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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62305224 No.62305224 [Reply] [Original]

Jokes Kyo likes to compare his references too
>Irish potatos
>Italian gangsters
>British teeth

Jokes that Kyo is actually comparable to
>Chinese dogeating
>Welsh sheep rape
>Muslim inbreeding

Kyo is being disingenuous to say that "any stereotype about a country is perfectly acceptable." In his denial he doubled down and say "South Korea is a place where plastic surgeries are popular" which is literally a /pol/ meme. I think Kyo's attempt to justify himself was disingenuous especially with his reaction to the fried chicken joke.

>> No.62306094

>The biggest hypocritical faggot in the industry is deflecting again
Why are people surprised? He literally refers to white people as pasty white and shit like that
Nijifags will defend their males no matter how vile they are while the girls get shit for any small thing.

>> No.62306159

He have NijiEN clique pass.
He is allowed to be racist whenever he want.

>> No.62306172

Welsh sheep fucking is a funny joke that everybody likes though

>> No.62306317

They make fun of their own fans and those fans will still defend them.
just goes to show how mindbroken and retarded their fans are.

>> No.62306817

a woman with fake boobs typed this

>> No.62306905

/vt/ pretending to get offended at something because the vtuber they hate said it will never not be pathetic. If Ame or some other holo said it you guys would jump to their defense.

>> No.62307114

>South Korea is a place where plastic surgeries are popular
This is absolutely true. Luckily for him, Koreans are better at rolling with a joke than say the Chinese are.

>> No.62307115

>Fauna playing with musical notes and accidentally spells F, A, and G
>Kyo literally being racist
>Nijifags : >>62306905

>> No.62307170
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Just remember nijibros
You wanted this

>> No.62307223
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Are you sure about that

>> No.62307279

Kyo's getting Johny Somali-ed

>> No.62307330

That's still better than making a joke at the expense of the Chinese, or hurting the 'feelings of the Chinese people'.

>> No.62307342

All NijiENs deserve to be treated like criminals, no exceptions

>> No.62307366


>> No.62307409

Nah, leave Selen alone. She's alright

>> No.62307671

why not Pomu

>> No.62307700


>> No.62307857

Yeah Pomu can go too

>> No.62307927

I've read enough manhwas to fear for Kyo's life.

>> No.62307960


>> No.62307973

Yeah, against Tempiss. And she won

>> No.62308035

there are already two threads for this we don't need another.

comparing plastic surgery to rape, incest, and dogeating is just... it's something alright. do all koreans (or white people getting mad on koreans behalf) treat every taboo with the same level of seriousness?

>> No.62308057

Yeah we don't need more gura threads either but here we are

>> No.62308935

there weren't 5 threads about fauna's nothingburger, this is the first i'm hearing of it. how disingenuous. as expected of a holokek.

>> No.62309065

>If Ame or some other holo said it you guys would jump to their defense.
his fans are literally jumping in for his defense,
the fuck you talking about you retarded nigger.

>> No.62310354

>there are already two threads for this we don't need another.
Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.62312074

Fauna? Did they really?

>> No.62312087


>> No.62312136

That's the most cynical thing I've seen in a while

>> No.62313884

It's an all out war, what did you expect?

>> No.62314064

How powerful is the cabal really if this guy is immune to every consequence ever for his actions and yabs
I've seen people get cancelled for much less and yet this guy is still here
What the fuck

>> No.62314676

this is wild bro.. i mean this is literally advocating intentional physical harm.

>> No.62316138

Yeah, it's more comparable to fried chicken

>> No.62316264

Kyo and Enna might just be the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet. So any and all actions aimed at them no matter how disingenuous are justified.

>> No.62316817
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As usual underaged nijitards defending their racist liver in the retard's tweet

>> No.62316886

I keep seeing that Kage faggot sucking Kyo's cock, kek

>> No.62316926

the fag just wants to have an easy ticket to nijisanji via nepotism

>> No.62318816
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>> No.62318916

pomu participates in the tribalfaggotry of her colleagues. selen does not and keeps to herself. that's why selen and not pomu.

>> No.62319113
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nothing personal, retard

>> No.62319928

If Nijisanji really suspended him because of this, schizophrenics on Twitter will have a lot of power over the company's talents lol

>> No.62320152

Sanest twitter user.

>> No.62322086

Why do chink dudes in NijiEN love to roleplay as Italian gangsters so much? Are we that interesting for the Chinese?

>> No.62323665


>> No.62323880

are you new to the internet? are you from some third world african country that just got access to the internet last week? because this is pretty fucking common online

>> No.62324070

and you wouldn't jump to your favorite nijimales defense? kek

>> No.62325869


>> No.62326102
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Why stop at a week? Just get rid of him and his "clique"

>> No.62326521

Tribalfaggotry against Tempiss gets an OK from me

>> No.62326571

C'mon, the Welsh know it's just bants

>> No.62328357


>> No.62328362


>> No.62328859

Korea being the capital of plastic surgery is not a stereotype. It’s a fact about a country. What it says about the people in that country is up to you.

>> No.62328996

That's just lighthearted banter though

>> No.62329622

Should've thought of that before the daily 20+ holo seethe threads you put up as deflection, drone.
Reap what you sow.

>> No.62329675

No Welsh person has ever complained about the sheep fucking joke.

>> No.62329766

You've never met a single Welsh person in your life, they're soft as shite and will be racist as fuck, the second you pull the sheep fucker card they'll cry to HR

>> No.62329776

I don't care about the joke, but when you're a fucking crybaby that was "DDDOONT MAKE FUN OF MY SICKNESSS" and how he gave a lecture to Enna and forced her to apologize for the KFC joke, there he proves what a fucking hypocrite he is and how he deserves to be insulted

>> No.62329883

>"South Korea is a place where plastic surgeries are popular" which is literally a /pol/ meme
is it? I saw the same thing on vice which is wokie media

>> No.62329901

>they'll cry to HR
bong are you making these kinds of jokes in the workplace? i dont know what to tell you

>> No.62329939

>it's okay when they do it
aye thought so, fuck off back to your shithole

>> No.62330088

don't worry they'll look like an asshole for punching a cripple

>> No.62330097

>no aiiieeeeeee i cant talk about shagging animals at work
are you gonna complain about not being allowed to wear jim jams next?

>> No.62330206

Christ an actual unironic sheep fucker, I don't even need to speak to you anymore I've just won by default - thanks for proving you're soft as shite

>> No.62331121
File: 192 KB, 595x764, RDT_20231110_1213007603732029996704610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"South Korea is a place where plastic surgeries are popular" which is literally a /pol/ meme

>> No.62331252

Showing a chart that shows 16/1000 citizens get plastic surgery (.016% of the population) isn't the argument you think it is.

>> No.62331522

This is why no one likes you, bong. Your idea of a joke is to publicly insinuate bestiality.

>> No.62331538

> 16/1000 is 0.016%
Mathlet anon...

>> No.62331558

I love how when stereotyping other races stats are brought in to justify it, claiming nothing is ever racist when making fun of other races. But the moment anyone says anything about blacks the same rule doesn't apply.

>> No.62331694

This has nothing to do with race, but rather countries, and how society in those countries affects actions taken by its citizens.

>> No.62331728

NTA but hes right about you being a bitch lol

>> No.62331777

>24 hours later
>Literally nothing burger
Just because Mori is on indefinite hiatus, means you can force other drama to make it not that damning

>> No.62331830

Kek this is what you get for attracting Kpop stans

>> No.62331837

>>Irish potatos
>>Italian gangsters
Why is making fun of these non-whites ok but not other non-whites?

>> No.62331925

he should have quadrupled down, tweeted a link to the official south korea tourism website where they straight-up have an entire page on plastic surgery, and said "of course the plastic surgery capital of the world is full of insecure people"

>> No.62332022

Yup, every time. It's the thing that annoys me the most about /vt/, the false moralism. People here will pretend they give a fuck about the tamest racial generalization on fucking 4chan because it fits the epic anti-nijisanji circlejerk. Even /pol/ isn't as much as a hivemind as /vt/

>> No.62332054

What do you expect? He's from NijiEN

>> No.62332116


>> No.62332147

nah, we just hate kyo more than we like being racist

>> No.62332151

For all the lamentations /vt/ has about "lefty cucks", they sure do act exactly like them
>Catalog every little drama
>Bring them up or threaten to bring them up
>Doxx every single talent, even if they like them, as leverage
>Flip script at least twice a debate to keep stoking the fires
>Memory hole any drama once the girl or guy is reined in

>> No.62332235

>Korean manlet threatening harm
5'5" ass gonna break his wrist braking Kyo's jaw

>> No.62332272

>”South Korea is a place where plastic surgeries are popular" which is literally a /pol/ meme.
Just like any stereotype it exists for a reason.

>> No.62332280

>The guy who's entire gimmick is playing the victim card and racism card
>Gets a dose of his own BS
You don't see the reason why people care about this at all.

>> No.62332345

The Nijiniggers are easily the most buckbroken fanbase on /vt/.

>> No.62333765

Twitter schizos ARE the Niji fanbase, have you seen how they mobilized against Zaion?

>> No.62333820
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No one gives a shit about Korea. It's about shitting on Nijisanji, which I will gladly partake in.

>> No.62333880
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>> No.62337153

Dude, Wikipedia literally says word-for-word that South Korea is the plastic-surgery capital of the world

>> No.62337836
File: 1.23 MB, 1010x1135, 1677300079593078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like watching Nijisisters turn on their Nijiorgans

>> No.62338088

Cause it’s a fact. Koreans being butthurt about it doesn’t make it racist.

>> No.62338267

Korean fingers typed this post

>> No.62341376

so should i ship kyo and ayame now or what

>> No.62341898

pretty much

>> No.62341936

I prefer hatefucking, let's ship him with Ina

>> No.62342109

Asians are just thinned skinned in general. Americans don’t care if you joke about school shootings, Brits don’t care if you joke about stabbings, and Canadians don’t care if you joke about their assisted suicide.

>> No.62342297

I thought koreans had no bantz

>> No.62342558

But he doesn't hate Koreans, Koreans hate HIM

>> No.62342988

>implying it won't be a manlet fight

>> No.62343162

they made a porteños donkeyfuckers "documental" some time ago

>> No.62343309

I never said Kyo was gonna be the one doing the fucking

>> No.62343373

>"I won't appologize lmao. I'm just spittin' facts yall, so shut you dumasses"
>One day later
>"I would like to appologize for m'y attitude and I will take a break"
This is the most obvious"stealth suspension" I have ever seen

>> No.62343437

Funny how all the YouTube comments on dramaniggers channels are even in support of him but people are suddenly woke snowflakes that call racism. It's almost like none of you have any integrity and will put on any clown makeup to soak up any drama you can

>> No.62343753

>Funny how all the YouTube comments on dramaniggers channels are even in support of him
all youtube comments will always be against twitter racism unless its the black community

>> No.62343808

He is right tho plastic surgery is much more common there than most other countries where people can afford it

>> No.62343883

It aint about statistics, guy just hates koreans for some reason

>> No.62344085

Talk about being stuck on something huh

>> No.62344246

>Making fun of their eyes
Oh lord I can't wait until false gets his hands on this

>> No.62344927

>changed the vid
such a shame that nobody (lol what a lie) copied it

>> No.62344980

son of a bitch i didn't see it

>> No.62345263

basically kyo making fun of slant eyes

>> No.62345654

Are you guys telling me he made like 2 or 3 racist jokes and just got a suspension? I've seen other nijis getting terminated for less than that lol

>> No.62345730

It's against Koreans though, so the Japanese management just gave him a little slap on the wrist

>> No.62345849

Nobody noticed it until now, just like how nobody outside of here noticed he ranted about gay men and calling them all pedophiles before in a member stream

>> No.62346126

They eat dogs in China though.

>> No.62346222

wait, he's not gay? but he looks so gay

>> No.62346264

SEA Management

>> No.62346306

Same outcome. Lots of Asian countries hate each other.

>> No.62346323

>haha guys its just statistics what are you talking about racism?

>> No.62346464

Does anybody has it clipped? That would be the final nail in the coffin kek

>> No.62348827

They all do

>> No.62351737

is it just because of the ww2 memories or something else? europeans don't get that upset at each other

>> No.62353716

are you projecting, kyo?

>> No.62358059


>> No.62358136

No, he's incredibly straight
God I wish. It spread around a little bit before but Anycolor and Kyomies worked their ass's off to get the clips down and I haven't seen it re-posted since

>> No.62358185

Are you enjoying your suspension, Kyo?

>> No.62358799

esl hands typed this post

>> No.62363924

i'm sure someone has a copy somewhere

>> No.62364142

yes because ame is cute/funny girl and not an annoying wigger faggot who was dropped on the head thus making him a literal fucking retard bordering on braindead.
yeah, that's so wild, im actually about to literally advocate for you to kill yourself right now too

>> No.62368489

this whole situation is like how al capone got put in jail on tax evasion

>> No.62371573

can't spell "domination" without "ina"

>> No.62373398

Why don't the British brush their teeth?

>> No.62373453

Plenty of Holos have said "nigga" but they can get away with it because they're cute

>> No.62374260

>you eat KFC Kyo
>Your country only has plastic surgery
>That's not racist I'm not apologizing

>> No.62374264
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If Gura said this, she would get away with it.

Because she is not retarded to reply to that bait.

>> No.62374880

At this point the chumbuds would be happy to hear her say anything

>> No.62377481

Karma works in mysterious ways

>> No.62380258

Kyo also lectured people about pronouns, meanwhile he's liking n-word tweets

>> No.62382725
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>> No.62384681

It's about him being a hyprocrite, not about the racist shit. But of course your woman brain just can't quite grasp why not sticking to your words is dishonorable.

>> No.62384856

Honestly if kyo, hex and enna get kicked nijiEN will be perfect. Luca can stay since he absorbs all of the yumes.

>> No.62384868

I need an art of Ina raping Kyo with a strap on

>> No.62385365

the lefty cucks are the ones doing all of those things.

>> No.62387834


>> No.62387848

No one memoryholes anything here

>> No.62389603
File: 343 KB, 2048x1669, Fauna F A G[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuoajyl.wav].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62390715

She's got a full set of tentacles and you want her to use a strapon? No creativity.

>> No.62390766

The tentacles are a given

>> No.62390982

Kyo actually joined in the twitter harassment against Zaion, though he got a 1week suspension for it when caught.

>> No.62391069

>white people mad on behalf
lol you push this meme but asians have always been a bunch of sensitive pussies
pretty much the only fags who don't give a fuck are based latin bros

>> No.62391084

>go to Kyo's pl twitter
>posting pictures of all his friends
>not a single black person
>bunch of short little asian people he towers over
>bunch of ugly mutts and brown people
>literally zero black people on his entire twitter
He literally pretends to be black and imitates black speech while not knowing a single black person

>> No.62391173

Really? I thought he at least grew up around black people and that’s why he talked like that

>> No.62391622

Someone pass me a list of all the shit he's pulled

>> No.62392608

Sure, I wouldn't care about this drama if it was anyone else doing it, but since it's Kyo and he's insufferable, whiny, and as thin-skinned as you can get, it's very amusing watching management post a corporate tweet on his account about how sorry he is for being racially insensitive and will take a suspension to reflect on his actions. If a vtuber who dished it out but could also take it and was generally a pleasant person said the same thing then I might be inclined to defend them, but Kyo's a self-righteous hypocrite.

>> No.62394461

Now would be a pretty good time for that to mysteriously resurface

>> No.62394790
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Im not going to defend Kyo, hes a worthless piece of shit. But i think its funny how his company backstabbed him immediately after he said he wont apologise to the korean twitter trannies. This whole drama reminded me just how much of a subhuman koreans are. Cant even take a joke without turning into a cancel mob.

>> No.62397432

Imagine losing a fight to a cripple

>> No.62399267

is he actually crippled or is that just a meme, i feel like i'm being gaslit one way or the other

>> No.62400121

I think it's a meme, he's got some medical condition but not wheelchair-level

>> No.62400722

>"South Korea is a place where plastic surgeries are popular" which is literally a /pol/ meme

>> No.62402210

nah, judging by some of the other shit he's said it looks like it's mutual

>> No.62402273

Kys esl faggot

>> No.62402411

How is saying people in a country are insecure about their looks comparable to accusing them of partaking in beastiality?

>> No.62403249

Well, the difference is, one of them is true and the other one is also true

>> No.62404223

If he somehow graduates what are the odds he's gonna end up in VShojo

>> No.62404618

i think the ex-nijis already there would strongly protest, possibly even threaten to quit. they hate the clique and kyo is particularly awful

>> No.62407044

Basically 0, he brings absolutely nothing to vshojo and I shudder to think what kind of avatar he will pick that will fit that voice.
