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61774508 No.61774508 [Reply] [Original]

>Chuuba's mods participate in the chat

>> No.61775030

Female content creators are always going to have a groom circle trying sneaky neaky neak into their pussies

>> No.61775213
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>Chuuba grooms with her mod chat

>> No.61775509

I’ve never understood the issue with this?

>> No.61775898
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>chuuba exclusively interacts with the mods instead of chat

>> No.61775941

it implies the existence of a separate discord/chatroom for VIPs

>> No.61776024
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>Chuuba effectively doesn't have mods and has to ban retards herself half the time.

>> No.61776247

>chuuba has a "brother" she lives with, talks about going out to dinner and movies etc with him

>> No.61776636


>> No.61776887

I left my previous oshi because her chats were full of her mods talking all the time.

>> No.61776963

He doesn't know about secret discords for paypigs.

>> No.61777224

No fucking shit there is a mod chat what sort of retarded schizo shit is this

>> No.61777225

I guess I don’t.

>> No.61777664

I'm a mod for a 2view but refrain from being all the chat consists of and intermittently go silent, I try pandering to the people who don't like to see the mods somewhat even if I have no clue why its an issue

>> No.61778153

>be an upstanding member of the community
>become mod
>you can no longer talk, you can only clean up the chat like a good little cuck
Why would anyone ever be a mod kek

>> No.61778377

Doing a females bidding like slave labour is a fantasy come true for some ig

>> No.61778546

>her "brother" is her mod

>> No.61780564

retard here, how are mods chosen for Holos? i always see shit about kronii's mods or something but never even see them in chat

>> No.61780649

Nigga use another account for chatting

>> No.61780918

They used to be active in her chat, but that ended months ago.

>> No.61780933

kroniis mods were active in her chat before

>> No.61781062


>> No.61781266

I remember when Kiara had mods. She'd force them to create alt accounts

>> No.61781745

From what I've seen
>[TL]ers that have been there for a year+
>artists/composers/etc that have done continuous business with the chuuba
>the chuuba's mama/papas
>random motherfuckers who I can only assume are actually Cover staff accounts
The last one very rarely show themselves but they're there. And of course like you said in Kronii's case it's people she knew from her pre-holo days but I don't think anyone else does that.

>> No.61781821

Fucked up >>61780564

>> No.61781960

Good man. You may be spared come jannie genocide.

>> No.61782999

That's preferential treatment, having a close circle made of your own fans is a bad image for a chuba. It separates people who are "in" from those who are not even if people excluded are still loyal and supportive

>> No.61786606

How do you expect a vtuber to interact with her mods? Email? What if theres a emergency

>> No.61786755

this but unironically

>> No.61787663

then she says it on stream? "MODS CRUSH HIS SKULL"? Is that so hard?

>> No.61788287
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>chuuba engages in favoritism and talks directly to certain chat members as if the rest of chat does not exist

>> No.61788420

experienced this on a prechat today, killed my mood

>> No.61789092


>> No.61789139
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Lia cucking her fans for half an hour.
whose prechat?

>> No.61789373

I know it's hard to believe, but there are people who genuinely like this sort of slavish occupation. Some of them even do it for free.

>> No.61789449

>thinking about membering a low 3view and donoing
>mod starts mocking my country for some reason and chuuba joins in
I'm not even much of a patriot but that was one hell of a red flag

>> No.61789833

what country anon?

>> No.61790091
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>> No.61790208

Man I miss Japan. Craving an onigiri right now.

>> No.61793235

my oshi has no mods because she's so small but she's very cute and does not smell like piss

>> No.61793691

Kronii's mods were guilty of this, then they were caught shadowingbanning kronies who were from /here/ and they got heavily reigned in after that.

>> No.61793841

>anon actually gets jealous of chat mods as if he has any chance of being within 5000 miles of chuuba pussy

>> No.61793900

If they were actually people from /here/ that means they were probably unicorns and/or retards and thus deserved it.

>> No.61793927

geographically, odds are I'm probably at least within a few hundred miles of one.

>> No.61794216
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>> No.61794293

I'm convinced this is the biggest reason for Kronii's decline. Sure, male collabs didn't help but the mods are constantly active. She's one of the only people in Hololive to do this. (And definitely the only in EN.)

>> No.61794298

Wait...Kiara has done that to me.

Is it really that bad. It's not like she's flirting or anything.

>> No.61794314

>even if I have no clue why its an issue
You really don't get it?

>> No.61794332

is that a question

>> No.61794334

Kiara still has mods, they're just quiet. (Because she isn't a retard.)

>> No.61794353

I think they all live either in Toronto, LA, or Tokyo

>> No.61798038

Does she adress you by name often when you comment? If so, you might be disliked by fellow kfp

>> No.61798211

and then everyone cries and throws a fit about them being unprofessional and trying to own haters on stream, you cant win

>> No.61798270

make me nigga

>> No.61801528

>chuba reads your comment but doesn't mention your name at best you are "chat"
>chuba reads mod comment mentions his name and starts a 1 on 1 conversation
It's wild how many vtubers do this.

>> No.61801816

>you're actually argentinian

>> No.61801904

>People are more comfortable with the people they know
Fuck, all your years of being antisocial and you still don't know this shit

>> No.61801951

>Become janny
>I must now throw my weight around in chat and ban anyone who makes comments I don't like

Just make a sockpuppet account for chatting.

>> No.61803254

Dont question it, keep doing what you are doing.

>> No.61804175

then stop wondering why your audience never grows and other are doing much better than you, fucking moron

>> No.61804447

It's even better when:

>old game you like, which is rarely played, is being streame by a cute vtuber
>*join stream*
>she barely pays attention to the game because she is talking to the mods
>even when she tries to continue the gameplay, mods wont shut the fuck up ever
>they're not even saying anything useu or fun, just talking about THEMSELVES, like theyre starving for the chuubas attention
>"oh well, at least i can try joining the conversation"
>gets ignored or half assed answer because she only talks properly with the attention starved mods

even if the chuuba has a cute and beautiful voice and personality, it instantly ruins everything.

>> No.61804511

I just wish they were smart enough to realise that this is making their streams a bore and supressing audience growth, so that they start ignoring these fucks.

>> No.61805062

smells like assblasted indie mod groomers in here

keep it up, champ

>> No.61805543

>I have no clue why its an issue
because it feels like a closed group who is far closer to the chuuba than new viewers ever will be. It creates an implied, and often intentional hierarchy in chat that isn't helpful.

>> No.61805683

They're just stupid and stuck in 2view hell forever because of it.

>entertainment is different from normal socializing, WTF???

>> No.61805788

>>they're not even saying anything useu or fun, just talking about THEMSELVES
This is the worst. Literally none of the other viewers give a fuck about the mod's personal life. It should be considered an act of sabotage.

>> No.61805879

This depends.
>Pre-debut, actually debut, first stream and already has 1-4 mods?
One is always a boyfriend/husband, rest are usually ex's and close friends.
>Picks up mods after debut
THESE are groomers.
>Corpo chubba
Gen Mates and close friends through their PL (sometimes boyfriend) are the only ones modded.
>Non-Silent Mods
See #1
>Silent Mods
Knows their place and knows they're winning, thus they don't have to participate.

>> No.61805970

I joined a raid on a chuuba's friend and she was maybe 45 viewers with the small raid and she continually said chat is saying *blank* while only having 5 or so active chatters.
Just name people if you're that small. Also she was collabing with a male.

>> No.61806014

>tfw my oshi doesn't have any mods and actively mocks anybody who asks to become a mod

>> No.61806203

i don't get why 2views even need mods. I know 3views that manage fine without them.

>> No.61806254

They don't need mods. See >>61805879 it's usually their IRL boyfriend.

>> No.61806319


>> No.61806382

BF also is her discord mod.

>> No.61806397

>chuuba only ever plays games with her mods and not other viewers
Thoughts on this?

>> No.61806420

Kiki Pyon-pyon. She's not afraid to ban people herself, which happens when the occasional literal spammer shows up and floods chat with blocks of nonsense.

>> No.61806496

there's a sweet spot for 2views around 20-30 CCV where they're just big enough to get an unending train of spambots and rogue annoying fags jumping from channel to channel as they get banned, they'd be spending more time moderating than streaming to deal with it

>> No.61806539
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>chuuba "coincidentally" plays with the same people from their discord in "viewer games"

>> No.61806548

That's not really been my experience. They do show up from time to time, but it's not an unending train, and it's not even every stream.

>> No.61806585

Mods tend to be trusted and are already friends they can vibe with. It's shitty but 99% of the time you're thinking of 1 and 2 views, who barely even has a viewership. It's also likely a female vtuber you're talking about, they always try to remain "unreachable" even as a chubba unless they make it clear they're gonna try draining your wallet.
Also This
This sets a bad precedence and despite popular belief, a lot of chubbas are smart enough to know how people behave when you give them special treatment.

>> No.61806588

>OP makes a window Skinner shitpost thread

>> No.61806596

>tfw my oshi doesn't have a Discord either
I don't know why you guys even put up with it.

>> No.61806759

just use automod

>> No.61806911

If there were more games that weren't doxxy then you'd see more play with viewers.

>> No.61807117

People know how to bypass automod, which isn't present on Youtube. Even ignoring that, it's much easier having A PERSON deal with bs than streamlabs/elements.

>> No.61807239

its really not as hard as you are pretending it is

>> No.61807385

I followed one of these people for 2-3 years. Viewers (mods) played with them in VRChat while viewers just fucking watched cuz invite only. Only after like a year did I get to join in. That's when I found out about the literal patreon/fansly only private ERP sex sessions. So yeah not a mod = your missing out on 90& of their content

>> No.61807434

You seem confused.
>1 - 2 view chubbas properly setting up streamlabs/elements outside of social links/basic commands
Very unlikely.
>Using Mixitup outside of Twitch
Even more unlikely
>Mod their friend(s)/boyfriend to deal with bs
Extremely likely and easiest solution. What's the problem?

>> No.61807609

>what's the problem
Expecting me to watch your channel when you can't do anything properly.

>> No.61807671

Honestly I'm surprised more vtubers don't band together and form support groups or whatever to teach newbies how to do all this basic setup stuff. I guess they're too afraid of upstart competition?

>> No.61807687

>literal private ERP sex sessions
Wish my oshi would do this...

>> No.61807761

It was a dude so I never bothered. Also I'm not gonna pay fucking $20 a month to jack off.

>> No.61807805

They do, most are in universal Discords or all run the same twitter circles (no pun since its dead), it's just most female chubbas will continue to make the same mistake of relying on their bf/husband as mods since western vtubers think it's a win to parade their relationship lol

>> No.61807841
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>It was a dude

>> No.61807907

Not gay because I didn't fuck him. But gay because I "fucked" one of the other mods who I ended up liking more than the chuuba. I don't give a fuck if he was a shy 30yr Finnish dude he was cool. I miss him sometimes.

>> No.61807963

I hate faggots so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.61808057
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>chuuba doesn't have mods
>doesn't need them because she doesn't have a fanbase of children and manchildren

>> No.61808234

>chuuba doesn't have mods
>she is her own mods
>interact while monitoring the chat discussion

>> No.61808264

maybe because there is none? schizos are just bored again
nobody /here/ has watched any streams, let alone know how all the stuff like managing and modding and work behind the scenes work
pls understand

>> No.61808289

Kiki is too groomable to have mods. Champyons would freak out.
>chubbas are smart enough to know how people behave when you give them special treatment
I doubt it.

>> No.61808583

Kiki's also a groomer herself. She's intensely jealous over her Champys and wants them to only love her. She's terrified of losing Champys, and any action that might alienate them is something she wants to avoid. Even saying people's username is a big taboo for her because she doesn't want everybody else watching to feel cucked somehow or like she's playing favorites.

>> No.61808695
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>> No.61809021

>haha *chuuba name* remember doing karaoke/play session/circlejerking in discord?
>lmaooooooo *mods name* stoopppp it xdd

>> No.61809127

Holy based. I'm going to start watching her now.

>> No.61809179

These events do coincide.

>> No.61809360

>Chuuba's mods fill more than half of the chat itself.

>> No.61809456

Also it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, no male collabs ever.

>> No.61810130

These threads always give me the impression that watching 2views is actually just a race between people on who can groom the chuuba first.

>> No.61810221
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>Chuuba gives special treatment to artists and commissioners
>Chuuba has "roommates"
>Chuuba is also wife/gf experience
>Chuuba is fat but started going to the gym because of paypigs

>> No.61810347

yes and?

>> No.61810480
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>>she barely pays attention to the game
I close the tab around here

>> No.61811024

Different thing but I fucking LOVE chuubas that GROOM their viewers

>> No.61811103

How do we feel about chuubas that relentlessly mock, make fun of and bully their mods?

>> No.61811161

>>Chuuba is fat but started going to the gym because of paypigs
Unforgivable. Keep the coon plump.

>> No.61811424

Justified. Mods dont have human rights

>> No.61811459

Still a sign of affection because the mods have been given power and authority by the chuuba. They're just giving the mods attention but think it's okay because it's not "positive" attention.

I'm fully in the "mods should not be seen" camp on this.

>> No.61811509


>> No.61811516

Well, yes.

>> No.61811864

These threads always give me the impression that I'm not so bad after all
Makes me fell a lot better about myself when i see those retards
It's just like going to a zoo to look at the monkeys or smth like that

>> No.61812450

>retards defending secret discords when that finana thing exists and wouldn't have killed her channel completely if she didn't have it

>> No.61812742

Who are you quoting

>> No.61812807

vtubers are allergic to networking due to paranoia over being perceived as a leech, it's the main thing holding most of them back

>> No.61814494

there are some deep implications such as mods running, or attempting to, run a train on your oshi. if you are ok with such culture then you are a cuck.

>> No.61814674

Kronii is number one in this regard. Chat frequently with mods, play with her paypigs on her rommate account, read any clipfags comments in chat, etc.

>> No.61815243

Is it really paranoia when fags on this board do judge them and call them leeches for it?

>> No.61815560

seen this too many times. this too
>the game has multiplayer but she's playing singleplayer
>a mod shows up out of nowhere some time into the stream and starts crying about how he wants to play MP with her
>they start playing together
hard pass

>> No.61817709

Moderators for a YouTube/twitch/whatever chat room is a dumb concept. You can already slowmode and decide what words cannot be typed etc. Just seems pointless.
My theory is its just a guaranteed viewer that must watch your content.

>> No.61817755

Once again, it's easier to just have a human being who's sole job is to moderate the chat, moderate the chat. Stop being asshurt you can't easily groom some 0 - 2 view.

>> No.61817974
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Nah. If a streamer with 10 viewers and can't handle it, they have bigger problems.

>> No.61818420

>Stop being asshurt you can't easily groom some 0 - 2 view
Redundant retort since that mod is probably already grooming her anyway.

>> No.61819110

you will never be called upon by your Oshi to combat the bugs

>> No.61822978

As long as it's not a regular thing it's fine. Like saying "what the fuck (chat member)" when you say something stupid, but if she's constantly ONLY reading your chat messages, then kill yourself.

>> No.61826360


>> No.61826908

A lot of holo girls read specific people's names quite a bit but you can tell when they purposefully ignore certain people as well.

>> No.61827050

So you're telling me that chuuba is just a scrapping 3 view who doesn't want to go back to retail?
Fucking pathetic KEK

>> No.61827147

Shiorin ...

>> No.61830650
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She's got cover mods now

>> No.61833448

i don't know why they keep doing it

>> No.61837865

Or a race to see how long it will take for her to get a full menhera breakdown

>> No.61843210

