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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61096499 No.61096499 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.61096527

sorry level 1 numberfag but those numbers aren't admissible in /vt/ court

>> No.61096550

something something "dislike extension not working correctly" something

>> No.61096558

try to care with your own internet privacy and safety

>> No.61096643
File: 93 KB, 606x565, 1681202981816560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me.
you're welcome.

>> No.61096865

>dislike extension

>> No.61096908

The ones that download the dislike extension are more probable to dislike stuff therefore the numbers it estimates are highly biased so kys
t. degree in statistics

>> No.61096997

holy cope

>> No.61097082

Mogs your oshi's orisong's viewcount in 3 days

>> No.61097088

Nice cope. Almost as nice as youtube's disabling of likes was.

>> No.61097115

>meme malware extension
antis are fucking retarded babies

>> No.61097210

You might as well use inspect element and write in whatever you want.

>> No.61097237


>> No.61097304

It does work though.
You can test it with sssniperwolf’s channel and see how her recent stuff is disliked cause of the current drama, and her older ones aren’t as much. Sorry for bringing that shit up but just saying it still works.

>> No.61097310

That dislike extension is not a good way to see the actual dislike count because it relies on some guesswork on the extension's part. People rarely dislike videos now thanks to Youtube removing the dislike button.

>> No.61097324

Could well be, given the way those retarded addons have to extrapolate.

>> No.61097355
File: 149 KB, 718x1199, 1689042286654725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why holoroaches are having a meltdown aga

>> No.61097360

it works, it's just not accurate because it guesses the numbers

>> No.61097399

It will overestimate by design. People who download the addon will disproportionately be dramafags, who will be far more reactive to that kind of thing.
The addon then estimates based on that sample.

>> No.61097463


>> No.61097477

Seems accurate for me cause i have my own channel and i can see it being fine too. Wholesome content also barely has any dislikes, for example.
So yes, maybe it’s off by 50-100 people when it’s a lot of dislikes but I’m pretty sure it still works.

>> No.61097527


>> No.61097617

Woah she got 516k in two days. And 32K likes too.

>> No.61097703

Kinda pissed that this passed Black Sheep in just 3 days when Black Sheep was actually a pretty good song. Haters bringing in free traffic, which is exactly what Konami wanted anyways.

>> No.61097780

>imaginary hate points
Absolute mental illness

>> No.61097811

No one is melting down. In fact, people are just making fun of you. Everyone here knows that a lot of people dislike Mori's song, but using a highly inaccurate dislike extension is not the best way to do it. The more hated a video is, the more inflated the dislike count becomes (more dislikes than there actually are). The extension takes all the likes and dislikes of extension users, which is usually not indicative of the actual number because people who use the extension are more likely to dislike a video. Also, because not everyone who likes/dislikes a video use the dislike extension, the extension would then have to extrapolate which would skew the numbers even more.

tl;dr op is a retard for using this extension.

>> No.61097812

How does it work?

>> No.61097844

loli god requiem had 5mi in 3 days

>> No.61097882

Honestly, if I don’t like a video or a creator I try not to interact with their content at all. I once heard that even disliking a video, or clicking onto a video to dislike can still boost it in the algorithm because it generates clicks and they track any kind of interaction and see it as a positive at YouTube HQ. They just don’t want you to know that a video has major dislikes cause people are not as likely to click on a video with a huge dislike ratio.

I figure most people don’t even bother disliking videos anymore anyways.

>> No.61097896

lolicalli when

>> No.61097937
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It doesn't.
It counts ratio of likes/dislikes under video from users of the extension and use that ratio to assess the amount of dislikes.
As >>61097811 said, it's' questionable method at best of times

>> No.61098058
File: 1.07 MB, 784x1120, 1674448988129277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too cute for this world

>> No.61098099

> They just don’t want you to know that a video has major dislikes cause people are not as likely to click on a video with a huge dislike ratio.
It's not like you can see the likes before you click on a thumbnail. No, they removed it because companies and organizations were crying to youtube about "bad" opinions.
You always had the option to disable likes on your videos.

>> No.61098132

It's pretty obvious the negative attention the song is getting is helping it grow. If it was just kinda bad and no one cared, like I'm Greedy, its growth would've died almost instantly. Instead, it's like Mori's fastest growing original since Future Island despite being one of her worst releases in her career lol

>> No.61098190

It seems to be able to give a general representation of how a video is doing but not a very specific one, you can see this by looking at videos that you’d expect to have a lot of dislikes. That being said this is still overwhelmingly positive, even if the dislikes are probably above average.

>> No.61098302

saved, thanks buddy

>> No.61098303

~85% ratio is "bad" only because most vtuber songs are like 95%+. Everyone knows the song is polarizing as fuck and promoted outside of Mori's target audience so it's not even that bad of a ratio.

>> No.61098397

Statistics is not "guessing the numbers".
Do you think survey papers use tens of thousands of participants?

>> No.61098466

>Statistics is not "guessing the numbers".
it literally is
and surveys are almost always wrong

>> No.61098481

Good surveys avoid self-selection bias.

>> No.61098524
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 1682297111821766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61098542

It takes the number of dislikes from uses of the extension (who are by far more likely to use the dislike function in the first place) and extrapolates that out to the total.

>> No.61098592

Thanks for confirming you're a bunch of retards.

>> No.61098649

>it literally is
you are literally retarded

>> No.61098668


>> No.61098726

I don’t really listen to Mori’s music much, but i’d guess that her music was already more polarizing than your average vtuber song. It’s not like it’s the first time shes made twitter mad, and there probably isn’t that much overlap between western weebs who watch vtubers and fans of rap music in the first place. The place where she seems to be looked at the most positively is in Japan.

>> No.61098834

Statistics based on tiny ass % are

>> No.61098898

4.7 billion dislikes... My God...

>> No.61098908

Guessing probably isn’t the right word, its more like predicting. Statistics don’t always give you exact numbers, but they can represent general trends that can be easily predicted and replicated.

>> No.61098919

You are literally assuming that every person who has the extension is only disliking everything.
Tell me more about bias, you fucking retard.

>> No.61098950

Do a survey of alcoholism but only select people from the local homeless shelter and try to use it to say something about alcoholism in the general society. That is the equivalent to using the dislike extension and using its numbers

>> No.61099015

>I don't know anything about statistics.

>> No.61099053



>> No.61099091

They don't have to only dislike everything for the sample to be skewed. They just have to be more likely to dislike than the average person.
