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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61110248 No.61110248 [Reply] [Original]

And Vtubers win again... In kneel my Ina...

>> No.61110296


>> No.61110439

Surprised sonic collabed with Hololive after Gura accused them of blowing up her PC.

>> No.61110536

how shit is her pc that it blow up bcs sonic game.

>> No.61110616


>> No.61110665

nobody gives a fuck chumbud

>> No.61110781

Koro-san is a fucking ambassador of the series, how is it any weird?

>> No.61110808

Is that why she doesn't stream anymore?

>> No.61110858

Congrats to Ina!

>> No.61110973

Sonic has gone irrelevant with how shit the newly released game is, they had to resort to shilling a barely stream vtuber

>> No.61111000

Has Ina ever even talked about Sonic before? Or is Sega just looking for an EN equivalent of Korone? The latter is far more what it feels like..

>> No.61111070

Should have went with Fuwamoco, they're basically EN version of Korone.

>> No.61111133

except not at all what the hell?

>> No.61111175

They play old games and they're dogs.

>> No.61111191

Who gives a shit about JP? They haven't been relevant in years.

>> No.61111242 [DELETED] 

>t. Nijinig

>> No.61111248

Who? Do you have a recent stream maybe?

>> No.61111294

Why would I give a shit about niji who are equally as irrelevant?

>> No.61111346

Only fake fans call her Ina

>> No.61111570
File: 702 KB, 1272x708, 1672028822556265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have went with Kronii, who actually-played and actually-liked Sonic games as a kid. Only problem is, your sponsor would be fucking kronii. I guess Sega insisted on good chuuba taste over practicality.

>> No.61111627

fucking kek

>> No.61111931

They don’t watch streams

>> No.61112114

>Has Ina ever even talked about Sonic before?
No, but several of the HoloEN talents have mentioned that sponsors usually ask for a specific vtuber for these sponsorships. That means they do sometimes promote game franchises they have never played.

>> No.61112866

who is that robot?

>> No.61113238

no one even calls her ina'nis and they go with ninofuckingmae

>> No.61113647

New character, that's armor, she's actually a lizard.

>> No.61113661

Subaru literally hit 107k viewers while playing Minecraft a couple months ago, how the fuck is JP irrelevant?

>> No.61113685


>> No.61113772

Fauna could have worked too.

>> No.61113850

that's Korone's IP what the duck is Ina doing here

>> No.61115996

Sure, the thousands of people going at sololives from the JP members are also bots aren't they? Just really good bots.

>> No.61116484

EN had more people at their concerts.

>> No.61116583

We don’t care chumkek

>> No.61116666

Pekora has a venue of 11k people for her sololive. Connect The World had a venue of 7-8k people. Please anon.

>> No.61117265

Pekora's venue isn't sold out.

>> No.61117388

I can't believe she's going to be the official EN Sonic ambassador, looking forward to the sanic costume soon

>> No.61118035

Imagine wasting quads on responding to bait.

>> No.61119169

... They wanted someone who can draw, dummy

>> No.61119316

>a barely stream vtuber
Back off to your hut SEAnig

>> No.61120435

they want someone whose first sonic was adventure, because they're never releasing another good 2d game

>> No.61121292

thanks to vtubers ive lost my only friend who was heavily into the sonic verse and such because i like vtubers and he hates them with a passion
when korone invaded his hobby, he was hella pissed and i couldnt talk to him for weeks without him complaining about vtubers and we almost fell out after that, but still could talk to each other due the project were working on
when i saw the message "this is all your fault" flare up for a second before i couldnt contact him anymore because he deleted/blocked me and threw me out of the project unprompted i knew it had to do something with vtubers invading his hobby again. now i dont have anyone to talk to about vtubers except this board, which is a cesspool of bad things regarding vtubers and im on my own now
i wish i could hate ina for this, but i just cant. im not a hateful person, nor is it her fault
i just wish i had friends again

>> No.61121680

Your friend is a fucking faggot, if this is even real. And if it is, you must be 18 to use this website.

>> No.61122009

For fucks sakes kid, there is not a single capital letter on your whole fake ass story. Fuck off.

>> No.61122240

im sad and i dont care about any capital letters or anything else anymore but i can show some of his sonic ramblings if you want

>> No.61123044

Ina can draw

>> No.61123127

Nice to see Ina getting some publicity!

>> No.61123383

Look at how flat her chest is!

>> No.61123719

You don't need friends. All you need is your oshi

>> No.61125517

This "friend" of yours sounds very retarded, cutting ties with him seems like a net positive.

>> No.61126067

your big mistake was having a sonicfag friend
saved yourself from being heavily brainwashed into a (may allah forgive me for uttering this word) furry
>Verification not required

>> No.61126713

Revenge of the Sith, autism version

>> No.61127178

I got time to spare, not like I have much better to do since Ina is on a break anyway.

>> No.61127232

Didn't Genshin BTFO sonic in the 2022 game awards show?

>> No.61127277

We're all your friends anon, don't worry. We will not abandon you like he did.

>> No.61127339

The seethe of a chumbud is sad.

>> No.61127796

Your friend was immature and autistic, even so i do not have ill wishes towards either of you

>> No.61128770

I could have seen them going with someone like Mori since she's a furry and can also draw decently enough, no idea if she has ever talked about sonic tho since I don't watch her

>> No.61128869

You "friend" sounds like a complete retard.

>> No.61129381

wish i could think like that but i dont want to bury her with my issues
i did that a few times but i cant talk with other people like him and it sucks
the thing is, its not a problem because he and i grew up on /a/ and he grew more and more bitter over the years and didnt stop ranting about anime industry because he actually wanted to be an animator despite the miserable working conditions and how the animators get younger and he keeps getting older while not getting anything done because hes still hung up on finishing that project of his which i still think its cool and i do want to see it through but i can only see it if he uploads videos now that ive been thrown out
i just dont know what to do now

>> No.61129949

Your friend sounds like a Mori anti btw

>> No.61130116
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>> No.61130284

What a fucking faggot of a friend. You're better off without him.

>> No.61130875

Ina gets a surprising amount of sponsorships for how adverse to socializing she is.

>> No.61131651

I think they just like her since this isn't the first time they've had her do ads for them. PSO is Sega too.

>> No.61132425

Nah, Mori antis like vtubers, which is why they hate shitstains like Mori.

>> No.61132807

Nobody gives a shit about Gura, go watch her streams instead, oh wait.

>> No.61134211
File: 83 KB, 1334x750, DcWCT5qWAAEvt-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Barely stream

>> No.61137036

when the fuck was it implied ina was a sonic fan

>> No.61137852

>states multiple times she's taking a mid october break for a family vacation into a Japan trip for birthday live recording
>s-she barely streams just like my oshi gura
move on faggot

>> No.61140995


>> No.61141400

That's a fucking joke, are you autistic? Do you take everything literally?

>> No.61147327


>> No.61151812

sonic isnt a hobby

>> No.61151825

I don't think it's a joke, I am autistic. I do take everything literally.

>> No.61151838

Yeah you'd think that wouldn't you?

>> No.61151940

hey man you're autistic and gay for breaking up with that anon over vtubers and sonic of all things

>> No.61151989

you deserve to die :D
just kidding. but let me know how this post make you feel

>> No.61154907


>> No.61156651

Hololive only grows stronger

>> No.61158695

Tell your friend that 55 people think he is a faggot loser.

>> No.61161294

Not the same guy anon

>> No.61161335

Grats to your oshi Takos! Very nice indeed.
