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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61853814 No.61853814 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>61827410

>> No.61853877

let me sleep shogger wtf :(

>> No.61853904
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>> No.61854008

its late anon just go to bed already. I'll even tuck you in if you want

>> No.61854063

Passionate love making with Shondo

>> No.61854243

I want to lick her shunny

>> No.61854367
File: 130 KB, 600x406, 1698830320453154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always starts tweeting just after my narcolepsy kicks in

>> No.61854447

i unironically get mad every time i look at the replies to her tweets. apparently she's not missing out on literally anything by never having masturbated. like what the fuck IS WRONG WITH THESE SHOGGERS. literally trying to drive her deeper into her state of illness by gaslighting her into believing that basic fucking needs aren't important. what the fuck?

>> No.61854744
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>> No.61854774

He is handsome

>> No.61854818

It isn’t a need you dumbfuck it’s a want. I hate that modern culture pushes everyone to sleep around and be disgusting degenerate pieces of shit these days to the point that everyone complains about their “needs” she is better off with no desire to become a porn addict.

>> No.61854881

I've never sneezed before, do you feel sorry for me and think I should start sneezing?

>> No.61855272
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yeah, because it's either never satisfying yourself sexually in your entire life or be a DEGENERATE COOMBRAINED PORN ADDICT. fucking kys, retard. and yes, it is a need. our only purpose is to reproduce. thinking we're not evolved to pursue that as much as possible is just a denial of reality. also, nobody said anything about her running off and "fucking around", you closeted fucking cuck.

>> No.61855531

need to suck that little pink tongue into my mouth

>> No.61855549

>not a single husband offered to show shondo what she's missing

>> No.61855852

Coomers get so mad when you criticize their degenerate lifestyle

>> No.61855929

>everyone who masturbates is a coomer

>> No.61855962

I recommend watching a lewdtuber instead of an asexual schizo who can’t even have children to begin with. There’s absolutely nothing about it she’s missing when she can’t even reproduce.

>> No.61856043
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>no argument
i accept your concession

>> No.61856087

This nigga is mad that people are reassuring her and not making her feel like there’s something else seriously wrong with her that she’s missing out on. Something that isn’t really of much consequence to begin with for someone like her. If you feel that strongly about whether your vtuber schlicks it at night, you’re probably a coomer.

>> No.61856098

wrong anon but ok

>> No.61856130

I was responding to the anon’s greentext

>> No.61856225

I want to watch movies with her but I'll be busy with something else. Since the middle 3 movies are all following on each other I don't know if I should jump in at the 2nd one without knowing the 1st or try to watch the 1st one now

>> No.61856506

i dmed her she said she will postpone until you are done

>> No.61856534

Thanks, but I'm not sure when my oshi will be done with stream so she'll have to wait and see

>> No.61856559

she just said she canceled it its over

>> No.61856771

cope piece of shit coomer
She's not like you and never will. This is why she hates your kind

>> No.61856816

that's correct, coomer retard.

>> No.61856843

why would i do that? i don't want her to coombait on stream, i want her to have a healthier life in general. seek therapy immediately if you can't make these distinctions.
why would i want her to be like me? i'm not a narcissist like you.

>> No.61856962

Her not masturbating is such a non-issue. Go tell her to go to the doctor if you care about her health.

>> No.61857056
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the only issue is shoggers like you trying to prevent her from getting better for your own selfish fear of her changing into something you won't like. ironic that the "anti-coomers" are the ones forcing her to fit into the box of your desire. unfortunately there's no fix for that since you're terminally retarded. i can only hope she filters you newfags one day.

>> No.61858008

weird bait but ok

>> No.61858693

Master bait

>> No.61858835

good morning I love my wife
actually fuck I’m still tired good night

>> No.61860825

>her discord is talking about this thread
its fucking shover

>> No.61860919
File: 147 KB, 929x1097, IMG_2718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TGIF we’re so fucking back I’m happy that she’s feeling better and I’m really looking forward to the watchalong stream I love my little sister daughter wife so much it’s unreal.

>> No.61861026

>Caring about what a bunch of faggots and trannies are saying

>> No.61861089

i just don't want more newfags here

>> No.61861150

1 day

>> No.61861165

Containment breakers deserve the rope, nothing more

>> No.61861419

these fucking niggers dude, have some decorum. It’s meant to be its own distinct entity. Let discord be discord and 4chan be 4chan. You know what, good. Maybe she’ll stop using discord now because if she wanted to know about /here/ things she’d be /here/, which she isn’t

>> No.61861483

after what happened last night, she will avoid this shithole again

>> No.61861569

You can do nothing but seethe. Fuck you 4cucks

>> No.61861704

go back nigger

>> No.61861842

You have nobody to blame but yourselves with your rrats and brainworms for the state of the community today
Fuck you all

>> No.61861881

and you are part of the reason why she and every regular avoids discord

>> No.61861983

niggers bringing up what 4ch is saying about her stresses her out.
don’t do that.
she had to publicly request for people not to bring up 4ch to her like that already.

>> No.61861998

Fuck the regulars
We’ll be sure to leave the whole community uninhabitable for you soon enough

>> No.61862045
File: 28 KB, 500x500, IMG_2710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if this is going to land but I think of Shondo as Kitty and I am Levin.

>> No.61862066

she doesn't even acknowledge you seethe more discord tranny

>> No.61862075

Then stop saying shit about her and there’ll be nothing to bring up
Look in a fucking mirror

>> No.61862128

learn more about board culture you fucking retard

>> No.61862232

How about you all collectively kill yourselves so there’ll be no more “board culture”

>> No.61862293

sure but i will let her know that some discord regular told me to kill myself

>> No.61862319

dickswordniggers knowing nothing about her or what she says publicly, how surprising

>> No.61862456

thread theme

>> No.61862474

>dicksord fag thinks toxicity is all there is to 4chan
you know this is the kind of thing she hates to see right. no reason to feel superior if thats your attitude

>> No.61862495
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I dont know what this means

>> No.61862576

Go ahead then. I don’t like her discord either. It’s just funny watching the ship sink further as you all blame everyone but yourselves for the cause. Your attitudes here are the reason everything has been falling apart. The spreading of brainworms, the rrats the infighting, all of that. It all started because you pieces of shit can’t keep your mouths shut. Get a fucking journal or see a therapist. Or just watch this community go down in flames like what’s going on now.

>> No.61862694


>> No.61862728

you realize what's talked about here only spreads outside because of newfag containment-breakers from discord? retards that are clueless about shondo while claiming to be a husband comes here, reads our vent posts and thinks every syllable is the absolute truth and then goes straight to shondo with it to ask her about it or internalizes it and starts schizoing out on twitter. that's their fault, not ours. if a person has a highly contagious infection and is isolated to a room, who's at fault if a group of people comes in, gets infected themselves, then runs out and spreads it to the outside world?

>> No.61862734

You could always just go back, forever

>> No.61862798

If I could name the one thing causing her unneeded stress right now, it wouldn’t be 4chan

>> No.61862865

Stop replying to the tranny faggot. Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out from.

>> No.61862879

shoggas talm ‘bout the rift between 4chan and dicksword as if they’re not populated by the same people. THINK shoggas THINK

>> No.61862902


>> No.61863012

The trannies can all fuck themselves. I just don’t want you all to be happy so I welcome the state of the discord

>> No.61863113

I’m pretty happy right now. you know where to watch with her, right?

>> No.61863134

I'm confident in saying that funny maros about wanting to cut of your balls or lick her feet cause less stress to shondo than ones traumadumping about how sad they are she doesn't Iike them for some arbitrary reason

>> No.61863265

I’ve been seeing that here, not on discord. The discord is just people being gay and talking about gacha.

>> No.61863266

There being overlap doesn't make them at all similar. Namefagging with heavy moderation is functionally very different, which is why control freaks always lose their mind over what other people are posting outside of their walled garden

>> No.61863352

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.61863390

Its easy to tell who those people are and they post a lot on Twitter and sometimes in discord too

>> No.61863487

is your self hate any better since last thread

>> No.61863554
File: 234 KB, 799x455, IMG_2546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

movie day coming up I’m so excited I’m so excited I’m so excited I’m so excited this is gonna be so much fun I’ve cleared my whole day and we can just vibe and have fun and soak up this glorious kino together things are looking up

>> No.61863565

that reply wasn't me, just some retard piggybacking off of it

>> No.61863600

i'm not sure

>> No.61863637

they're not. source: i don't use the discord.

>> No.61863683
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sounds comfy but the site would breakdown and explode from too much uro

>> No.61863759

>open discord
>fortnite kid
>hand picture
>gay rp

>> No.61863905
File: 2.31 MB, 2266x1290, IMG_2168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo makes me want to better myself! I want to become a great man! For her! And for me! I love her! I will reach my potential! I will achieve my dreams! Thanks Shondo!

>> No.61863998

I have now watched an 8 hour fnaf lore video in for preparation tomorrow, time to go to bed for 11 hours

>> No.61864030

anyone have shawshank but the correct length?

>> No.61864191

1:22 is the correct version

>> No.61864247

2:17 you retard

>> No.61864285

There's no 2:17 anywhere. It's 2:22

>> No.61864302

bruh i gotta stop checking her tweets when i wake up in the middle of the night, i was so fucking confused
im pretty certain that she has the dvd version which is shorter, and that one is impossible to findi found 2 torrents but they have no seeds
pretty much all torrents are bluray rips

>> No.61864315

look at the replies retard

>> No.61864415

no even the dvd version is 1:22 amazon got the time wrong

>> No.61864471

yeah i dont really know desu
i checked 1337 again and all the dvd torrents range from 15:58 to 19m
super weird

>> No.61864606

got mine from the russians, 2:16:45

>> No.61864657
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>> No.61865713

I just woke up, looks like a lot of stuff was deleted. What happened?

>> No.61865991

What I think happened is she saw everyone responding to her "get therapy" tweet going "yaaaa slay, queen tell those parasocials to get therapy" and didn't like that she moved in the direction she hated and that's what snapped her back to reality and why she's talking with us again

>> No.61866070

what the fuck

>> No.61866077

I think she just loves me in particular

>> No.61866138

Update tomorrow

>> No.61866226

Not much, just people were talking about maros, mentioned that they are a /here/ outlet and regretted visiting the thread and became somehow surprised that we are among them.

>> No.61866262

too bad "seek therapy" will now be forever a part of the thread just like a certain "improve yourself" in other threads

>> No.61866309


>> No.61866322

that last part offends me when they're the fucking newfags

>> No.61866366

really one anon remembers to post it

>> No.61866444

I love the newfag trying to police the discord, and doing it last night too. Kiri Kanna and people like him are why she didn't use discord for a long time and why I still wont

>> No.61866568


>> No.61866773

what a beautiful pidgeon!

>> No.61867040

kek I had the same reaction. it's understandable but imagine caring for what John Anonymous says

>> No.61867278
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a mongoose

>> No.61867617

shondo in my arms while she plays with her little shunny and begs me to fill it with my seed

>> No.61868332

Once I work with my therapist figure out how to integrate my shadow (lol) and form a unified concept of self it’s over for you shoggers

>> No.61868660

you already posted this

>> No.61869123

it’s okay he’s seeing his doctor next for the dementia diagnosis

>> No.61870476
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, 1668119339303653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been dringkingbeen drinking
ive been drinking someone stop me mefrom seniding marosv THEY WILL NOT BNE GOOD

>> No.61870523
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wrong image this one

>> No.61870572

she called a drunk maro cute before, so maybe she'd like you more in this state?

>> No.61870583
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It worth repeating!

>> No.61870673
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>> No.61870837

img not him

>> No.61870843

relapsing so I can send cute mallows to my wife!

>> No.61870946

you're welcome retard

>> No.61870951
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he hasn't learned a thing

>> No.61871003
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>> No.61871012

>shon says something with her full chest and immediately regrets it the next day when people agree
kinda sounds like her

>> No.61871065

what is this even in reference to?

>> No.61871079

>liked by retromancer
of fucking course

>> No.61871247

They protected her from knowlage about masturbation, he is very anti masturbation and sees it as bad and unhealthy

>> No.61871386

I think he's just on antidepressants and this is his only way to cope with his dick no longer working

>> No.61871462

is he murican?

>> No.61871489

She doesn't need masturbating can you imaginge a coomer Shondo?
She has and addictive personality and would probbly get hooked on the feeling of cooming and never stop cooming (bad tthing because nonstop coom = no stream, yeah??)

>> No.61871520

of course

>> No.61871568

Whenever she talks about gore just imagine it's about sex, that's exactly how coomer shondo would be.

>> No.61871573

Just coom on stream then, problem solved

>> No.61871628

ok stream in pomf thnen? captha is so fucking hard

>> No.61871702
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>> No.61871727


>> No.61871797


>> No.61871968

For the health of our relationship we need a stream once every 6 months where we talk Bout the issue of sex. A stream where she can ask us about all this stuff without judgment and where husband's can say that they cum to her without worrying. If some husband's are uncomfortable with it they know to skip it.

>> No.61872018

weekly fansly stream where shondo masturbates for us

>> No.61872029

Bros if it's caffeine free can I mixit with alcohol?

>> No.61872142

Pomf shit itself when Celesse had 300 viewers for her debut, the whole site literally died. Can you imagine the traffic of Shondo doing a lewd stream?

>> No.61872172

she'll never be able to have an earnest dicussion about these things because of purityfags

>> No.61872178


>> No.61872287

It would mean we get ero ASMR so I'd be fine with that.

>> No.61872303

Shondo and lucy collab where they discus masturbation and sex and try to explain each other's POV to the other

>> No.61872325

I hate doing crt + f and not seeing my name, please talk about me

>> No.61872338

please lay off the gamersupps for tomorrow and the next week if possible
also stretch regularly during the marathon and dont push yourself to stay awake

>> No.61872391
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wait I forogor I have to stay awake so I can sleep at the same time as her

>> No.61872419

i will push myself and you can't stop me

>> No.61872815
File: 718 KB, 869x1725, 1679145041694755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone happen to have a transparent png of shondo's current model? I only have the old one.

>> No.61873152

Fetish friends seething as always lole
She will never love your kind

>> No.61873174

Check her discord for the ref channel

>> No.61873210

Lol cry more coomer. She doesn't wants you in her community.

>> No.61873265

I will literally impregnate her

>> No.61873321

if shondo doesn't want me to cum to her that makes it hotter, it's like rape

>> No.61873409

I don't really use discord...

>> No.61873451

He's right tho? Fetish friends keep losing.

>> No.61873461

minutely affirmation: I will impregnate shondo

>> No.61873616

Retarded coomer. She will never love you lol

>> No.61873734

you mean like she got addicted to weed because she did it once

>> No.61873807

ayo this anon dying of prostate cancer

>> No.61873879

And we know that because, she said so?

Weed addiction explains her current path perfectly actually. The loss of motivation, "sleeping" all day, the wierd food she eats and shows us now when she used to not show us she eats...

>> No.61873887
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alright im goign to sleep enjoy the alt stream/wtweet

>> No.61873912

low effort rrat, try harder

>> No.61873932

stop impersonating me

>> No.61873954

suck my ligma

>> No.61874004

lick my sugma

>> No.61874033

sugma my lick

>> No.61874929 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 313x392, 3tz17p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not north of manchester!

>> No.61874996

waas she planning on watching two versions of the godfather ii or was that a type-o

>> No.61875003


>> No.61875032


>> No.61875082
File: 9 KB, 250x250, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a typo

>> No.61875094


>> No.61875554


>> No.61875634
File: 153 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a sick man... I am a spiteful man. I am an unpleasant man… I think my liver is diseased. But I love Shondo

>> No.61875827

same here. but without the spitefulness and liver failure. just failure in general

>> No.61875883

just stop drinking your liver will grow back

>> No.61876350

that’s a B

>> No.61876628

someone didn't read her latest wave of maros kek

>> No.61876785

shonfeetsies in the bath I will play with

>> No.61876799

>said there's a chance she'll post feet pics
>said she's fine with people lusting for her and masturbating while thinking abour her as long as they don't announce it in chat
>said she's fine with fetish friends
>has been increasingly horny on stream
how are we losing exactly? i feel like i'm winning pretty hard desu

>> No.61876926

now we just have to convince her to keep that ungodly slurping noise in the booby doctor asmr
unironically its a good sound :(

>> No.61876940

Stop replying to retards

>> No.61877239


>> No.61877449
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>> No.61877551

I don’t believe that Shondo is physically capable of feeling horny

>> No.61877752
File: 19 KB, 548x500, 1681349059032895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tummy feeling funny/warm is how all women describe feeling horny. but keep coping, purityfag.

>> No.61877785
File: 176 KB, 706x988, 1689468018534687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im feeling a lot better today

>> No.61877803

she is describing love retard

>> No.61877835

Jollepoker has fallen, the cheater has fully committed to nep

>> No.61877837

I love my wife

>> No.61877867

nobody cares about which men you're cockwatching

>> No.61877908

Therefore I will leave the thread to not feel worse, have fun anons

>> No.61877969

no shit, the cocktail of meds she's on has killed any libido she might have naturally had

>> No.61877970

I tried my Gameruspps "titty milk" sample and it tasted so weird and disgustingly sweet that I couldn't finish the glass

>> No.61877998

why are her eyes green

>> No.61878029


>> No.61878072

he has been watching her for a long time and even posted on twitter about feeling conflicted about it months ago. this isn't news to anyone (except for you i guess)

>> No.61878075

someday shondo will receive a maro so cringe she will fall out of love with shoggers

>> No.61878114
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>> No.61878265

don’t worry I will write her a love poem and win her back

>> No.61878349

what makes you say that?

>> No.61878578
File: 1.07 MB, 1242x2453, IMG_1874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In reference to this maro where she said she likes protective men

>> No.61878628

did he forget the prior wave of maros in which she said she found babying her to be one of the traits she most wanted shoggers to stop

>> No.61878725

yeah i don't think shondo means what fleece thinks she means when she says protective. he's just coping and projecting his own opinion onto her. it's all he can do.

>> No.61878746

post it in reply to his tweet then. remind him

>> No.61878784

can someone confirm if it does indeed taste like titty milk

>> No.61878939

Mommyfag here. It does not.

>> No.61879007

imagine loving and teasing her so much her childlike womb unlocks and starts to throb inside her tummy...

>> No.61879051

she doesn't want the infighting so I'll oblige her over winning petty battles with losers

>> No.61879085

that's the spirit! Derek Council awards you 15 Shogger Points!

>> No.61879199

>stop babying me!
good for her. she's mentally ill, she's not retarded. I love my giga brain 150 IQ wife she can take care of herself!

>> No.61879261

she's retarded too but it's just not worth trying to correct her

>> No.61879283

Dm him then

>> No.61879343

why do you want me to talk to men privately

>> No.61879375
File: 79 KB, 1004x747, IMG_2078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the cool thing about women. Even the really smart ones are kind of retarded

>> No.61879674

I don’t necessarily want to have sex with Shondo but I would give her a high five or something

>> No.61879700

yes give her a high five in her eternal womb

>> No.61879734

I want to overflow Shondo with my seed and rear dozens of our babies together

>> No.61879745

So does she like the kidnappers or the shoggers that will protect her against the kidnappers more?
Or did she phrase it that way because forest tree will be joining them on the trip and will be the one protecting her, and that's why she likes it.
that fucking bro-con

>> No.61879920


>> No.61879980


>> No.61879990

You’d be happier out of the closet anon

>> No.61880036

shonsoles on my face

>> No.61880046

shontoes in my mouth

>> No.61880130
File: 1.35 MB, 1227x685, 1670996084411450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you're about to cum and she locks her legs behind your back and pushes against you with all her might to make sure your cock is as close to her cervix as possible when you start pumping your load into her

>> No.61880307

I sent her a really bad mallow last night that I regret

>> No.61880425

what did you say?

>> No.61880438

how are you gonna kill yourself?

>> No.61880458

I told her that sometimes I hate her so much that I want to beat her to death and it's her fault for grooming me to want to beat women

>> No.61880564


>> No.61880593

Only after I get to her

>> No.61880599

that's not even that bad. she has already replied to similar maros.

>> No.61880613

Why should I give a shit?

>> No.61880688

I think she might like that one actually

>> No.61880788

anon was accidentally based

>> No.61881271

Shondo!!! I’m gooning!!!’

>> No.61882427

this shogga nails it, listen up discordtrannies.

>> No.61882613
File: 6 KB, 265x68, 1691485815168296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironic faggots in the discord openly discussing shaving their legs
How do "people" like this find Shondo

>> No.61882826

bee nise

>> No.61882952

>had a somewhat decent thread last night
>new thread gets raided by discordfags
>thread goes to shit

>> No.61882958

if shondo isn't nise, then I won't be nise either

>> No.61882993

Otis bee is so cute I love him

>> No.61882994
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>> No.61883028

but shes very nise

>> No.61883133

Please stop obsessing about other men in a female vtubers thread

>> No.61883246

if you don't want people to talk about you then stop cheating

>> No.61883353


>> No.61883383

This is Shondo's thread, not a thread about discordfags

>> No.61883416

you're replying to a male right now, you might want to start posting about shondo rather than having males on the mind so much

>> No.61883567


>> No.61883788

what the actual fuck is wrong with them?
look at the asmr channel

>> No.61883796


>> No.61883907

same way anyone else does?

>> No.61883950

actual gays

>> No.61883981

Sorry meant to post this in the subs channel please ignore

>> No.61884011

Yeah sorry Shondo. I'm not interacting with the gays and the troons. You make the effort and I will show up but I'm not going to pretend like I want to associate with these weirdos.

>> No.61884120
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, 1664104235588775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61884171

who the artist

>> No.61884237

I feel like if you tell them off theyre gonna go whine on twitter that shondo is homophobic and rally the troops again

>> No.61884257

guys i have obligations pls do not schizo

>> No.61884295
File: 43 KB, 900x1280, F-CKhogacAAg_6n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attempted shondo leech is graduating

>> No.61884380 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 65x46, 1697378561933801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61884420

wow a donothon and dip?

>> No.61884426

yes wifey

>> No.61884454

theres so many vtubers who love pandering to coomers. Not sure why they feel the need to gravitate towards one that doesnt like sex

>> No.61884545

can you puritans be nise for once?

>> No.61884630

learning how to orgasm != doing coomer content
also just ignore every time she knowingly squirmed in our laps or said very sussy stuff like her squirting or god I wish that were me to herself getting choked

>> No.61884631

the least you could do is update us, wifey
just tweet the word "the"

>> No.61885384

and what are you

>> No.61885593

What the fuck just happened

>> No.61885781

spill it

>> No.61885801

I dunno, what happened

>> No.61886193

Please stop making me picture Shondo’s first orgasm I’m going to fail no nut November

>> No.61886316

If you brought her to orgasm she would be unconscious for at least a few hours, you could do whatever you wanted with her after that

>> No.61886374

imagine the dripping wet shunny

>> No.61886788

it won't just be the first orgasm, I'm a fan of orgasm torture, so I won't stop after her first, I'll keep going even after she begs me to stop and can't breathe anymore. Her arms will be too weak to push me away as I make her climax five times in a row non-stop until she's nothing more than a twitching mess on the bed.

>> No.61887563

I'm taking her to the back room and if it'll take days we're not leaving until she experiences an earth shattering first orgasm

>> No.61887591

I wonder if Shondo started watching Nina's streams on an alt instead

>> No.61887759

I want to give her a hug

>> No.61887879

nah, we're just watching it on my laptop cause the screen is bigger

>> No.61888192

Get off 4chan critter, uab&

>> No.61888544
File: 30 KB, 732x1080, a shondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61888567

>conceptualize her siblings seeing the unhinged shit posted here
I’m sorry I didn’t mean it (yes I did)

>> No.61888573
File: 10 KB, 325x78, 1699049185972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every person shondo comes in contact with turns gay

>> No.61888842

god i want to taste her cunny so bad

>> No.61889031
File: 184 KB, 1162x874, 120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61889512
File: 239 KB, 513x405, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61889553
File: 2.21 MB, 4000x4000, 1699049175436171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61889593

Now make them all spin

>> No.61890282

Guys, is there a way to get a Discord notification when Shondo writes something?

>> No.61890386

Without getting your account banned? No.

>> No.61890615

I was wondering because looking at the logs I feel like some people showed up perfectly timed without her @ everybody. I doubt they are lurking constantly

>> No.61890998

alright which one of you is posting otis pics on /v/

>> No.61891042
File: 137 KB, 640x360, UOOOOH_CUNNY_1[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1n82ok.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61891406


>> No.61891437

holy shit, good job pettan

>> No.61891603

just look for the hairless cat thread

>> No.61891696

Damn there he is

>> No.61891699

he was already like that

>> No.61891798

shondo will definitely see this

>> No.61891827


>> No.61892711

i'm slipping into despair, my situation is hopeless and there's no signs of improvement. it's only downhill from here and there's no salvation. all that's left is to wait to die because i'm too scared to do it myself. i don't want to die, but i don't want to be alive either.

>> No.61892765
File: 10 KB, 408x93, 1679889044909957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 hour stream tomorrow do not worry

>> No.61892766
File: 1.85 MB, 1024x1660, 1696604812697610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61892782

take a nap

>> No.61892790

it's just a Captcha generator, Shondo. yeesh

>> No.61892821

you should kill yourself, the pain will go away

>> No.61892945
File: 60 KB, 667x1000, 61irQrNjgnL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61893562

dont worry shogga, i felt like this 10 years ago when i dropped out of school and my friends were slowly fading away
now i dont really give a shit anymore

>> No.61894257


>> No.61894694
File: 171 KB, 729x703, 1696467766060636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an overwhelming sense of dread and despair suddenly for no reason

>> No.61894771

shondo slipped on gamersupps and hit her head...

>> No.61894850

I'm so sad I'm going to miss most of it
Now I know how you wagecucked shoggers felt

>> No.61895552

Is Abigail still a barbie girl?

>> No.61896040


would be a 10 if the pantyhose were white

>> No.61896227

another fetish friend coomer shitter to block
thankfully she will do it too

>> No.61896318

block this
*cums on you*

>> No.61896342

are you always this late to the thread?

>> No.61896422

dread THIS *chu*

>> No.61896803

TYFYS anon

>> No.61897345

Im nervous for her to come back tomorrow, things are always a little off after a break. Next week should be back to normal though

>> No.61897383

>normal streams after long movie watchalong
good luck

>> No.61897439

fuck you're right, she always gets sick or something happens after a long stream

>> No.61897453

It'll be fine and I'll mention that you specifically were retarded during the thread that's up at the time so be ready for that

>> No.61898039

If anyone has a prompt that sound good I'll request him again

>> No.61898166

Sumata on top of you

>> No.61898217

My mushroom milk will be spend on this for a solid week. Amazing.

>> No.61898246

we voting for wifey in filians chuuba awards?

>> No.61898276

I dont know what any of this means

>> No.61898740

thigh job through the pantsu he so preciously draws everytime

>> No.61898836

Seconding sumata

>> No.61898874


>> No.61899075
File: 36 KB, 192x150, 1698521876300339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi shoggers, hang in there, stay strong!

I voted for her in the ASMR section

>> No.61899226

thanks! have a good day or night mr. shibe

>> No.61899264
File: 1.78 MB, 1080x2340, 1699059762128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, are there any comfy /shon/ phone papes? The first one I picked makes me look like a troon (pic related)

>> No.61899293

thank you for your contribution,i shall vote for nina in the music section

>> No.61899431

oldfags, what are shondo's stance on NNN for us?

>> No.61899632

i love my wife and how she wiggles

>> No.61899764

What do you mean 'her stance' ? We pretty much had to explain it to her in a tweet yesterday.

>> No.61899871

I don't think she wants men who have to consult her about anything they do

>> No.61900004

ok cheating on her without consulting her

>> No.61900056
File: 928 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a nopan version of this

>> No.61900170

Thanks. I voted for nina in some sections too

>> No.61900179

get better at spotting bait

>> No.61900219

I don't think she cares dude
If you want to, do it, if you don't, shummy

>> No.61900303

I don’t give a hoot what she thinks about it I’m not cranking off for the month just to prove I can

>> No.61900454

I'm going to reply with a picture of my balls

>> No.61900480

no balls

>> No.61900780

ok do it

>> No.61900936
File: 120 KB, 521x577, 1699061378418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo contemplating again

>> No.61901347

love his stuff. She’s got good taste!

>> No.61901376

she likes a post from a guy talking about his ... the day after that rant, unbeelievable

>> No.61901562

thats it im dropping this whore

>> No.61901610


>> No.61901847

Looks like her what? Looks like her WHAT? I don’t get it… it’s the Big Dipper… am I retarded?

>> No.61901935


>> No.61901963

wtf are you talking about

>> No.61902455


>> No.61902454

…is it supposed to be phallic?

>> No.61902543


>> No.61902658 [SPOILER] 
File: 163 KB, 1366x768, 1680501669782128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to have played doki doki literature club

>> No.61903142

