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60966871 No.60966871 [Reply] [Original]

Ok nerds, what's the quickest way for Kiara to git gud enough to beat hard AI when she plays AOE again?

>> No.60966926

Literally play and complete the "How to play" tutorial. It's accessible from the main menu.

>> No.60967891

I think she said she tried it but wasn't good at it.

>> No.60967991

stop spamming teutonic knights they suck

>> No.60968164

maybe do the bare minimun and figure out how the game is actually played

>> No.60968391

Mofo she already lost at the tutorial?

>> No.60968447

getting some real pokemon unite "i wont read what my skills do" energy from this

>> No.60968467

Just keep playing. She already practices build orders and even tried to scout rush. More gg, more skill, simple as

>> No.60968472

alpaca simulator
alpaca simulator
alpaca simulator
alpaca simulator

>> No.60968577

I don’t know what tutorial she played or not, she didn’t stream it.
What she did, in that order, is do the French campaign until she was filtered at some point. Watch a lot of videos. Play solo against AI before the collab. Dominate everyone except Fauna in the collab. (Fauna was literally never attacked by anyone and had loads of elephants that Kiara didn’t counter) Then she played again against AI, she dominate the AI on intermediate, but struggles against early raids on Hard.

This to be honest. She’s on the right track, she just needs to play more.

>> No.60968744

Did they say about another AOE collab?
if so, they should bring in another 2 players, so that a team won't be left out when 2 teams attack one another. I think

>> No.60968846

Stop making fucking AOE threads for gods sake

>> No.60969033

No collab planned yet. She will be streaming the game next week again however, or at least that's what she said she intends to do.

>> No.60969312

Just start walling with houses and fill the gaps with palisades. You can do that on almost every map. Would be enough to block off early rushes consisting of scouts or skirms. As soon as she is settled in with castles and has her first knights out, she has a fighting chance.

>> No.60969891

The set teams made it kind of lame. I'd like for them to play free-for-all, or something like 1v1v1v2.

>> No.60974660 [DELETED] 


>> No.60974776

She doesn't have the DLC, so she can't play Ethiopians or Malians.

>> No.60974905

learn shortcuts for everything and barely look the map and just speedrun for castle age

>> No.60974952

Wait I'm retarded the African DLC is included in DE vanilla.

>> No.60974995

Play Britons, there is not a problem enough longbows and trebuchets cannot solve.

>> No.60975088

Hi Kiara. Thanks for putting your trust in the infinite collective wisdom of vt. But srly better ask twitter for advice.

>> No.60975247

I think she could get a lot of value out of internalizing the strengths/weaknesses of various units. Stuff like pikemen > horses, knowing skirmishers are mostly not threatening to most units (especially in small groups), using melee units against rams, etc

Also she needs to stop queueing up so many units at once it's a giant resource pit and she doesn't even realize it which makes it even worse. She always advances ages really slowly because she has 5+ villagers queued (250 food right there) and then when she sees she doesn't have enough food to advance she decides to wait while queueing even more villagers, when if she just cancelled them she could advance right away

>> No.60977811

It's over then.

>> No.60982510

Kiara, the least gamer in all of hololive EN getting really into Age of Empires 2 is the funniest shit to me, it's like seeing a tiktok influencer start collecting postage stamps.

Is AOE getting a zoomer revival or something?

>> No.60983478

Get TheViper to mentor her?

>> No.60983820

The game is thriving, has been steadily growing since HD remake in 2013 and accelerated since definitive edition remaster in 2019. Had short slow down while aoe4 was shilled but bumped back and is filled with content. Constant tournaments, active scene, tens of thousands of active players, bunch of 4view and 3view streamers, tournaments reach 5view numbers. Caring devs who keep releasing balance patches and DLCs with new civs and campaigns.

>> No.60983953

Silly Nili will suffice for now and would produce much better cringe kino blunt ESL moments with Kiara.

Viper is too calm and collected, he would be a better fit for someone like Ina.

>> No.60985035

Quickest? Practice a cheese strat exploiting AI weaknesses. That's no fun tho. Better pick a path like scouts into knights build order and practice that, it will be effective online too. Lots of newbies crumble under early pressure.
The thing is, she will probably be playing with other holos too and other holos like playing sim city for a while until they have stuff built up. That's not a competitive strategy. She will have to balance things out, between getting good and not getting too far ahead of others. Unless she enjoys the solo thrill in which case go ham on ladder or campaigns or custom scenarios.

>> No.60986481

Learn to tower and Samurai cheese early and hope her teammate is good lategame. Everyone will hate her for it but against something like Fauna's lategame elephants and siege there's not much counterplay since focusing pikeman counter or something will cripple her vs everyone else not focusing calvary

>> No.60988502

The AI gets hung up on static defence and will happily throw waves of its men to attack a wall in front of a castle and 40 archers. Abusing that is the quickest way, it will do absolutely nothing when playing an actual person though.

>> No.60991227

Literally play and complete the "How to play" tutorial. It's accessible from the main menu.

>> No.60995121

She failed that.

>> No.60995192

>Ok nerds, what's the quickest way for Kiara to git gud enough to beat hard AI when she plays AOE again?
Be literate and actually read the game text

>> No.60996074

Umm can you give less advanced advice?

>> No.60998785

Hard AI is a menance for non pro like me. You must build wall to slow down it's rush. You must counter their ram/knight combo. You must not boom slower than it. You must take all relic ASAP. No you can't rely on castle or tower for defense.
Hard AI as Aztec will give you wololo nightmare.

>> No.60998954

Too bad Magya hussar is a great unit

>> No.60999255

Replace her brain

>> No.61001098

Mayan is more noob friendly

>> No.61001229

It's one of the most balanced rts these days

>> No.61001831

Learn a build order and practice rushing. Even the extreme AI is vulnerable to early aggression (as are all low elo players) so if you can reliably get a good feudal time and get some scouts or archers out then you're already better than 80% of people who play this game.

>> No.61007263

*cums on you*

>> No.61013638

The tutorial crashed her game.

>> No.61013745

memorize counters
gg ez

>> No.61015209

Just read the tech trees before going in.

>> No.61015737

Dunno but seeing Kiama playing got me to start playing again as well, just a few quick mods to bring back the OG soundtrack and the like and it was ready to go
I was fucking blown away when I saw it had like 35 campaigns now, the ones I've played have been really fun too

>> No.61016259

practice rushing to castle age, play tiny 1v1 water map as viking, raid the shit out the enemy. AI doesn't handle shoreline defence well.

>> No.61017235

Same. Is this the oshi/fan connection?

>> No.61023996


>> No.61026441


>> No.61027883

who cares

>> No.61028223

Its the power of social media influencing

>> No.61028322

Same thing I guess. So?

>> No.61029408
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>practice rushing to castle age
To be fair she's been doing exactly that the last stream. She once restarted because she built a house instead of mill.

>> No.61031083

Holnestly if she were to fight other chuubas again she needs to
>familiarize herself with cheap counter units
20-30 halbediers would put a pause to elepfant steamroll and resources lost in that trade could have decided game right there
>some though into what resources needs collecting
while she understood that she needs to priritize wood and food in dark age as soon as she hit feudal she would put half of her vils on gold AND stone only to float those resources for ages. Acually her understanding what floating resources is and checking how much she has every other minute or so could do her a lot of good.
>harrass/siege early
you can't win just sitting in your base when everyone else is sitting in their bas. Bulding castle out of walls of her oponent was good move but it should have been closely followed by couple of rams and melle troops busting down gate and town centre. Her micro not being good does not matter if she can park 20 knights under TC roof, hitting stop once and let them do their thing.

>> No.61032477

The fatslob tactic.

>> No.61034651

Kiara isn't going to get good

>> No.61035181

She's better than when she started out, there's room for improvement.

>> No.61035203

actually learn a build order so she doesnt reach castle age 30 mins in

>> No.61036021

Never played AoE2, but I played a lot of Warcraft 3 and some other RTS, I'm gonna download AoE2 now, skip tutorial, and try to bruteforce learn in skirmishes against hard AI just to see how difficult it actually is to beat one.

>> No.61038264

>stop spamming teutonic knights they suck
thats a good start

>> No.61043543


>> No.61043580

Build elephants

>> No.61043619

Motherfucker just let threads die naturally.

>> No.61044163

Funniest moment on stream. She thought the house was the gold mine too lmao

>> No.61048995


>> No.61049261
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To learn quickly, I'd recommend learning a basic build order to get your villagers in approximately the right place, then going off into online (unprepared is fine) to get an idea about the things that can happen.
Keep the aoe2 wiki open in a tab and look up anything you're unfamiliar with.
Some things to consider:
>6 farms to sustain vills from TCs until you have hand cart, when it becomes 5.
>You'll want to keep your sheep inside the Town Center's 4x4 area when you're not scouting with them. You can organize them in this space to make gathering from them clean and efficient.
>You can garrison all vills in an area into a TC to drop off their food all at once, then press the "Return to work" command to get them back to where they were.
>Don't use the bell unless you have plenty of garrisonable structures around
>Practice hotkeys. Want to be able to use each of your buildings on a whim, including your TC, and select loom or apply eco upgrades
>Get used to using control groups to micro units. With defensive stance, they engage any target within 5 tiles. You can turn off default aggressive stance in the game's options.

AoE2 is a learning process. Hundreds of hours in, you'll still be finding ways to improve.

>> No.61055993


>> No.61056801

is a completely different game

>> No.61058357
File: 832 KB, 1322x1600, Age-of-Empires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the quickest way
Idk. As a kid I started off on AoE I and played through as many of the campaigns as I could handle. When AoE II launched I did about the same. And again with AoE III, although that campaign wasn't as good.

tl;dr just play the campaigns and don't forget to have fun

>> No.61058559

No, don't help her. I like when she's the first to resign in collabs. Especially when my oshi is the one that puts her in the ground.

>> No.61058679

>first to resign
Only because the others couldn’t find the button. Kiara was second only to Fauna, the others did basically nothing.

>> No.61063607

I want to see Kronii get her shit pushed in by Kiara

>> No.61063720

Kronii just needs to study castle age plays a bit and she'll wipe the floor with everyone in Hololive. She was on par with Fauna aging up and she did it as a complete beginner.

>> No.61067480

On one hand I want to see her get good because she's clearly very motivated but on the other hand I don't want the collabs to turn into steamrolls. 1 good player can wipe out 5 noobs no problem.
However if she plans to do solo streams after asserting dominance in collabs I'm all for her path to improvement.

Good luck anon. AoE has equal focus on economy and military which surprisingly makes it different from a lot of strategy games.
