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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6088038 No.6088038 [Reply] [Original]

I miss them so much

>> No.6088121

Well, I don't and I'm glad they are finally gone.

>> No.6088144

literally who?

>> No.6088159

Ok Zhang/vshojoshit

>> No.6088203

Anon then you are not going to like what is going to happen next week

>> No.6088249

Orange one will be in vshojo in a couple of months once dust settles.

>> No.6088517

For what fucking purpose, she's bigger than vshojo put together, she doesn't need to be in the group to collab with them as evidenced by their willingness to collab with voms and holos. She has more than enough money to get her own model and shit done if she wants a new one. She's staying in japan, still going to be streaming to a 50% jap audience she's built up. She's got no reason to

>> No.6088902

Those were good times

>> No.6088970
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>> No.6089166

I wan't her back too, but it can only happends when Cover middle management commits mass seppuku

>> No.6089288

She has a boss-like nature and wants to be in charge. She's not an autistic introvert like other holos who are fine with doing the same thing forever as long as they have enough money. Kson has business acumen, and she's the kind of person who will start an ambitious project just to see what will come out of it. Having money is not a good reason to stop and settle down for her.
She could start her own group, but it would be much better to become #1 in already well-established group with very little restrictions. There could be easily vshojoJP at this point, she can be working on it already just like with holoEN.

>> No.6089327

>She's not an autistic introvert

>> No.6089557

>She could start her own group, but it would be much better to become #1 in already well-established group with very little restrictions
It would be better to start her own so she literally controls the restrictions and picks the talent etc. The only reason to join another group instead of making her own or staying independent just by herself is if she doesn't want to shoulder that burden and is scared of letting whoever she hires down. Vshojo literally won't help her at all compared to her just staying indie, I don't see the upside

>> No.6090102

>She's not an autistic introvert like other holos who are fine with doing the same thing forever as long as they have enough money
It's very funny seeing posts by people who have never watched a single kson stream

>> No.6094249
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>> No.6094933

she'll just mog the shit out of them and the rest of them will get jealous as hell
nyanners is already seething over gura, doubtful she could handle another major mogging

>> No.6094987

>she's just like me! she's totally not a whore who fucked dozens of guys!
you delusional incels are funny

>> No.6095211
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I was happy and never knew it

>> No.6095220
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Cope and dilate

>> No.6095231

I think the greatest crime is that Coco has simply been erased from existence by Cover. What happend to Haachama?

>> No.6095278

>posts another obvious roastie

if you can't tell kson and mori have ridden on miles of cocks you are extremely naive

>> No.6095312
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>> No.6095659


The entire stream was unbelievably kino.

>> No.6095723

you seem to have a thing for roasties anon. are you into ntr? it's okay to admit it. everyone has their preferences.

>> No.6096554

you missed haato "so much" five minutes after the start of every break she's taken in the past eight months. you have issues. she's not dating you and she never will be. take your meds.
>explicitly said "I'm not going to be a vtuber again"
>vshitshow cucks desperately cling to the idea she'll join them because they do the cringe shit she wanted to do
leave her in peace. it's not like the zhangs will bother to follow and leave hololive alone.
>simply erased
>channel still there just fine
what did this retard mean...?

>> No.6097283

>>explicitly said "I'm not going to be a vtuber again"
I call bullshit m8. She's back to posting on kson twitter, she's like 95% chance not going anywhere and will still stream like she used to - which means at least partly she will chuuba

>> No.6097341

Literally who?

>> No.6097361

She never said she wasn't going to be a vtuber again, only that she wouldn't join any other company that wasn't hololive.

>> No.6097496

That's because anon got that shit wrong, what she said was that she wasn't joining any other company and if she ever does join a company, it'll be Hololive again, so it's either Kson the indie or Coco the Hololive member

>> No.6097682

If Coco returns, just imagine the live viewer count and the fanarts.

>> No.6098795

I don't think it's possible for at least another year or two, building up a month of hype and good will (and collecting the sympathy superchats and rushed fan work that go with it) only to say "just kidding" within a week would turn even debut tatsunokos into zhangs. If she was going to change her mind it had to be within a few hours of the announcement, one day at most
