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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61173538 No.61173538 [Reply] [Original]

>people get mad about gura not streaming
>yet there's plenty of vods that im sure they havent watched
im comfy watching her archives right now because i too have missed a lot. its pretty comfy and i have binged through her dmc playthrough and now im watching her one block mc stream. https://youtu.be/JZY4R4PmI18?t=2834 im sure that even (you) have missed a lot of your oshi's stream, so dont complain if they dont stream if you dont even watch you hypocrite.

>> No.61173602

You sound like a battered housewife.

>> No.61173640

for me, it's the live appeal.
what the person behind the avatar is like currently, what they're up to, etc.

>> No.61173688

I don't even watch streams.

>> No.61173761

Is there anything more cucked than watching vods?
I mean, you're literally watching a video of your oshi interacting with other fans in her chat.
That could have been you she was talking to, but instead you're sitting in your little cuck gamer chair at your little cuck desk and watching a recording that she graciously let you have.

>> No.61173797


>> No.61173861

I don't even like Gura but this is genuinely deranged

>> No.61173927

how is it living life with down syndrome?

>> No.61173992

Are you one of those schizos who thinks Gura always personally responds to you through a sea of other chat messages that had the exact same "witty" comment?

>> No.61174039 [DELETED] 

>haha its fine that she doesnt stream because...i never watched her streams in the first place, so now i have a bunch of stuff to watch

>> No.61174587

Why do you keep relating things to cuckoldry? Is it always on your mind? Are you obsessed with it? Would you be worried if someone found your exhentai favorites?

>> No.61175168

id figure the point of watching streamers was to watch a real person as they are, and not just shades of what they once were

>> No.61175253

learn to greentext you fag

>> No.61175338
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>be me
>gura hasnt streamed for a while
>decide to watch vods
>is actually pretty comfy
>i get to watch her in my own time where im not at work or busy
>can actually pay attention
>its basically like having a movie marathon with the person you like
>post it on /vt/ about it
>get shit on for watching vods

>> No.61175718

What the fuck is backwater sty logic? Genuinely what the fuck?

>> No.61175870

totally vtuber "fans" everyone

>> No.61176144
File: 103 KB, 900x900, 1686444589081419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VoDs huh? Trust me, eventually you run out of them.

>> No.61177001

Do chumcucks really?

>> No.61177726

and rightfully so

>> No.61177852

The only honest anon in /vt/.

>> No.61177855

>Picked the term "battered housewife"up from the pomu threads and liked it so much you can now expect it to be used everywhere.
Fucking Nijifags don't have a creative bone in their bodies...

>> No.61179467

I don't even browse Niji threads it's just funny to make funny of Gurafags sometimes.

>> No.61179567

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.61179671

I never watch vods, they're soulless

>> No.61179827

Most sane /vt/ poster

>> No.61179922

I rarely ever watch her streams in full. I enjoyed her in clip formats and with no new content for clippers she has become obsolete in my algorithms. That's okay because I've replace her with Fauna, Biboo, and the Doggo Twins.

>> No.61180065

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.61180113

facts my brother

>> No.61182907

What will you do once vods are over?

>> No.61182921

They don't have a sense of permanance, if Gura hasn't done a stream in the last 2 seconds that means she doesn't exist for them

>> No.61182991

It’s been literally over a month.

>> No.61183072

>streaming live is literally the whole fucking point
>stop streaming and people stop caring about you

>> No.61183156

Case in point

>> No.61184638

Wow yes let me just consume this content of this entertainer who refuses to produce any. Retard.

>> No.61184993

Good bait though with the frequent radio silent breaks going after Gura's fans is playing on easy mode.

>> No.61185108

Who also has 500 videos worth of content on her channel. Have you watched them all already?

>> No.61185190

>nijifags invented english
This isn't healthy behavior, chumbie

>> No.61186214

Wow okay so we've established the only people capable of enjoying someone who doesn't stream is someone who doesn't actually watch streams in the first place. Good job retard! Really making the chumbuds look good.

>> No.61186354

Anon, I don't know how to tell you this, but a recorded stream is still a stream

>> No.61186439

I've watched at least 90% of her streams live and the rest on the vods. I've also rewatched around 20% of her vods. I am pissed that she rarely streams, but I just watch other chuubas now.

>> No.61186702

This is very true. Not only are you getting sloppy seconds, but thirds, fourths, fifths etc. from every person who watched the vod before you.

>> No.61186761

There are plenty of people actually streaming live that I can watch, live. I don't need to go back and watch vods ever. I'd rather play a game on my own than watch a vod.

>> No.61186850

Yeah its almost like with anyone else that actually fucking streams not only do I actually have things to watch live every few days or maybe even every day (I guess you don't know what this is like), but the fact that they actually FUCKING STREAM means they ALSO have WAY more VODs to watch than Gura's paltry number because, you know, she doesn't fucking stream.


>> No.61186861

Then just say you only watch streams live because you have chronic FOMO. Meanwhile I'll be here catching up on the streams I missed during the past 3 years as I wait for her to come back with more fresh content.

>> No.61186913

If I had fomo I wouldn't jack my dick for 2 hours and miss streams, stupid faggot.

>> No.61186926

You need help sister

>> No.61186935

>they ALSO have WAY more VODs to watch than Gura's paltry number because, you know, she doesn't fucking stream.
So, have you watched those 500 vods?

>> No.61187172

>a chumbud has the audacity to ask someone else if they watch streams

>> No.61187236


>> No.61187264

>the concept of being busy with other things (including streams from other girls) doesn't exist
Anon you keep trying to argue about this as if you're better for never watching vods but all you're doing is proving that you either don't actually care about the content of those streams or that you have some brain damage that prevents you from paying attention to anything that isn't happening live. Those aren't good arguments.
The fact still remains that if you genuinely like Gura, you can only complain about her absence if you have watched all (or at least most) of her content and you're craving for more.
Well then why are you dodging the question? If Gura's number is so paltry and you're interested in her then surely you've watched all of her content right?

>> No.61187639
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watching it live is like eating good fresh food while watching vods is like eating cold fries, if you like cold fries unironically get your tongue checked by a doctor
not even gura specific but this applies to every chuubas

>> No.61194181

does she?

>> No.61194233

>Just watch vods lmao
Gura is literally the easiest member to have everything up to date when it comes to vods + THESE GIRLS ARE FUCKING STREAMERS I WANT TO WATCH THIS SHIT LIVE

>> No.61195079
File: 301 KB, 974x477, 1696035086106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching your oshi's vods is the highest compliment you can give to her and you're calling it cold fries. everyone knows no one likes watching vods, even the holos dont want to watch vods, and that is why if someone tells them "hey i watch your vods in my free time", thats like saying you enjoy every little thing about her that no one else notices.

>> No.61196222

I disagree. Sometimes i just want to see how my oshi reacts to a game I like that she’s playing for the first time. I don’t watch her exclusively for the small chance she reads my chat message

>> No.61196302

I only watched her TABS vods and she doesnt even know how to play that game. And this was 2020 Gura.....

>> No.61199341

cringe post

>> No.61200487

>plenty of vods
Anon the only reason people watch gura is to trauma dump with superchats

>> No.61203378

Like ALL Gura fans, I watched every single one of her streams as they happened or shortly after the fact in cases where I couldn't watch live.
There are no vods left to watch. All of us have seen them all.

>> No.61204122


>> No.61204346

Goddamn the massive copium. Don’t you faggots have TWO generals to fuck off too?

>> No.61206231


>> No.61206472

I've never seen a Gura (live)stream
do you guys think I still have time to catch one live?

>> No.61206805
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>> No.61207706

God chumbuds really are pitiful
I'm starting to theorize that gura's popularity gave a "moral release" to pedophiles and that's why they can't let go of her.

>> No.61209543 [DELETED] 

Going by the high activity on her account, that is what many are doing. Or she is still attracting new viewers.

>> No.61209766

Going by the high activity on her account, that is what many are doing. Or she is still attracting new viewers.

Gura has more viewers than 98% of the vtubers, while not streaming. Let that sink in.

>> No.61210470
File: 502 KB, 682x611, 1677888216146122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching vods is copium now
my oshi streams regularly but i still watch her vods.

>> No.61210715

>nijifag out of nowhere
You know that even the hug box that is Reddit is roasting her right?

>> No.61213300
File: 295 KB, 595x842, Angwy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch it again

>> No.61217318

>wtaching stream
>thread watching
You can only pick one, anon.

>> No.61217421

>Reddit is roasting her
As if everyone doesn't roast Redditors. The true basement dwellers. Let me farm more upvotes so my life doesn't feel wasted.

>> No.61218773

>niji invented wifebeating
I'll honestly believe it.

>> No.61220079

>Cumbuds are forced to live in the past because there's no present or future

>> No.61220209


>> No.61220366

Vtubers are not mean to make good lasting content. The only thing they have going for them is the interaction with chat, everything else they are inferior to regular youtubers. So watching vods is the most cucked thing you can do.

>> No.61222146
File: 3.31 MB, 2500x2445, 1666817351314867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do these retarded take and obsession with the word cuck coming from?
