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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61817456 No.61817456 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.61817827


>> No.61817862

do we really need 10 cuck threads every fucking day

>> No.61817942


>> No.61817960

Did pomu sex Luca?

>> No.61818010

Why would she? Pomu is the biggest nijisanji otaku in the world. Her oshi is Mito ffs. She's in it for the long run.

>> No.61818614

Greener pastures, shitty coworkers, and major disillusionment

>> No.61818701

she's happier than she's ever been right now though

>> No.61818747

It sure doesn't sound like it though.

>> No.61819014

There's a difference between being a fan of the talents and having to work for the company. She still doesn't have her Home 3D despite pestering management throughout the better part of this year, another thing she worked on got canned which resulted in her November break being shortened, she's undoubtedly grateful to have been giving life changing money but I doubt she's happy right now.
Who knows if Nina and Henya already have a plan in the works to save her, too. NijiEN is basically a sinking ship.

>> No.61819039

Compared to being a wageslave, probably.
But probably not if you compare her entire career as Pomu.

>> No.61819198

I'm sad Selen's not making an exit strategy.

>> No.61819369

Funny how Selen has the highest chance to get into holo among nijien.

>> No.61819483

holo would never take in a niji trash..

>> No.61819515


>> No.61819545

Of course it'd be nice to see them in Hololive but as a holofag, I'd be ecstatic to see pomu and selen in vshojo than them staying in niji.

>> No.61819645

Retard nanora

>> No.61820869

I like to believe that Selen has enough sense of self-worth alongside the smarts to have already planned out her exit by now. I hope so anyways, because the branch does little for her despite being one of the most popular female talents there. NijiEN is more of a stigma than a mark of honor now because of all the drama that the branch has gotten into since February, it basically devalued everything the branch built up since 2021.

>> No.61822545

Selen feels like the type that has the skills and knowhow to make it as an indie but won't take that first step until someone pushes her into that sphere. I.e the EN branch being disbanded or another backstabby moment but one that targets her.

>> No.61822788

Is this bait?

>> No.61825716

Selen is a doormat.

>> No.61825796
File: 355 KB, 1662x2200, 1696372920634900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it Pomu. Get branded with the pink V next to your name. You'll get to show off your Metal Gear stuff you weren't allowed to before. You'll get to be in the same org as two of your best friends. Talent freedom calls.

>> No.61827975
File: 11 KB, 381x184, 1687997290036140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering that just yesterday all the people she considered "friends" done an offcollab without waiting only 2 days for her to arrive in Japan, she isn't happy at all.

>> No.61828111

3, Henya, Matara and Ironmouse.

>> No.61828205

Building off this, before her zatsu stream yesterday, she said in chat that she might have to delay because of a "leaky roof", but then did not mention it at all during the zatsu itself. Because that was keyword for her crying, because she read about the off-collab plans in the Discord server.

>> No.61828245


>> No.61828298


>> No.61828313

She waiting for vspo en next year.

>> No.61828355

Vshills are scum.

>> No.61828376

Greener pastures where? Holo isn't hiring after just dropping Advent.
She has no friend circle in any other corps.

>> No.61828434

I mean, aside the storm in her area, sure.

>> No.61828449
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>> No.61828459
File: 67 KB, 801x263, 1687066003336134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Pomie. I only want what's the best for Pomu, and niji ain't it.

>> No.61828539

I want pomu to be in a better place and vshojo will give her all the freedom and money.

>> No.61828562

weather map looks clear to me

>> No.61828634

Unironically she can reach out to Sayu, who has plenty of friends in Phase, and is friends with Yuko in Idol. I can already imagine the sisters scoffing at the idea though

>> No.61828705

Why would she reach to Sayu when she's friends with Lia?

>> No.61828788

You said the same when Nina posters were camping in /vsj+/ for months.

>> No.61828826

This art fuckin aggravates me. I hope she leaves just so she doesn't have to interact with that annoying sex pest creep anymore.

>> No.61828939

If you had told me that prior to NijiEN's catastrophic decline prior in 2023, I might have agreed with you. But Vshojo is undeniably the better place someone like Pomu should be in, for fucks sake Henya got her official 3D model not long after joining. Meanwhile Pomu has to wait until next year until Nijisanji pulls their fingers out of their ass and fixes her model. And this is on top of the fact that fans made a proper 3D model for Pomu like 2 months or so after debut that probably had nowhere near as many problems as the official one.

>> No.61830031

What happened? Did She say something?

>> No.61830111

nijisanji is a shackle.. free the maid

>> No.61831402


>> No.61831560

It's been easily a year and a half since I last watched a Pomu stream, but seeing her shipped with Luca still pisses me off.

>> No.61831595

I think she's in Niji for at least 6 months, but maybe the wheels are turning. Most likely time for Pomu to leave is about a month or two before her anniversary when her contract finishes. Also given the timelines on getting all the assets made in time, she'd have to plan her departure at least 12 months before quitting if she was going to Vshojo.

Henya was working on the project for months, which is why she got so disconnected with her PL self

>> No.61831855

Well, for starters, she had a dinner with a bunch of vshojos on Saturday, then the next day she had a membership watchalong of Over The Garden Wall which was a yearly tradition, but she said that this will be her last watchalong of it in niji. Elira and her clique caught wind of it and decided to start excluding her from group activities just like they did with Zaion.

>> No.61831992

12 months is far too long of an assumption. 3 months at the absolute minimum if it's being rushed with 4-6 being normal. IF she did graduate, the time to take for a redebut would be dependant on when she actually made that decision for a relative timeframe. Henya decided late last year, so it was 4-5 months for her. Kuro decided at the start of this year so it was 1 for him.

>> No.61832249


>> No.61832513

And so are the Hololive fans that think of VShitshow as an ally. Retards all of them

>> No.61832573

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

>> No.61832647

It's just being done by shitposters on 4chan. They haven't collabed in ages outside of entire-branch totsus. Not even sisters draw them together anymore.

>> No.61836504
File: 278 KB, 588x688, 1698894097003016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup pomucuckies. Enjoying the cuck life?

>> No.61836582

Every month is another event that proves Zaion was right about Nijisanji and that they are, indeed, a black company.

>> No.61842866


>> No.61846073


>> No.61846279
File: 721 KB, 1365x1024, pomu getting the Zaion Treatment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu had a dinner with a bunch of vshojos talents on Saturday
>Pomu's PL acc fangirls over Ironmouse (sneaky mouse)
>The next day she had a membership watchalong of Over The Garden Wall which was a yearly tradition, but she said that this will be her LAST WATCHALONG of it in niji.
>Elira and her clique caught wind of it and decided to start excluding her from group activities just like they did with Zaion.
I love Nijisanji Family!
We all love Nijisanji Family!
You will love Nijisanji Family!

>> No.61846422

the "family" only includes certain members

>> No.61846531

I don't know

>> No.61846771
File: 846 KB, 587x2048, 1696366937645166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu was always out of elira's clique

>> No.61848212

>no pomu, no mysta, no selen
>nina tried her hardest to be love
It's doesn't look so good now.

>> No.61848235

Selen ties almost all her self-worth into being Selen. She ain't leaving anytime soon.

>> No.61848527

but is the same true for pomu? cause it sounds like it is, but i dont watch her enough to know

>> No.61848639

Not really. Pomu ties her own self-worth into getting projects off the ground and actually completing them despite management/staff doing everything they can to cancel them. She doesn't needs to be "Pomu" for that or be in niji.

>> No.61848683

Where the fuck is Rosemi? I love watching that flower girl like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.61848687

Yes, she's joining Phase Connect Gen 3

>> No.61848726

Nina fucking left her, not the other way around

>> No.61848776

She's too big for phase, also our phase 3 is JP.

>> No.61848823

She's in Japan with the rest of the clique

>> No.61848867

Phase 3 probably isn’t fully JP, it just has some JP members like gen 1 did.

>> No.61849068

Only some of them are going to speak Japanese.
Fishman likes to hire hapas if he can't get full Asians.

>> No.61850092

>the other 3 members of Nina's wave excluded her from chats, and even created a new group just to exclude her
I would have left too

>> No.61850667

This is retarded. Ever thought that maybe they could only do it that day before they got busy? That they talked on discord about it? You just spread misinfo and should be banned.

>> No.61851344

Meds now

>> No.61851628

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.61851667

she pretty much cut ties with him for collabs when he nuked the original minecraft server

>> No.61851725


>> No.61851775

>Retards can't corelate that Pomu is literally flying to JP during the offcollab meetup
>Spins into the most wild "she's being excluded" shit despite her being the defacto "in" girl for Elira's "clique" and somehow Elira's clique magically including every person they excluded (Petra, Selen, Reimu, Finana)
I swear /#/ fags are losing their bants quality
Like when AMDG left /news/

>> No.61851828


>> No.61852192

If she was the most "in" girl, they would have waited until she got to Japan before doing the off-collab. Instead, none of them would even join her in VC for her Phasmo stream on Halloween, when she had been asking them for weeks ahead of time, even up to the day of Halloween itself.

>> No.61852271

believe it or not, they didnt fly half way across the world to sit around and do nothing.

>> No.61852347

They had already been in Japan working on things for ~2 weeks at that point. No excuse for at least a couple of them to not spare a couple of hours to be there for the one who would be totally excluded from the collab.

>> No.61852752

This woman is the vtuber equivalent of the Cody Rhodes earcup meme

>> No.61853219

Wait a fucking second.

>> No.61854984
File: 17 KB, 1545x130, 1698981924567008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Nijifans really already throwing Pomu under the bus just in case she graduates?

>> No.61855068

Holoniggers will never stop seething at Pomu for picking another corpo.
Brand rejects with fragile egos

>> No.61855981

>she's happier than she's ever been right now though
Am I the only one who genuinely gets annoyed by this meme?

>> No.61856019

to go where? she is nothing without nijisanji

>> No.61856038

Nijisanji doing CGDCT? That post is either old or falseflaging, I refuse to believe there is anyone watching Niji for CGDCT

>> No.61856073


>> No.61856133

if Selen also graduates at the same time then it's a sure sign holoEN4 is coming and they're finally coming home.

>> No.61856473

I found that post in /vsj+/ but there were several posts in /nijiEN/ that were shitting on Pomu.
Here are just a few


>> No.61857711

Or Vshojo. Seems more likely to me, actually.
