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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.6182461 [Reply] [Original]

Bros how do I stop watching this slut, she's way too relatable

>> No.6182743

Touch grass

>> No.6183312

I hope your pimp beats you regularly

>> No.6191107

How the fuck is she relatable? Are you a slut or do you enjoy crass humour? The latter is worse btw

>> No.6191174

this and >>6182743

>> No.6191194

You are simply addicted to her model because you're a cumbrain.

>> No.6191305

and theres nothing wrong with that

>> No.6191420

Isn't astroturfing considered raiding? Mods? There are some fags from shitcord taking up thread space

>> No.6192757

I also love sucking cocks, sister

>> No.6192962

Why would you want to stop?

>> No.6197516

Develop some level of shame, maybe go see your parents or something

>> No.6202368

If you find her relatable it's because you have a serious problem anon, killing yourself is the only solution.

>> No.6202468

killing yourself will end both your suffering and ours.
please do.

>> No.6206738

>Bros how do I stop watching this slut
>she's way too relatable
Stop being a slut

>> No.6209459

So, she does the whole "I'm a loser nerd" act for attention, right? There's no way she doesn't have a boyfriend. No way she's actually a NEET. But she pretends all of these things are true because it's what gets views? Because if those things are actually true then I might fall for it.

>> No.6209494

I'm 80% certain veibae has never seen dick in real life. The way she reacted to a hot delivery man showing up (like an autist, her mom had to open the door)... it's so telling. And no one who's actually had sex talks about sex this much. No one.

>> No.6209505


>> No.6209530

>way too relatable
Maybe see a doctor.

>> No.6209556
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>> No.6209636
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>And no one who's actually had sex talks about sex this much. No one.
This. She was probably super sheltered growing up, so now as an adult she's 100% coomer since she never got to experience it. She probably watches a bunch of porn

>> No.6209646

Her voice is so alluring

>> No.6209670

Have sex, incel. Veibae only non-virgins.

>> No.6209691

Does she not verbs to communicate?

>> No.6209723

so she's like vshojo marine? kinda based

>> No.6209728

You want to get dicked too?

>> No.6209736

>Overprotect child from bad influences
>Kid grows up into the bad influence itself to compensate

>> No.6209744

Precisely, yeah.
Marines voice is a different sort of sex though.

>> No.6209787

Liked her until I saw her roommate. Yikes.

>> No.6209950

Just watched 3 clips of this literally who, and she's actually just ripping off nyanners and senzawa's old shtick

>> No.6210243
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Best Vshojo

>> No.6210339

She lives with her parents

>> No.6210357

based retard

>> No.6210407

We live in a society, unironically. No matter how much you try to protect your children, you're only one man. If millions of men tell your children that being a degenerate is okay, they're just going to resent you for trying to protect them from what's socially acceptable.

Gura is an improvement over Senzawa, proving the point I keep repeating right: female vtubers need to be restrained in order to work, and Hololive is doing a good job restraining them.

>> No.6210475

Fuck you anon i just imagined gura with a leash and now i am arroused...

>> No.6210594

>bro she's obviously just lying about her living situation despite the fact that her family have been in the background of streams before

>> No.6210616

based doubling-down retard

>> No.6210655

Anon.... roommate is the term used to refer to chubbas irl.

>> No.6210687

She's not even fat, have you seen her?

>> No.6210689

Someone post the period clip

>> No.6210710

Get dicked.

>> No.6210762

She's unironically hot irl tho, unfortunately she uses so many fucking filters on her pics at times that it ruins some of them making her look plastic

>> No.6210783

Getting dicked would solve many of Veibae's issues, but those issues are also her charm...

>> No.6210790

Damn i got baited. Here, you deserved your (You)

>> No.6211383

she clearly has a fetish for ugly and fat men

>> No.6212355

So you're saying there's a chance???

>> No.6212417

>We live in a society, unironically. No matter how much you try to protect your children, you're only one man. If millions of men tell your children that being a degenerate is okay, they're just going to resent you for trying to protect them from what's socially acceptable.
So how do you handle that? Do you keep your child extra sheltered? Do you kill these men and people trying to corrupt them? You'd be justified in doing so right? Wouldn't the best course of action as a parent be to teach your child to be wary and ready hurt those type of degenerates?

>> No.6213715

She'd be so easy to breed out

>> No.6221397

Does her roommate have a LinkedIn?

>> No.6221673

every model after her first model has been shit

>> No.6222733

>No one
except those who are selling talking about sex? Hello, brain?

>> No.6222979

are you a slut too?

>> No.6223108

lol she's like 4/10

>> No.6223295

have you idiots SEEN her irl? She's a 8/10 stacy with fat fucking whore injection lips and she was a regular 3D Ethot streamer before she went vtuber. You guys are delusional if you can't tell from a single look she started sucking dicks in junior year of HS. Imagine thinking a plastic surgery faced twitch streamer could somehow still be a virgin.

>> No.6223337

is this the newest zoomer meme?

>> No.6223447

You teach them, retard. Almost all the time, stupid aprents are to blame for retarded kids.

>> No.6225631

>No way she's actually a NEET.
she's a streamer making bank anon what are you on about. why would she be doing anything else when she gets money for sitting there?

>> No.6228206

Slut hiding behind a thin veil of animu face rig to appeal to gigantic fucking losers EXACTLY like you.

>> No.6228425

If you watched one(1) second of her stream you'll find out she only wants gigachads

>> No.6228436

>autistisc retard whose only sense of humor is talking about sex and other disgusting shit then continue acting like an autistid for "comedic effect"
Yeah, I can see how you'd relate to that.

>> No.6228666
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There's no escape
