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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.48 MB, 1306x800, firefox_2021-07-05_03-03-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.6104628 [Reply] [Original]

Is it me or is she getting worse?

>> No.6105078

No matter how bad she's at singing, at least her voice is not that of Kiara's.

>> No.6105159

I don't see the point in making members do streams on subjects they are bad at.

>> No.6105248

I feel she's gotten better in the second half but this is probably one of her worse karaoke's if you're judging on singing ability. If you want to have fun, you'll want to watch this probably.

>> No.6105250

Her shit singing only makes the other girls' shine all the brighter. Shes bad on purpose.

>> No.6105260

This. fpbp.

>> No.6105331

i kill you scum. never insult my oshi you fucking stupid bastard

>> No.6105333

Yes, but that's the entire point of her karaoke streams.

>> No.6105364


How hard do you think the studio staff laughed at her when she recorded Goodbye Sengen? All that animation can't hide how fucking god awful her voice is

>> No.6105401

any songs in spanish yet?

>> No.6105412

Ame's karaoke streams are supposed to be fun, not admired like Suisei or the other holos.

>> No.6105416

She absolutley murdered 'Every breath you take' , had to mute, And this spic stuff, just ew

>> No.6105428

It depends on the song choice. And singing those songs each time to improve, instead of just mixing it up all the time.

Coco isn't the greatest singer, but she improved by singing the same core of songs each time she'd to an unarchived karaoke stream. Amelia could easily do that too if she's stick with the same few songs, and even some that were a little out of her scope.

>> No.6105438

I dunno I don't watch Ame but this stream is making me realise I'm really missing out. Pure uncontained SOVL

>> No.6105471


She just did Carlito and did a song from Coco earlier

>> No.6105481

song from coco and carlito

>> No.6105488

Hey random question, does anyone still have that copypasta about going out to karaoke with your friend Amelia and falling in love with her while she sings Kiss Me? I want to reread it and laugh at it by subbing in one of these other songs instead.

>> No.6105603

Karaoke isnt about being a good singer. Its about singing with your pals who dont care that you sing like shit. Ame doing karaoke with us is a great honor.

>> No.6105642

ame is the worst singer in hololive but she does the best karaoke streams
it's a mystery

>> No.6105682
File: 10 KB, 313x361, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your reality

>> No.6105699
File: 304 KB, 2150x2440, 1625295523221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but have this instead

>> No.6105706
File: 37 KB, 579x536, ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame loves singing songs that are easy too hard for her. She pretty much has "Kiss Me" and "Mr. Brightside" nailed at least, plus all of her ska songs.

>> No.6105721

she has a disability if she can't tell how offkey she is

>> No.6105831

>close stream

Well, it mostly good lol

>> No.6105858

She needs to pick songs like 'kiss me' and 'wonderwall' , ones where you dont need to hold a note for too long, because even if u cant sing those kinda songs can still be beautiful

I really wish she would stay within her domain of ability coz its distracting how bad it is when she scuffs or just straight up gives up during a song

>> No.6105869
File: 173 KB, 640x633, out-transparent-38.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame releases her first original song and it sounds like t-pain

>> No.6105936

I liked the zombie cover

>> No.6105939


Just when i thought it couldnt get any worse...

>> No.6105942

Ame, sing freebird!

>> No.6105981

Why did she put a yellow chat over a yellow background?

>> No.6106045

T-Pain was really good on The Masked Singer

>> No.6106165

That video is well made but do you know the name of the original song/singer?

>> No.6106174

>Peko baka mitai

I didn't even know you could karaoke this

>> No.6106206
File: 1.56 MB, 1138x1717, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6106223


>> No.6106242

i know it's unarchived but if she didn't ask pekora it feels worse than copyrighted songs

>> No.6106252
File: 172 KB, 864x1292, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6106264

The song is Lost Kitten by Metric

>> No.6106304

It's Mori and she's the sexiest singer in Hololive.

>> No.6106388

Pure soul.

>> No.6106389


>> No.6106425


>> No.6106486
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1600312378873s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6106487

Thank you Anon

>> No.6106498

Depends if she practiced the song or not, its as simple as that.
What matters is that she learnt how to have fun and didn't ended any song early.
3 karaoke in 4 weeks, and another 1 next week!

>> No.6106502

Holy based

>> No.6106507


>> No.6106515

Ame is a fucking mastermind holyshit. Literally the smartest hololive in existence.

>> No.6106531

ok it just got based real fuckin quick

>> No.6106571

i need the clip asap

>> No.6106599

You don't understand, her voice has SOUL.

>> No.6106635
File: 2.40 MB, 1778x1028, VAPORWAVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6106697

This is way too based

>> No.6106736

Amechads...I fucking kneel.

>> No.6106756
File: 1.90 MB, 2010x1052, DISCO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6106772

Just enjoy

>> No.6106806

Isn't part of the idol experience seeing them improve over time?

>> No.6106841

I love Ame so goddamn much Teabros

>> No.6106885

just you anon, karaoke is about having fun and she's having a blast

>> No.6106890

Goddammit I love ame

>> No.6106915

What was the name of that song?

>> No.6106921

OP here.... all is forgiven

*naked dogeza*

>> No.6106947

who cares, this is the most fun i've had with a karaoke in a while

>> No.6106997
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 7JHxy2UO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to tell y'all but Ame's a countertenor but she uses that high pitched voice so she cant reach the notes her voice would normally allow. Also


>> No.6107000

this is like when i got use to subaru's voice

>> No.6107053

Would have been kino to cut the stream the moment she blasted offscreen.

>> No.6107055

Most messed up harmony ever

>> No.6107063

>animal crossing ED

Literally the savior of Holo EN

>> No.6107066


>> No.6107276

>no bucking from the door
Huuhhh... buck breaking bros?

>> No.6107299
File: 2.66 MB, 462x244, good luck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6107328


>> No.6107364


Ame NO

>> No.6107382


>> No.6107470

Ame thought the stream ended, This is just her now.

>> No.6107509


>> No.6107590


>> No.6107603

she said it

>> No.6107611

SOUL just like noel's karaoke.

>> No.6107617

>Is it me or is she getting worse?
Clean out your earwax. Either that or you're getting dumber.

>> No.6107633

we are having fun, that's all that matters

>> No.6107649

> Where my teamates at?

Yo I really though she was gonna do it

>> No.6107673

Tell me the archivebros recorded that.

>> No.6107691
File: 698 KB, 497x488, eritee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this video is private

>> No.6107703

Are you really that dumb?

>> No.6107705

Those last few songs completley transformed that stream from 'meh' to fucking peak content

Ame, i kneel...

>> No.6107754

I recorded the entire Good Day song

>> No.6107790

Is unarchived anon...

>> No.6107843


upload doko?

>> No.6107937


Best place to dump it?

>> No.6108098

If you really judge her karaoke stream based on singing ability then you just don't understand the purpose of the stream itself

>> No.6108102


>> No.6108352



>> No.6108464


Rendering the video now and will post here when it's done

>> No.6108540

>Teamates posting "Teamates I kneel"

>> No.6108604

T-pain can sing really really well but he does the crazy autotune for style. Not sure why because I love his natural singing voice but he's still crazy successful so I guess it worked.

>> No.6108623



>> No.6108728

wtf stupid worst koreans she's not even Japanese. It's a hippie background. Japs dont own the sun.

>> No.6108797

exactly. She's not an idol, she's a shy karaoke gremlin

>> No.6108819

it doesn't even have the correct amount of rays as the Japanese flag

>> No.6108840

someone is bound to have captured it and clipped it.

>> No.6108955



>> No.6109018
File: 220 KB, 672x522, 1625139334558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Amelia Watson ft. Ice Cube & KK Slider


>> No.6109099


....no audio?

>> No.6109143

They'd be more fun if she could fucking sing at all. Coco's were fun because she was balls to the wall energy and at least matched pitch SOMETIMES. Ame is fucking awful at singing and is clearly insecure about it. I don't understand how she can't match pitch. She knows she's wrong and completely lacks the ability to fix it. I don't get it.

>> No.6109158




works for me?

>> No.6109206

I can never hear any audio from shit posted in /vt/ anyone know why?

>> No.6109278


All me.

>> No.6109286

>being this obsessed with Ame's singing skills

I pity you anon and I hope you find the help you need

>> No.6109303

You were warned by her anon, ahead of time. Your fault for clicking.

>> No.6109318

There's no audio on catbox, but there is audio if you download it

>> No.6109325


All file types? Or just mov?

>> No.6109343
File: 175 KB, 353x391, 1620349666687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP bros how do we recover?

>> No.6109345

I just don't understand how she can be this bad at it. I think what she does is fun and creative, but it's been nearly a year, you'd think she'd try to improve even a little.

>> No.6109405

Pull the trigger for an instant resolution

>> No.6109448



and its only on /vt/ everywhere else on 4chan is fine

>> No.6109537


ok cool it works once downloaded, thank you both

>> No.6109539

>Japs dont own the sun.
No, but koreans think that the japs do. Japan left korea long ago but they still own property inside every korean's head, rent free.

>> No.6109557

she probably lost hearing in one side of her ear or something at some point in her childhood.

>> No.6109584


>> No.6109619

Bitch grow up in a warzone or what?

>> No.6109690

Worse, a trailer park.

>> No.6109824


is there any truth to this rrat?

>> No.6109857

Not really, but if you listen to all her childhood stories she definitely grew up white trash.

>> No.6109873

J*U, did she sing the national anthem?

>> No.6109958



>> No.6110064

which Apex stream was this?

>> No.6110107


>> No.6110142

She's amazing at karaoke streams, one of the best in hololive. She's also a terrible singer.

>> No.6110598

Based, you're oshi is alright, teamates.

>> No.6110762

I saw some people say her singing has gotten better but it still sounds just as awful as it always has.

>> No.6110912

Well I mean, most koreans are genetically Japanese from the ransacking so I would feel like an abandoned kid looking for his father at that point

>> No.6111258

that song wasnt that bad

>> No.6111298

I enjoy bad karaoke

>> No.6111314

no. it sounds way worse

>> No.6111693

You wanna know something funny. This song is apparently about a gay man being rejected by his family and then being accepted by an older women who becomes her surrogate mother. The song wasn't famous before this video (the original one) and its variations like the Ame variation. It was supposed to he an LGBT song, but faded into obscurity until now when it has becomed a gosling anthem, who view to be about straight men wanting to experience the romantic love they never did with a women. Two completely different demographics.

>> No.6111755

I dunno the meaning of being an idolfag, but all I want is my oshi to reach her dreams.

>> No.6112121

I thought she was the best cover of that song.

>> No.6112177

I thought she did the best cover of that song.

>> No.6113592

>sings the songs she practiced before
>Sounds good
>Sings song for the first time
>Sounds bad
>There's retards surprised about this
Kys op

>> No.6113651

It is if the idol actually putting a serious effort on improving

>> No.6114318

You're retarded if you think good singers sound like that even on songs they haven't practiced to perfection.

>> No.6116246

I can get pass her singing but the way she speaks passes me off

>> No.6116324

God I'm so fucking tired of it. Ame even made it one of her New Year resolutions to get better at singing, and what a surprise, 6 months have passed and she's still SHIT. I watch chuubas mostly for zatsudan and singing. I genuinely like creativeness of Ame's streams and enjoy her zatsudans, I've been a member almost from the start, but god her singing is fucking annoying. I liked the first few karaoke streams where she actually tried and managed to get pretty nice results, like Your Reality. Now it's all le funny singing meme songs and ZERO improvement. It was funny like first 2 or 3 times. Coco was so bad at the beginning and she fucking made me cry in her last unarchived karaoke and graduation stream because of how far she's come. I thought Ame would be like this, people said that it's the whole point of idols to watch them grow and I thought the same. There were a few glimmers of hope, like her second rendition of Kiss Me was much better than the first one (it got worse again afterwards). But mostly her singing has been nothing more than a fucking disgrace. I don't know, I would probably pay someone if they promised to make her start singing lessons.
She sucks even at Wonderwall though.

>> No.6116801


>> No.6117866


>> No.6118600


>> No.6118628

Are your speakers broken?

>> No.6118765


>> No.6119080

Wow Phoneposting hate is universal in humanity. The only other thing that universal is like facial expressions. Incredible.

>> No.6119345

She was never good to begin with.

>> No.6119368

I thought EN was supposed to be focused on streaming rather than being idols though

>> No.6119392

>I thought EN was supposed to be focused on streaming rather than being idols though
That's what Ame, Gura and Ina do.

>> No.6119726


>> No.6119896
File: 70 KB, 326x258, 1624686157331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so dont watch retard

>> No.6119943

I want to watch her being good at singing because she actually has potential for that

>> No.6120147

>How hard do you think the studio staff laughed at her when she recorded Goodbye Sengen?
Not as much as I'm laughing at you. What studio staff? Idiot thinks Cover is involved in a simple song cover creation. How new?

>> No.6121633

She is definitely getting worse, her plan is to be so bad that management makes her stop and she never has to sing again.

>> No.6123716

Why are they even forcing a gamer to sing?
She sings not with skill, but with SOUL

>> No.6125194

Ame truly has no talents. Just a very average woman.

>> No.6125400

> 177mb
Jesus Christ dude, don't you have ffmpeg?

>> No.6127020

Since when Ame is a good singer? She never had singer classes

>> No.6127169

It's stuff like this why I'm 100% sure that EN Gen 1 will never do a 3D concert together.

>> No.6127274

Amelias singing gave me strenght to make into Celestial Floor on GGST.

>> No.6128315

>worst singer in hololive
try watching holos outside of EN.

>> No.6128634

Yeah, they are all better, even Choco
I won't count Noel because the thing she does can't be called singing, it's speaking

>> No.6129381

Noel has SOUL

>> No.6129469

Thank you for stating the fact good sir

>> No.6131405
File: 291 KB, 440x548, 2021-07-05 21_57_50-【UNARCHIVED】Let's Sing! [Watson Amelia] - YouTube — Firefox Developer Edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she compensates with SOUL like when 4chan sings

>> No.6134352

Play her karaoke at my funeral

>> No.6134865

Recuerda a Ame anon

>> No.6134987

Every Gen has a shitty singer and Ame's not even the worst in Hololive.
Gen 0: Miko
Gen 1: FBK
Gen 2: Choco(#1 worst)
Gamers: Korone
Gen 3: Noel
Gen 4: Coco
Gen 5: Botan
ID1: Iofi
EN: Ame
ID2: Anya

>> No.6135505

I think only Choco is on ame's level of bad, the rest are okay.
Noel doesn't even sing, she kinda ... talks through songs but I kinda like it, full of SVOL.

>> No.6135869
File: 110 KB, 900x1125, 1493392178142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand her singing, avoid her karoake streams like the plague.

>> No.6136056


>> No.6136074

Her singing is "shit" because she physically does not put in the effort to keep in perfect key all the time.
She can sing (somewhat), but when she is doing "fun" karaoke/practice, she lets her voice go "loose", hence when she sometimes sings a note, it might go a bit lower, kind of gives it a "gremlin" quality.
If she does warm up her voice a bit beforehand, it gets a fair bit better. This past one she didn't do any warmups.

>> No.6136151
File: 121 KB, 500x400, 1623967474205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bad at singing

Shes not the best, but what she lacks in talent she makes up for in production. She tries to do things instead of just sitting there all motionless staring at her microphone clip art like a certain blue haired comet does.


>> No.6136428

Source on this or bullshit

>> No.6136494

Did you see the recent 3rd generation concert?

>> No.6136734

Fuck Koreans
