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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60655730 No.60655730 [Reply] [Original]

>0 communication with fans
>twitter is a string of shill tweets

>> No.60655805

Reminder that Cover waited until Sana's merch sale period was almost over to announce her graduation.

>> No.60655880

Reminder that Luca, Mysta, and Rias all graduated and Vox is next

>> No.60656002

>Reminder that Luca, Mysta, and Rias all graduated and Vox is next

>> No.60656091
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>> No.60656177

You can seethe as much as you want sister, Gura is never graduating.

Unlike your failed homos.

>> No.60656202

literally corpo mandated shillposts, she's gotta do it so she doesn't get fired for laziness.

>> No.60656239


>> No.60656357
File: 57 KB, 609x585, announcement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were saying?

>> No.60656388 [DELETED] 

Isn't one of the Nijis massively fat? Fulgur Covid or something? I heard he was so obese he couldn't fit in a mocap suit and they had to add a weight clause to Niji auditions.

>> No.60656465

Covid couldn't fit onto into a plane seat even if he rented a full row. Sad!

>> No.60656492
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>does nothing
>still causes OP to seethe eternally
Get filtered, SEAfaggot. True fans don't need a stream everyday as long as the quality remains consistent when she returns.

>> No.60656621

>makes others seethe by not existing
My sharkwife is so fucking based

>> No.60656912

my favorite new Chumbud cope. I love it.

>> No.60657357


>> No.60657552

Ah yes, 6 hour holocure streams, my favorite.

>> No.60657713

Coming from Gura, that's what I'd call quality AND quantity!

>> No.60658068

At this point I just assume she's being paid to not graduate so they can keep using her past numbers to shill and keep her image at events.
God, I can't feel anything but pity for chumbuds at this point.

>> No.60658814

>>does nothing

>> No.60662621

too bad you dont have any sponsors to shill, seething 2view

>> No.60662978

Please, her streams have been most boring for a long time. Legit Council and Advent have better streams by and large, and unlike her she streams.

>> No.60663103

Can't make this shit up

>> No.60663108


>> No.60664933

>she doesn't stream
>her streams are boring
Which one is it?

>> No.60665102

>does nothing
yeah that's the problem here kek

>> No.60665263

>True fans don't need a stream everyday
or every week
or every month

>> No.60665859

See you next year

>> No.60665920

Oh shit that means both Gura AND Gawr are graduating.

>> No.60668611


>> No.60668690

As long as gwombus doesn't I'm good

>> No.60668787

Watching the passive aggressive Gura sniping on /r/Hololive has been fun. Jannies aren't even trying to cover her ass anymore

>> No.60668876

but not streams

>> No.60668976

The last tweet already has over 26k likes, with 850k views.
How does she do it?

>> No.60669347
File: 1.83 MB, 1158x1637, Bikini working as expected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a higher chance of yagoo using that account than gura. Gura only likes cunny art on twitter

>> No.60674339

Kek, funny coincidence

>> No.60679462

>Mysta just got his silver button
>Nina comes back and is happy
>Sayu flinging more shit on Niji
>All three of these has a good chance of being featured by dramafagots false + others
>Yesterday was brutal with advent collab into Irys new outfit into Ameoke killing Niji ccv
>Advent announces special events leading up to Halloween, fucking up Niji numbers for the week
>ID3 who NijiEN is being compared to now is getting new 3D while members of NijiEN who debuted before ID3 dont get shit
>Holo announces sports fest an event actually worth watching unlike nijidrones who embarrassingly pretend to like mahjong and baseball

>> No.60679689

But SEAnigs are Gura's primary audience

>> No.60679701

At least edit the date

>> No.60680134

I actually don't know if I would even be sad when I see her graduation announcement if she keeps acting like that. I might be more like "yeah we knew it was coming". And that's actually depressing

>> No.60680176

True fans apparently don't need streams at all by your shit logic.

She has done 32 streams this year, that's it. Of those, 5 were to shill merch and 7 were collabs.

Chumbuds deserve better, period. You're not fans at this point, you're dumb as fuck exploited morons.

>> No.60680366

>you see deflection is okay when we do it

>> No.60680416

your last thread got deleted you ban evading monkey

>> No.60680486

kek, you really made them seethe. not to say it's hard to LMAO

>> No.60681132

Nah Gawr is sticking around. She will be treated as the wild/evil Gura and be portrayed by a different VA.

>> No.60681454

what the fuck are you talking about schizoid

>> No.60684391
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>> No.60686585

oh nyo

>> No.60688266

both cuckbud

>> No.60688348

>naming yourself Fullgut Covid

>> No.60688744

I hope they do please o good lord

>> No.60688806

>Fullgut obese

>> No.60688885

Just replace her with an AI at this point. Not like she want to stream anyway.

>> No.60688993

is that really so hard to understand?

>> No.60689509

They will never stop selling Gura merch because it prints money. It's more profitable for them to pay her to do nothing than sever ties.

>> No.60689559

Gura doesn't need to stream because le nijisanji bad.

>> No.60689767

You do realize graduating Sana makes sense because both Sana and the company are losing by keeping her on. On the other hand Gura and Cover both benefit from her being a member and doing nothing.

>> No.60691921

thank you mane san

>> No.60692966

I will buy all the products she recommends on X. I love my shork wife.

>> No.60693257

How does nothing have quality? Chumbuds have completely lost their touch with reality.

>> No.60696882


>> No.60696919


>> No.60697060

Easy enough for an intern to handle while Gura is at rehab

>> No.60697920

They offered refunds, which I wish I took advantage of
I have her birthday set sitting on a box and all I've ever used was the voice pack that came with it
I honestly don't give a shit about her anymore and I've been a fan since her debut. It's been a very long time since she left and there's not really much to think of her. Don't care about her roommate and gachashit too so there's nothing left for me but old streams

>> No.60698027

"More merch than streams" is a meme for a reason. Gura has a cute look that sells to normies. The fact she doesn't stream really probably doesn't matter to cover financially, but it sucks for true fans.

>> No.60698220

>Black people deserve better - said by me, not a black person
This is what you sound like

>> No.60698270
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>when she returns

>> No.60699023

incel seethe KEK
