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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60497720 No.60497720 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.60497777

Literally who

>> No.60497787


>> No.60497879

No, but this one did

>> No.60497994

>Open video
>Close video
Stop shilling your shitty video essays OP

>> No.60498053

even the title is esl

>> No.60498187

No because I didn’t watch it

>> No.60498267

>5 minutes shitting on some random music reviewer

>> No.60499628

>ESL title
>ESL voice
Why do these "people" love Mori so much?

>> No.60499706

Whatever it is, buy an ad

>> No.60503350

Nothing really to even get mad at her in the first place.

>> No.60504218

based bbc enjoyer

>> No.60510264

Deadbeats has been amazingly dedicated to her and has supported her in all her holo/rm activities.
Their only disappointment with her was her Twitch con drama.

>> No.60511849


>> No.60519951

the opposite lol

>> No.60521489
File: 128 KB, 636x320, 97f0370bfc0ca792e862b9194b8782da8797b6b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine making a 35 minute video white knighting a vtuber.
Reminder that Mori's now the runt of EN.

>> No.60522195

Gura had 0 views over the past month. The true runt of EN.

>> No.60528373

I don't like her because she likes rap and girls that like rap are coal burners or straight up trash

>> No.60528459

Gura's comment section gets more viewers than mori lmao

>> No.60528753

Use the noun form of ascend. If you've already fucked the title, why the fuck would anyone watch your video essay?

>> No.60528758

Hololive gen 1 disappeared off the face of the earth, only Kiara has the work ethic to stay relevant.

>> No.60528819

but Mori likes short asian guys

>> No.60529332

> relevant
why is nobody watching her then

>> No.60530550

idc anything what outside people think

>> No.60532478

No wonder SEA loves her so much

>> No.60535049

Damn, it's really over for chudbums if this is the cope they are going with.

>> No.60536148

You will literally never have sex, so i'm unsure why you care, /pol/chama

>> No.60538278

>brags about false reporting
jew behaviour

>> No.60538377

every single reply in this thread is proving OP's video right lmfao
people who hate mori have no idea what she's like as a person and their entire perception of her is founded on out-of-context clips and gossip

>> No.60538627

Forgive her for what?
