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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.6151836 [Reply] [Original]

Anons lied to me, they said Gura was the first vtuber to reach 3M

>> No.6151959

Literally who?

>> No.6152000

>being honest
Pick one.

>> No.6152023
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>> No.6152235

Give link

>> No.6152260

Look up Mafumafu

>> No.6152261

newfags out

>> No.6152290

doesn't count

>> No.6152291

EOP chumbuds please understan

>> No.6152293

Wasn't Mafumafu just an utaite until he jumped on the vtuber bandwagon? Everyone also knows what he looks like.

>> No.6152313

Just type the channel name into YouTube


Anyway, this channel looks like it's not actually a vtuber so shit bait OP

>> No.6152323

Where the fuck does these random nobodies even come from? I thought it was common knowledge that Ai used to be the biggest Vtuber ever.

>> No.6152328

Is mafumafu the only successful utaite in youtube? What about Eve or Soraru?

>> No.6152334

Wasn't Gura just some shitty horse toy childrens show maker until she jumped on the vtuber bandwagon?
Everyone also knows what she looks like.

>> No.6152342

Wasn't Gura just a shitposter until she jumped on the vtuber bandwagon? Everyone also knows what she looks like.

>> No.6152353
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>> No.6152378
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Well, mafumafu start not as a vtuber so, it doesn't count. Same as wolfychu

>> No.6152389

Fandeads on suicide watch

>> No.6152399

First Vtuber-only retard

If you want to include all faggots who decides to repurpose their old channels/jump in on the Vtuber craze while still using their original channels, then Pewdiepie is the most subbed Vtuber in history

>> No.6152409

That was Pewdiepie

>> No.6152421

Wasnt gura a discord tranny loli lover fucked up in the head brony with feet fetishes before jumping into the vtuber bandwagon?
Everyone also knows what she looks like

>> No.6152454

Pretty sure 99% of cum buds don't.

>> No.6152493

No one cares about this faggot. His popular songs are Covers. Proving how worthless he is as a musician. The fucker can't even write his own songs. And he's definitely not a vtuber nor will he be recognized as such. Either way Inochi is still being put on repeat.

>> No.6152497

Mafumafu LOVE!
Thanks for composing this song https://youtu.be/ZnP0cKNPE04

>> No.6152519

>schizos so desperate to downplay gura they pull out fucking mafumafu of all things


>> No.6152523

Worst fucking fanbase lol

>> No.6152527

People that had a head start of subs will never count, if you want to join the race restart your channel

>> No.6152537

The vast majority of his content is still MVs. He only uses a vtuber avatar for convenience, and even then he distances himself from the vtuber title because it tends to have a weird association with full time streamers. He's an utaite first, vtuber second.

>> No.6152559

Nobody knows what she looks like.

>> No.6152585

Mafumafu isn't recognized by vnuma nor does he brand himself as a vtuber, so he doesn't count. Still a cute twink with a cute voice

>> No.6152603

>his popular songs are covers

>> No.6152621

Learn how to compare numbers, room temp IQ.
His original songs are literally more popular.
The number of views on those are bigger.
https://byjus.com/greater-than-calculator/ in case you're too dumb to compare the numbers yourself.

>> No.6152626

It’s just bait anon

>> No.6152898

so does nyanners, frankly, they should all be banned in this sub

>> No.6152903

wtf she is still doing it

>> No.6152976

Nice, another person for Gura to dominate with her shark dicks after she railed Kizuna AI for 2 hours behind Yagoo's office.

>> No.6152996

which kizuna ai tho

>> No.6153103

Not good enough to be put on repeat.

Smile & Go > mafumafu orisong

>> No.6153121

Not according to me.

>> No.6153148

Not according to me.

>> No.6153166

I hate mafumafu, he fuck my fucking wife!

>> No.6153171


>> No.6153222

>Mafumafu not included in Vnuma because he was active as a non-Vtuber before
>Yet Bahroo, a streamer for almost 10 years, is immediately included

Sounds like whoever made Vnuma just picks and chooses whoever he wants to consider to be a Vtuber

>> No.6153290

>Not according to me.

What is accorded by you has to go through me first. And what I've accorded is factually more correct than you. Check mate. According to keikaku.

>> No.6153339

If this guy's not a vtuber then I got bad news about hololive

>> No.6153362

In the end, I'm always right.

>> No.6153387

Stop making look bad falseflagging nigger.

>> No.6153396

Oh? Which Holo tacked on a Vtuber model into their old accounts and called it a day?

Roommates are not Holo

>> No.6153409

I womder when the Hololive girls will get to perform at Tokyo Dome too?

>> No.6153434

you won't get a response. people who ask that question never do.

>> No.6153441
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I wouldn't say mafumafu is a vtuber but ok

>> No.6153444

The whole mafumafu crew is pretty successful along with soraru there's sou, araki, meychan, nqrse, luz, etc. And E ve is kind of mainstream now.

>> No.6153469

Do japs really just name themselves after slurs?

>> No.6153483

Hey guys did you know that pewdiepie was the first vtuber to reach 100 gazillion subscribers
Frick off OP

>> No.6153515
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I genuinely don't get it. Is Nurse a slur? Norse?

>> No.6153548

>Are you telling me Kizuna Ai was long before lost her #1 status?
As a numberfag I see it as a success that Gura has more targets that soon will be surpassed and we will celebrate in /vt/ for doing so.

>> No.6153572

I got rangebanned for less in this board

>> No.6153617

Gura is still the better singer though

>> No.6153680

New theme for numberfags:
race to 4M lets gooo!!!

>> No.6153685

If Gura had joined Hololive as HER (retaining her old persona, Suisei style) then you would’ve had a point. In reality the Gura persona has always been a vtuber, even though her roommate (naturally) hasn’t.

>> No.6153731

>sofapoppin isn't even past 2mil
>wolfychu has negative growth
>mafumafu is stagnant like kizuna ai
>Gura gains 50k every week
Its not really a race.

>> No.6153779

*jaws music starts playing*

>> No.6153814

Time to restart the vtuber better singer thread from yesterday too!!!
>NEW ENTRY! Mafumafu

>> No.6153936

mafumafu is a professional songwriter who's performed at tokyodome, has released multiple full cds, has an entire section of merch at animate, goods in the arcades, collabs with various restaurants and conbini chains, etc. some terminally online meme streamer doesn't even compare.

>> No.6153965

Restaurant collabs mean nothing at this point when 100k sub vtubers have done the same

>> No.6154012

>Ignores the big things like Tokyo Dome and focuses on restaurant collabs.

>> No.6154025

You're assuming I'm downplaying his other accomplishments, which I'm not, or I would have brought them up. Calm your tits

>> No.6154028

Someone who got basically 100% of his subs from being something other than a vtuber also doesn't compare to someone who did.

>> No.6154046

Mafumafu is an utaite you fucking youths.

>> No.6154054

>ignore all the other huge successes
>"well my oshi has had store collabs too!!!!!!"

>> No.6154073

Eve sang a Jujutsu Kaisen OP. Utaite talk should be in /jp/ tho or maybe APEX threads.

>> No.6154075

Kson apparently. She IRL streams about as often as she vtubes. C*n**n and 110 did IRL too. 110 is actually a perfect example of someone who did both.

Your goalpost is retarded. This channel is an idol chuuba because they do all the same shit the idol chuubas in holo do - music covers, playing games, reading chat, streaming.

Whether or not they started out as a chuuba, they're a chuuba now.

wow you're a fag. people don't answer loaded questions because they're better than that. I'm not, I'm at your level.

>> No.6154097

By that logic pewdiepie is the actual #1 because he did a shitpost stream or two using a vtuber model. Good luck catching up to 110m, faggots.

>> No.6154098

by this metric you should also allow someone like sodapoppin to be compared, right?

>> No.6154159

Holy based

>> No.6154175

Not a Holo
> C*n**n and 110
Not Holos

Point to me which ones here are the ones you speak of because I can't seem to find any HOLOLIVE talent named Kson and C*n*n.

>Your goalpost is retarded.
Look retard, this is the goalpost even the Nips put up when utaites such as Mafumafu himself and Neko96 started using Vtuber avatars. Even the Nips thought it was unfair for already well known internet celebrities to get a Vtuber model and then suddenly mog Kizuna Ai, Kaguya Luna and their peers.

>> No.6154199
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And where was this guy listed on some 'top whatever most subscribed vtubers' list before (you) made this thread just now?

Nowhere, that's where

>> No.6154203

Mafumafu does not count as a vtuber, same for Amatsuki/Soraru/96neko/etc. They are utaite. Don't be a retarded zoomer.

>> No.6154254

The fuck? Mafumafu isn't an idol. And none of that shit are idol specific activities

>> No.6154269

you're mistaking gura for lee goldson the barneyfag

>> No.6154672
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>this sub

>> No.6155095

Irrelevant. Pewdiepie has more subs than all of them combined.

>> No.6155207

Rushia's boyfriend.
>second link
the comment section on that video is cancerous.

>> No.6155285
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>forgetting about the KING of vtubers, Pewdiepie with 110 MILLION subscribers
Come on now OP.

>> No.6155685

Utiates that go from PNG avatars into L2Ds are called converts after all. Anyway, it didn't take too long for my prediction someone would bash Mafumafu on this board to come true.

>> No.6155707 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6155742

There's a guy in the >NUMBERS thread who has a massive hateboner for Mafumafu, specifically for his female fanbase. Like some newfag to utaite

>> No.6155747

Not a VTuber
