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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 37 KB, 330x278, 8904837489dyf7dyf8dg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
61375776 No.61375776 [Reply] [Original]

She reads a comment that says "You know what's scarier? When it doesn't come after a little bit of fun." So Bae can talk about periods and getting pregnant, but if any other non holo did this they'd instantly be called a whore.

>> No.61375933

She's not talking about that. Take your meds

>> No.61376060

>I have not personally experienced those things
Yep, she's a virgin

>> No.61376066
File: 210 KB, 1103x810, 1694877755392555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially says I have not experienced any inconvenience
>still paints to make people believe she is a whore like Iron Kek
Leave my wife and her friends out of this Vcuck fan

>> No.61376122

There's no way her parents would let her have sex before marriage. With how overprotective they are.
And she has lived at her parents home her whole life.

>> No.61376202

Not watching your clip channel you ***

>> No.61376264

Watch it you *** I need the views

>> No.61376524

I know there are a lot of virgins on the site like yourselves, but she is saying she hasn't had any bad experience with her period like getting caught of guard/excessive pain. That has nothing to do with whether you are a whore or not. You can be a huge whore and have a normal period, or have painful ones.

>> No.61376627

everyone knows that bae is a whore, that's why we don't talk about it

>> No.61376651

If you watch the clip she is talking about periods and reads a comment alluding to pregnancy. It sounds like you need your meds if you are unable to even watch a 1 minute clip, let alone a stream.

>> No.61376667
File: 33 KB, 353x357, 1677088888883887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61376732

hey retard, she read a comment that said "you know what's scarier? when it doesn't come after a little bit of fun", which is in reference to the fact that women stop having their period during pregnancy, and she seemed to find that joke pretty damn funny

>> No.61376806

god, not another fucking clip thread

>> No.61376938

I don't get it
how are periods related to pregnancy?

>> No.61376974

What does Bae's period taste like?

>> No.61377027

Another thread about this clip? Really? Fucking kys

>> No.61377063

It's the first one.

>> No.61377079

Nothing at all, anon is just a schizo fag that doesn't know how female works

>> No.61377130

There's literally a thread of this clip 3 days before

>> No.61377146

rumao the irony of you calling me a retard is hilarious when you can't even follow this short thread or watch the clip. The two I was responding to both brought up the "I have not experienced any inconvenience" which she said BEFORE reading the comment about getting pregnant. They are trying to make the case that Bae is pure/a virgin because of this statement. So I pointed out that she said it before reading the comment.

>> No.61377147

Malk and salty coins

>> No.61377645

kill yourself *please*

>> No.61377814


>> No.61378046 [DELETED] 

>A infamous rave thot is somehow a virgin

And many other lies rrats tell themselves to cope

>> No.61378207

I fucking HATE this garbage clipper

>> No.61378310

You know who else I'm going to call a whore? your mom for raising a turd who wastes my time with low effort bait

>> No.61378398

She's my wife, she's allowed to talk about her fears with me
Don't like it? deal with it roach

>> No.61378415

did you never make it to middle school?

>> No.61378475


>> No.61378478


>> No.61378487

Nice thread, Sashimi

>> No.61378715

campbell's tomahto soup

>> No.61378967

This clipper is pure scum, he never put the comment she read within the video itself and edited it in such a way that it looks like she said something like that of her own accord followed by a zoom into chat going SPEED
You know it's fucking grim when an OP on /vt/ with shitposting intentions has more respect for context than a clipper, not to mention the literal clickbait thumbnail

>> No.61379054


>> No.61379095

buy an ad Sashimi

>> No.61379901

Periods are the body getting rid of the unfertilised egg to replace it with a new one.
Pregnant women don't have periods since there's no need to have an egg ready for fertilisation.

>> No.61380028

See >>61348197 and https://archive.palanq.win/vt/thread/61348197#61348197
It's gonna be the same gay thread and op will try again if the meidos delete this one too.

>> No.61380071
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1677867266720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Move out from your dystopian country ruled by Chinese communist
>start over with your wife, to give your kids a better chance at live
>Work like an ant for your family
>be a victim of racism and abuse, but what ever your kids will get the fruits of your hard labor
>Educate your kids right, make them join extracurricular activities that they choose
>Pay them private tutors so they get good grades so they can get good grades
>be always there for them
>Kid expect to be congratulated because they got a 90 on a test, even thought they had the advantage of private tutors, ok what ever kid.
>Buy your kid stuff that you don't understand, it's their hobby and they should be happy
>Pay their college in cash, at least they are going to college, what ever is their major
>Daughter decide to become a youtuber
>Worse than that, she decide to become an anime girl and her main audience is old men that need constantly emotional support from her
>Realize your daughter has become an emotional whore to thousands of men all over the world
>All your effort end up becoming nothing

I would be mad too

>Now she is talking about her period on youtube while thousands of men are listening and watching

Shamefurr dispray

>> No.61380355


>> No.61380449

??? she's making hundreds of thousands of dollars

>> No.61380511

The average /vt user stereotype comes from page 10 ass catalog posts like this

>> No.61380547

enough with this you stupid nigger

>> No.61380713

chef boyardee

>> No.61380720

>Bae's period
directly into my mouth

>> No.61380734
File: 295 KB, 480x480, 1601074304940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep, she's a virgin

>> No.61380908
File: 83 KB, 933x927, 277190362_271598238514610_5688214428701855345_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bae is the only vigrin in holoen

>> No.61380918

What non-mandatory sex ed does to motherfuckers

>> No.61381112

Filtered and blocked.

>> No.61381541

Shit clipper

>> No.61382231

Every girl has a period you retard, talking about it doesn't make them a whore.
Imagine being this buttmangled over your oshi being called a whore. lmal

>> No.61382354

Talking about it not coming makes them a whore, esl chama.

>> No.61382646

>There's no way her parents would let her have sex before marriage. With how overprotective they are.
Yea, that totally stopped teenagers from having sex in the past

>> No.61382888

Asians are not victims of racism.

>> No.61383041

>talking about periods is leftist and demeans men

>> No.61383284

read a history book dumbass, periods were invented by evil feminist emmeline pankhurst as a way to disgust men, all women before that were pure and god-fearing so didn't get periods

>> No.61383467

>if any other non holo did this they'd instantly be called a whore.
Literally everyone here except her fans her called her whore, anon.
I personally don't mind anyone having sex, unless she rides cock carousel.

>> No.61383539

>retarded things to say on 4chan

>> No.61383562

Retard. Periods are the shedding of the womb lining.

>> No.61383674
File: 2.92 MB, 2720x1800, f618866e54bbbc7f480dad861e58d0704bf2396e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clipper doesn't show that the "when it doesn't come after a little bit of fun" part was her reading a chat message
>Clipper implies she admitted to having experienced a.pregnancy scare with bad faith editing
KEK based clip channel. Intentionally and shamelessly trying to destroy Bae's carreer for a few cents of YouTube ad revenue.

>> No.61384755

Average /vt/ user

>> No.61389127


>> No.61389534

Please tell me you are joking

>> No.61390076

What's the deal with Bae talking about sex and fucking and impregnation so often lately?

>> No.61390287

western women culture

>> No.61390408
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1672688115640173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't it a little gross to talk about your periods so openly like this?

>> No.61390704

kek enjoy your slut arc choice, homobegging Bae
it'll only carry you so far.
if you have real talent, you'll do well post slut arc,
if not well we've seen how kronii and mori turned out.

>> No.61390952

Do zoomies really?

>> No.61391999

Gross but I'm willing to look past it considering this is probably the second time she's even hinted at the topic? I think Fauna did once too. Not sure about the others. If she brought it up every month or so then I'd have more of a problem with it.

>> No.61392122

>he really believes

>> No.61392622

The fact there are still unicorn brats to this day is the biggest mystery in /vt/ history

>> No.61392737

now this is pod racing

>> No.61392928

>Bae talks about period
>Kobo has homos in her live
Stop hiring zoomers.

>> No.61394207

>implies she admitted to having experienced a.pregnancy scare
Why would it matter when anyone who calls themselves her fan already knows shes normie central so they can already credibly believe this and are fine with it?

>> No.61396592

if we are fair, she is the most likely to be virgin from the whole EN branch.

>> No.61396759

he also didnt show the comment that she was reading.

>> No.61397149

We literally had the exact same thread hours before this as >>61380028 brought up
, where OP got properly ridiculed for using a Sashimi thumbnail of all things to shitpost, while knowing a lot of the HoloJP are also women and they have talked about women things, in fact even more womanly.
If you counted the current Kobo 3D clip thread in catalog, that would make at least 3 Sashimi Clips threads within less than 12 hours, to me that's enough grounds for the Advertising or Begging option. The fact all the threads left the channel in their screenshot img is just a bonus.

>> No.61397362

>the fact there are still unicorns to this day is the biggest mystery in /vt/ history

>> No.61397958

Gee anon, it's almost like the context in this case, which was her common fears required her to talk about it again
You are pretty stupid aren't you?

>> No.61399381

Yeah not sure why this is a thing, I expect it desu knowing Bae. Not a single brat gives a shit about this weak bait

>> No.61399751

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you're supposed to vaguely gesture around the idea of being "sick" and then take a few months off, leaving fans to become increasingly concerned

>> No.61401344

I'm sorry, I will do my best to prevent her from having her period for the next 9 months
