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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 658 KB, 1080x1432, Laimu Limealicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62163907 No.62163907 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.62164530

I wish her tits were fatter

>> No.62164671

Haven't watched her as a vtuber yet, but what I remember from her is that she had a really soothing voice. Like nursing handjob quality soothing. I should watch her again

>> No.62166931


>> No.62166979


>> No.62167573

Limealicious, a cute possibly evil ferret

>> No.62167595

I'm happy she's led to Vinny interacting with a lot more vtubers to the point of more frequently being one through Gnorts and Watto.

>> No.62167945

I've only ever watched Vinny and sometimes Swedish Vinny.

>> No.62171681


>> No.62171799

I like to visualize her nose pressed into Snuffy's butthole while Snuffy's nose is pressed into her butthole, like a blue-green yinyang

>> No.62175069

sell me on her

>> No.62175107

I used to watch her before she became a vtuber. She's nice enough.

>> No.62175319

i love her enormous penis, i wish more people drew it

>> No.62175690

Her old model was literally perfect. I don't know why she decided to make herself look like a fat elderly woman.
If you like Vinny or Joel from Vinesauce, then she's the perfect chuuba for you. Also, she's been streaming for almost a decade so there's plenty of content for you to catch up on.

>> No.62176366

shes like a mix of vinny, joel and mike.
not as timid about what shes into sexually or just sexual stuff like vinny and joel but not as cum obsessed as mike.

>> No.62176794

She played Metroid Zero Mission and Fusion.

>> No.62177318
File: 104 KB, 538x601, 1698886062412793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that model is seriously way too good

>> No.62180270
File: 219 KB, 322x557, Screenshot from 2023-11-07 22-17-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what makes me really surprised is that even Imakuni joined in on the vtuber stuff. She had some kind of Sonic model at first, then got a real one and it's kind of cute. Autistic demon wife.

>> No.62180369

Never heard of her, but I like how her ears remind me of Chi from Chobits. I'll check them out if they speak English.

>> No.62180416

yeah, she speaks english.

>> No.62180680

I'm dead. I clicked on a random point in a random stream of hers and she spoiled a game I have been waiting to play. I'm fokkin' deadddd. What are the oddsssss

>> No.62180825
File: 132 KB, 490x1050, 1692208617093078.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62184077

This is how you do model update

>> No.62184817

She's a WHORE who soiled my broshi Vincenzo Vinesauce

Just kidding I don't mind her

>> No.62185331

Married woman

>> No.62185943

she a loli? i love her flat chest

>> No.62190494

my wife

>> No.62195058

she's ok

>> No.62196384

unironically one of the most underrated vtubers

>> No.62199671

I've been watching her play Alan Wake 2.
She's fun. She hums and sings a bit too much though.

>> No.62199926

Very VERY good. Probably my 2nd favorite vtuber. I've been aware of Limes for a long time but was mostly a Vinny viewer. Only started regularly watching her when she became a vtuber.

>> No.62200117

Twitch 4view indie, part of the Vinesauce friend group, married woman, usually adorable and family friendly but occasionally says absolutely unhinged shit.

>> No.62200322
File: 715 KB, 4096x2080, 1692122785057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute peak sex/cute model

>> No.62200407

I don't think of her at all

>> No.62200912

her eyes are limes

>> No.62201238

ur oshi is a MANWHORE
(for big ayyylien cock)

>> No.62201242

I enjoy Laimu's laimus.

>> No.62201274

Ferret sex

>> No.62201298

Watto is better

>> No.62201331

I used to watch her during late nights in college a decade ago... Glad she's getting more viewers as vchuuba

>> No.62201718

Model is good
Content can be hit or miss, mostly good
The porn she gets is really nice but there isnt much
Her chat is insufferable and full of backseating pickme retards

>> No.62201953

One of the most aesthetically pleasing models out there, has a good balance of funny, cute and unhinged and she plays a nice variety of games, i really like her

>> No.62201962

she has NO integrity

>> No.62201979

Stop posting this holohater whore

>> No.62201985

honestly the ferret thigh high with the tail going in the shoe is peak

>> No.62202895

Can you stop posting your irrelevant indie whores please?

>> No.62203188

She's pretty well known and a solid 4view. She's more relevant than some Nijis.

>> No.62203321

>more relevant than whores who do nothing but serve as accessories for their sexpest coworkers
Good for her
I‘m sure some day she‘ll manage to beat one of the weakest holos

>> No.62203546

She's been a streamer for 10 years, anon. She has seen the rise of Ninja, Xqc and others. I doubt she still cares about beating anyone, she just wants to stream in her corner.

>> No.62203944

I got to play with her in one of her Deep Rock Galactic streams, I like her

>> No.62204221

The fact that the thigh high is fully animated and blinks is slightly cursed

>> No.62206561

I liked her older model more

>> No.62206993

I would honestly be uncomfortable with my wife doing something like this, its coombait for people really.

>> No.62207576

There is no denying the newer model is just better quality with all it can do, and it's movement and animations. But I think the old face was better

>> No.62207689

Laimubot is the best chatbot on twitch.

>> No.62207752

now we're talking.

>> No.62211628

she's okay but i wish vinny was a vtuber
