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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61877864 No.61877864 [Reply] [Original]

>50 days without a stream
>Didn't stream for all of October
>Last stream was an anniversary merch shill
>Stream before that was an outfit merch shill
>Stream before that was holocure
It's so fucking over chumbies

>> No.61877958
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She can't

>> No.61878044

>Gura stops streaming
>I waste less time on watching vtubers and get to enjoy my life more
>I smile more
Gura has indeed protected my smile.

>> No.61878078


>> No.61878164

when are jannies going to start doing their fucking job.yea this bitch don't stream why is that a thread every fucking day

>> No.61878203

Because it's the 50 day anniversary lol

>> No.61878630

Newfag, you weren't here when this board updated about the number of days since Ayame last streamed?

>> No.61878636

>''''anniversary'''' of nonstop /vt/ shitposting
actual subhuman

>> No.61878945
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where is he?

>> No.61879638

Does she stream regularly now

>> No.61879671

she came to family feud but yeah that doesn't count. It's over, chumbuds, she took the bag with minimum effort. I would do this too.

>> No.61879809

No, not really
Still more than gura tho

>> No.61880401

she's fucking done but the passive income she gets is too good to quit
she'll never return to streaming more regularly again unless a new gen is debuting so she doesn't lose her paypigs. it's all just the occasional merch shilling along with a collab now and then from here on out and that's it.

>> No.61880646

>ayame has streamed more than gura
That's when you know it's fucking grim.

>> No.61881530

It's only been 4 days

>> No.61882258

she's done, move on

>> No.61882491

>s-shut up collabs don't count
>they just don't ok?

>> No.61882539

just remember the good times and hang in there

>> No.61883112

Did she even practice the sport fest? She will attent it, right?

>> No.61883188

She will and is going to be full silence with her performing horrible at all the games , she will maybe say one funny thing and people will milk it as good content and forgive her

>> No.61883239

Gura has still (barely) streamed more this year; Ayame had 108 hours of streams on her channel and Gura had 109 hours of streams on her channel as of October 31st (and neither has streamed since)
Also Ayame's longest time between streams this year was 51 days (April 30th to June 20th); if Gura streams her sports fes POV we can still say she streams (barely) more than Ayame but if she doesn't and Ayame streams hers then she will have both less hours and a longer gap between streams than Ayame's longest for this year

>> No.61887024

Coping lmao

>> No.61888529

>tfw chumpedos still don't understand they are the problem
You'd think the fact that Gura is fine with collabs and anything where she doesn't have to interact with her chat would've tipped them off by now.

>> No.61888645

she is trying to break ayames record
she hates chumbuds, just like she hated her old fanbase
she wants to quit streaming and become a trad wife (mine)

>> No.61890947

Calling in is not streaming lmao

>> No.61891046

is she just blue pink cat?

>> No.61891161

they need to start deleting excess cuckbud threads first

>> No.61891245

Respect her streaming choices.

>> No.61891258

>literally streams for hours with Amelia one day then with most of EN the other
>calling in
Raiders proving they really don't watch streams kek

>> No.61891332

>literally streams for hours
she didn't, she called in.

>> No.61891506

Poor dementia anon.
>was there the entire time
>"called in"
At some point the coping just gets sad.

>> No.61891594

Doesn't Ayame stream on twitch also? Didn't she do a 10 hour fps stream just last month on it?

>> No.61891688

"Calling in" as in didn't stream (her perspective), dumpling.

>> No.61891752

No stop posting! you're breaking our narrative! Do you have any idea how hard we're working on discord to make anti-hololive gayop campaigns?

>> No.61891897

Then use the correct words by saying she didn't stream her perspective. It's a different thing.
Which doesn't change the fact that she did in fact stream twice in this past week.

>> No.61891923

Ayame does quite a few FPS streams on twitch

>> No.61892506

I did, it's referred to as 'just calling in'.
>she did in fact stream twice in this past week.
She literally did not, look at her channel, no recent streams.

>> No.61892870

She did participate in two streams as one of their main participants, see >>61891506.
Denying it is nothing short of lunacy.

>> No.61893411

>She did participate in two streams
Correct, but doing so is not streaming itself. It doesn't get simpler than this: Streaming is when you stream. Look at her channel, no recent streams, what is there to deny?

>> No.61893579

Funny learning that collabs are literally pointless, don't have any benefits and basically don't exist from the point of view of any metric then.
Even funnier is seeing people get so desperate to uphold their narrative that they devolve into pedantic arguments.

>> No.61893992

>trying to conflate all collabs with the situation here
Why are you being so disingenuous? If there's a collab and both are streaming, then both are streaming. If Pekora brings Pekomama on for a stream, it's a collab, but Pekomama clearly isn't streaming. That second is the situation here. How can you say Gura streamed when she literally did not create a stream herself, but merely appeared on someone else's? How much simpler can it get than "streaming is when you stream"?

>> No.61894232

I'm not that anon, but isn't the crux of the argument here that Gura is inactive, fucking off to do lord knows what?
It's clear that this isn't totally the case. Gura has been active, abeit on other's channels, and she isn't just MIA like she was before Advent.
Gura hasn't just been entirely gone, so you gotta give her that at least.

>> No.61894394

Why are you taking out the fact that you will never get laid because your creepy incel aura radiates in a 50-yard diameter on some random girl?

>> No.61894717
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It's literally an incel discord, that paired with non-enforcable moderation due to ban evasion means they can shit things up forever all because they were abused by their parents in their youth. They're going to be hitting the 2 year mark of butthurt soon enough.

>> No.61894724

Totally, I'm not denying she appeared on other people's streams, she's been active, but it feels wrong to then say 'See, she has streamed multiple times in the last week'. That's not how we use streaming in any other context, it feels like grasping at straws.

>> No.61898845
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>It's only been 4 days

>> No.61898986
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4.5 million subs, 450k views in a month.

>> No.61898989

Reminder that recruiting an army of mentally ill retards to spew endless shit about something causes any actual criticism to be drowned out and ignored.

>> No.61899111

>an army of mentally ill retards
Like the ones who made all those dead accounts to push her subscription number?

>> No.61900818

Yes, 4 days.

>> No.61902156

one of the contributing factors for ayame was even her friends started ragging on her when she showed up on their streams during her inactive periods. someone she played apex with teased her about how easy it was to keep up with ayame because of how little she streamed. I doubt this will happen with gura since multiple people have talked about how hard it is to get in touch with her

>> No.61903508

The thing that really surprises me is how quickly it all dropped off. feels like her early days were yesterday

>> No.61908047
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What's going to break first? FWMC's stream streak or Gura's absence streak?
BAU BAU the chumpedos away kek

>> No.61908447

get a life lol

>> No.61911391

Why do you care so much?

>> No.61912273

>counting collabs

>> No.61912444

>chumcucks only defence against the mogging of FWMC
this is grimmer than your oshi bruh

>> No.61912877

She did it bros, the madlass did it

>> No.61913287

Dont shitpost with my oshi cunt

>> No.61913325


>> No.61913605

the only thing that's grim is your prospects for marriage

>> No.61913620

>here's a stream where someone was present from start to end
>no it doesn't count as activity because fuck you
You seem to be the one coping here bud.

>> No.61913711

>what I can, when I can
Doesn't stop her from being perfectly capable of streaming when people collab in a game she wants to play, though

>> No.61913969

Its only hard to get in touch with her if you are not ame. All ame as to do is ask and guras ass will be in her face

>> No.61913993


>> No.61914502

You're missing all the twitch streams she's done

>> No.61914833

4 days, not 50.

>> No.61914877

Hold on. What's Ayame's PB? Can Gura beat her?

>> No.61915545

She didn’t stream.

>> No.61915989

Funniest thing to come out of all of this is seeing how the chumcopes in /ggg/ would start digging through the schedules of other EN chuubas hoping for a Gura sighting.

She literally refuses to stream on her own channel because of (You).

>> No.61916164

Nah the funniest thing is all the people refusing to acknowledge the fact that she just participated in two collabs just because they want to increase a number they find funny.

>> No.61916203

No, I still think the fact that /ggg/ is having to figure out which other stream they have to tune into for their monthly Gura sighting is funnier.

Keep coping thoughever.

>> No.61916229

See >>61913620

>> No.61916363

50 days! Congratulations chumbud. Halfway to 100!

>> No.61916760

Bro, she literally refuses to interact with her chat. She hates you people.

>> No.61917034
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You would think - if a Collab is supposedly still a metric of "streaming" - as in, still providing a content but on different channel.

Does the chumpoids get the notification, announcement, a membership post or something? So they could watch her newest "stream"? If not - oh boy, it strangely sounds like she's just doing it more like for fun/friends, and doesn't care about her fanbase whatsoever :^) all in all I think she had fun time with Ame I guess.
