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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 650 KB, 1106x1200, Mocca_Liebeskind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.6110680 [Reply] [Original]

Why'd she quit vtubing?

>> No.6110965

because she's a schizo

>> No.6111085

Literal menhera schizo

>> No.6111430

>Checks this here >>6111085
>Goes to her Twitts
>Looks like some anon broke containment but it's an actual Chuuba
>No containment was broken
It seems she(?) just lost it somewhere along the way and realized it not long ago, not a bad end really, could have been worse.

>> No.6111522
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>> No.6111535

I warned him to take his lithium but he wouldn't listen

>> No.6111593

lack of a boyfriend to plow her boipussy

>> No.6111690

>I started hooking up with basically randos regularly, usually way above my age because those types were very easy and quick to hook up with and didn't expect any connection beyond it

yeah i can't read any more, i'd rather not ruin my night by reading this depressing shit

>> No.6111847
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He's about to kill himself any day now and what you care about is her pronouns? Do LGBT really? Baka frog.

>> No.6113427

>actually doxing whole live story to internet
Why indies like this...

>> No.6113446

If he wants to be honest with himself, you should be respectful of that, tool.

>> No.6113457

She needed to commit full-time to her postgrad studies.

>> No.6113547

The destruction of categories will prompt a violent return of a new order. One that you will not like. You are just too dumb to see it.
Now gtfo of my escapism vtuber board and/or hang yourself.

>> No.6114426

Artemis next on my 41% list

>> No.6115139
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balls cock cum

>> No.6115185


>> No.6115263

Too bad he never finished Umineko

>> No.6115457

>applied to hololive
Holy shit, mocca really WAS a woman

>> No.6115587

Because of this thread.

>> No.6115671

Why are you making the same threads about this literalwho indie as if he's important?

>> No.6116007

>I obviously got rejected by Hololive (thankfully, my god could you imagine)
B-But I thought people would be happy to be in hololive?!? Think of the money!!!

>> No.6116059

Mocca has said not to correct people on his pronouns because he doesn't care.

>> No.6117286

Mocca acknowledged how much of a menhera she is and would likely have graduated after a month I assume.

>> No.6118139
File: 102 KB, 463x454, 1622043733027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive reject? Hololive reject

>> No.6118450

Nijisanji reject? Nijisanji reject

>> No.6118527
File: 2.92 MB, 2720x1800, 1620941322636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogging Nijisanji? Mogging Nijisanji

>> No.6118735

Faggots in this thread

>> No.6119001

so is it a he or a she?

>> No.6119404
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>childhood neglect
>visit 4chan and escape to the internet
>become a tranny
>whore yourself out for fulfilment

>> No.6123433

Always has been. Majority of the people here are fucking retarded.

>> No.6123640

No mocca is a male, mocca even put a male symbol in his twitter bio, why are people larping that mocca his female when mocca said he is a dude?

>> No.6123767

Yeah and troons putting she/her in their bios are also female

>> No.6124215

He stopped because he had attracted enough loyal people to simp for him even if he doesn't produce content anymore. Now he just tweets and posts in his discord with his small group of "friends"

>> No.6125776
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Mocca is really cute

>> No.6126074
File: 28 KB, 204x484, Umineko5to8_FVrNEj8jVH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sus XD

>> No.6126157

She’s joining Holoen gen 2 so she can bitch and complain to more people

>> No.6126228

I remember giving Mocca a shot once. He seemed pretty neat.
Next time I hear, some spergout on Twitter about a Discord leaker.
I stopped caring about Mocca after that, it was clear what kind of person they were, the type that thinks Discord is a super secret dungeon to shit on people without them knowing about it. Fucking retard kek

>> No.6126425

does yagoo want to create HoloDE? one retarded adhd chicken is enough for europe and the world

>> No.6126725

Wait, are they actually done Vtubing? Not just the stop using Twitter phase?

>> No.6126902

She finally made it into hololive

>> No.6127111

Never happened.

>> No.6127244

Yeah, the tweets by Mocca totally never happened at all. Fuck outta here.
I don't even care enough to go look them up, if they still even exist. I never even watched Mocca enough to know surname, never mind URLs, by memory.
I just remember having fun on one of their streams a while back, being busy, coming back, sperging out over some cunt leaking something and fucking off.

>> No.6127275

Yes, you can tell by him constantly shittalking Cover and talking about never auditioning. I'm sure they let him in.

>> No.6127394

He was upset because someone was combing through his discord posts to try and doxx him. They had gotten pretty close too. Why wouldn't you be upset about something like that? You sound underaged anyways.

>> No.6127412
File: 63 KB, 1410x194, what could possibly be getting said that could be used to target you i wonder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6127441

Good comeback bro. Where did you get it?
See >>6127412
Nice revision. Try next time, cunt.

>> No.6127513


>> No.6127559

That literally backs up what i just said. Are you actually retarded? He even explicitly mentions the doxxing attempt in it.

>> No.6127595

It's called read more. I can't help you any more than that.

>> No.6127729

btw, you couldn't be any more obvious Mocca. Get out.

>> No.6127781

mocca has always been a girl fakeboi if you go back far enough. How else would you account for the promiscuity period in her life of easy access to con sex

>> No.6127810

It's really weird that you seem genuinely upset about something that happened months ago regarding a vtuber you watched once. I don't even remember people i met a month ago anymore. Do you not like...have a job? Hobbies?

>> No.6127927

You've never met a gay person, have you?

>> No.6127970
File: 60 KB, 900x506, dr-kawashima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your fault for being dumb. Get smarter.
Also if you think this is upset, you might want to try an autism test while you are at it.

>> No.6128158

That's because you're talking to the same schizo that shits up every Mocca thread to target him. The writing style is always the same. Maybe it's Mocca himself with how dedicated this faggot is.

>> No.6128290

This is the first time I've seen a Mocca thread in months. Sorry, I don't browse this shithole board nearly as much as you think. I actually watch streams unlike you fuckwits that live here.
I know a hypocrite when i see one. I bet I could go on that Twitter right now and find glaring hypocrisies all over it within the past couple months alone.

>> No.6128357

You're going on a spergout over some random chuuba you watched once who felt bad about being doxxed. Are you okay?

>> No.6128501

Okay Mocca.
Last post btw. Get your last dig in. I already wasted more posts than I should have in this thread. Going to make food, want anything?
Also, already checked since I was curious, so much for not posting "text" on your Twitter, literally a day later you do, then not long after, a fucking life story.
lol. Called it.

>> No.6128798

You're an interesting brand of schizo. Underage, I guess.

>> No.6128900

Mocca as cute and entertaining Mocca is, s/he is fcking messed on the head, which makes it quite entertaining since you never know the fuck is going to happen next

I hope for the best to her anyways

>> No.6128921

Magallan from arknights was a vtuber?

>> No.6129176

It's going to end in suicide.

>> No.6129190

Yeah that about sums it up. End this dumb thread.

>> No.6132323

Homos are the most easy "people" to fuck. They're really promiscuos

>> No.6133077

For someone who hates corpos and wants to be a small streamer Mocca sure is obsessed with numbers and perpetuating the weird rules of vtubing established by said corporations. I wonder what the next phase will be after they fall out of love with music because no one wants to listen to yet another undertale inspired 20 something with no sense of melody, or what would happen if Lily/Alice or whoever else in the circle become too busy to chat regularly because they're taking what they do relatively seriously.
Now they're on Twitter trying to be inspirational despite having never put a major project out in public and saying weeks ago that they were going to stop using Twitter altogether.
It's getting harder to not be annoyed by the hypocrisy and double standards they display.

>> No.6133547

Aren't you embarrassed being such a schizo?

>> No.6134193

I'm annoyed because someone I found entertaining and have had generally positive and friendly interactions with, on and off streams, has fallen back into a depressive cycle that they're aware exists but not aware enough to notice that they're in the middle of it again. I'd like to see them do good; if I'm a schizo for that then sure.
At least I'm not the guy who went to one stream then decided mocca was menhera because he was upset that someone tried to doxx him.

>> No.6134256

So the answer is no then.

>> No.6134898

Annoyed with what?
>mocca says he doesn't want to stream
Not your business.
>mocca enjoys making music
Why are you making fun of him for doing something he enjoys?
>mocca is tweeting cringe
Unfollow him if you don't like his tweets.

At least say what you mean, you think he should stream even if he doesn't want to.

>> No.6135018

I wonder if it's Zia considering what happened with him and mocca

>> No.6135046

This thread reeks of the frenchman, especially these posts >>6133077 >>6134193

>> No.6135059

It’s not even a tranny accusation post, he’s literally said it

>> No.6135796

I don't think it's unreasonable to be annoyed at someone constantly going back on their word and then acting like they're above it all. I'm not saying they're fucking Hitler because of it.
If they don't want to stream they don't have to, I never brought that up.

>> No.6135853

>i like mocca and here are all the reasons mocca sucks
Okay, Ziassan. Just move on if this is not schizoshit.

>> No.6135943

You can like people and still point out the things you don't like about them, friend. But I will stop here. Fuck if I know what Zia has to do with mocca though, for the record.

>> No.6136083

yep, it's classic Karpman Triangle savior-persecutor grooming behavior.
You lower their self-esteem while at the same time showing affection, so they doubt themselves and rely more on you.

I expect nothing less from an experienced groomer psycho .

>> No.6136188

Dude, are you listening to yourself?
>I like Mocca but he's a manipulative liar that thinks he's above it all. Also his music is embarrassing and his friends will soon abandon him anyway.
Either you're a schizo in denial or you're trolling.

>> No.6136802

Zia owns the posts he makes here though. I feel like you're looking too deep into a vent post on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. I'm not saying shit to their face.
>>6136188 gives me a good view on what interpretation everyone took from me though. I'd clarify but I said I'm done. I would just be arguing with people over shit I didn't intend; not that I'm going to blame anyone for thinking that way.

>> No.6137205

>don't take my words for what they mean, they had a different meaning entirely. also i will not clarify.

>> No.6139559
File: 35 KB, 895x104, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I egosearched and found this fucking thread
Guess my words don't mean much but I have nothing to do with Mocca anymore. After my drama I agreed to not have any interaction with him, unfollowed him (I'm not blocked) even unlisted my fan songs. I liked Mocca because he was a very direct person and played Umineko and Myst, but I never ever sent him unprompted DMs or anything, you can ask him if you want. I kept some distance.
I think he has his own issues already and really doesn't need anyone to make it harder for him. Wish him the best in w/e he's up to now. I don't really care if you want my family to die or whatnot, but at least spare Mocca the headache of being associated with me, thanks, it gives some weirdos free reign to do what they want under some boogeyman.

>> No.6139666

Jesus christ dude.

>> No.6139756

Based. Hope you're doing fine, french fag. I really liked your song too, what a shame.

>> No.6140066

Well at least you're a new IP

>> No.6140560

Anons what the actual fuck is this thread

>> No.6140592

Most mocca threads are pretty deranged, and this one was found by some wvt schizo early on, didn't help.

>> No.6140620


>> No.6140674

This is every Mocca thread. He's essentially retired as a chuuba anyway so why they are even made anymore is anyone's guess.

>> No.6140711

Sorry about what happened to you man, kinda miss seeing you in her discord. Ironically she picked up composing music after you left.

>> No.6140867

Really wish those wvt schizos kept their shit in their thread instead of trying to bring it to every thread trying to get attention to then shill their 0 views chuubas

>> No.6142491

Zman, you here? I miss you but you're still a faggot. Drop one of dem cool tracks you made, thanks.

>> No.6142536

Lmao. If anything I'd be glad if they actually left the thread and did something else. They can't stop harassing a bunch of nobodies.

>> No.6143113

Sure, no idea what you like tho, so here's some blue impro on megalovania I guess https://streamable.com/chazxq

>> No.6143544

The track kicks. Thanks, man. Maybe we'll meet again someday. What do you use for those by the way?

>> No.6143602

SeeMusic, I'm trying to set it up so I can record my own piano/hands on top of it and get a mix of reality and virtual. Seeya.

>> No.6147270

Mocca retires and still gets the coolest fanworks anyway

>> No.6153557

You're a fucking freak, even by this website's standards. Please kill yourself

>> No.6156908

The end of Mocca Lovelychild

>> No.6156919

Every time I go on an indie thread there's a 50% chance someone starts a debate about whether or not they're actually a girl.

>> No.6157203

there are two natural states of indie chuuba
constantly in drama or tranny

>> No.6159114

there's no way it's that low

>> No.6162573

Anyone can apply to anything though, it would say more if they got hired.

>> No.6162661

Why not both?

>> No.6170313

Are you sure that's not just the natural state of their threads? People project trannies onto everything nowadays.
