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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62343271 No.62343271 [Reply] [Original]

Something annoying I have run into from time to time with vtuber drama is when I look at the actual clip to see what people are angry about, it could not be more obvious that she was being sarcastic. Then I look at the posts on this very board, which ostensibly contains people who speak English, and they are taking her words completely literally. It's like the people here are robots who are completely incapable of detecting tone. And yet they hold on to this anger for months, sometimes years, over something that they misinterpreted. It makes no sense to me.

>> No.62343441

there are people doing shitpost and then there is also kids that do think everything said here is real

>> No.62344095

They are mostly women from southeast asia running words through translators.

>> No.62344815

I've never been so erect

>> No.62345691

You know the vast majority of this board are zoomers who haven't outgrown the mentality of being children, right?

>> No.62345865

You vastly underestimate how many people here that are actually that mentally ill and believe half the shit they say.

>> No.62347124

It's worse than that. A lot of them are in their 30s and still haven't outgrown that mentality.

>> No.62347196

Obnoxious SJWs like this bitch always have a layer of irony in what they say. Doesn't change she actually believes the gist of what she says, you fucking simping retard.

>> No.62347281

>Talking about how shit this board is

>> No.62347333

This is why you guys are losing. You can't tell when someone is on your side and end up eating your own. You defeat yourselves and we don't have to lift a finger.

>> No.62347367

making up shit and then believe it as a headcannon is also child behaviour and I usually don't waste time with fools. it just have to be funny for me to engage on a shitpost

>> No.62347399

OP is an isolated autist who doesn't understand
the nuances of leftoid irony bro culture? Color me shocked.

>> No.62347484

Oh, you're one of those particularly deranged ones that posts multiple times in the thread pretending to be different people, but outs yourself by using the same words over and over since you're a mental midget with a limited vocabulary. It's not even worth the time to make fun of you, you're so dumb that it will sail right over your head.

>> No.62348688

At least you have the self-awareness to leave the thread in shame after being called out. It was obvious when you replied to the OP twice and the IP count didn't go up. I saw right through you. It's clear you think you're smarter than you are, because you try to use fancy words to make yourself sound more intelligent, but anyone who actually speaks English can tell you aren't using them correctly. You've certainly picked up some stupid slang too, so it's a shame you felt that was more important to learn than words that would actually benefit you in everyday conversation

This is exactly the kind of person OP was referring to, I'd say. People with a tenuous grasp on the English language who profess to understand what others are saying, and get angry when it's pointed out that they do not. This is a big problem on /vt/, and I doubt it will ever go away.

>> No.62349474

This site has long since driven off anyone who is actually capable of accurately assessing reality in favor of people who just accept whatever as long as it's framed properly. It's like how Nigerian Prince emails always include tons of spelling errors, because they specifically want to drive off anyone smart enough to question it so they know from the start any responses are from people too fucking dumb to walk and breathe at the same time.

>> No.62349581

Are we pretending she wasn't serious when she called JK rowling a hecking transphobe?

>> No.62349738

Is she fucking her brother?

>> No.62350241

Something annoying I have run into from time to time with vtuber drama is when I look at the actual threads made about it, the retarded OP won't post the clip that completely destroys his argument. Instead Phasecucks endlessly talk around the issue to gaslight people instead of letting them judge for themselves.

>> No.62355197

mucho texto

>> No.62355573

People here are even more mentally ill than that.

>> No.62356365

>obvious shill post
>virtualyoutuberwiki thumbnail
buy an ad

>> No.62357355

Hime is literally my wife. She's a cunt but I love her.

>> No.62362253

