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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61148482 No.61148482 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get a fun level status update

>> No.61148706

>The most fun thing I've seen this week and it's not even close

>> No.61148756

I'm actually surprised I learn about this first on youtube yet it seems to still be censored to shit here. Jannies making 4chan just like any other platform but with vulgar vocabulary allowed

>> No.61148911

this place is more hugboxy than fucking reddit KEK

>> No.61148944

With grifters like Gura and hypocrites like Ina and Ame, I'm ready for all these bitches to be exposed for the pieces of crap they are.

>> No.61149354 [DELETED] 

Threads somehow got immediately deleted despite not hitting bump limit and on topic discussing Suichan, meanwhile Gura anti catalogue spams stay up and ignored. I wonder if Suichan is someone's oshi from the higher ups here. Suisei addressed it on her stream, therefore this whole ordeal should be considered on-topic. I don't wanna use the main Suisei thread to discuss about this, but apparently the jannies want them to shit up the comfy main Suisei general whether deliberately or not. I'm a bit confused about the situation and want further clarifications. Both sides just seem to be biased and I want them to clash so the truth gets out.

>> No.61149667 [DELETED] 

Yeah the more the jannies suppressed it here the more likely the topic will spills out into normies places, like trolls going straight to suisei hashtags.
I thought they understood this after the whole lean incident...

>> No.61149698

2view tears

>> No.61149771

cute and funni

>> No.61149825 [DELETED] 

Why is this board so censored, I've been banned from posting on vt more than any other board, and I DIDN'T even post any pictures, only text.

I thought 4chin is unfiltered discussions wtf.....

>> No.61149927
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>> No.61150116

Lmfao. My goddamn sides.

>> No.61150129

seethe, EN is corn paradise now

>> No.61150516 [DELETED] 

0 fun, its slow and boringeven if you put 2x.

and it's the same shit as always:

>"i didnt want to adress this, but my fans were being attacked so i had to step in! (actually i was scared of losing their money)

>"I'm not dating him, I'm just friends with him, and me and my family have him added just because!"

>"dont listen to trolls just ignore them"

>"Even if i was dating him, you guys should still support me!"

>"if you got sad about it youre a parasocial and I dont even want you as a fan"

>"by the way heres my new song, please listen to it"

basic vtuber shit.

>> No.61150668 [DELETED] 

They all have boyfriends, it's such bullshit that they have to hide them.

>> No.61150674 [DELETED] 
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Yabs for thee not for me.

>> No.61150697 [DELETED] 

I am also surprised at the lack of discussion about this yab /here/.
So what is the actual consensus of this? Are they dating or just "dating"?
Somebody said that the account is Anemachi's but I don't trust words coming out from people /here/. I doubt this is a career ending yab for Suisei since she doesn't build reputation as GFE tuber but I heard the other side is male idol. So is this his career ending yab?

>> No.61150764 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 274x421, suisei.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no discussion of this because the jannies have pruned it ever since /#/ caught wind of it.

>> No.61150772 [DELETED] 

seething nijifag

yeah me

>> No.61150866

>surprised at the lack of discussion
There is no discussion because no one who actually matters cares about this.

>> No.61150894

reposting this.
Part 1
Clips will probably come out soon enough, but here's the full translation of Suisei's stream.
> Rrats that she was dating, living together and even married to a certain male idol were spreading a lot on x, formerly twitter
> People were digging up a lot of past things, incl. the one time a voice from outside showed up on her stream as "proofs".
> Essentially, a lot of people were schizoing out, trying to find connections about random shit from her streams and presenting them as "proof"
> Says that 30 minutes ago the other party put up a blog on their site addressing this, and completely denying being anything more than just playing games.
> She has been playing games with him recently, respects him as a friend.
> Was thinking about addressing it during her marshmallow stream, but at the time management from both sides were discussing how to handle it, so she didn't.
> She was thinking of simply ignoring it at first. So why is she bringing this up?
> It's because she wanted to bring a long standing problem to the attention of her fans.
> "First of all, right now there are a lot of people who hate VTubers, who hate Hololive, who hate Hoshimachi Suisei in particular, people who simply want to ruin someone else's life, people who derive fun from dramafagging etc. who have all been focussed on me."
> And they have been spreading harassment and speculations for a long time. They will continue doing this for a while longer.
> And not just me, they will be targeting the fans who are oshiing me saying things like "you're oshiing this type of person? are you retarded? wake up!" etc.
> So this is simply a warning to ignore those type of comments and not entertain them.
> If you're feeling annoyed or frustrated by all the harassment and comments - regardless of the truth - feel free to distance yourself from me and/or the internet for a while.
> Secondly, there were a lot of tweets from fans worried about my mental state.
> Well the speculations have escalated into so many weird places, so rather than being depressed I'm mildly annoyed at even having to address this in the first place.
> That's not exactly "healthy" I supposed, but I haven't been "hurt" or anything.
> You guys have been sending a lot of support, so I'm completely fine.
> Reiterating once again, I have ZERO intention of retiring. I did say this in the past, but even that statement morphed into "it's Cover that decides whether you retire or not" and stuff.
> Cover is also working hard to not become a place like that. So unless I shout out "DIE COVERRRRRR" it'll probably be fine *laughs*. So please rest assured on that front.

>> No.61150955

Part 2
> There's another thing I want to talk about, but that's just another general thing with regard to internet usage.
> I'd like to start an "internet course". It's a short guidelines of things to be careful about when using the internet. Hopefully this is useful to some of you.
> Point #1 : Internet conversations can sometimes morph into a game of telephone
> Example : "Suichan is dating (name)" --> "There's a rumor going around that Suichan has a bf, is it true?" --> "Eh!? Suichan has a bf!?" --> "Ehh, so Suichan has a bf huh.."
> Things will be spread as if they were the truth.
> And from there, it goes --> "Seems they're living together." --> "Eh!? Suichan is living together with a guy!?" --> "If they're living together they're probably married right?" etc.
> Gives more examples about how rrats spread, ending with "Hoshimachi Suisei is apparently married to (name), idk either of them, who?".
> At some point I "got married" without even knowing about it myself *laughs*
> Point #2 : Once this information has been spread widely enough, even if the person involved denies it -
> "Hoshimachi Suisei is apparently married to (name), idk either of them, who?" <-- The denial will not reach the guy that will continue to say this.
> This time it was fine because it was simply "married/living together" etc. and I'm the type that asks you not to go gachikoi for me, so if there's someone hurt by this and disappears, can't be helped.
> But if this was something like "Hoshimachi Suisei killed someone" or something like that, isn't that kinda scary?
> Things that are not true morph through conversation into things that are spread as if they're true.
> It's scary to think that there's so many people out there that simply believe whatever they read, and asking for my arrest or something.
> So if you ever hear another "Hoshimachi Suisei is doing (whatever)", please consider a few questions -
> Where is the information coming from? Is the information source reliable? What is the evidence for this information?
> And only after than, consider whether it's alright to retweet something like that.
> Also talks about clips putting actual fake thumbnails, changing stuff from "Hololive is a place with only good people" --> "DIE HOLOLIVE" as if she's saying it.
> Please check the source of the clip and make sure the information is correct before spreading it.
I'm including this part because I know there's at least a few retards here that don't know about all this shit that's common knowledge to regulars here, and because she's basically dunking on schizos everywhere.

>> No.61150968 [DELETED] 

He is her gaming friend and they respect each other. They aren't dating or having sex because Susi said so. Also it doesn't matter, because it just doesn't matter. OK? That's it.
Oh and also the drama is fabricated. Niji deflection blah blah, you know the drill.

>> No.61151012

Part 3
> *Addresses the "voice leak", actually plays the fucking clip lmao.*
> *Repeats it a lot of times, asks audience what exactly they hear.*
> In this instance, I understood that depending on what people want to hear, the meaning changes accordingly.
> There's people who heard "Suichaaan", or "Sukidaaa" or "Tsunaaa". And there's people who heard "Kochirawa" ("This is"), and people who said "Isn't this voice different from the guy that the rumor is about?".
> The first is what people who like to flame, people who hate VTubers and people who hate Hololive heard. The second is what fans and normal people heard.
> What you hear from something changes based on what you WANT to hear. So I'd like you guys to believe- not believe, understand, that this is how it works.
> This concludes the Internet Course.
> Oh wait, forgot to clear up *brings up the voice clip again*. The correct answer was "Kochira wa~".
> I can't say where this voice came from right now, but I'll say it once I move to a new place. (chat basically gets it: "election vehicle", "politician" etc. can be seen).
> Even if I say that this is "Kochira wa", there'll still be people who say "I don't believe you".
> During the marshmallow stream, I brought up a lot of topics with regard to Holomem. And there were also a lot of people saying "Don't get other holomem involved!" during that.
> And even I thought "oh damn, that's true" and felt kinda bad. I know most of them were antis, but it's also something people actually think y'know?
> There were a lot of people who didn't want their oshi to get involved and said "It might be hard for Suichan, but please don't talk about other Holomem for a while.".
> I worried and thought about it for a while. My collab partners might get harassed, people that I bring up may get harassed, so I was genuinely concerned about what to do.
> I thought maybe it would be best to not collab with anyone for a while. So I talked it out with a few holomem that I'm close to.
> But everyone is so kind. All of them said "Suichan didn't do anything wrong, so please keep your chin up proudly." and "Don't care about that shit, let's collab!" and stuff.
> Even if I didn't consult them, there were a lot of holomem who enquired about me and reassured me that they know it's not true etc.
> So I'm sorry for the fans of other girls who are worried about this, but I'll be taking them up on their words and will continue collabing with everyone like usual.
> Please practise RBI when encountering spam comments.
> Well that's about it. Oh wait, one more thing.
> 99% of the people spamming against me were antis with throwaway accounts. There weren't that many of my actual fans in the comments.
> Even from the other side's fans, there weren't anyone flaming me either.
> Of course there were some people sadposting, but none of them were "attacking" either side.
> Please understand that pretty much all of the people spamming this were antis or shitposters.
> So please don't get confused and say things like "this is why hololisteners are so shit" or "this is why idolfags are so bad" etc. etc.
> And yeah, so because of all that I was feeling a little weird. Seeing my fans getting harassed was making me sad.
> But at that time, I heard a certain song.. and I got a lot of encouragement. "Music is a remedy to many ills" I thought.
> So, to those who are sad about various things, I have a recommendation!
> Midnight Grand Orchestra, Second mini album, STARPEGGIO!
> If you buy this, you will be happy! Releasing on December 13th!
*plays "Midnight Mission" PV, proceeds to shill the album*
> Even to Inotaku san and the MGO team, I apologized for the trouble, but they were all like "don't worry about it". Thank you very much *bowing*
> This song was extremely difficult to sing and record.
> It's very fast paced, so even that one Elite Baby will not be able to sing the lyrics properly *laughs*
> So, please enjoy it!
> That's it for today. And promise me guys, RBI to any spam comments ok?
> See you again, otsumachi ~

JP schizos are far more mental than western ones, and there's a lot of idiots in the JP internet sphere who spread their shit without checking sauces - far more than in the west, at least in the chuuba sphere, possibly due to holo being more mainstream and a lot of normies being Hololive fans nowadays.

>> No.61151045

>So is this his career ending yab?
It's not. It's a nothing burger. Her fans don't care, Cover doesn't care

>> No.61151242

The benefits of not being a retard and not doing GFE people respect suisei far too much whether its true or not to even affect what they think of her

>> No.61151323 [DELETED] 

maiden I mean whore protests this much?
this means it's TRUE

>> No.61151359

After reading i can safely say Suisei is a hypocrite

>> No.61151468


>> No.61151486

Why and how?

>> No.61151577

>And not just me, they will be targeting the fans who are oshiing me saying things like "you're oshiing this type of person? are you retarded? wake up!" etc.
In blunt words telling her fans to keep believing her and buy her albums

>> No.61151647

>99% of the people spamming against me were antis with throwaway accounts. There weren't that many of my actual fans in the comments.
Is she playing dumb? Those one day accounts are your fans.

>> No.61151657 [DELETED] 
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Anyone interested should read the archived thread since jannies are dllating today

>> No.61151745 [DELETED] 

Lying whore

>> No.61151784

I swear. All this crap because Japs are mostly tech illiterate. They get what they deserve for only knowing a single language.

>> No.61151799 [DELETED] 

Her fans are cucks

>> No.61151818

Yeah, all of them me.

>> No.61151829

Can I get a qrd on this?

>> No.61151832

>t. EOP

>> No.61151861

This better not be another ruschia yab

>> No.61151867 [DELETED] 

where the pic?
I want the booba

>> No.61151893

Her fans are well ajusted individuals since she's anti unicorn

>> No.61151934

You don't speak japanese and you don't watch Suisei

>> No.61151948

That's right. Hence the post is very EOP-like. I am an EOP.

>> No.61151951


>> No.61151995

I have a secret for you anon: you're not allowed to talk about vtubers IRL on /vt/ (as explained in the sticky), but precisely because it's a board and not a rule, you CAN discuss it on other boards because it doesn't actually fall under doxing (which is why /vt/ rule 2 is a separate rule in the first place).

>> No.61152010

Y-yeah sure
T. Mousefag

>> No.61152012 [DELETED] 

Damn I'm on Suisei's side but stop being obnoxious and overzealous you retarded hoshiyomi janny.
Let people talk

>> No.61152026

I'm know how it works, you don't post your real feelings from a main account where you can be seen by fans like you or your oshi.

>> No.61152046

You're right. They watch vtubers, therefore they're at least a bit mentally ill. My bad

>> No.61152070

a board and not a global rule*

>> No.61152090 [DELETED] 

this is idol culture
*cuts wrists* as a tribute to hex

>> No.61152116 [DELETED] 

Guys please keep it civil. I use anti seethe as fuel for my intense fapping sessions. The mods will also delete this entire thread and then kapoot... imma just be sitting here dick in hand but no drive.
Do you know how much it sucks to get cucked by the mods? So please. Keep this around. Thank you in advance!

>> No.61152118

>male idol playing game
>get notification from Suisei
>panics and ends stream
His reaction is what turned this into a "duh she has male friends" into a "are they dating?"

>> No.61152133

/vt/ is a dogshit cuck board for worshiping whores, yeah

>> No.61152174

>implying you're not just as mentally ill

>> No.61152218 [DELETED] 
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>> No.61152219

>it was talked about by a vtuber in a YouTube vtuber stream
>You can't talk about it because huh "IRL"
That's the most retarded thing I've seen today. It's like saying we can't talk about how Holomen hang out on in escape games because it's "IRL"

>> No.61152259

I'm /here/ so obviously I'm deranged

>> No.61152260

>His reaction is what turned this into a "duh she has male friends" into a "are they dating?"
So when she says they're just playing together, she's lying. If she doesn't mind working with men, why doesn't she tell us about her adventures with this guy on the streams? Instead, she told another story about Anemachi.

>> No.61152303

These are not one-day accounts

>> No.61152397


>> No.61152483

>are you retarded? (they are)

>> No.61152528


>> No.61152530 [DELETED] 

She never said they're "just" friends. She said they play games and she respects her. Note that she also never said herself that they weren't dating. All she did say is "he denied it".
Suisei never lied. If anything the guy lied because he's a male Idol and is affraid for his career.
Suisei doesn't give a fuck and would talk about dating him at this point if she could

>> No.61152557 [DELETED] 
File: 663 KB, 800x1021, 1698059500329624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're just gamer friends
>I would never date a fan
>just trust me bro

>> No.61152584 [DELETED] 

>> I'd like to start an "internet course". It's a short guidelines of things to be careful about when using the internet. Hopefully this is useful to some of you.
>> Point #1 : Internet conversations can sometimes morph into a game of telephone
>> Example : "Suichan is dating (name)" --> "There's a rumor going around that Suichan has a bf, is it true?" --> "Eh!? Suichan has a bf!?" --> "Ehh, so Suichan has a bf huh.."
>> Things will be spread as if they were the truth.
>> And from there, it goes --> "Seems they're living together." --> "Eh!? Suichan is living together with a guy!?" --> "If they're living together they're probably married right?" etc.
>> Gives more examples about how rrats spread, ending with "Hoshimachi Suisei is apparently married to (name), idk either of them, who?".
>> At some point I "got married" without even knowing about it myself *laughs*
>> Point #2 : Once this information has been spread widely enough, even if the person involved denies it -
>> "Hoshimachi Suisei is apparently married to (name), idk either of them, who?" <-- The denial will not reach the guy that will continue to say this.
Roru this shit is true
And after it spread around and stay for a long time, some retards will believe it without any proof kek

>> No.61152629

So I was right. You don't know anything

>> No.61152667

I don't think they gonna let us talk about this here. Is there somewhere else with more freedom?

>> No.61152697 [DELETED] 

Then explain why I was banned for a month sitewide for power wording Vox and his date when /NijiEN/ and /2434/ ran off to /jp/ like total fucking pussies?

>> No.61152698


>> No.61152741 [DELETED] 

I don't think this is true because with how often other holos say how hot suisei is, I doubt she'd date a dude that looks like that.

>> No.61152747

Then how come the IRL Niji things stay up?

>> No.61152778

it's easy to see when you look at the catalog for 5 seconds

>> No.61152782

She tried, but gave out too many info in the process, which will make it last longer than it should

>> No.61152805 [DELETED] 

I'm waiting for the day after he graduates and stops being an idol, she'll proudly tell her fans to their faces that they actually dated.

>> No.61152842

Lmao suisei doing a reverse rushia

>> No.61152901 [DELETED] 

It's supposed to be fine on /jp/ but the tranny janny is on that board too for some reason. Crazy how he's allowed to maliciously moderate 2 boards without any repercussions.

>> No.61152941

You're fucking retarded

>> No.61152970

I feel like she doesn't give a single shit and would blurt it out if the guy gave the OK.
She's just giving some respect to his side of the fanbase by not answering it directly since he had a more visceral reaction to it, which means he is most likely the one who needs to hide it the most.

>> No.61152998

It's not like she respects her fans anyway

>> No.61153000 [DELETED] 

Go to /b/, /pol/, /jp/ or whatever. /vt/ jannies have no power there

>> No.61153085 [DELETED] 


>> No.61153094

I'm gonna checking out /d/ to see if it can be used. I found censorship on futaba too

>> No.61153103

> "Hoshimachi Suisei is apparently married to (name), idk either of them, who?" <-- The denial will not reach the guy that will continue to say this.
She mentioned people like you.

>> No.61153115

There's your problem. Vtubers themselves are bordering the offtopic line on /jp/, even more so non-japanese ones. Talking about non-jp roommates is an offtopic death sentence on the most moderated board on 4chan.

>> No.61153125

nice more ntr suisei content next comiket

>> No.61153230 [DELETED] 
File: 1.39 MB, 2448x3264, tranny_janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes tranny janny

>> No.61153609

so many words, so little said

>> No.61153635 [DELETED] 

Someone link us a thread on a board where we can discuss about this without being interrupted by some no life janny on a power trip

>> No.61153670 [DELETED] 

This is the strictest board on this site because mods are on a powertrip. I've gotten 3 day bans on here for things that would get you warnings on other boards at worst if jannys were in a bad mood.

>> No.61153702


>> No.61153734

wait, why would this be removed if this is something that she literally talked about on stream?
people can go on all day talking about how froot cheated when that's never come close to being stream relevant, but this ordeal that she made part of the content of her streams is off-limit?
can janny-kun explain this to me?

>> No.61153760

Meidos are devout holofags and they're not even hiding it
