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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60902778 No.60902778 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to talk freely about exWACTOR girls】

Previous thread >>60766857



>> No.60903050
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>> No.60903426

This one.

>> No.60903506
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>> No.60904088
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So this nigger >>60436330 was from Nisha's maros

>> No.60904208

Ru is not a vtuber, nigga listing a RM in the OP ffs

>> No.60904355

Another parasite thread that can't survive without having the wactor word in it

>> No.60904522 [SPOILER] 
File: 320 KB, 1442x787, I found you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same faggot sent those 3 maros.
Soon the name will come to light, you will pay
We are both /here/

>> No.60904683

>no tengo ningún favorito

I remember that Nisha was very in love with fag Fer for a while and many here lost their minds,Nisha sometimes gives reasons for the nishadows to be jealous.

>> No.60904826

Dude just needs some guidance

>> No.60904969

You have to be more careful with your words and not be so passive aggressive if you don't want Nisha to completely drop the gfe, she's already getting tired as said here >>60903506

>> No.60905044

Your oshi has favorite fans and only they receive the love that you will never have.

>> No.60905998

>lo lamento mucho por quien te haya hecho tanto daño
Fuck you Anya

>> No.60906187

It is very obvious that nisha has fan favorites, I don't know why she hides it.

>> No.60906282

If you give some clips or timestamps I could offer an external point of view, maybe you're just blinded by jealousy.

>> No.60906907

Fuck off baldie

>> No.60907234

Ok ofeb just because nisha got confused and called merol like you, you already think you're the favorite

>> No.60907768

>faggot shitposter send her retarded maros
>procced to reply to them insteed of block the tard
stop acting so impulsive ffs

>> No.60908283

Nisha will pay

>> No.60908608

I will forgive Nisha if she opens an only fans

>> No.60909327

The funny thing about all this is that it is true that many stopped watching her streams, this is where the cvv works, she has at least lost 3/4 since her best times. The nishadows may defend that those who love her are more but the numbers speak for themselves, like it or not there are the facts.

>> No.60909700

What will nisha talk about in today's space?

>> No.60910302

go back to pizeria faggot

>> No.60910460

She will talk about ofeb's dick

>> No.60912041

go back guardiafaggot

>> No.60912092

>Fags were sending those cringe ass marshmallows signed
Holy shit can't stand those levels of cringe.

>> No.60912615

>graduation alert

>> No.60912620

Hope you learn your lesson faggots.

>> No.60912835


>> No.60913013

Nisha leaving would be a huge loss for what's left of the good side of spic vtubing

>> No.60913078

Nisha, you're not bad.

>> No.60913116

I repeat again.
None of these girls should have a marshmallow. That filter can't work for shit.

>> No.60913243

nisha still doesn't get in /here/
That's why she still doesn't assimilate that the same shitter who left to another group is throwing shit at her every day.

>> No.60913410

>She refuses to close marshmallow
Why you do this to yourself Nisha?

>> No.60913507

>Una persona indie de publico grande medio se puede administrar ella sola.

>> No.60913571

oh no no eru dont look

>> No.60913688

Based, I wouldn't classify her as big tho.

>> No.60913732

>Me da asco la gente que quiere ser mod para sentirse más que el resto

>> No.60913783


>> No.60913793

All the mods she ever had were chosen for her, and she never picked a mod herself. (Talking about her wactor past)

>> No.60913867

Nisha is a great vtuber I wish faggots appreciated more what she does.

>> No.60913880

Know fact if you have a working brain

>> No.60913923

graduation when?

>> No.60913925

go back

>> No.60913930

Chubby Nisha

>> No.60914079

Don't come here Nisha, you need to be 18yo at least to post here

>> No.60914148

Nisha is talking about culos again

>> No.60914184


>> No.60914203

I do it and I'm not even a nishadow, too many jealous women here.

>> No.60914211

Based Nisha

>> No.60914225

Nisha is trying again to convert you again Anon

>> No.60914248



>> No.60914256

Nisha love!

>> No.60914308

Do you reps Anon, Nisha is only 11 years old

>> No.60914349

splash! splash! splash! splash! splash! splash! splash! get baptized! get baptized! get baptized you heretic faggot!

>> No.60914354

What would you do for Nisha, anon?

>> No.60914469


>> No.60914483

Post Nisha culo

>> No.60914525

what can I do

>> No.60914576

This space made me realize that she was really close to never coming back after akipete shit earlier this year.
Appreciate your oshi while you can anon, you never know when she could get tired of this work.

>> No.60914619
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Lose your manhood to begin with

>> No.60914631

11 years of retirement kek

>> No.60914649

Some faggots take these girls for granted, and that's a huge mistake.

>> No.60914675

If she leaves, what will she do?

>> No.60914712

She has a viable alternative line of work that pays really well specially in a country like hers.

>> No.60914781


>> No.60914794


>> No.60914824

I won't get baited into doxxshit

>> No.60914958

will go to japan to join the jav industry

>> No.60915004
File: 357 KB, 1039x1015, Incestuous_godness_of_luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything will be ok Nisha

>> No.60915024

and how is that even a doxx, nutcase?

>> No.60915053


>> No.60915104

Her family owns Hololive and Chile, I not joking

>> No.60915186

jap companies are dying, look at nijishit, 3 graduations ready to join Vshoujo.

>> No.60915187

Stop being a faggot and trust her more.
If you want her not to leave, stop picking fights out of nowhere.

>> No.60915285

I will pay

>> No.60915461

Nisha is being based beyond belief right now.

>> No.60915488

was Anya lol

>> No.60915503

>Hay gente que le molesta la relación que tenemos.
>Pero no van a ganar, no la voy a cortar nunca.
I k-kneel. We don't deserve you Nisha.

>> No.60915555

Nisha is fucking great.

>> No.60915631
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>Cultura de chisme

>> No.60915686

I'm not a Nishadow and I must say you guys have a nice oshi, take better care of her she deserves it.

>> No.60915719

Ultrabased space

>> No.60915736

>Hay gente que le molesta la relación que tenemos
oh no noo Meicagona don't look

>> No.60915794

>radiofuna bros...

>> No.60915863

Fucking faggot, if you get jealous of other fans, let that shit stay here.

>> No.60915866

I want to give some headpats to Nisha for being such a good girl.

>> No.60915933

I fear that faggot isn't even here. That or he's completely retarded to think is better to tell that shit directly to her instead of just venting in a place that (in theory) she shouldn't look at.

>> No.60916038

The future of vtubing is safe with Nisha around.

>> No.60916078

I will never understand u retards, 90% of the time I come /here/ to lurk u guys are calling Nisha a liar, fake, spreading doxxshit, and now you like her?

>> No.60916082

Hey Akira, how many months left until lia gives birth?

>> No.60916089

fak I missed the beggining

>> No.60916126

>there is only a fag here

>> No.60916325

>You guys
Also let me tell you something, when you see a girl getting shat on most likely is just one obsessed faggot. Even Meica who supposedly is the most hated here has at best two active schizos at the same time.

>> No.60916361

you should lurk more tourist.
Nisha has always been one of the most loved

>> No.60916391

>T. tourist

>> No.60916406

Let me guess, you also believe those marshmallows she received came from here?

>> No.60916457

All this sounds like those discord fags from last time

>> No.60916461

Nisha was always loved by OG anons.

>> No.60916487

Did i hurt you, tourist? You can't even identify the schizo when they start making shitpost

>> No.60916549

Nisha has a special place in anons hearts even in anons that don't have her as their oshi.

>> No.60916600
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Drop your lewdest Nishas

>> No.60916621

No, they probably came from some weirdos discord, but u can't deny the fact that there's a lot of shit talking done here

>> No.60916716

Shitters got control of the general at some points because anons who love their oshis stopped spreading their love.

>> No.60916763

I fear The Babu, she's too powerful.

>> No.60916838
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>> No.60916919

I've read the last one and I can swear I've seen the exact same message from a twitter fag

>> No.60916979

When merol sent a supa she called him ofeb and anons lost their minds

>> No.60917004
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>> No.60917024


>> No.60917068

that was probably merol, lol

>> No.60917108

>Eru the homewrecker joined the chat

>> No.60917194
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Mods, attentionwhores and fanservers hate


>> No.60917219

that faggot is /here/
I show you my proof, the day nisha got confused with the names they started throwing shit.I asked them what they propose to do to change the situation, one faggot said the same thing about farming gachis

>> No.60917238
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>> No.60917290
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AI fag can you do this with Nisha

>> No.60917394

so whos streaming today?
just Meica?

>> No.60917419
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>> No.60917478

what will be the nishadow that made that retarded guy who sent the maro jealous?

>> No.60917573

I have seen better desu
I used to watch only lunita in the past but then she started interacting with yuko and i discovered the idol girls and the differences were a strong decisive point to me
You guys can say whatever you want about them that they are whores or whatever, but at least i can feel the pasion when they stream, something that i havent felt since the days of lunita and something that nisha havent been able to do after she came back
I waited for lunita to come back but the person that took her place is just there gathering money from gachis, no passion at all, so i dropped her and i havent seen anything of her in like 4 months, but you guys keep me up to date with whats going on with her

>> No.60917586

I know you are here nisha, leave right now, do not hurt yourself.

>> No.60917644 [SPOILER] 
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>gathering money from gachis

>> No.60917649

Anon I don't say this to shit on you, but please improve your wording, I couldn't make sense of what you were saying. And such bad English makes your post look like some schizo rambling.

>> No.60917668

It's just a retard, even in the second Maro he beings with "No me gustan las vtubers"

>> No.60917683

Newfag anon, do you know how many times she has baited with graduation or doing a hero?

>> No.60917737

Way to out yourself, schizo.

>> No.60917819

You know the shitters are tourists because they weren't trowing shit while the space was happening and it was only when they came to check the thread that they saw another opportunity to shitpost.

>> No.60917863
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Reminder that the shitter and the biggest idiot on all 4chan is still /here/, and you know from which community he comes from.

>> No.60917945

He may be an erudito but I don't get your faggots fixations on blaming a whole fanbase for the misconduct of one of their members.

>> No.60918171

Well, in that context all vtubers do that same thing they stream for the money its natural
But i was referring that around the time i stopped watching nisha she felt like she was forcing to stream, there was no passion, and since then each time i hear about her is only drama
What it comes to eru i dont know i dont watch her, but her clips are funny yet its not enough to give a opinion

>> No.60918221

That's because even Eru has already acknowledged that her community is toxic and they constantly shit on other girls.

>> No.60918293

>bitching about "muh gathering money from gachis"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fucking idolcorp
you ready for another donothon goyim?

>> No.60918432

>Eru bought the rrats
Dumb girl

>> No.60918439

>Changing the argument from her being a golddigger to she's a dramafag.
And you claim to watch Yuko? Get some better shitpost.

>> No.60918462

Dude, most of them are forced drama by shitter.

>> No.60918490

>those are her Lily/Sedai's ex-fans

>> No.60918556
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I have lost the count, but i saved this souvenir from one of those times

>> No.60918603

If she is conscious of this.
She done anything to change situation?

>> No.60918726

Didn't she had like 2k viewers at the beginning of that stream? Then the first she said was i'm not graduating so be calm, and her viewership dropped under 600, fucking viejas chismosas

>> No.60918829

Eru open an onlyfans to apologize

>> No.60918844

The answer lies in the fact that the girls who stopped talking to her have been getting more hate lately.

>> No.60918891

Wasn't this because her viewers were too down bad for chapita and started comparing her to eru?

>> No.60918965

Hello radionigger

>> No.60918990

>Shitter just clipping stuff without a context to derail the discussion so he can start shitting on eru again as he always does
You fags will never learn

>> No.60919005
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Me and Shura

>> No.60919114

you mean megajorn and shura

>> No.60919117

isn't worst that your own community starts talking shit about you and praise your sister who's not even a vtuber? kek

>> No.60919207

Is that Gura?

>> No.60919280
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Because she's the best

>> No.60919316

no, is the nishakiller holding gura

>> No.60919334


>> No.60919341

Radiofuna and shura gangbang

>> No.60919392

fucking faggots, when chapita joins eru's streams, all those faggots start sending maros flirting with her and eru has to read all that crap

>> No.60919464

Eru pls stop being jealous about your younger sister

>> No.60919487

It would be an orgy since shura is there with yukine and some other whos, too bad that they never managed to get eru

>> No.60919489


>> No.60919595

Chapita should open an onlyfans

>> No.60919861

Rrats must be slain. You don't help by letting shitters run free.

>> No.60920198
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Anon you are outdated
You are welcome
So we are reaching the fifth lomitocaust?

>> No.60920436

It would be the sixth one and we hope it doesn't happen, i wish i could find that marshmallow faggot to expose him in public so he can stop with his faggotry

>> No.60920487 [SPOILER] 

Ru really wants to be choked

>> No.60920515
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We almost won today, Eruchads. Keep sending them.

>> No.60920516


>> No.60920641

This is pathetic Anya also get a life and stop shitting the thread

>> No.60920959
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>> No.60921109

faggot is very obviou ,is necessary for someone betray him

>> No.60921379

Like if a faggot like him could have friends

>> No.60921824

Good evening, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...
Never will stop thinking about her, forever in my mind, my only love, true love. Love that never dies, love that never doubts, love that eternally stays.
Nothing will change this.
No time, no distance.
Immutable as the universe itself.
Everything will go alright my love, there's so much more love for you to receive.

>> No.60922421 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.95 MB, 180x320, ssstwitter.com_1697598022435 (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most Horny

>> No.60923266
File: 3.68 MB, 1792x1024, 2023-10-20 00.35.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60924100

Reminder to always say something nice about your oshi and not let subhumans be the loudest voice.

>> No.60925102


>> No.60925213


>> No.60925272

i think i know who that subhuman is, another chilean retard

>new IP

>> No.60925316

Ranita anon...

>> No.60925367

>>new IP
How is this an argument? I just opened the thread, what about it?

>> No.60925435

Nei is playing Arknights, fucking boring game, everyone fucking dies

>> No.60925515
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Boring game for boring chuuba.

>> No.60925535

and the first thing you do is shitpost

>> No.60925568

Yo wtf

>> No.60925594

I like Keri, I wish she wasn't related to radiofuna

>> No.60925615

How is it a shitpost-
>He doesn't know
Oh, sorry. Carry on, then.

>> No.60925676

You know, Meica is streaming:

>> No.60925811

I think time is due for another Meica Queen of Clovers edit.

>> No.60925854
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My only wish is she would stop coming here.

>> No.60926275
File: 59 KB, 331x363, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think about my eru fanart? i made it because she's funny and i like her :)

>> No.60926533

Tits and booty too small

>> No.60926646

>Charo's sister

>> No.60926972

needs more eru ass

>> No.60927127

cute :)

>> No.60927627

I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself

>> No.60927652

Is Yuritroon your oshi

>> No.60927669

Nisha stop browsing this place.

>> No.60927827 [DELETED] 

if you want to know who he is check og Babu replies looking for a old name that dropped his oshi mark and stopped following her.
hints: chilean, F.C.

>> No.60927909

I miss Yamu, we'll have to wait a couple of months, right? Should yamu open ko-fi or something to speed up her arrival, or is there also a tax applied?

>> No.60929141


>> No.60933155

wtf? really extremely hot tho

>> No.60933399

Let the thread die if you have nothing interest to say.
No point to keep it alive for the rest of the night.
We can have a new one tomorrow.

>> No.60933484

then why you bump it?

>> No.60933953

I have my dick ready, I hope she doesn't disappoint

>> No.60934089


>> No.60935487

HoloES in stream

>> No.60935833

I wanna cuck her husband

>> No.60936041

Why is Yuko plagiarising Nisha?

>> No.60938450

In other news, argiechad demonstrate who's in charge with a bunch of gifted memberships. And now idol could measure the profit of their new branch. Related video: https://youtu.be/KQkPEzeUwB4?t=531

>> No.60938764

lol, lmao even

>> No.60939054


>> No.60939201

>can't even buy the cheapest burguer on a fucking mcdonals with that

>> No.60940669

>10 argie memberships=1 dollar
We're too powerful

>> No.60942321

Argentina the world's next superpower.
The USA and the rest of the first world is trembling.
I kneel before the mighty white Argentine, who came from boats. /s

>> No.60942332

Well betrayal came quicker than expected

>> No.60942620


>> No.60944769

Meica esta derramando los frijoles ahora

>> No.60944937


>> No.60944942

No one here actally cares nigger, shitposters and meicaschizo are from facebook and discord

>> No.60945076

>mai traveled to japan to save meica

>> No.60945125


>> No.60945156

>Tomo un vuelo y vino inmediatamente a mi casa, asi empezo nuestra hermosa amistad
Mai grooming is really disgusting

>> No.60945255

>Tengo un equipo de staff que me dice que hacer

>> No.60945403

brocuckcitos this is lame, get some self love or respect

>> No.60945448

she is in deepshit and she doesn't even realize it, poor thing

>> No.60945547

a flight to paraguay kek

>> No.60945589

>the girl that constantly complained about her lack of money

>> No.60945750

Yeah at this point is just sad and pitiful

>> No.60945847

ok faka

>> No.60945970

I always said that I wanted Mai to fuck Meica, but after this stream I see them as very good friends

>> No.60946121
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if akira had focused less on fucking Lia and more on the state of the girls and setting limits to groomers and communityfags attention whores everything could have been so different

>> No.60946393

Go back Mai

>> No.60946578

fuck off faka

>> No.60946640 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.60946883

Faka has been gone for a long time anon, you have to face reality, Mai is a disgusting groomer, why defend her?

>> No.60947057

she literally had nothing to eat and bought a plane ticket?
ayy burraca at least if you are going to make stories, next time do something more credible

>> No.60947157

Mai is a groomer because she helps an 18-year-old girl.
Ok anon.

>> No.60947229

>Friendly Reminder
Hola Papus > sacro imperiozzzz

>> No.60947307

fk off mai all true anons know this is not the real story

>> No.60947555

More like Mai is obsessed with Meica

>Brainwashing and isolating a barely legal girl to the point of making her leave her home and move to her groomer's house
That's not helping retard

>> No.60947849

Anon doesn't watch stream and thinks that Meica lived well at home. When she began to become independent at 14.
And Mai didn't have money when she was a nurse, when went on a trip she was already a vtuber anon, a plane ticket cost less than 40 dollars.
Parece que anon no miran stream, no se puede argumentar con paredes

>> No.60947893

Meica is a living example of what happens if you give a teenager a lot of money and validation.
Every silly teenage tantrum she had was validated by her simp and her groomers, which ended up damaging her family relationship and giving her a stupid outlook on life.
btw you can see the same kind of stupid validation in anya's chat when she complains about her family.

minors should not be vtubers

>> No.60948163

Misora case very sad she will end up like exploited child actor with an early pregnancy drugs whoring herself or some shit

>> No.60948953

She already had family problems at the age of 10 anon
Look damn stream.
The whole problem was with his family, religious grandmother, father who fucked all the women, absent mother and Disney stepmother

>> No.60949156

that won't happen because I'm here already taking care of her so that this does not happen.

>> No.60949258

Anya is probably neither rich or underage though

>> No.60949401

teenagers tend to exaggerate their problems a lot, you can't take what she says seriously.
Whatever she says, probably made it worse than it was.

>> No.60949404

ñe if she was 27-30 I would be worried but she is at the age where she can screw up and walk away free you only get that chance once.

>> No.60949441

You'll never know how things really happened but I'll tell you that Mai was someone obsessed with having Hina's attention.

>> No.60949495

lol, I'm not even going to argue with you shitter

>> No.60949506

anon we witnessed half of these problems in stream

>> No.60949697
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Meica Love

>> No.60949754

Did you watch how her dad fucked her? lol
I remember her mother? or cousin? cutting off the stream, plus she lies a lot.

>> No.60949769

oigan y Lia? Is she still a carrot? the other day her channel came up and I remembered her.

>> No.60949798

Lol, so I just have to get someone's attention so that person will love me and live in my house?
How easy anon, there are no cases of a person fucking his oshi.
Also, meica I also planned to be in Peru, with rakoon, but I ended up in Argentina

>> No.60950143

>Meica was scolded on stream and her fans think it is family violence.
No wonder she ended up becoming the piece of shit she is now.

>> No.60950165

that I can remember

grandma's death call
The aunt wanting to talk to her in the middle of a stream.
the nephew coming into the room screaming
the male cousin screwing around with loud music
the female cousin turning off the wifi
when she had to share the room because the aunt's family returned

I mean that in the streams was the proof that her family was not doing well they had a very weird dynamic.

>> No.60950546

That's the average country bumpkin family.
I bet most of them don't even know what a stream is.

>> No.60951680

bullshit anon, the cousins weren't even old they know perfectly well what they were doing but 1-the walls of the apartments are very thin the cousin was not only bothering the stream but also the neighbors (it wasn't only once) 2-in what functional family have you seen that the parents don't sleep together? 3- who the hell loses their room because their parents can't even fight for their house? 4- if two families live in grandma's house they are fucked 5- who the fuck signs a contract and doesn't tell their parents? 6- her mother wasn't even in the same country 7- a 17 year old girl gets money and buys things out of nowhere and without leaving the house and everyone lets it happen except the aunt and the cousin who think she is a whore, meica just like Himea is a kid neglected by adults who grew up all weird

>> No.60951736

Good night, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...
Never will stop thinking about her, forever in my mind, my only love, true love. Love that never dies, love that never doubts, love that eternally stays.
Nothing will change this.
No time, no distance.
Immutable as the universe itself.

>> No.60951982

Yes, all those years of family neglect were brought together into how it is now. She has a lot of mental problems and should be treated with a professional.

>> No.60952036

Stop coming here Mai

>> No.60952163

Holy shit, who raided the stream? Everything was peaceful before midnight

>> No.60952205

I mean thread, I'm off to sleep. GN.

>> No.60952393

A sad thing indeed.
But now stop coming here and bringing her out because no one gives a fuck until you come mentioning her. You know no one here actually cares about her why you insist about fighting with anons?

>> No.60952409

Sleep samefag

>> No.60952584

It kinda is.

>> No.60952615

Why did you came here today?

>> No.60952616

I didn't even bring her up, plus I'm just saying that the woman is weird as hell and she has every reason to be weird.

>> No.60952694

Nisha big love.

>> No.60952854

anon the keyword is "country bumpkin" you don't know how ignorant poor rural people are.

1. shitty boy being a shitty boy

2.-Are you a minor or what? That's Meica's parents' problem.

3,4,5- It is obvious that her family was going through a delicate time.

6.- I absolutely agree with you, but again this can be attributed to her family going through problems.

you just made it worse you know.
Her groomers took advantage of her at the most vulnerable moment of her life.

>> No.60952893

To see the fall and all the drama that was done today with niji and while I'm here to kill 2 birds with one stone. so? what do you know?

>> No.60952917

Didn't Meica's family lost their home in Fukushima displacements.

>> No.60953013

she is paraguayan, dude

>> No.60953118

Wasn't she living in Japan and got kicked out because she couldn't manage to attain residency after reaching 18yo? I'm not up to date with all the soparrats

>> No.60953163

It's all a lie, She's from Paraguay retard

>> No.60953205

How did she got so good at Japanese and her Spanish got so bad? I don't buy it.

>> No.60953232

that's a lie, lol

>> No.60953271

You knew they lived in the city before they ended up there?

You prove me right her family has and had many problems evidently that will come from the adults around her if you grow up with that shit, you're not going to end up well. Also you think I am defending her and I don't know why

>> No.60953303

fuck is was for you sorry >>60953271

>> No.60953316

her Japanese is also bad
She probably have some type of speech impediment.

>> No.60953378

Her Japanese is better than her Spanish, that's why she uses it whenever she wants to express herself better and uses it in her vent Twitter account.

>> No.60953489

Here we go again people saying she was never in japan when she did the 3d in Akira's apartment

She is paraguayan/japanese/spaniard/filipino

>> No.60953503

You can't live in Paraguay all your life and speak very bad Spanish and normal Japanese. I thought she was of Paraguayan descent, and she never said it because of the breed purists

>> No.60953528

no, it is not.
Every Japanese who interacts with her is surprised when she is say she is "Japanese."
She even admitted that she was 1/8 to another Japanese vtuber in a Twitter post.

>> No.60953549

But she said it in her debut as Sopa. Her Paraguayan origins were never a secret.

>> No.60953579

Blood line <<< culture.
She's culturally JP

>> No.60953645

>your family is toxic because is poor and stupid
Lol, That doesn't change the fact that those trashes crawled into her DM, when her family was having a fight over his grandmother's inheritance.

>> No.60953738

Meica's family sounds like your typical latam family to be honest.

>> No.60953792

Japan does not give you citizenship by being born there only by blood she does not count for that so she never got the papers she grew up in japan and learned japanese first then spanish as the other anon said her cuture is japanese and for other asian it is extremely obvious that she is hafu in fact Ageha once told her that she was surprised how well she spoke japanese

>> No.60953935

>nihongo jouzu
Thanks for confirming that Meica is not Japanese lol

>> No.60954028

go back tourist don't even look at the streams

>> No.60954042

>Lol, That doesn't change the fact that those trashes crawled into her DM, when her family was having a fight over his grandmother's inheritance.

Fucker check your eyesight because I never said anything about thats.

>> No.60954051

ogey doomentio

>> No.60954064

Anon, just because a Nigerian was born in Germany, and then raised in Nigeria does not make him German. He is still of Nigerian descent and Nigerian culture.

>> No.60954267

How can you be such a slowpoke? her grandfather was japanese her father is hafu She HAS japanese blood and grew up in japan

>> No.60954269

The problem is she is not Japanese, not cultural, not ethnic, nothing.
and when a Japanese says that your Japanese is "good" (nihongo jouzu) it means that your Japanese sucks.

>> No.60954303

With that logic, Peruvians can also declare themselves Japanese

>> No.60954632

You think about the stupid things you say? Thank goodness you are contained /here/ in the place where you deserve to be

>> No.60954702

Are you stupid?
Japanese is not an ethnicity, how come you don't know that mestizos exist? how the fuck do you not know that people have mixed blood, what fucking country are you from?

>> No.60954749


>> No.60954778


>> No.60954856

get this thread to its bump limit, you retards are just spitting the dumbest shit i've read this entire year so far

>> No.60954917

Japanese is an ethnic group, uneducated swine.
Latinos, being mestizo, give more importance to culture than blood.
The Japanese give importance to blood and culture.
Meica has nothing Japanese about it.
look up the term nikki.
She is not Japanese, she never was, she never will be.

>> No.60954927

do not pay attention, he is probably an pancho argensimian already has shit in his head by default, you can't reason with those creatures

>> No.60954964

very very supreme autism

>> No.60955062 [SPOILER] 
File: 696 KB, 960x740, 3541155949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60955152

all Argentines reading that they are neither German nor Italian

>> No.60955160
File: 325 KB, 1080x1993, 8263893839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing damage control at this point is useless when even the idiots on youtube know it.

nihongo jouzu Hahahha

>> No.60955167

Mai Noboshi you are a disgusting groomer and nothing can hide that fact

>> No.60955210

seethe faka

>> No.60955277 [SPOILER] 
File: 525 KB, 2536x1427, 1678946620619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60955279


>> No.60955341

>She is not german, she never was, she never will be.
Himea dont look

>> No.60955358
File: 387 KB, 3123x2661, 1685567868781809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder

>> No.60955375

She should be more proud of being mestizo instead of pretending to be Japanese.

>> No.60955393

go to sleep you pieces of shit

>> No.60955421

>does not even watch streams
go back

>> No.60955493

you negros really thought Himari would stream for spics again, huh
she was just another chink who used you as a stepping stone, kek

>> No.60955503

you are contradicting yourself anon? she has the blood and grew up in the culture how come she doesn't have it according to you?

>> No.60955515

What a weird dream, I was in this very same thread struggling to stay awake looking at it and half the posts had been gone because someone got banned.

>> No.60955527

Why does she pretend to be Japanese to the point of lying?
>she is culturally japanese
nihongo jouzu lol

>> No.60955576

nihongo jouzu hahahah

>> No.60955782

by the way brocucksitos.
the age of majority in japan is 21
How did Mai take her if she is a minor in Japan?

>> No.60955899

you said blood no matter the amount, you are the one obsessed with blood and
>nihongo jouzu
it is not an answer

>> No.60955970


>> No.60955992

wrong update yourself grandpa you live with old news

>> No.60956013

literally the only bad thing that happened in her life was that her parents lost their jobs during the pandemic lol
she was going to move to spain but "someone" convinced her to move to argentina, the rakkun thing she recently invented it
holy kek
On the contrary, her grandfather had a farm, she lived all her childhood in the countryside, when he died they sold everything and with the part they got they moved to the city

>> No.60956032

I don't, the Japanese do.
Has anyone ever told you that your Spanish is good?
Why would Ageha tell her that her Japanese is good if she is a native?
I know you're doing damage control anyway.

>> No.60956052

>yo engañe a mi abuela diciéndole que necesitaba 10000 yenes para una tarea pero fui al pachinko porque crei que ganaría mas dinero y lo perdí todo

>> No.60956057

thanks mai

>> No.60956095


>> No.60956160

I'm just waiting for the meicatard and anti to go sleep so I can start posting about my beloved.

>> No.60956168

Who the hell is Japanese here?
because she was from the Spanish branch duh
damage control of what? you're the one who can't accept that she has Japanese blood and that she grew up in Japan.

>> No.60956174

good comparison, really

>> No.60956272

Lol the other anon edited and pasted the comments so that the positive ones would not be seen.

>> No.60956276

Just because a dumb gringo thinks he's Irish doesn't make him Irish.
The same applies to meica.
>Who the hell is Japanese here?
You don't need to be Japanese to know something so basic about Japanese culture.
You can even go to /jp/ if you want to learn more

>> No.60956321

meicaschizo is really crazy

>> No.60956359

are you stupid?
the point was to show that even some of the idiots on youtube realized she wasn't japanese

the average brocucksito is still an idiot

>> No.60956382

>Just because a dumb argi thinks he's german doesn't make him german

>> No.60956402

ogey meicaschizo you have already relieved your intentions by creating another personality no one is fooled anymore

>> No.60956417

thanks for giving me the reason

>> No.60956434

the funny thing is that she never said it in the video she stops for a second and says I am a native (native speaker) but she never said she was Japanese.

>> No.60956571

Nikkei consider themselves Japanese, perhaps that's why she refers to herself as Japanese.
although now they are more Paraguayan than Japanese

>> No.60956602

one thing is to believe and another thing is to have the blood, this is a discussion thread she is not saying it is the thread that cares if she has Japanese ancestry and where she was born and she was born and raised in japan

>> No.60956718

nice google translation, meica.
still Paraguayan
