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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 618 KB, 1212x1430, pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
61768145 No.61768145 [Reply] [Original]

>my 10 year old fan just said that Marine is too cringe for my channel
Damn I had not idea Pekora was this resentful that she can never defeat Marine.

>> No.61768278

chuuba entertainment should be pure, fuck anyone that does whore shit

>> No.61768472

Low quality thread

>> No.61768488
File: 3.14 MB, 1920x1080, Holo vs Holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61768531

OP is faggot

>> No.61768649

>holo vs holo
Yes. Pekora vs Hololive.

>> No.61768929
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Anyone that replies after me is a faggot.

>> No.61768988

>Pekora was this resentful that she can never defeat Marine.

>> No.61769140

>I know that's how hololive makes its money
That's the most passive aggressive shit I've ever heard.

>> No.61769624


>> No.61769785


>> No.61770975 [DELETED] 

Pekora can be a nigger at times but its part of what makes her special.

>> No.61773109


>> No.61773237

I want to show my kids and family vtubers but I can only do that if they are wholesome and family friendly
But I get that there will always be coombait chuubas

>> No.61773406

I mean being coy is okay but I’m also tired of the e-prostitution. It’s pathetic.

>> No.61774047

i'm a fag and that has nothing to do with you

>> No.61774956

I remember when the whole VTuber thing was getting started people said how it was so much better than Twitch titty streamers etc. Now we have just as bad coomer baits.

>> No.61775130
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>> No.61775443

If you don't get the difference between
>tee hee I want to have sex with my fans...jk!
>I have sex with my black boyfriend daily so don't be parasocial with me incel
You're not gonna make it.

>> No.61775686
File: 302 KB, 1000x1000, 321654987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61775789

I thought the thumbnail was her holding a Dr Pepper

>> No.61775908

where tf is Homura

>> No.61778931

Me too.

>> No.61779504

>>I know that's how hololive makes its money
>That's the most passive aggressive shit I've ever heard.
Of course some of the Hololive talents feel embarrassed with the lewd stuff when they know children watch their channel. Pekora was talking about a fan letter from an 11-year-old girl and some of them do want to keep the channel safe for children. There are financial reasons why Cover will pander to coomers but not everyone wants to play that game.

>> No.61780902

That was what the fan letter said retardednigchamafaggotsea-kun

>> No.61781066

>Fan letter from an 11 year old girl
You mean fan letter from a creepy unicorn ojisan who wants Pekora all to himself

>> No.61781198

The fans who try to make everything sexual also ruin everything. This is a fandom of degenerates with downs.

>> No.61781417

Wanting things to be "pure" is cringe. Be human. Don't be fucking sesame Street watched by 30 year old NEETs but also don't be an ERP session every stream. Just be human.

>> No.61781624

>holo vs holo
chumbies started this shit btw. went on to fubuki and korone to ask them what they feel about gura overtaking them to 1m.

>> No.61781929

Based bun does it yet again

>> No.61782072

Just go watch Twitch, that's what you obviously want. Entertainers are not standardless "just humans"

>> No.61782324

>Some children from Hikakin might come check me out

She's really obsessed with this fat ugly bastard's cock huh

>> No.61782609
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>> No.61782628
File: 227 KB, 1140x1612, il_1140xN.3029791915_d57d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora's default outfit is basically fetishware and 10x hotter than anything Marine has ever worn.

>> No.61782787

Pekora really wants to groom them kids huh

>> No.61785339
File: 183 KB, 1734x599, neverhappened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that was definitely a real hand written letter a child sent

>> No.61785850

Friendly reminder that Pekora bought a fucking monkey whose current status is unknown (presumed dead)

>> No.61785956

RIP Jill...

>> No.61786442
File: 102 KB, 850x1297, marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really act like the problem with twtich whores is that they were lewd. The problem is that they are normalfags and ugly plastic prostitutes. Marine and other lewd JP vtubers are extremely talented and entertaining otakus.

The same people will really compare Marine to a twitch whore and then go watch Kiara or Amelia.

>> No.61790114

anyone from vshojo could do what she does

>> No.61790416

Hololive knows children watch them. If you check guras latest streams you can see a notice that they probably feel atleast legally motivated to put in the description about "if you are a minor ..."

(I know gura hasn't streamed in a hot minute i just know it's at least in guras description)

>> No.61790509

>vshoujo fan
That's it. That's my rebuttal.

>> No.61790567

I remember some marine fan was posting his children watching her streams in some cramped apartment. These holos are raising a generation of japanese kids.

>> No.61790794

why dont they then?

>> No.61791299

>>my 10 year old fan

uoh ToT

>> No.61791418

Bau bau!

>> No.61791422

>Marine schizo thread

>> No.61792557
File: 48 KB, 216x141, 1683656728240243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the same Pekora who got visibly upset while addressing the hate Marine was getting after the Puyoteto tourney which is something she pretty much never does for herself or anyone else?

>> No.61792808

Why would members have to censor themselves. Isnt it the parents job to monitor what their retard children are watching?

>> No.61793980

Kids under 13 shouldn't be watching ANY internet content, so that's fine.

>> No.61794017

This only shows that as her anti point out, her audience truly is full of minecraft kiddies.

>> No.61794146

I foudnd funny in the clip 2 things:
1- An 11 years old aware of the entertainment company coomerbaiting model somehow. Probably made up.
2- She thinks dirty jokes are bad but telling people to die "is just a phase middle schoolers go" like the kids don't go through that too and that they won't imitate her role model. She also has no problems in doing legal gambling content because that's pretty good for the kids i guess. She's kind of an hypocrite.

>> No.61794494

based nougaki strikes again

>> No.61794792

Reminds me of that one tweet from some "mom" who said that their toddler wrote a hyper detailed letter about how they're sad about Ukraine or something like that. Someone probably has the screenshot.

>> No.61795259

>t.low test faggot

>> No.61795297

>Holo vs Holo
Ok what niggersanji did this time?

>> No.61795394


>> No.61795408
File: 3.07 MB, 1984x2806, 1682369881720331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try to stir shit but PekoMari is just 100% love.

>> No.61795949

The quote is from a fan letter written by a child (actually a loser in his 30s), screenshot readers.

>> No.61797834
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, sfdfdfdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, when Pekora is on another channel

>> No.61798623

No. You know what was awkward? The fake ass summer shorts. I almost ripped my hair out at those.

>> No.61799936

Based Nousagi, fuck that pirate whore who only got to where she is solely thanks to lonely coomers. She's no better than the average thotmouranth.

>> No.61800020

Awkward sex with preggora

>> No.61801282


>> No.61801327


>> No.61801502
File: 141 KB, 834x1200, Fk0yT4HaEAA-7bK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chuuba entertainment should be pure, fuck anyone that does whore shit

There are ZERO pure chuubas out there.

>> No.61801515

They just put shit like that so that no one can go and complain to them and they're legally in the clear. There's a lot of extra restrictions legally when you're broadcasting to children and Cover is schizo enough to want to make sure they won't have any issues.
Most don't focus their content around kids however. Pekora is an exception.

>> No.61801892

Pekora has no talent whatsover lol

>> No.61802191
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>> No.61802773
File: 922 KB, 990x1146, 1658386415937056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, me

>> No.61804771

Pekora literally pretended to get raped in her prison outfit, which was an idea pushed by her.

>> No.61804813

>people still falling for Marineschizo bait

>> No.61805625


>> No.61805738

the idea wasn't that she got raped, it was that she was imprisoned and her rights as a person got revoked.
that's like saying you can rape a chair, or a fucking broom. she was an object at the time, a non-entity

>> No.61805760


>> No.61807306
File: 2.37 MB, 1148x1311, 1685360070653021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

booba feeta sexa treata is all we needa

>> No.61807466

Made for BBC

>> No.61807662
File: 991 KB, 1280x720, 1694081036291865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rabbit enjoys the teddy bear

>> No.61809746

do we tell him

>> No.61810541

Pegor is becoming weak

>> No.61811942

Hololive members are willing to put up with coomerbait garbage in their early years but it's not a huge shock they don't actually like business yuri and pandering to coomers. The EN members have admitted that some of the lewd stuff makes them uncomfortable.

>> No.61814351

Not yet

>> No.61814409

That nousagi is a faggot

>> No.61815025
File: 3.16 MB, 1650x2600, pekomom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good to have a "straight-man" or two in the group. No matter if you are going for purity of sluttiness. You always want to have some contrast. Contrast makes the world go around. And there's nothing wrong with some awkwardness either.

>> No.61815421

t. Ichimitranny seething at the truth.

>> No.61819835


>> No.61823662

