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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60707176 No.60707176 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.60707200

yes they are the same person

>> No.60707204

his last stream (membership) he told people to go watch her graduation...

>> No.60707286

I think they should have fucked to cure vesper's menhera desu

>> No.60707426 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 1192x630, coincidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60707633
File: 354 KB, 541x633, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care as I only fap to the cockroach and not the cuckcoach

>> No.60707727

pokemon conditioned me to want to have sex with a female cockroach

>> No.60707829

I only really watched her MGS stuff, but even so looking at who she is following on Twitter is pretty disappointing.

>> No.60709823


>> No.60709969


>> No.60710017

she follows both him and the other one that graduated

>> No.60715264


>> No.60715522

Basically every eceleb leech

>> No.60715564

Vesper's RM might join VShojo but will need to wait for the Holostars non-compete clause to end.

>> No.60715848

not terribly likely since he decided to monetize on youtube and basically dumped twitch except for restreaming

>> No.60716529

Vshojo is based in California and non-competes are not enforceable there

>> No.60716583

how long did Kson wait until she joined vshoujo?

>> No.60716783

I only watch male vtubers rarely but Vesper was pretty based.

>> No.60716982

If you seriously think Vesper would ever work with a corpo again you have literally never watched him. Magni? Maybe, but he’s doubling down on being a fleshstreamer and lost his Holostars fans, so it’s doubtful.

>> No.60717078

>only person to leave nijilive and manage to lose rather than gain fans

>> No.60717201

most of magni's fans ive seen either switched over to the clown or Vespers new alter ego

>> No.60717269

The employee has to live there or another place they aren't enforced as well. Kson lives in japan.

>> No.60717287


>> No.60717444

he mentioned having to take a plane to see Magni so i assume he lives in a state where they are enforced

>> No.60717608

California in huge and long. Taking a plane within the state is very possible. There are also lots of other states where they are not enforced that he could live in.

>> No.60718040

When the teasers came out I was sure it was going to be him. I remembered the april fools stream he did and how he enjoyed being Morf. I thought vt was coping as usual when threads rolled out before debut, Nina wouldn't be back, she was done. But that there was a guy who'd find it really funny to be reborn as a cockroach and join the ranks of women
I'm glad I was wrong

>> No.60718060

you know what else is huge and long?

>> No.60722729


>> No.60723943

>"how to shill the faggot?"
>"shoehorn him into a recent debut"

>> No.60723987

but he graduated how are they shilling whats no longer there

>> No.60724039

>but he rushed to hog monetization in 2 platforms
ogey, sis

>> No.60724225

My dick?

>> No.60724317

no mines

>> No.60724371

yes, they're both fans of Kafka's Metamorphosis

>> No.60724476

Disappointing? It's vshojo, literally reaction stream grifter central. What did you expect.

>> No.60724532

Kyo, lol

>> No.60727912


>> No.60728409

honestly im starting to believe it the more i watch. no wonder people were begging for them to collab back then

>> No.60733967

buuuuuuump :^)

>> No.60735609

I didn't know who that is on the right, I watched 30 seconds of her vshojo debut and her voice and mic was terrible.

>> No.60740848
File: 68 KB, 480x540, 4d7adm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is, but it's a funny one

>> No.60740919

So is the guy going to join VShojo or what?

>> No.60740990
File: 6 KB, 601x533, 1697030880057916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60741042

only YT is monitized, he gets no money from twitch at all

>> No.60741066

Unironically that was the most kino Vesper stream. Dare I say in all of cover corp.

>> No.60741094

no, but people want him too

>> No.60741519

Kson joined Vshojo 1 year to the day that she left her previous role. This is also after telling those fans that she will never join another company.

>> No.60741824

>vshojofags still trying to pretend that kekson was poached
this is just sad

>> No.60742354

What the fuck is that thing

>> No.60746052

Do you really believe it?

>> No.60746263

Why are the Turks getting into vtubers now?

>> No.60751860

pheromosa is patrician taste

>> No.60755589


>> No.60755625

only catalogtards think that

>> No.60755679

we don’t know. depends on how hands off vshoujo is with their talents
He does have a lot of buddies in vshoujo Matara, Geega, Ironmouse, Haruka

>> No.60755916


>> No.60756140

both fucked before graduating

>> No.60756188

yeah me

>> No.60757974

There's something weird about it. Why would anyone want to be a bug?

>> No.60757993

no more cuckcoach...

>> No.60758852

bugs are cool fuck you

>> No.60759726

may i suggest you to move to china?

>> No.60760007

>but he’s doubling down on being a fleshstreamer and lost his Holostars fans
What was his plan anyway? Did he think people would prefer his real face just because his Holo model was kinda weird?

>> No.60760213

>gave vtubing a try
>vtubing wasnt for him
>goes back to fleshtubing
kinda simple really

>> No.60760227

It seems like he just couldn’t stand people liking his character more than the actual him, kek. Dude’s a major narcissist.

>> No.60760433

Kson 1 year
Nazuna 5 months
Henya 1.5 months
Kuro 1 month
Matara 4.5 months

Kson most likely got a structured release where she got some benefit (residual merch profits most likely) in exchange for not turning up somewhere else for a year. Niji simply doesn't care to pay anything extra. I doubt Holostars would either.

>> No.60760496

Even in states where they are enforced there is a very exhaustive set of criteria, and "being a vtuber for any other company except mine, on the internet" would not fall under those criteria. It needs a geographical boundary so the person can relocate and continue their trade.
