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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61227011 No.61227011 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I feel so—I don't know—lonely. The kind of helpless feeling when everything you're used to has been ripped away. Like there's no more gravity, and I'm left to drift in outer space. With no idea where I'm headed.

Previous Page: >>61211692

>> No.61227029
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Do your reps, report and ignore bait

Next Stream: Ghost Hunting Guide (Thursday)

Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xS04zxRMS0
Latest Short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro6jl0zYbSE

Time To Fertilize【Shiori Novella Original】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xS04zxRMS0&t=8652s
Halloween Night, Tonight!【hololive English -Advent- Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqXrBy_FIU0
Rebellion【hololive English -Advent- Debut Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYNYhSsR8EE

Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkqwIcO3YN8
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShioriNovella
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shiorinovella

Advent Horror Voice Drama: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_advent_horrorvoicedrama
Advent Halloween T-Shirt/Hoodie: https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1716295882146988485


Shiori Likes: https://rentry.org/8aukv
Shiori AI Covers: https://rentry.org/yoo4r
Shiori Guest Appearances: https://rentry.org/46zgf
Shiorium Archive: https://rentry.org/t9zuc
Shiori Improvisations: https://rentry.org/b72cv

>> No.61227103
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Hope this thread lasts until tomorrow.

>> No.61227132
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>> No.61227261

Cool morning

>> No.61227266
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Stay cool during break day, Novelites.

>> No.61227292
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Cutesex morning shigger

>> No.61227372
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shiori was a pretty cool conductor last night it seemed, but she had a lot of... impure thoughts on mind?
whatever is going on inside her head..

>> No.61227454

Sorry, we forgot to have sex before the stream

>> No.61227491
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she woke up after passing out from masturbating and was still in horny mode

>> No.61227497
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>> No.61227504
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Monthly Novella for October 2023 is:
[Sheridan Le Fanu] Carmilla (1hr52m@250wpm)

Discussions will open first week of November. If you've finished it already, check out other recommendations in the poal: http://poal.me/1o7eqr

The Monthly Novella for October 2023 is:
>[Sheridan Le Fanu] Carmilla (112min@250wpm)

If you want to read or listen to this yuri vampire story written before Dracula:

If you are a cute, lovely, and most adorable wikireader:

Discussions will open first week of November. If you've finished it already, check out other recommendations in the poal:

>> No.61227524

Cutefags will stay mad about it but shiori is low-key a sex fiend. Sexually repressed Catholic school girl energy. Her mind is always a little bit in the gutter

>> No.61227580
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Shiori doesn't shlick, ever. She has never once masturbated even out of curiosity. Why? Because her christian beliefs are too strong. Showerheads? Only to cleanse herself twice a day. Table corners? Only to hold her elbows as she prays to her rosary beads. Toys? Unholy! She can't consult other girls about it because she believes that all girls her age don't touch themselves except for her unholy cousins and nut gobbler. Humping her kazuha pillow? She keeps it unopened and in pristine condition at all times, has existential dread when Pepper gets within 10 ft of it.

>> No.61227602

Hello, Novelites! Is OTGW winning?

>> No.61227637

Yeah, she has sex with (me) instead

>> No.61227649
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Jesus is cool.

>> No.61227663

winning the least ammount of votes!

>> No.61227686

Damn, that sucks.

>> No.61227753

Her membership picks literally the least fun option every time

>> No.61227851

Can someone more schizo than me go back and make a list of how many times she's referenced SotL, SP and OtGW to see which one she seems the most interested in?
Posts before implies SotL was the yesmen option but it feels like she's talked about SP more.

>> No.61227944

I feel like she should've watched SotL with us instead of all of advent, for group watch parties it has to be something more light...

>> No.61227984


>> No.61228167

South Park wouldn't make a good watch along for all of Advent. I feel like SotL of OtGW would work best.

>> No.61228234
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>> No.61228293

SotL is the yesman option because she literally mentioned it on stream a couple of days ago.

>> No.61228405

Same with OtGW though?

>> No.61228415 [SPOILER] 
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Pat Pat Pat
cute rabbit cute rabbit cute rabbit

>> No.61228430


>> No.61228447
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>> No.61228484

I like the gap to be honest. Pure catholic girl on the streets but a freak in the sheets.

>> No.61228552

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.


>> No.61228565

I still think that Zhao is a stingy bitch.

>> No.61228612

She does remind me a bit of some of the girls I went to Catholic high school with.

>> No.61229636
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At least none of you tried hurting me today. So far.

>> No.61229759

Sorry, I'm busy today.

>> No.61230563
File: 3.17 MB, 800x450, CarryMe[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftagzn1.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61230706

You, most likely, live at home. Basically dont have a job and are squandering your finite time on this earth, on games.
Also becoming fat.

Dont worry anon, there is several ways out. (And not the deathkind)

>> No.61230710

Slow thread
Comfy thread

>> No.61230816


>> No.61230853

We're all having sex

>> No.61230906

Nap time

>> No.61230994

nappy time with edgy?

>> No.61231115
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>> No.61231301
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I'm in my Shiori refractory period right now. I'm looking to tomorrow when I can Shiori all over the thread.

>> No.61232040
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Novelites, FuwaMoco are gonna do a read along of fan submitted stories
Good time to put your writing reps to use!
You have been doing your reps right? I haven't

>> No.61232052
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>> No.61232308

The Archive on the Internet Madness.

>atleast he is faaaaaaar away from his mother and she is in a retirement home faaaaaar away from him.

>> No.61232357

Yeah. Post the one were Mocco is a schoolshooter.

>> No.61232411
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Day 19 of Holoctober is wedding day, however a wedding is quite short to write about in my opinion, so I twisted it a bit into a wife story too. Anyway this was meant to be posted last page but I spent a lot of time thinking on it. I hope it's good and enjoyable.
Rentry for past days: https://rentry.org/sggoi
>You sit at the dining table
>Candles are lit on the table, a rare occasion
>But such an occasion is necessary, after all, it's the second anniversary since the two of you were wed.
>You cooked dinner for the first anniversary, and she agreed that she would do it this time.
>As you wait for the food to arrive, you close your eyes and your thoughts drift back
>You can see your own wedding, replaying like a film in your mind
>She looked the most beautiful she had ever been that day
>It was a rather small, private wedding, neither of you wanted the other's family to attend
>The only witnesses to your wedding were the priest overseeing the ceremony and God.
>Shiori's smile was brighter than any other.
>The pure white bridal gown and the sun shining through the stained glass window, making it all the more radiant.
>As you exchanged your vows back then, you saw her face, as her tears slowly ran down her cheeks
>It was the happiest day of her life, and yours as well
>Finally, after the rings were exchanged, and after the priest had said it, the two of you exchanged a loving kiss.
>Suddenly, your mind is brought back to the present
>Shiori is now sitting in front of you, gazing at you with a smile
>Her gentle words had brought you back despite you not hearing her the first time
>She giggles a little, then repeats herself: "You're thinking about our wedding aren't you? You always make that face when you do."
>You look at her, a slight tinge of red paints your cheeks
>"Yeah, you caught me there." your tone is a little embarrassed, but her smile towards you tells you there's nothing to be embarrassed about at all.
>She then motions to a bowl placed in front of you, it seems this is the dinner she had prepared for the two of you.
>It's a soup, though bland sounding for such a special occasion, Shiori isn't exactly best known for her cooking skills.
>Despite that, you take notice of the contents of the soup.
>It's steaming hot, a creamy green soup which has diced onions, carrots, and round pees, floating on the surface.
>There's an accompanying aroma of butter and bits of chicken meat, shredded and cooked carefully.
>You take a spoon and scoop up some of the soup. Shiori eyes your movements, her face full of expectation
>As you bring the spoon to your mouth, you can smell the black pepper and onions, you then take a taste
>Instantly you're hit with an explosion of flavour on your taste buds, the freshness of the vegetables hits first, then the rich and fresh taste of the butter with the onions and chicken standing out.
>Your body feels warmed, your eyes widen and light up in surprise, there's also the slight taste of mint behind it all.
>Shiori's gaze never leaves your face through the entire thing, and your reaction has greatly pleased her as she breathes out in relief.
>"I thought you wouldn't like it, you know how ditzy I am...I tried really hard on this for you Anon...for us."
>You hold back your desire to praise her, as you had better ideas, one that involved the two of you closer, more intimately.
>Before that comes to pass however, you reach over to your office bag and take out a wrapped box for her.
>Another new anniversary tradition, if one cooks, the other brings a gift.
>She opens it and her face shows delight, the reaction you were hoping for.
>A hairpin that could match her current hair pin on the opposite side.
>You spent ages searching for one that's appropriately matching, thankfully those efforts didn't go to waste.
>Finally as you finish your soup, and Shiori enjoys hers, the two of you agree to clean up together
>The kitchen however, is somehow a trainwreck, one that doesn't surprise you, but one that you aren't about to let ruin your wonderful day.
>The clean-up takes a couple hours, both of you spent it giggling together, bantering slightly on how she somehow managed to pull off an amazing soup despite the kitchen looking like Hell itself.
>She responded by bringing up memories of the first time you cooked for her before getting married, how clumsy you were and how you even accidentally cut yourself.
>With the clean-up finally taken care of, the two of you notice the time and decide to head up to the bedroom together.
>You lift her up, in a bridal carry style, her face flushing red as you sweep her off her feet.
>You carry her up to your bedroom, where you lay her on the bed, and the two of you share a rather passionate and intimate kiss.
>Finally, as you lean over her she extends her hands towards you, her fingers wrapping around the back of your neck.
>"Happy anniversary, my husband." she whispers to you softly.
>You look down on her and respond back.
>"Happy anniversary. Shiori. My wife."

>> No.61232614
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I made the mistake of th*nking before falling asleep.

>> No.61233314

that was a comfy reading, thank you anon

>> No.61233591

I like both the memories and the present, made me happy and hungry.
For this prompt maybe you can write the proposal? Would be easier to imagine than a wedding.
For the soup part, adding something like the taste takes you back to the first time Shiori cooked for you. And a small mention of last year when cleaning the kitchen
>You tease Shiori a little, joking about how despite the soup tasting wonderful, the kitchen looked worse than last anniversary.
>Then you decide to shut up and focus on washing the plates when Shiori smiles at you holding her scissors.
Could feel you already spent more time with Shiori, at least for me.
Thank you for the work

>> No.61233723

I'm on my refractory period now after seeing some Shiori fanart

>> No.61233746

Thank you for this. I could take that into consideration for next time.
I had more written for the soup part but I hit char limit sadly so I ended up cutting some of it at the end. Perhaps next time I'll just split a story into two parters like before if I got a lot going. Seems 5k char limit can't contain my writing anymore.
Alternatively I redirect anons to the rentry every time I update it instead? Since I'm posting it each time anyway.

>> No.61233792


Fuck. Was kinda hoping Shiori would be the one to do this.

We never got another fanfic reading stream from her…

>> No.61233895

Elaborate. I want to know all the details.

>> No.61233936
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why there is so many shiori cosplayers now

>> No.61233971
File: 941 KB, 736x1181, NakedNovelite[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxw8k9m.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shiori, szeretlek!

>> No.61233985
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FWMC is having a spooky story reading stream and they're taking submissions! Ruffians are kind of retarded so i figured novelites could come up with something good!

>> No.61234088

Here is a spooky story in 4 word.
Stream ended. Mori raid.

>> No.61234101

>The directors cut
>Coming soon to rentry
Yeah two parts sound good to me too.

>> No.61234150

Will I get death threats if I write a whowawa prompt

>> No.61234305

plot twist
the mori raid was before stream today
yea since it's a meme they don't like but do what you like. they probably won't read it on stream but who knows

>> No.61234376

Mori is ok

>> No.61234458 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.61234494

Fuck the haters, write what you want.

>> No.61234642

Shiori is freaky

>> No.61234645

uhh... sauce?

>> No.61234694

Shiori is 99.99% perfect.

>> No.61234879

She just straight up said "bang"....

>> No.61234882
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Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.


>> No.61234940
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>one day mococo was so hungry that she ended up eating a full pon de ring box for herself
>her tummy started to hurt, so she went to take a nap
>just to be awake converted in a pon de ring
>then fuwawa entered the room just to find something to eat, not being fully aware it was her sister all along.
the end
have a free best seller

>> No.61235070

Someone can just submit the mococo school shooter greentext. It's spooky enough.

>> No.61235389

Some mad lad definitely needs to submit Mococolumbine, I'm not risking my account for it though

>> No.61235541

>Do not use any inappropriate language or content in your story.
>We reserve the right to make changes to your submission if deemed necessary.
>All submissions will be reviewed before submitting to FUWAMOCO, not all entries will be read on stream.
>Submission Deadline: Monday, October 30th 6:00pm PT
their manager is gonna be busy. they might have to ask henmama for help.

>> No.61235830
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Shiori has made me realize that all I want is a girl who will autistically bable at me about whatever random shit comes into her head for 3+ hours

>> No.61235860
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>> No.61235898


>> No.61235899

it's not that hard they said it themselves to keep it pg-13 at max and don't use characters from other materials

>> No.61235947

Her mouth is all that i need

>> No.61235946

the bug arc... is over...

>> No.61236017
File: 179 KB, 534x534, 1691856390456868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Shiori comes up to you and says
>Anon, there's this really cool cartoon I really really want to watch with you, but I'm not sure you'll like it...
Do you say yes?
Decide before you hover over the spoiler.
The cartoon is Rick and Morty.

>> No.61236061

I voted yes when she asked if she should still eat the 3-week old unrefrigerated bugs.

>> No.61236144

I'm pretty sure I've seen worse.

>> No.61236249
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isn't that bad really, or at least what I remember from the first seasons

>> No.61236268

Fuck it Garfield Pet Force it is then

>> No.61236279


>> No.61236338

Would, absolutely would

>> No.61236534
File: 320 KB, 800x800, 1673210078772230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide before you hover over the spoiler
Am I the only person who checks the spoilers before bothering to read any other part of the post?
I've gotten so used to the spoiler tag not being used to hide actual story spoilers that the rare occasion it is I get fucked over because I either never read the leadup saying it's actual spoilers, or when I do I auto hover and read anyway like a reflex

>> No.61236601

Breaking Shiori's heart

>> No.61236603

No. Yes.

>> No.61236644
File: 31 KB, 771x193, nw2gk9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone having this issue with youtube where it doesn't show the channel and description on videos anymore?

>> No.61236649

I actually really liked Rick and Morty's earlier seasons

>> No.61236659

Leaving a permanent scar on Shiori's body.

>> No.61236692
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>> No.61236712

Abandoning Shiori when she needed me the most!

>> No.61236719

ADHD novelite...

>> No.61236726

No? Maybe its your browser

>> No.61236729

>anyone having issues with youtube
always, pajeets have been breaking the website extra hard recently tho with seemingly multiple new bugs everyday

>> No.61236787

Getting shiori pregnant and leaving town the night she tells me

>> No.61236868

works on my machine

>> No.61236878

Shiori raising three children as a single mother!

>> No.61236925

With three different dads!

>> No.61237127

I am the single friend left behind because everyone around me is in a long term relationship or married and I hate it.

>> No.61237134

Not showing up on the day where we supposed to have our haunted house date!

>> No.61237147

New member post.

>> No.61237160

shiori... i don't have a license...

>> No.61237206

Sir, did you refresh page, sir?

>> No.61237239


>> No.61237255


>> No.61237271
File: 35 KB, 156x156, 1698253565574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna slide into sayo0692's DMs. I hope no one minds.

>> No.61237278


>> No.61237327
File: 377 KB, 480x480, shiorimonkey[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fowa1ro.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking Shiori’s hand and holding it on the way to the entrance.

>> No.61237364


>> No.61237398


>> No.61237459

This girl. This girl is dangerous.

>> No.61237500

I wish I offered Shiori a drive home

>> No.61237525

>Thank you for being MY novelite
Yes Shiori... Only yours...

>> No.61237662

what now

>> No.61237688

The same thing we do every night. Try to deal with our loneliness

>> No.61237714
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>> No.61237810

I am falling
I am fading
I am drowning

>> No.61237881
File: 253 KB, 1736x976, AB9696C5-7EEE-4A46-8E86-8CEDBBBBEDF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah You like this don't you
You dirty hand-holding lovers

>> No.61237892

The "underdressed parental counterparts" probably means parents who are not wearing costumes, but I got MILFs on the mind because of yesterday so I'm just imagining a bunch of moms in slutty costumes.

>> No.61237920

Sexy nurses and succubi

>> No.61238126

Shiori wrote it, that means she's also a dirty hand-holding lover.

>> No.61238173

We know. >>61237364

>> No.61238263

>Can't drive
Immersion broken...

>> No.61238565

I also can't drive but my immersion was already broken when I was on a date.

>> No.61239102
File: 735 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20230930_221543_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to want to pinch her cute chubby cheeks?

>> No.61239232

Yes, both.

>> No.61239257

Stop being a jealous loser and get off of 4chan.

>> No.61239285

No, i'm still seeing the channel and description
Shit is broken for me in another way: I had an issue where my comment was 'hidden' - it was an innocuous comment praising shiori's gameplay
When I checked incognito/logged out i didn't see it

>> No.61239338


>> No.61239366

Is she live??? what Im missing

>> No.61239391

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.61239430

wasn't this supposed to be novelknight only?

>> No.61239442

Are you a serf?

>> No.61239470

Nope, ShiorinStories was always all members.

>> No.61239488

oh I see

>> No.61239497

>get off 4chan
>still an ugly loser that makes women gag when they see him

>> No.61239501

I am a shiori lover and I'm proud

>> No.61239542
File: 213 KB, 480x480, ShioriLiker[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2mmmjr.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61239558

I'm on a date with my oshi loser, imagine not being a member right now

>> No.61239618

I am a member, that was just out of nowhere lmao

>> No.61239687

>Vlogs playlist
>1 hidden video

>> No.61239733 [DELETED] 

Wait Shion is actually a witch?

>> No.61239751


>> No.61239767

She already had releases scheduled for the next two weeks, so probably not until after that.

>> No.61239848

That seems like something everyone should have been able to vote on.

>> No.61239874

We're the rulers of the kingdom, we can decide the fate of the others!

>> No.61239938


>> No.61240037

Democracy lead to mediocrity(normie decisions)
T. a Godfearing Serf.

Let the Knights decide.

>> No.61240086

How are we feeling bros? Number 7 is kinda cute...

>> No.61240095

There a way to make those images bigger?
YT resizing kinda shit.

>> No.61240157

I do indeed enjoy 7, it is both cute and potentially menacing, actually all the potential designs are nightmare fuel from the right perspective

>> No.61240248

I like 8.

>> No.61240262

I like 7 the most

>> No.61240324

Please don't vote on both of the poals.

>> No.61240361

This is hard, also the image is too small... but I think 7 is cutest

>> No.61240366

on PC, you can right click and open image in a new tab. Works for me on firefox, at least.

>> No.61240407

I like 1, it gives off a certain feeling of anguish that I really appreciate.

>> No.61240444
File: 652 KB, 1160x1035, 1693839434371462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i have a crush on Shiori Novella. nothing huge, just a tiny tiny crush.

>> No.61240641

I want Shiori to fuck my life up. To just absolutely ruin me.

>> No.61240749

You can't tell me what to do faggot

>> No.61240803
File: 533 KB, 700x819, 1667080466051175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're tired. You don't remember the last time you weren't. In fact, when you try to place exactly when you started feeling this way, you realize it's always been there in the background, in your every moment and memory. An uncertainty, fear, sadness. You just didn't know it's face yet.
You force yourself out of bed. You're not looking forward to putting on the spectacle again. Good ole Anon, friend to his friends and a member of his family, getting through high school, not a care in the world. Say good to how are you, nod as a greeting, laugh at jokes, as if it all was rehearsed. But there truly is no pressure. You know your friends would be understanding if you opened up. Guess you just don't want to be a drag on them.

The part of the day you dreaded above all was spending time with her. Your pale friend from all the way since grade six. The weirdly cheery goth wonder. You used to look forward to chatting about all sort of stupid shit with her. It'd start with anime or music, complaining about teachers, then you'd find yourself arguing about China having transcontinental underground tunnels dating thousands of years.
But now even mingling with your cute friend feels like a job. Making sure the mask doesn't slip exhausts you more than gym class. You absolutely don't want her to think anything is wrong with you, for her to worry or pity you. Sometimes you almost resent her for hanging out with you, but then you feel guilty for thinking that way. You should feel like the luckiest boy alive to have a friend like that, but you don't. Bastard.

Then, you leave your guard down. A moment of silence too long, or a drawn out sigh, or your weary expression must have slipped. She notices.
>Anon, is everything okay? You've been kind of moody lately...
You look over, and see her worried eyes drilling through your soul.
You flick her nose.
>Don't worry about it dummy.
She smiles and laughs it off, but you can tell there's sadness behind it. As if she knew what's going on entirely. She's got your number. And she knows she can't help you.

Good job Anon. Now she gets to hurt too.

>> No.61240817

I want to fuck Shiori up, I mean just absolutely ruin her

>> No.61240818

I'm still baffled she did the whole Mori horse thing.

>> No.61240847

I was thinking about only voting on one, but then it doesn't really matter either way. I voted on both.

>> No.61240850

Hope this isn't too gay, I'm not much of a writer

>> No.61240894

I know Nyantcha drew porn of Mori x Horse, is that what Shiori was referring to?

>> No.61240899
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, 1698258299696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a Gosling because I feel like it.

>> No.61240953
File: 47 KB, 1080x721, FsmXA8ZWIAEpGG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going by her claimed innocence, she meant when Goodsmile no shit did this.

>> No.61241124

you just know

>> No.61241182

That was a very sweet membership story. I wonder if Shiori uses AI to help write these stories. It seems like a useful tool for these kinds of posts.

>> No.61241205
File: 182 KB, 704x704, 1674883089352267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.61241221

Nah I don't detect AI

>> No.61241259

I'm going to believe that she writes them out herself. Because that's also very sweet and cute.

>> No.61241301

Shiori almost gives me a heart attack

>> No.61241328

I know that feeling... I have to take meds everyday now

>> No.61241332

The way she addresses us and signs off is also very cute.
I see it. I appreciate it.

>> No.61241436
File: 1.19 MB, 1736x976, 1695057839581150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad because I just finished fapping and only saw the membah post now. Now I have to read this cute story with post nut clarity and won't get as emotional.

>> No.61241472

Sexfags stay losing.

>> No.61241538

Man, Shiori is so

>> No.61241593
File: 229 KB, 1081x1080, 1694912263221034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61241631
File: 411 KB, 680x680, 1684889105016776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm sorry.

>> No.61241770

>generate some AI shit
>touch it up lightly
>farm gachikoi losers
Nice oshi you cucks have there. How many male friends does she have again?

>> No.61241878
File: 403 KB, 666x553, 1676587837550039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61241928

How can I be better?

>> No.61241959

Don't give me (You)s, I consider it very erotic.

>> No.61241968
File: 176 KB, 1200x1600, 1680551459016155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still undecided about the design vote...

>> No.61242037

Yeah (you) like that? You dirty (you) liker!

>> No.61242129

Why do novelknights get to decide on giftwyrm design? Is it not possible to limit it on yt so that only T2s get to vote?

>> No.61242222

Deal with it pleb, it's only $10

>> No.61242240

Because it was decided at the start that Novelknights are the ones that get to decide on things via exclusive polls.

>> No.61242261

because only novelknights have the right to vote in inkwell kingdom

>> No.61242266
File: 453 KB, 1081x1080, 1697547787160550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61242346

Wtf why is the post on the catalogue, I thought we weren’t supposed to blatantly leak members content like that.

>> No.61242368

Do you have any idea how many gifted memberships she has?

>> No.61242384

I have a T1, T2 and a T3 account because I wanted to vote for every mascot. I might upgrade them all to T3, but that feels like cheating. It would probably be wiser to have only a single T3 account.

>> No.61242407

welcome to /vt/ anon
also membership gifts are a thing

>> No.61242417

T1 is useless and only for the emotes.

>> No.61242418

I'm glad to she the Novelknights are loyal, and don't leak the designs.

>> No.61242447

Even if they did, why would it matter? They can't vote anyway.

>> No.61242488

Antis gonna anti, let them seethe over Shiori loving her fans

>> No.61242494

You should accept that everything is going to get leaked, especially if it's juicy enough.

>> No.61242673

is this your first day on the internet?

>> No.61242739
File: 130 KB, 850x1188, __shiori_novella_and_yorick_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_pavo543__sample-0257eb63514e51aee5ad08e56583ee0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friendly hug
Go cum to Shiori hugging (You), her friend. :)

>> No.61242748 [SPOILER] 
File: 484 KB, 1284x1194, B3441418-A2D2-40E8-AE5A-6F101CC18DCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shiori liked, reposted and commented on this story

What does this mean?

>> No.61242827

Shiori craves lesbian sex

>> No.61242915

You could've wrote another Shiori POV greentext, just saying.

>> No.61243007

Shiori wants girls to kiss her

>> No.61243071

she didn't reposted tho? or is that account on my silence list already?

>> No.61243074

It's a funny story.

>> No.61243365

Girl on Girl """action""" don't count.
Its just practice for Cock.

>> No.61243389

Ok Nerissa

>> No.61243528

I've read somewhere that the Catholic church didn't consider lesbianism an act of sodomy. Anybody knows more about this?

>> No.61243546

You do know what sodomy is, right?

>> No.61243568


>> No.61243598
File: 211 KB, 800x800, 1691259203639588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now in the Bible, it says:
"Thou shalt not watch two lesbians in bed
Have homosexual sex
Unless, of course, you were given the consent to join in
Then, of course, it's intercourse, and it's bisexual sex
Which isn't as bad
'Long as you show some remorse for your actions
Either before, during, or after
Performing the act of that which
Is normally referred to as such more commonly known phrases
That are more used by today's kids in a more derogatory way
But who's to say what's fair to say and what not to say?"
Let's ask Dr. Dre

- Eminem

>> No.61243622

I don't even have to know what that sinful thing is.
Its just sound wrong.

>> No.61243631

>Literal on a date
>Doomposters will still twist this as being friendzoned
And they still refuse to acknowledge the marriage prompt lol

>> No.61243638

Remind me again to never participate in wednesday threads ever again

>> No.61243674

Come here bro, I'll teach you what sodomy is.

>> No.61243700
File: 272 KB, 560x436, 1681115316788595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mon, isn't has been that bad

>> No.61243830
File: 233 KB, 448x463, 1692148282114903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two women can kiss but only if they have my cum in their mouths

>> No.61243838 [SPOILER] 
File: 817 KB, 4096x2849, 1685841036130775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61243885

Nobody discussing the tier 4 audio?

>> No.61244009
File: 136 KB, 1000x1000, 1691301794883708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw that she went back and hearted my comment from yesterday's prompt.

>> No.61244106


>> No.61244416

It's what I did to your dad last night

>> No.61244420
File: 2.70 MB, 800x450, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foy85l5.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61244475

What other HoloEn members do (You) watch?

>> No.61244478
File: 740 KB, 1111x1111, 1681097270960065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61244550

I read a bit about lesbianism in the Middle Ages and found this on Wiki.
>The second ailment was ragadia of the womb, in which fleshy growths grew as a result of intercourse or childbirth and these growths could sometimes grow on the outside of the vagina.[25] These growths resembled penises and it was thought that women with these would be able to have heterosexual sex with other women because a penis was needed to have intercourse.
Does anybody know what illness it is?

>> No.61244588

The w*men.

>> No.61244618

Just gura

>> No.61244645

It's called NPS nowadays.
Nasty pussy sydnrome

>> No.61244694

2 mins of whoever Shiori raids.

>> No.61244805

Only Shiori.
I'm a JP watcher. Koyori, Ririka, Nene.

>> No.61244808
File: 257 KB, 1307x2048, 2BB967AC-462A-405D-9D06-9B983611B0ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.61244815

Can't believe I watched 20 minutes of Mori last night, but only because I love MGS1 so much.

>> No.61244856

Kill yourse-
Oh wait

>> No.61244873

what's a good stream to try her out

>> No.61244876
File: 633 KB, 1081x1080, 1667332628018961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys wanna scroll up a bit

>> No.61244896
File: 45 KB, 449x584, 20231020_021308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61244909
File: 2.46 MB, 1583x2048, 1686202977539427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61244913


>> No.61244937

Kill yourself

>> No.61244967

Shiori and FWMC are the only ENs I watch

>> No.61244995

>all you get is a "friendly" hug
That's pretty sad, bud. Show the marriage prompt.

>> No.61245013

Anyone who streams games or content I'm interested in.

>> No.61245035


>> No.61245077

I don't really watch other holos.
Don't understand JP to watch JPs so the occasional translated clipfags.
I guess I enjoy Fauna and Moom, heck even zoomer Bae on rare occasions

>> No.61245090

Handcam stuff. Pumpkin and cookies are this thread's favourite. It would be a pretty good introduction to her. If you need a game stream than idk, all of them are usually great. She always says some dumb stuff.

>> No.61245160
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, 1672101146377419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61245168

Take your pick

>> No.61245187
File: 3.41 MB, 2828x3999, 2cf0ecceea92c1bfafead468702cf8f0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of Advent, Promise, Mori, Ame, Ina And Ojou

>> No.61245256 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.61245328

No work stream?

>> No.61245335
File: 384 KB, 627x605, 1688734754667823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great! I thought I was shadowbanned in /shig/

>> No.61245345

Not doing your reps for you retard, two weeks ago

>> No.61245388


>> No.61245454

Shiggah, why would you even reply to such an obvious Shioribro?

>> No.61245480
File: 29 KB, 961x533, 1698263922783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget your hits. A few minutes before reset, we're rushing the bosses after.

>> No.61245501

Mori, IRyS, Fauna, Fuwamoco, Mumei, and Nerissa. None as hardcore as Shiori who I've caught basically every stream since debut.
I used to watch a lot of Ame and Gura and some Ina but I stopped Ame and Ina and Gura doesn't stream as often these days. For a while I watched Ame and Gura about as religiously as I watch Shiori but that stopped sometime in 2021.
Shiori having 3-4 hour streams is really convenient for me. If she starts streaming late in the night though I'll probably have to stop watching her as consistently.

>> No.61245536
File: 371 KB, 640x640, 1678471409212919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fight each other.

>> No.61245540

I just went semi recent.
If I was going through all I'd have too many streams to offer.

>> No.61245671

I watch Ame and FuwaMoco alongside with Shiori

>> No.61245806

So basically just FWMC

>> No.61246011

Myth: Ame
Promise: Mumei
Advent: Shiori

>> No.61246366

Mooms, Goobs heh, non-gaming Ina and any karaoke.

>> No.61246444

I'm the only loyal shigger itt.

>> No.61246470

I'm getting mandela'd or it was called "council" before??

>> No.61246505

Correct, you're in the Berenstain universe now. Also, we spell it Sheori insyead of Shiori here.

>> No.61246548

who is Sana? anon are you ok?

>> No.61246597

All of Advent. I'm a unity Chad.

>> No.61246702


>> No.61246753

W post anonymous!!!

>> No.61246777

Shiori wouldn't want you to be. She wants you to find a vtuber that makes you happy.

>> No.61246795
File: 20 KB, 256x256, 1698265373150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's in store for today's Shiorium?

>> No.61246862

Why are you implying that Shiori doesn't make me happy? She's the only vtuber that brings me joy. No other can do what she does.

>> No.61246892

shiori gta 5

>> No.61246946
File: 671 KB, 1081x1080, 1697995988299813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's menu is a short video.

>> No.61247017

Should be a short video since she's given Shiorium through member posts

>> No.61247151

What was your favourite Shiori moment in the last couple of streams? I'm trying to see if I remember her tangents well enough. Mine was that part where she implies merging layers = sex.

>> No.61247450

when she looked at me and said my full name and address

>> No.61247464

Shiori being a deadpan shill.

>> No.61247517

That was kind of weird, yeah.
Also the pizza will be there soon.

>> No.61247560

last night's stream was a goldmine of shiorisms

>> No.61247618

Top 3 from last two
Music Behind the Scene, Goregasm, Pillow Talk
Refractory Period, Egg Fertilization, Get Pringles

>> No.61247620


>> No.61247657

>Shiori has a million rituals for a stream
>we have a million ritualposters

>> No.61247714

Does shiori?

>> No.61247739

is cute? Yes.

>> No.61247801

No, arms too short, like a T-Rex, she just can't reach

>> No.61247815

be sex? Yeah.

>> No.61247830
File: 970 KB, 800x450, LongArms[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqbazhh.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61247841

We all know thats not true, both IRL and in model.

>> No.61247876


>> No.61247879

be Cool? Yep.

>> No.61247903
File: 414 KB, 666x553, 1698266716432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are >we relatively active at these hours? Did the members post make everyone giddy or something?

>> No.61247930

Yes, am I not allowed to revel in the joy and happiness Shiori has bought me today?

>> No.61247932

something something ip count something something ''organic'' posts

>> No.61247947

Shiorium is a stimulant
and an aphrodisiac

>> No.61248030

I got nothing else to do

>> No.61248086

weekly dose of member shiorium
some faggot posted her member post on the catalog

>> No.61248192

What do you mean? We've been pretty active during Euro hours most of the time.

>> No.61248431

I wish Shiori was active during EU hours.

>> No.61248484

I think Shiori would like this game!

>> No.61248491

What expression is this face trying to convey?

>> No.61248570

I like your chuubas voice

>> No.61248623

Sexual desire

>> No.61248748

I bet you do, you dirty voice liker! You listen to Shiori and say to yourself, that's a voice for sure.

>> No.61248796

I like her voice too. Do you like it when she suddenly goes into the low pitch and says something silly?

>> No.61248803

It do be like that, I like a cute shiori and I cannot lie

>> No.61248861

Normally I wouldn't care what others say, but seeing how mean they are being to her is really pissing me off to the point I can't concentrate on shit I need to do.

>> No.61248872


>> No.61248952


>> No.61249018

Wrong thread, hennybro.

>> No.61249030

Just focus on Shiori. Shiori's cute and she's working hard to provide future cool stuff for us. So you need to work hard to and not let yourself be distracted by things of little to no consequence. Make her proud.

>> No.61249117
File: 558 KB, 1081x1080, 1697056171235264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What transpired in the Balkans?

>> No.61249308

Does Shiori know who was in Paris?

>> No.61249389

Talking about collabs, Bae mentioned wanting to do a practice stream for minecraft Sportfes with EN yellow team where Shiori it is.

>> No.61249498

You got the picture of the teams? Wasn't Kronii in team yellow?

>> No.61249599

Are there any other girls you consider cutesex? Like fauna?

>> No.61249602

nyakuza were in paris

>> No.61249610
File: 453 KB, 1920x1080, 1698033712694527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61249656

I want to see Shiorin and Suisei interact.

>> No.61249660

Still can't believe suisei is on the same team as Shiori...

>> No.61249808

Would be cool for them to do a practise stream. They will take care of our wife, right bros??? IRyS won't do anything weird, right?

>> No.61249853

Won't they be in different voice chats? A & B?

>> No.61249864

I need that Ririka interaction, she's played Three Houses too.

>> No.61249930

How's her English though?

>> No.61249944

Sure, but for a practice stream, I don't see why 5 of them wouldn't do a collab together instead of just Bae and Shiori

>> No.61249961


>> No.61249974

Very good. Some say better than haachama.

>> No.61250023

https://youtu.be/ACQ0x6WlVsM When she streamed with Biboo, she seemed well versed.

>> No.61250143

Haachama tier if not better

>> No.61250219

Actually pretty good. Haachama tier is already ideal, better than that is great.

>> No.61250462

she cute

>> No.61251245


>> No.61251273


>> No.61251358

based pepper

>> No.61251367

Are cats really this difficult to train? It's been months at this point.

>> No.61251368

I am pepper

>> No.61251417

Gomen, shitting on the floor is my only joy in life

>> No.61251445

His refractory period ended.

>> No.61251527
File: 340 KB, 480x480, Laughs[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsupe30.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61251549

Omega based pepper

>> No.61251584

>Christian and Ingram insta replying
Do these people not realize how cringe they are replying to everything Shiori says?

>> No.61251613

Women fear him, men want to be him.

>> No.61251625
File: 146 KB, 1080x709, AB9FBF80-D3A8-44BE-B246-63CBAC9A2FDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61251638

Don't forget those 'www'

>> No.61251644

Bet you'll find Remey and Erik too.

>> No.61251645

Based groomercord members

>> No.61251662

Be ungovernable Pepper

>> No.61251667

I need milk

>> No.61251709
File: 216 KB, 181x179, f5f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe shioricels, ill do it again

>> No.61251714

I do this.

>> No.61251754

You can cut my balls but you can't cut my shit.

>> No.61251763

shes gonna feed pepper to mococo

>> No.61251781
File: 181 KB, 512x512, UjoBZbLsL6SQ_9EP--ut8As.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reckon they're too rich to care, with how much they SC.

>> No.61251812


Don’t you? I thought you love /her/?

>> No.61251991

How do we stop him?

>> No.61252002

I'm not parasocial enough to get to that stage

>> No.61252011
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, 67645675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I worked out today I wrote out a long traumadump that I'll probably never post anywhere because it feels embarassing

>> No.61252021

That's the thing, you can't.
I will shit again.

>> No.61252035

anon wtf

>> No.61252067

Don't tease me like that anon...

>> No.61252069

You can't Shiori

>> No.61252071

Post it

>> No.61252090

It's page 10. Do it Shigger.

>> No.61252134

Is there a Mococo version of this?

>> No.61252200

You're anonymous, it's fine. That's the point.

>> No.61252434

You're right, but posting anything remotely personally sets schizos off sometimes.

>> No.61252457
File: 44 KB, 614x481, puta gato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Pepper like this?

>> No.61252478

Anything sets off schizos anyway. I have just mentally filtered them.

>> No.61252490

Ririka watcher passing by. I think she's legitimately possibly the best in HoloJP for EN collabs, definitely among those active. The thing is, while there are other JPs that have good English, it's very formal, classroom style. The thing with Ririka is that hers is very casual, which makes it easier for the English speaker to relax and talk normally. And her comprehension is great, notably even with slang in play. Even on the rare occasions where she doesn't know something, she has no problem asking about it in English instead of falling back on Japanese. Literally the only thing you can say is that her accent is pretty strong (which I think makes her feel like her English is worse than I think it actually is), but even then it's not actually a hard accent to understand, just obviously not native.

>> No.61252494
File: 203 KB, 634x1200, 1697325198945480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post something if it makes it easier for you.

>> No.61252587
File: 167 KB, 1173x1200, 9C5E6F96-BF1B-41ED-9975-3D8309651056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked, but no...

>> No.61252991

Ririka sure is educated. Surprising there's not more like her.

>> No.61253039

She is a genius after all

>> No.61253070

Will anybody take care of the next page? I'm getting a bit sleepy.

>> No.61253178

I'll bake, sleep tight anon

>> No.61253516
File: 218 KB, 2125x2125, 1686407244076194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next Page:

>> No.61253544

Anon has disappointed me.

>> No.61253552
File: 1.74 MB, 1024x1024, ShioCave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61253574
File: 622 KB, 984x930, 1669260169014417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no T-Dump?

>> No.61253603

Maybe next thread.
