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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60845543 No.60845543 [Reply] [Original]

Chibidoki is a pretty big Indie but why do I see no one talking about her?

>> No.60845721

She's one of those "I hate lolis" lolis so she pushes people from here away pretty hard.

>> No.60845917
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>Chibidoki is a pretty big Indie
Yeah a pretty big headed indie.

>> No.60846070

Big on LGBT, social justice and mostly hanging out with flesh streamers. She's okay as a streamer, but those are some hard filters.

>> No.60846130

hypocrite bitch only normalfags watch

>> No.60846164

She doesn't have any controversies so this gossiping board doesn't care

>> No.60846189
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I don't know much about her except she collabs with ray sometimes

>> No.60846553

I think she's funny and quick-witted

>> No.60846662

Not anymore

>> No.60846703

>not apart of corporate mandated stream wives of hololive
idk maybe that

>> No.60846715

Because she’s not controversial so this board doesn’t care about her

>> No.60846781

chabadooki is the funniest vtuber ever. rrrrrrrnnhh

>> No.60847222

>Not anymore
Doesn't matter. Never forgive never forget.

>> No.60847420

No such thing on this board, this place is like the little leagues for schizophrenia

>> No.60847426

>I have never changed my opinion on anything
It's funny to imagine someone getting hounded by strangers like
for something cringe they said in high school that they don't even believe anymore

>> No.60847616

She’s stupid but in a normie way and not a lolcow way and her community is aggressively anti-smut.

>> No.60847958

She seemed pretty funny but after she went on an unhinged rant about how she's not a loli and how anyone who thinks otherwise is a pedophile followed by blocking people calling her out on her bullshit I lost interest.

>> No.60848239

It was pretty retarded. But it's cool she apologized for it.

>> No.60848252

Oy vey its like anudda pomf!

>> No.60848359

The initial rejection is always because they think they are going to get punished/banned for even saying something positive about loli. The tides are turning since more normalfags are changing their stance from being negative to it to just being neutral about it.

>> No.60848504

She pushes herself into EVERY SINGLE HAPPENING/DRAMA, but with the most milketoast takes ever, she's even worse than Ironmouse about this. It's like she's trying to remember people constantly of her own existence.

Her one talent is her ability to walk the twitroon tightrope without triggering them. Mid streamer, otherwise.

>> No.60848534

No offense to her, but her stream gives off entitled vibes.
She exclusively pays attention only to bit comments and even then, just some. Normal chats are absolutely ignored.
Even 10,000 bits sounds hardly get any attention or even thanks. If someone spends 100$ to cheer or make a sound for a vtuber, she should at least say thanks.

Overall, it's like watching a video on demand rather than a livestream where you can interact with a vtuber.

>> No.60848926

>If someone spends 100$ to cheer or make a sound for a vtuber, she should at least say thanks.
Sounds like you're mad you wasted 100 dollars on an twitch whore.

>> No.60849333

Bizzaro Nyanners

>> No.60849590

dont watch whores just because they use a loli model

>> No.60849762

>She exclusively pays attention only to bit comments and even then, just some.
good, that prevents the shit where the paypigs eat up all of the convo but still gives them a reason to spend money for the chance.
>Normal chats are absolutely ignored
considering how her chat is and it going twitch chat speeds, its for the best she ignores them otherwise itd be insufferable.
>Even 10,000 bits sounds hardly get any attention or even thanks.
thats to deter people from spending so much money overtime just for attention, plus she does highlight videos so the notifs could easily ruin good moments by it constantly going off.
>If someone spends 100$ to cheer or make a sound for a vtuber, she should at least say thanks.
if your spending that much money on her despite knowing she isnt going to make a big fanfare about it then youre accepting the lack of thanks by spending.

>> No.60849860

Sounds like a fucking retard

>> No.60850230

>I’m a woman so my morals are easily compromised by the crowd if they push back at me even slightly!

>> No.60850292

That's the appeal of vtubers, yes

>> No.60850294

That's what she's apologizing for

>> No.60850611

just like every vtuber

>> No.60851160

I think she's Spanish? Also her voice hurts my ears. Also I don't like that character archetype. Other than I don't know anything about her. I've seen like maybe two clips of her screaming while chat tells her to shut up.

>> No.60851309

Unsurprising, shit happens even irl

>> No.60851423

Sounds like what Ui Mama does

>> No.60851646

She doesn't roll her R's because she's Hispanic, she rolls them because she's got Tourette's

>> No.60851739

I think she's alright
But she's too much of an ironic weeb for me to watch her seriously

>> No.60851888

She's alright, but the constant spam of alerts and TTS filters me hard.

>> No.60852216

She reminds me of a smarter Filian but she plays boring things like Mario Kart

>> No.60853745

Shes the most tiktok vtuber i've ever watched
I dont even know how a tiktok vtuber is supposed to act but I'm sure chibi is the most of them

>> No.60855746

i hate loli god newfags, go fuck yourself

>> No.60857849

She doesn't do that anymore and actively removed all the cringe pozzed shit from her twitter bio.

Brother, I'm thinking chibi based.

>> No.60857900

you dont need to be talked about on 4chan of all places to be a successful streamer

>> No.60858509

cunny-anticunny without talent, she could be bigger than filian if her brain worked as it should but she keeps gathering and filtering people in the same stream every fucking time.

>> No.60858846


>> No.60860622
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>> No.60862032

>not a loli uwu
>do not sexualize uwu

>> No.60862087

have you tried /lig/ ?

>> No.60862105

based tiktok tourist faggot

>> No.60862177

I bet you get mad when you see a disclaimer that says "all characters in this hentai are 18+"

>> No.60862270


>> No.60862379

I like her sister better

>> No.60862484

Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha. You jocking right. All vtubers are lowcows even the ones in the monopolies of big leagues like Hololive and Nijisanji. Vshojo too. All having trannies and faggots there. Even political shit. Blackrock involved money too trough Mitsubishi stock too. And Rockefellers and Rothschild family money. And 2030 world order agenda.

>> No.60862585

holy meds
average kiwitard

>> No.60862767

The dedicated autists who would talk about you in good faith would. Please stop telling people that actions don't have consequences.

>> No.60862783 [DELETED] 

Sorry for don't falling for glowniggers bait. Kike. Are you supposed to support Israel now. Or being a CIA glowing in the dark.

>> No.60862981

Meds taken by the way.

>> No.60863038

Pathetic, those trips are wasted on you

>> No.60863122

I'm just sayin', the schizos on /vt/ don't have the aggression or the staying power of schizos from places like /vg/ or even Twitter. Never seen a schizo here last longer than a year or dox someone just for disagreeing with them

>> No.60863652

Beats being a woman and unapologetic for it.

>> No.60863861

>still too much of a pussy to say it explicitly

>> No.60863938

Hahahaha. You don't remember 8-chan doxxing campaigns. Even their own board.

>> No.60864230

Filian is pretty smart. She's just menhera as fuck. The Hololive shit fucking broke her, and she never fully recovered.

>> No.60864835

what Hololive shit?

>> No.60864993

ah yes, the kiwishitter chan. Not sure why that matters when talking about 4channel /vt/ though

>> No.60865140

She tried for EN3 and got shot down hard.

>> No.60865237
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Imagine holding a grudge against a person you've never met.
You literal fucking infant.

>> No.60866024

oh, just like Juniper!

>> No.60866269

All of her clips on YouTube are cancer. She needs to get a new editor. Seriously, watch any one of her vids from her official account - it’s impossible to not have an brain aneurysm when watching

>> No.60866347

The moth chick?

>> No.60866561
File: 3.26 MB, 400x400, 1688591373282715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunrun is probably crying himself to sleep every night over the fact that he ignored Filians application back then

>> No.60866612

Filian would have been a great recruit but Gunrun's hardly suffering right now.

>> No.60866706

yeah that's her. She once said she was anti-loli, and one day someone re-stated that opinion of hers and she said "I've since learned to fight my battles".

>> No.60866906

So she didn't change her mind, she just stopped arguing with manic lolicons.

>> No.60867135

and i bet that's what chibi is doing

>> No.60867260

yeah big indies nuts

>> No.60872555

she should kill herself

>> No.60872750

I like when she plays with Chilled

>> No.60873129

I'm curious what her stance on the Loli Kami Requiem song is since she hates lolicons.

>> No.60875405

Man, the dead space 3 stream was amazing. that and any of the collab games they have been playing with matt and nags.

>> No.60875456

I hate that I can hear this.

>> No.60876168

Chibi is like Filian. Popular and avoids landmine topics while suppressing her powerlevel.

>> No.60876389

epitome of fake weeb who jumped on the vtubing bandwagon for popularity

>> No.60876472

>avoids landmine topics
kek alright retard

>> No.60876497

I like when she farts on my face

>> No.60876686

Filian does 4chan streams while Chibi does not, retard.

>Rockefellers and Rothschild
They're bankrupt, anon.

Chibi is pure sex.

Nice. This is fap material for me. I'm gonna masturbate to her.

>> No.60876719

Pink girl BAD

>> No.60876835 [DELETED] 

>changing their stance
>being neutral about it.
The only reason why that's the case is that the antis they "support" are the face of child grooming. Every single anti loli is a known child groomer. https://archive.md/U23XK

>> No.60876898

She's alright and stays out of controversy for the most part to make it here. But I still don't get why she chose this kind of model when she's too much of an ironic weeb.

>> No.60876996

I forgive Chibi and Juniper, but I still don't forgive Nyanners.

>> No.60877017

If it happened on Twitch, it didn't.

>> No.60877613

I hate spineless hypocrites.

>> No.60877616

because this board has shit taste, generally speaking.

>> No.60877867

This is an onahole.
I don't see anything here besides an onahole.

>> No.60878476

I watch her and think she's really funny. I just don't talk about her on /here/ because the only general where people occasionally bring her up is /lig/ and I don't care about any of the other chuubas on there.
I think the board in general overlooks her because she mostly collabs with fleshtubers, streams on twitch, and her humor is too "zoomer" for a lot of anons.
