120

nijifags said she will never join because she is a huge niji fan.

>> No.62374182

>you are throwing all of Pomu's hard work out the window.
>You are stomping on all the good will she has put into the branch.
anon you addressed this to the wrong people, you meant to send this email first draft to nijianji en management not /here/.

>> No.62374202

Being a fan of Niji's talents isn't a same of being a fan of the company in its entirety, nevermind being a fan of the working conditions there. Its not that hard to figure out.

>> No.62374246

Anon that's a shitposter who regularly spams that copy-pasta in /#/. No actual Nijifan would want to subjugate their oshi's name to that cesspit.

>> No.62374762
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Do you wanna see her in tears all the time. We must save her

>> No.62374940
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>No actual Nijifan would want to subjugate their oshi's name to that cesspit
Anon... NijiEN's rep is already much worse than Vshojo's at this point. And that opinion isn't isolated to just here, but pretty much anywhere that discusses vtubers on the internet.

>> No.62374958

I am not blinded by hatred, I hate with both eyes open.

>> No.62375022

>Look at all of you, cheering in unison. Blinded by hatred.
yes, and?
just leave that company then, fucking dumb bitch.

>> No.62375033

Anon, I’m pretty sure the cesspit he was referring was Nijisanji, not Vshojo

>> No.62375128

nta but I think he meant /#/ is the cesspit

>> No.62375159

The cesspit I'm referring to is the /#/ thread, which is where the "pomu is the biggest nijifan ever and will never leave" shitpost originates from.

>> No.62375206

Why would he be talking about /#/? Doesn’t make sense when you go back and reread the replies

>> No.62375250

She's a fake fan who only barely knew about Tsukino Mito (because of that shit anime Virtual-san wa Miteiru) before joining.

>> No.62375310

Look at the comment:

>nijifags said she will never join because she is a huge niji fan.

Comments like that are common shitposts in /#/. No actual fan would bring up their oshi's name in that cesspit of a thread

>> No.62375394

she talked about nijisanji in her mint debut

>> No.62375559

If it fails, she will just join the place she should have been in from the beginning. Kiara and her being friends means it's a guaranteed hire.

>> No.62375705

It does actually make sense, plus he confirmed it in >>62375159, I'll go through my logic
>Anon that's a shitposter who regularly spams that copy-pasta in /#/
This establishes that he's talking about a /#/ shitposter, and it was a reply to
>nijifags said she will never join because she is a huge niji fan.
Meaning that he's debunking this statement, as according to him
>he will never join because she is a huge niji fan.
was not said by nijifags, but by a /#/ shitposter, in such a scenario the cesspit mentioned in
>No actual Nijifan would want to subjugate their oshi's name to that cesspit
is logically /#/, as a negative view of /#/ was already established, while no part of the post chain talks negatively about VShojo, and it's fair to assume that it doesn't talk about Niji, since a lot of Pomu fans do talk about her in the same sentence as Niji, meaning that the statement
>No actual Nijifan would want to subjugate their oshi's name to that cesspit
Would be silly, even as an exaggeration

>> No.62375850

I hope you wrote all that as a brain exercise or just for fun anon

>> No.62375887
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>> No.62375951

>or just for fun anon
I enjoy explaining random stuff so yeah, there's no reward to posting here other than the enjoyment of writing a post or getting a well thought out reply. I enjoyed writing it and would be happy even if it didn't get any (You)s

>> No.62376402

alright sister, back to /MANS/ with you

>> No.62376544
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>> No.62376554

Bro luca threw more of pomu's hard work out the window in minecraft than any of us in this mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.62376907

Her being infatuated with Luca and the other homos she threw her hard work out the window. By being Nijis #1 cheerleader as Enna and the clique destroyed any good will she threw her hard work out the window. Pretty soon she’s going to be unironically too small and irrelevant to join Vshohoe. Sad, but it’s her doing

>> No.62377106

She doesn't interact with them as much as 4chan shitposts would leave you to believe.

>> No.62377213
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>> No.62377274


>> No.62377327


>> No.62377359
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>> No.62377431

He was in her chat, you retards from /#/ will believe literally anything if someone makes a meme out of it.

>> No.62377458
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sure, and I suppose uki was only in her chat too amirite?

>> No.62377489

if you're actually scared of being cucked by a gay man that seems like actual mental illness.
every woman has gay friends.

>> No.62377547

>He's gay bro
>You don't have to worry about him bro
>We just shared the room for the night and had a balloon fight with his pack of condoms bro

>> No.62377578

Why would anyone still be loyal to NijiEN after all that has happened so far? If I'd rather Pomu go back to being an indie. Sure her CCV will drop by like half of what it is now but I betcha she can still earn about 3/4 of what she is earning in NijiEN.

>> No.62377638

>literal cuck delusions
Also he lives in NYC, so he would have no need for a hotel

>> No.62377705

sure anon, he drove all the way out to the hotel, spent 2 hours in the same room as them, then drove all the way back to his house two hours away
Is this what they tell you at nijien?

>> No.62377774

nigga he lives in the city itself

>> No.62377784

it's NYC you fucking retard no one drives

>> No.62377811

Someone's never been to NYC before

>> No.62377882 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.62378415


Who cares?

>> No.62378887

whore lover
*rapes and beheads you*

>> No.62379677


>> No.62380365

Too bad the branch grew away from Pomu instead of following in her footsteps. Now it's a bizarre creation that doesn't even resemble what it used to look like. Pomu is about to take a parachute out of there.

>> No.62380398

Pomu is the biggest niji otaku in the world. She would never voluntarily quit. Being a niji liver is literally her dream job.

>> No.62380511

Hey look, it's the /#/ copy-paste shitpost I talked about hours ago >>62375310

>> No.62381060

just stop supporting black company goddamit

>> No.62383440


>> No.62384134
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She is a willing collaborator with a black company. Cry more, cry harder.

>> No.62384745

the mother of NijiEn left and went to vshojo. what are you talkin about?

>> No.62386702

Good. Dumb bitch needs to leave the black company.

>> No.62386876

Yeah, and?

>> No.62388732


>> No.62388764

Let it all be destroyed so she can finally move on to greener pastures.

>> No.62389655

Reminder that holobeggers have been making regular Pomu bait threads because she'd rather join vshojo than hololive.

>> No.62389835

Don't bother, they're not actually willing to listen. Just be grateful that Luca is too busy chasing newer talents to be constantly fucking up fairy streams.

>> No.62390519

They wished for Pomu's death back when she had her surgery break
The people here are scum and don't give a single shit about Pomu

>> No.62392264 [SPOILER] 
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She should be building her own career as an entertainer instead of putting so much effort into a brand that clearly doesn't care about her nor her style of content.

>> No.62393242

Now you’re just lying

>> No.62393382

It was a dream job very early on. Now NijiEN has turned into a nightmare.

>> No.62393471

most Nijifans are the latter.

>> No.62393478
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>> No.62393568

Citation needed

>> No.62393669

The only thing she cares about are her pathetic numbers, what are on about. I bet she regrets not waiting a bit more and applying to holo again

>> No.62394114

they did it to themself tho for endless drama
we are only enjoying it lmaoo

>> No.62394225

Good riddance. She was one of the worst offenders of surprise, unwanted male collabs and offpako flirting
Tried to suck cock for trickledown fujo viewers, at the expense of her original fanbase, and it backfired in the long run. Just like it did for the other girls.
NijiEN management is total shit but these girls didn't help their situation at all

>> No.62394376
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Something sure was hard but it wasnt the work.

>> No.62394579

She wanted a all out war and she got one

>> No.62394594

Is this a shitpost? Cause it reads like one. Also, Selen has done more for Niji EN than bomu, she's the real victim here.

>> No.62395053

Now that's what I call a Discord raid

>> No.62395139

Discord this, Kiwi that, I'm just trying to talk shit about women on the internet for god's sake!

>> No.62396618
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>> No.62397231

This, the company filled up on toxic shitbags. They should have screened hard for actual passion, like Pomu's.

>> No.62397422

This like arguing that working to get an abusive boyfriend in jail you are throwing all of the effort that his abused and Stockholm'd girlfriend to "fix" him out of the window.
She may get sad, but it would be better for her in the long run.

>> No.62397555
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A trip down memory lane it is.


>> No.62397695

That's a weird way of spelling Selen Tatsuki

>> No.62397786
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>> No.62398120

nobody cares about selen anymore

>> No.62398850

No one cares anymore after too much apex and menhera

>> No.62398979

quality impressionism, gotta say

>> No.62399084

Management gives her a pass to fire 5 of the livers, of her choosing. And then we get kino content of watching them all trying to kiss-ass, deflect and behave. It would be pure hilarity.

>> No.62399106


>> No.62400396

after performing in nijifes and the en live event she should come home to vshojo.

>> No.62402186

I would be viable as an exit, but I am unsure she has the guts currently. She seems really down :(

>> No.62404675

>friend Matara in vshojo
>oshi Pikamee in vshojo
>nijiEN full of normalfags and dramatards
parachute exit SOON

>> No.62404929

she'll do better as an indie

>> No.62407323


>> No.62410373

She'll just move somewhere else?

>> No.62413670

Would Pomu even be accepted elsewhere at this point?

>> No.62413749

Why wouldn't she?

>> No.62414135

As soon as Ethyria came out, Pomu showed that she is just as trashy as all of them. So fuck her and her fake ass good girl kayfabe.

>> No.62414545

