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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61607457 No.61607457 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.61607537

Because she refuses to collab with males. KYS

>> No.61607700

The twittercel squad really seethed about idol culture, it's crazy. I really hope the company learned their lesson about who the real antis are. Too bad last year can't be undone, but it looks like the ship was steered back into a good direction just in the nick of time.

>> No.61608477

Agreed, incels have no place in Hololive.

>> No.61610574

>real antis
The chumbuds who went bad?

>> No.61610948

Do NOT make a thread like this again.. I am WARNING you...

>> No.61611161

Will she stream over Haachama?

>> No.61612028

You’re late

>> No.61612304

They're not chumbuds if they have so little appreciation for their "oshi" that they can't even leave quietly

>> No.61615138


>> No.61618261

uh… from what I’ve seen lurking around here, the way fans of the “no males” element of idol culture /here/ describe themselves here when sober draws parallels in my mind to people who deal with their mental issues by self-medicating with street drugs & alcohol.
Now that I think about it, that describes a good portion of overly-parasocial fans of anything in general nowadays.

>> No.61618463


>> No.61624128


>> No.61624496

Should have applied for a mod position so you can moderate for your oshi like Cometfag mod did

>> No.61624918

You're a midwit if you think parasocialism is limited to opposite-gender relationships. The whole 'donate money just to have your name read' meme was originally from zoomers donating to their favorite twitch streamers. CGDCT is just a product in the end, a preference, and idol culture seethers (real antis) hate that product and hate it when some women are successful at something. Also using schizos to describe an entire group is also midwit tier. Plenty of chuubas have had no issue operating as idols for years.

>> No.61626870

Based Shork

Welcome back, Gura!

>> No.61627254 [DELETED] 

Autists found her dad's old youtube channel. They are posting As.

>> No.61627407

surely this will motivate her to stream and not hate her fanbase even more than she already does

>> No.61627435 [DELETED] 
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>> No.61627526


>> No.61627605

That....IS the QRD?

>> No.61627848

If ever there was any doubt in my mind that Gura hated/hates her fanbase, recent activities have cleared it up

>> No.61628414

That was such a great tweet. Really shows how cunty she really is.

>guess who forgot she’s a streamer? Hahaha

And you dumb chumfucks still eat that shit up

>> No.61628539
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>> No.61628756
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Can't stream when you forgor that you're a steamer so it's technically not her fault horfhorfhorf

>> No.61628774

what does shed does besides streaming? Wont she make more money by getting moder superchats and shit?
out of the loop anon here.

>> No.61628781

you are a literal ball of concentrated butthurt, it's funny and sad

>> No.61629063

i dont get this mentality because I thought the whole defense was that gura doesn't/shouldn't care about anyone's opinions
so why should this upset her?

>> No.61629221
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Literally the same but without turning her stream on. She loves gaming and hololive, she just suffers from impostor syndrome/lazyness/depression and so on

>> No.61629337
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It was a funny and cute tweet. I love gura so much!

>> No.61629465

she got enough money already. All her needs are fullfilled. Nowadays she just doesn't stream with the excuse that she wants to give other holoEN members a chance so more viewers can watch them instead of her.

>> No.61629641

You don't get the mentality of not being a subhuman? Of course you don't, that's why you shit things up. Subhumans can't maintain a civilized society and the nice things it offers. It takes intelligence, conscientiousness, and ingenuity to build things, and the opposite to fail to maintain them or outright ruin them.

>> No.61629725

I know that overly-parasocial applies to far more than just opposite sexes.
I also know that mental health applies to far more than just those who’re obviously schozo, let alone those actually suffering from schizophrenia. Mental Health is essentially about emotional management & needs. Everyone alive will deal eventually have some kind of mental health issue be it a just a scratch or worse, just as much as everyone alive will have some kind of medical issue be it just a scratch or worse. And be it watching Fuwamoco for the platonic nostalgic feeling of childhood innocence (& childhood cartoons), watching Irys who’ve I’ve seeb described /here/ by a femanon as the perfect little sister, to just like watching CGDCT because it’s Cute Girls Doing Cute Things; people will try to find a way to alleviate their wounds. And for many, if something threatens to change what they’re doing, whether it be for platonic reasons or not, there will be backlash.

>> No.61630250

Backlash is done by beggars and subhumans (schizos). It is essentially trying to force your desires onto others. It's just a selfish act and anyone who's had an experience of their oshi doing shit they don't like (enough for them to even leave) knows what a conflict of values/interests with the chuuba entails (i.e., their dealbreaker is crossed), and most don't throw a tantrum.

>> No.61630646

plenty of holos don't collab with males but they stream. KYS

>> No.61630675

Why do you retards care about someone who doesn't care about maintaining their image anymore?

>> No.61630728

sunken cost fallacy is one hell of a drug

>> No.61630916

Thanks for the free publicity HORFHORFHORF

>> No.61632938 [DELETED] 


>> No.61633229

You are making an incredibly stupid point. You're literally asking why someone cares about someone THEY LIKE that YOU CLEARLY DON'T. In your mind, reason P is wow sobad so important wow, how could you live with that. That is from your tiny little perspective. I literally do not give a single fuck about the things you care about. They are petty and stupid, boring and meaningless. But I don't have to, that's for you to think about because I'm busy caring about other things that you don't give a fuck about. That's why I don't watch a lot of other chuubas out there. Most are literally doing shit I cannot stand. Do I go in there to seethe about it? No because there are people that like that. My previous oshi, even though I was completely sure she was 100% just like me frfr, did shit that goes completely against what I stand for. I didn't say anything, I just left/unmember'd, and now I'm happy with my current oshi. People care about different things that would be in direct conflict with each other if you were to put them in the same environment (e.g., cgdctfags and mixed collabfags). That's why you have to separate yourself from it otherwise you're just gonna seethe. Trying to change people is literally impossible because why the fuck would they when that's what they're about, you're actually just gonna make things worse and have them dig their feet in more.

>> No.61635956

why tho?

>> No.61641914

garlic bread

>> No.61642116

I wouldn't be surprised if Gura had an announcement video where it's just her lambasting her chat and fandom and saying how much she hates streaming now because of shit like this

>> No.61642204

You write like a woman.
