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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60908055 No.60908055 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no religious vtubers?

>> No.60908104
File: 1.12 MB, 1269x712, image (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is good

>> No.60908162
File: 566 KB, 480x480, HolyChristianStream[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjm44w5.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60908171

there are, it's just that religion has little to nothing to do with vtubing and is quite often just an excuse for people to push politics in one of the only hobbies where that shit is discouraged

>> No.60908178

prayersfromabi / Sister Abigail

>> No.60908264

Doesn't stream

>> No.60910397
File: 95 KB, 297x374, 1674275532250179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2023 it's politically incorrect to love Jesus.

>> No.60910413
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>> No.60910448

they're all whores and heathens

>> No.60910891
File: 27 KB, 112x112, veiPray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

princess veibaeya is a devout catholic and true servant of god

>> No.60911002

Indonesian branches are right there inshallah

>> No.60911006

vtubers with father figures are rare

>> No.60913424

There's a nigga that literally streams as Jesus.

>> No.60913482

She is the only chuuba I have ever watched on Twitch for more than 30 seconds.

>> No.60913494

That's absurdly blasphemous.

>> No.60913858

Politics IS in everything
And some would like to engage in it along with this hobby.
This is discouraged because of the poisonous nature of trying to come to consensus and unity that calm and rational discussion can bring.
I understand the policy and agree it shouldn't be here, but here the mods let threads like this hang. OP is lame bait.

>> No.60913914

He's literally Jesus. Just admit Jesus isn't lord already.

>> No.60916749

because god isnt real

>> No.60916803
File: 1.10 MB, 806x454, Shiori My Christian Eyes[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Febzgre.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60918418

There are a lot of religious VTubers actually
But few of them made it part of their character identity. Because Religion is pure shitpost bait especially with the edgy LGBT antitheist crowds.

>> No.60918749

Most millennials and younger have a negative stance on religion, most vtubers are millennials or younger, as are most of their audience.

>> No.60918767

Kohi Aofie

>> No.60919059

>Sister Claire not mentioned
Retards? Still breathing? Hopefully not through mouth.

>> No.60919187

Why youre sperging out at the idea of christian vtubers. You would seriously ban that if you were a mod?
How is an identifier like "christian" fundamentally different from "indonesian vtuber", or "western" or "indie"? Wtf?

It's just another classifier. They arent hurting you, stop wanting to ruin things for other people.

>> No.60919735

Athena Bambina does live bible study occasionally. She's went off her meds recently and it made her sick, pray for her.

>> No.60919767

>my sky daddy is right and anyone who doesn't believe him is fundamentally bad and will burn in hell forever going through the worst pains imaginable
>wdym it's just another identifier like "indie"

>> No.60919989


>> No.60920091

it's simply not comparable to other identifiers, religion is inherently political. it's as political as you can get. and what do we call people who try to bring politics into vtubing?
grifter normie retards.

>> No.60920169

ardent anti-theism is just as political you fucking idiot retard sperg

>> No.60920315

and that's why there aren't any anti theist vtubers? are you retarded and don't understand what point he was making?

>> No.60920317


>> No.60920336

where did i say vtubers should be anti theist you absolute nigger? they should not talk about religion, at all.

>> No.60920394

who's that gentleman?

>> No.60920618

>and that's why there aren't any anti theist vtubers?
because it's cringe.
>where did i say vtubers should be ant theist??
>btw vtubers should NOT talk about religion!

>> No.60920743

There’s probably like a dozen ppl who watch her and speaks English. Course no one will mention her.

>> No.60920750

Based Freemason princess

>> No.60920915

you are actually mentally disabled or ESL. my point is religious discussion in it's entirety, whether it be atheist, abrahamic, pagan or whatever is inherently political and should not be welcome in vtubing. if you want religion talk go watch literally anything else. there are millions of "x religion is ackshually right" or "y religion debunked with LE FACTS" videos. don't invade vtubing with your retarded politics. get it, retard?

>> No.60920945

fuyo love

>> No.60920993

"You shall not make for yourself an idol"

>> No.60921089

whatever dude i'm not reading any more of your pilpul. keep on seething that people want more than the material.

>> No.60921127

you don't need to use reddit babble to describe my views
yes, everyone who is not Christian is ontologically evil and will spend an eternity in hell
yes, this a normal category like any other
get over it

>> No.60921216

Religion is dying. They grew up from believing in fairy tales. But on a serious note, they're probably prevented from talking about it if they're corpo.

>> No.60921240

at least you're honest about your iq deficiency

>> No.60921387

The few there are will not expose themselves as such to a merry band of LARPing /pol/cels who think they can finally get a girlfriend by pretending to have found God.

>> No.60921667

so you are retarded. religion is cringe to atheists and atheism is cringe to the religious, so just don't talk about either. retard.

>> No.60921877

Because religion is trash. All religions are control mechanisms so why would something as freeing as vtubing have that garbage, unless you're talking from a debating or theological standpoint. Flaunting religion is some identity politics self-victimization cultural thing no different from pronouns on bio. I'd rather have a vtuber who is spiritual (like an /x/ tier vtuber), not a religious bootlicker. Religions have been passing down generations upon generations of lies.

>> No.60922100

>Politics IS in everything
What's the politics of some vtuber livestreaming Minecraft?

>> No.60922231

any non-catholic christian friendly vtuber?

>> No.60922642

The ones who aren't tranny or have pronouns in bio

Both the religious and the atheists are cringe to everybody else
Nobody needs to fall into that false dichotomy

>> No.60923290
File: 189 KB, 657x663, IMG_9953_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus did not die on that cross. YWH would never allow him to and had greater need for him and so by HIS power and HIS power alone he delivered Jesus from this world to his great kingdom so that he may come back at the end times.

>> No.60923610

I am offended she wasn't the first post. Like, when you think of "religious vtuber", you think of her. Even if you don't watch Niji, you should've known her from Denonbu, but I doubt normalfags here listen to good music, so it's out of question I guess.

>> No.60924086

>Jesus did not die on that cross.

>may come back at the end times.
That's part of the "savior" program by the NWO
It would not be surprising if that "2nd Jesus" shills for vaccines and getting microchipped
The "end times" is part of the armageddon program and they're dismantled now, they try so hard usher in a dark timeline by attempting a WW3 but we know that's never happening, just like their project blue beam program
The deep state is literally bankrupt as of now
Vaccine passports? Gone. ID2020? Deleted. ID2023? They tried scaring people with some "new disease" but that's also dismantled.

>> No.60924343

>Politics IS in everything
Go back to /pol/, I never wanted anything more than to escape reality. Is that such a big thing to ask?

>> No.60925172

It’s not all Propaganda.
It’s about how Information Flows.
The signals broadcasted & feedback loops formed through the cause & effect chains of content creation & consumption. Beginning with the degrees of which things are noticed anywhere from unconsciously to the development of full blown Interpretations, how different they could be from whatever the intentions behind the content consumed actually are. Then how what has been noticed helps create new content to be consumed.

>> No.60928020

Literally everything you just said is wrong. It's like you're the living embodiment of misconceptions levied against Christians. Ignorance manifest.

Normal non-Christian people obviously aren't evil by default, but you certainly seem to be.

>> No.60928164

Redditor pseud, you are just posting word salad in an attempt to look intelligent. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.60928295

Back to
You schizophrenic conspiritard.

>> No.60929865

I think you should pitch vtubers to megachurches, you could be on to something

>> No.60932613

Does she still burp on stream?
