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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61245435 No.61245435 [Reply] [Original]

Traveling bird edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
Sorry, but no females. Only imouto/formal collabs will be tolerated in small quantities.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt for that.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers. Fujo, yume, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>61032308

>> No.61246155
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a bit of Bettel love.

I hope he gets well soon

>> No.61249216
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Posting Kliffoth in thread! He deserves love too!

>> No.61249368

I wonder if him and Daiya will ever collab...

>> No.61251828

God I hate women so much what the fuck is their problem?
I swear every time there's shitty clickbait like this regarding the stars is because of a woman they're collabing with.

>> No.61254498
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Thanks for the thread!
Bossu love and sex!

>> No.61254526
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Sorry about the whore.
>t. ARP enjoyer

>> No.61255925

>Rio in the reply
I hope they get to meet in person.

>> No.61256064

>what the fuck is their problem?
Is not about sexism, female vtubers act like this on male collabs because most of them become vtubers to pander to males, when they're in direct contact they become more whorish and annoying.

>> No.61258164

Hakka zatsudan in Japan

>> No.61258973

>I feel like husband going to war seeing your tweets
Already being based

>> No.61259060

New niji boy soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gEDug4mUp0

>> No.61259145

axel was doing so well avoiding f*males early on...
they both like fnaf

>> No.61259981

debuting with 2 females...

>> No.61260420
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I love my cute wife (male) (son)!! He played the Game of Life on the Switch! By himself! It was kinda funny, this one NPC with purple hair had the worse luck and lost. Meanwhile, Roberu won since he got married and had 3 kids! Whenever they were on screen, he’d call them cute… Oh, to have a baby with Robechan, watching him dote over them, carrying them and having cute one-sided conversations about idols with the baby… Our baby just babbling nonsense in return, their grip firmly on Roberu’s finger.

>> No.61262073

Shinri Fear the Spotlight

>> No.61262463
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It was another morning, just typing documents on my laptop while my oshi eats breakfast next to me. However while working, as I glance every once and while at him, he seems to be struggling to even put a spoonful of cereal through this mouth.

Still having the disturbing thoughts of him not deserving to eat, I once again comfort him by leaning my head on his shoulder.

“Please eat darling, for me at least.”

He tried again and I guide his hand towards his mouth. It was quite childish in an outsider’s perspective but it really mattered for him and me.

>> No.61264081

>I never wanna be separated from my Hakkitos again

>> No.61264505

Hakka just cried because of how grateful is and how welcomed he feels in Japan by the staff and his senpais he also mentioned how happy he is about having us in his life I love him so much.

>> No.61266942

He’s such a sweet man, Hakkitos are so lucky to have him

>> No.61267476

I’ve been thinking about kissing recently. I wanna kiss Roberu on the lips and for him to take charge by nibbling in my lips and poking his tongue against them. He parts my lips and tangles his tongue with mine, licking at the roof of mouth, paying attention to any of the noises I make. I make sure to do the same, licking at his fangs and sucking at his tongue, reveling in the quiet whimper he lets out. He cradles the back of my head in his hand, before bringing it down to stroke my back. I pull away before meeting his lips again, embracing him closer, and he pulls me towards him, so I’m straddling him while making out.

>> No.61270472

Which cute boy would reject you only to reveal that your dad has him down bad?

>> No.61271939
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>oshi gets perfume
>importing perfume isn't allowed in my country
so much for land of the free...

>> No.61272647

Thank you anon for writing short stories as well, it’s cute to let out your scenarios

>> No.61275127

Purchasing a tenga with Hakka at the Tenga building and using it on him, having him lean against you while you pump the toy around him… His legs are trembling, struggling to stay open, his hips bucking into the toy out of reflex. His toes are curling, moans being dragged out of him. He whimpers out that he feels like his brain is melting, another small moan escaping him as you gently caress his body, lightly scratching at his sides and thighs.

>> No.61279878

Based ToT

>> No.61280382

Flayon....pilot....where is he
