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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.60478223
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>> No.60478291

This was such a great stream

>> No.60478963

hope she will enjoy the game
but not too much

>> No.60479200
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>> No.60479461
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Why doesn't Sara Gutenberg invent a printing press so she doesn't have to sign 1500 wawa's wawas Polaroids by hand?

>> No.60479585

>Hey Kiara, you should play this game. It has a phoenix in it.
>Phoenix gets brutally murdered in the first 10 mins
It's going to be either kino or suffering

>> No.60479852
File: 2.68 MB, 2480x3508, luvmewife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug Wawa

>> No.60479863

I am betting on her having forgotten to DL / install the game. She hadn't even bought it yesterday.

>> No.60479902
File: 974 KB, 3300x2550, F8TfNByWkAA8cr8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife.

>> No.60479980

Does anyone have a magnet of yesterday's stream? I had to leave at the two hour mark and will have work when she rebroadcasts it

>> No.60480872

I wanted to record yesterday's members but YT kept stuttering, buffering, pausing, repeating itself multiple times and dying a lot overall

>> No.60480931

I didn't see any posted, and the archives are empty.
I think it's gone until the rebroadcast.

>> No.60480958

she didn't prepare at all

>> No.60481164


>> No.60481177

>Chronic pain
Why must Kiara suffer the most?

>> No.60481191 [SPOILER] 
File: 261 KB, 727x640, 1677846110193748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vacuums the shit out of you
>reboots you, aggressively

>> No.60481591

i love wawa

>> No.60481857


>> No.60481931

Clive is an anime pretty boy.

>> No.60483423

how many underage girls has Kiara married in her past?

>> No.60483467

not enough

>> No.60484555
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>> No.60484610
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I want to be stabbed by Takanashi Kiara's cute sword.
Not her overly garish zweihander for RPG gaming, the OG cute popsicle.

>> No.60484731

Skipping side quests, this playthrough won't be all that long all things considered, so even if you don't care for the game it isn't a big deal.

>> No.60484830

tired? after staying up until 5am for no reason again?
who could have expected that...

>> No.60484861

Hokan is right...she needs to be told to fix her fucking life.

>> No.60484958
File: 581 KB, 833x1080, 1689035294498391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this cute the way she is.

>> No.60485543

I need wawanus so damn bad bros..

>> No.60485738

Kiara's unwashed wawanus...

>> No.60485934

can she stop talking over sad dialogue and making cringe jokes?

>> No.60486018

>stop talking over sad dialogue
then the stream would be silent

>> No.60486201

she can talk during boring moments but shes literally talking about merch and yagoo and cracking dumb jokes during epic moments

>> No.60486252

>she can talk during boring moments
You just said not to talk over the sad dialogue

>> No.60486394

possibly the worst reaction to this scene in all of hololive so far. She really has no sense to when to shut the fuck up and let the game entertain the audience.

>> No.60486480

>watching multiple playthroughs of this shit game

>> No.60486567

why the hell would anyone watch a stream if he wants to be entertained by the game?
just play it yourself, you retard

>> No.60486574

Given her mixed decision on whether or not to even stream the game after 2 months, her being so detached makes sense.

The game only gets worse from here.

>> No.60486638

yesman gotta yes I guess

>The game only gets worse from here.
That's the point. She already ruined the best scene in the entire game. How does she always manage to filter potential new fans? every fucking time when she plays a hype game this happens.

>> No.60486777

you watch a stream for the streamer unless you have brain damage
watching a stream for the game is like going to a restaurant to eat microwaved meals
>hype game
ah, you actually DO have brain damage

>> No.60486839

Kiara plays this game because she promised to do this long time ago, it became an obligation and she doesn't really care about the story after missing the initial hype, she just wants to make kfp happy which unironically backfires but nobody in kfp will say anything bad to not make her sad

>> No.60486890

If the superchats are anything to go by, some people still have interest in a playthrough.

>> No.60486934

>it became an obligation
got laughed out of global already?
just off yourself, retard

>> No.60486983

you gotta stop saying 'yesmen' it outs you every time, nobody will take you seriously when you complain about le boogeymen

>> No.60487120

>Check KFP split
>Non stop arguing over Kiara

>> No.60487168

I don't know what are you talking about but i am not following the convo in global at all, just sitting there and sometime shitpost about marrying Kiara and drinking her piss
i just put my honest thoughts here while playing some games and listening to Kiara and sometime making a comment in her chat

>> No.60487182

anon, this split is full of unironic yesmen. It isn't a "boogeyman" thing, it is an actual thing. Retards defending every little detail of shit she does no matter what, as if she was perfect. Yesmen are the worst part of a community. Far, far worse than antis. They literally prevent her from improving anything.

You should end your life. It will be better for Kiara. If you truly love her, do it now. Do it for her

>> No.60487229

i love you too man, chu

>> No.60487282

Uh oh ESLtard melty. Guess he can't think of new bait
>If everyone says I'm a drooling retard I must be right!
Kek. SEA sewerdweller intelligence

>> No.60487301

>make retarded claims
>people rightfully call you a faggot for being a retard
>t-those meanies are worse than antis!!!
god dammit, dude - how pathetic are you?

>> No.60487378

How were my claims retarded? She did ruin the scene by constantly talking over it and shilling her merch and talking about yagoo, did she not? Are you watching the stream?

>> No.60487452

1 (as in singular) samefagging yesrat

>> No.60487489

you think ffxvi is a 'hype game' and have watched multiple playthroughs of it, you are clinically retarded

>> No.60487547

>if you disagree you're a samefag
The irony of this coming from the self confirmed samefag kek.

>> No.60487561

>She did ruin
fucking retard
go to applebee's, it's the right place for someone as mentally handicapped as you

>> No.60487611

All mainstream games are hype games and draw in viewers.
>watched multiple playthroughs
I watched reactions of the important scenes, yes. Unlike you I actually watch streams

>> No.60487651
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>GoT references
>Wheel of Time references
Buckle up anons, I think she's in for the long haul

>> No.60487653

>not a new ip
Classic classic guy

>> No.60487726
File: 1.51 MB, 4093x2894, 1000064922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... I like the playthrough so far. The Story is even better than I expected and Wawa is being cute

>> No.60487725

Now change your IP and say it again like a good little yesdog

>> No.60487806

You first babycakes. Don't act like we haven't seen your song and dance for years now ;)

>> No.60487814

I don't even know what scene that retard is blabbing about, I was watching just fine

>> No.60487888

Neither do I. The stream has been pretty nice so far and she hasn't really done anything that I'm upset with

>> No.60487919

these english VA's absolutely do not match these characters lol.

>> No.60487974

I'm a bit butthurt that we didn't get FF7R, but now that the opening act is done I'm enjoying this a lot. Just hope Boss doesn't lose momentum by doing lots of sidequests.

>> No.60488002

Oh don't worry she said she knows to avoid them

>> No.60488058

The best in the entire game. The beginning where his brother dies. Game becomes shit after this and not really worth watching anymore in my opinion. I was looking forward to her reaction. I was expecting Kiara tearing up or say cute shit. Instead she makes jokes about yagoo and doesn't even react to it.

If I just want to see the game I will play it myself. But I watch streamers to see their reactions to games and scenes.

>> No.60488151

>see their reactions
clearly you don't want to see their reactions, you want to see your reactions but done by someone else

>> No.60488160

>I was expecting her to tear up for a character death on a game with less than 2 hours of play time
What kind of retard tear up for such a cheap payoff ? It's even worse than Lumera's death in Engage.

>> No.60488209

>clearly you don't want to see their reactions, you want to see your reactions but done by someone else
Wrong. That would be boring if anyone had the same reactions. I want to see HER reaction. But she didn't react at all. She wasn't paying attention. Wasn't looking at the screen most of the time.

>> No.60488291

>REEE she didn't REACT hard enough!
You sound like a twitchtard lmao

>> No.60488307

>I want to see HER reaction
and you got that
but you didn't like it because it was not the reaction you had mad up in your head before
and now you are crying like a little bitch
are your parents and grandparents siblings or why are you so mentally retarded?

>> No.60488337

You sound like someone who says yes to everything. Now say it again in another post pretending to be someone else like you always do

>> No.60488369

Aww did I hit a nerve?

>> No.60488412

that guy going "ahhhhh" sounded like jeremy corbyn

>> No.60488474

Yeah kinda sucks to have people like you ruining my oshis success by constantly making an excuse for everything. You are way more successful than any egg here.

>> No.60488486

Same and also
>Didn't see any negative comments in live chat
>CCV didn't drop. In fact it has reached a newer peak since then.
This is a classic case of a narcissist projecting their experience/feelings onto others. It might have ruined the scene for him personally but to claim it ruined the experience for others as well and even insult others that disagree with him is just sad.
If he doesn't like the taste of coffee, he thinks every other human also hates coffee. The world revolves around him.
But at the same time if he is being genuine, I understand his frustration of others mocking him for his personal reason for watching a stream/streamer. I just hope he realizes others who watched the same scene did not get soured and in my case, I have been enjoying the stream so far especially her combat, dad humor and general thoughts/opinions.

>> No.60488484

This game has more cutscenes than Tales of Arise.
The game might grow on me after tomorrow, right now I just don't really have an opinion on the game.

>> No.60488613

>if you disagree with my shit opinion on the 4chins you are literally worse than any anti and ruining kiara's career
lmao do you even read your own posts before hitting submit

>> No.60488624

>The world revolves around him.

That's a protagonist mindset. An NPC mindset is NOT thinking the world revolves about you. Because you think of yourself of just an unimportant no-dialogue NPC in a trash indie game

>> No.60488710

JRPGs be like that, they usually have no dialogue system. If you imagine Baldur's Gate 3 replacing dialogue with talking cutscenes you would have a similar cutscene density.

>> No.60488731

not just you personally, I mean you yesfags as a whole. There is a reason why she is one of the least watched EN holos. Lots of it is her own fault, but most of it is because of yesfags constantly reassuring her that she does literally nothing wrong and she is 100% perfect
>the reason why you are watched less than others is just bad luck! don't change anything! you are perfect! now heart my comment and give me attention!


>> No.60488740

I'm the protagonist and I call him a ninnymuggins

>> No.60488757

Schizo is right. I AM the protagnaist and I WILL marry her before any of the NPCs in this thread

>> No.60488815

>I didn't see anything wrong with her reaction
>I am more powerful than any egg by doing nothing
This amuses me true or false

>> No.60489036

Do you think Kiara likes fags?

>> No.60489056

>approached by SE staff for her beauty
Protaganist grindset

>> No.60489069

She likes the flamboyant gay guys in games

>> No.60489084

No but they are a huge part of the community thanks to the takamori shit in the beginning so she often caters to them

>> No.60489256
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>> No.60489270

Huh, is that Square Enix story new lore?

Because it sounds sus as hell and the stuff you read in doujins about how naive girls get tricked into porn...

>> No.60489333

I think it's new, yeah

>> No.60489496

Seems new, yeah. I can't recall that fact dropping before.

>> No.60489604
File: 376 KB, 1074x842, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys new here? That's literally what nintendo did during zelda skyward sword

>> No.60489619

Who's that?

>> No.60489637
File: 198 KB, 592x536, 1697305571224872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had the stream in the BG occasionally checking in, DID WAWA SAY SHE'S PLAYING DMC?

>> No.60489651

It's totally new. I guess since they've never had Square game perms it's never crossed her mind to bring it up

>> No.60489699

A superchat joked about it and she seemed open to it. Then she said "I am the storm that is approaching". I think she said maybe

>> No.60489752

it's a bit strange she didn't mention it when Korone told her she looks like an FF character but she was really high on life back then

>> No.60489942

If you say yes she rewards you with likes remembers your name and DMs. What is the incentive to say no?

>> No.60490007

no concrete plan or anything, just made the connection because FF16 is vaguely character-actionish. She seemed tentatively interested, which is better than a hard instant No which is her usual reaction to actual turn-off games, but don't hold your breath for any time soon either. At best it has now just entered "idk, might check it out in the far future during light weeks when I can't think of any other stuff to rather play..." mindshare in her head at least.

>> No.60490078

Our wawa still holds many secrets

>> No.60490115

>What is the incentive to say no?
Not being selfish and help her grow instead

>> No.60490138

Nah i'd rather be selfish

>> No.60490186

Bold to assume she won't ignore "no"

>> No.60490256

>EQ test
Yeah your treble is a bit harsh around the 12kHz area and your bass needs to be boosted by 7dB

>> No.60490329

haha sm7dB

>> No.60490422

>she's not paying attention to the game again

>> No.60490470

Listen anon, the guy getting his throat fucked is not that important

>> No.60490551

Would you like a full treatise on the attack pattern of that stupid dog instead?

>> No.60490892

She remembers!

>> No.60491710

That massage thingy she's gonna use later?
Yeah, my dick

>> No.60492199

>Has a breakdown over being lonely
>Next day she's horny over men

>> No.60492392

Did your post get delayed

>> No.60493057

wll you sleep on the grass for Kiara?

>> No.60493214

If she sleeps with me so we can cuddle and warm up each other

>> No.60493311

jesus she's so shy and introverted

>> No.60493312
File: 1.54 MB, 2000x2722, FzDjmJdagAEMfEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wawa cute

>> No.60493404

Kiara, the fashion you're talking about is not "cute". it is considered slutty because it actually IS slutty.

>> No.60493496
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>> No.60493519

Nobody thinks Girly Japanese dresses are slutty you schizo retard

>> No.60493568

>Nobody thinks Girly Japanese dresses are slutty
Literally all of europe does, that's just what she said. Watch streams

>> No.60493644

I'm sorry that Europe is stuck in 1521, I guess?

>> No.60493704

Thanks for outing yourself, blue haired mutt"man"

>> No.60493767

No they don't. It's weird because it is weird from their perspective. Normal JP dress has an emphasis on cute so must retards see it as "childish", not sexual.

You must have been dropped on your head.

>> No.60493784
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>> No.60493926
File: 1.17 MB, 1440x900, star-spangled-kfp-[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fr533kl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying my cute burger eating orange woman, she's as American as apple pie.
Stay mad.

>> No.60494053

I'm not sure what we are arguing about here. SHE said that. SHE said her 'cute' JP dresses are often considered slutty in europe. Watch the stream. Why are you saying otherwise? Nobody there considers pink mini skirts "cute" when adult women wear them. It's considered slutty.

>> No.60494098

>SHE said her 'cute' JP dresses are often considered slutty in europe.
I don't know anon, I don't recall her using the word slutty on stream today.

>> No.60494143

Then rewind. Timestamp is my post. About 1 minute before. She said "s l o t t y"

>> No.60494208

dont bother. yesfags are mentally ill. they will even change reality and her own words just to yes her

>> No.60494295

Jesus imagine getting triggered over something like a JP dress.

>> No.60494431
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>> No.60494746
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>> No.60494924
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>> No.60494945

I love wawa ass.

>> No.60495069

>Arguing over the way Kiara is reacting to the game
>Now arguing over fashion
Is this thread full of women? I swear all you faggots do is argue like women.

>> No.60495185

>I swear all you faggots
Yes. Kiara has the biggest LGBT community. It is good that you finally realised that.

>> No.60495234
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>> No.60495272

she must eat a lot of spinach cuz she got them popeye arms

>> No.60495589
File: 1.65 MB, 1440x1080, Or Do I Still Look Gay [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frcro8p.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60495618


>> No.60495815

Will (You) ever be happy?

>> No.60495887
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>> No.60496391

I wanna twister that lady too, wawa

>> No.60496458

and to think she wanted to stop one hour ago
who is that fucking giganigger that lied about a good stopping point "coming up"?
piece of shit

>> No.60496874
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Nice she loves it and wants to play it till the end

>> No.60496991
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>> No.60497040

That is nice news

>> No.60497115

If she keeps series short then i don't mind it being done as weekends streams

>> No.60497135


>> No.60497190

there you are, i missed you endingschizochama
i thought we wouldn't see your retarded ritual posts

>> No.60497295 [SPOILER] 
File: 814 KB, 2828x2880, 20220930_083921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wawa feet

>> No.60497391

>love u guzs

>> No.60497454
File: 954 KB, 900x900, F8bY-3nWAAABRU3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60497514

Cute, and literally my wife.

>> No.60497629

My name is guzs btw

>> No.60497737


My last name is Apa and my first name is Gap

>> No.60497785
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>> No.60498218
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>> No.60498772
File: 551 KB, 2335x3654, F8QB6V-bQAApJq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Kiara want me to eat my cum?

>> No.60498799
File: 94 KB, 850x1202, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_smilesmile1312__sample-c08e2fe8f1bc228079250b4c24c72fd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she wants mine

>> No.60498822

The game is around 40-50 hours basing it off of Mori's playthrough, where she took around 50 hours to beat the game while doing side quests. Kiara could beat it in a few weeks if she dedicates one or more 5+ hour stream(s) to the game every week.

>> No.60498931
File: 53 KB, 837x142, Wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she see you?

>> No.60499007
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>> No.60499285

>haven't gotten a like in 2 days, only read 1 message of mine in the members stream and none today

She hates me.

>> No.60499326

yeah she loves me more

>> No.60499583

Thats rough bro

>> No.60499781

Rebroadcast SOON

>> No.60499797

Do people actually care about getting likes or is this just another shitposting angle?
I like it when my comment gets noticed, but unironically being dejected or angry for a lack of attention between hundreds of active members surely has to be mental illness.

>> No.60499838

Some people are just crazy in the head

>> No.60499943

>NA primetime.
That's pretty nice.

>> No.60500113


>> No.60500466

I can't speak for the actual like schizo but I do notice when she's less active on social media and stuff. I'm half ironic, half concerned if she's feeling disappointed with either us, or herself.

>> No.60500489
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>> No.60500503
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>> No.60500528

Why is he being more and more a cunt. Kiara should just ignore him at this point if he's just going to complain about stream times every damn day.

>> No.60500573


>> No.60500605
File: 1.00 MB, 5925x4682, 1690469257845747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets test the mods

>> No.60500630

I don't know why she still reply to this retard

>> No.60500991

Why does this retard have such a time obsession???

>> No.60501102

because she knows what she does is retarded and everyone calling her out is right
but she doesn't want to admit it so she has to defend herself at every opportunity

>> No.60501233


I think I need to become a No-man in order to get replies from my oshi

>> No.60501243

probably because she is literally ruining her mental and phyisical health for no reason

>> No.60501293

>it's retarded
>normal sleep time is at around 3-4am already
>already promised she would
She literally has to hit 1 button before going to sleep and 1 more when waking up. You obviously just want to complain Hokan.

>> No.60501378

retardchama... it's past midnight right now. She can start it now and go to bed and let it loop. Why is she waiting until 3 or 4 am? Great idea!

>> No.60501381

If she gets sufficient sleep, healthy food and exercise she's fine. I work swing shifts so my day doesn't truly start till 1 or 2pm in the afternoon on most days. Her schedule isn't the same as yours and it doesn't have to be. If she wants to loop something for NA and SEA that's not a big deal. I don't get why you're so upset at her doing anything for any region that isn't EU.

>> No.60501423

Because it's not a good time for SEA yet?

>> No.60501444

>If she gets sufficient sleep
Literally false. She always talks about not having enough sleep. Also smoothie.

>healthy food
>she's fine

>> No.60501493

LET IT LOOP. At some point it WILL be good for SEA

>> No.60501553

Anons still think they're in any position let alone have any authority to micro-manage a streamer lel

>> No.60501564


Why is this psycho yesrat so mad? I bet he is the one who always shits on paypigs here

>> No.60501572

She has 2 of those
Her diet is healthier than most holos and she swims

>> No.60501603

Life isn't a Bethesda game where you can instantly fall asleep on your bed? If she wants to let it loop later there's no problem with that.

I know she hasn't cooked lately because her expresso depresso mood but she does cook and eats fairly small portions. She goes swimming regularly too.

You're not her friend or partner so it comes off as really fucking weird to try and micromanage her life like that. she's literally just going to hit 2 buttons for a bunch of people's sake and this has you riled up. Look at your life dude.

>> No.60501632

t. Hokan

>> No.60501657

>Even twitter KFP shit on Hokan
How do you even reach that point?

>> No.60501695

Fuck off hokan

>> No.60501705

Go and molest underage girls again, sero. And stop being such a huge attentionwhore.
I bet next your'e gonna tweet "KFP bad I think I will leave fr fr fr fr fr fr this time" for the 10th time

>> No.60501743

Hello Hokan

>> No.60501779

Trying to control the streamer and pretty much directly saying to their face that you dislike her collabing with certain EN members.

>> No.60501808

Kek is it actually another twitter faggotFP camping 4chins again? Just skip the drama and hang yourself already homie

>> No.60501898

>The game is around 40-50 hours
It's actually closer to 30-40 hours if you don't do any side content, which I'm pretty sure Kiara isn't doing any. So Kiara could finish it in two weeks if she does two streams of it each week for the next two weeks.

>> No.60501951

Iirc next week only has 1

>> No.60501965

>She always talks about not having enough sleep
not always
strangely she never complains about that when she is forced to actually go to sleep at midnight (or earlier)
wierd how that works

>> No.60501970

Nobody really agrees with him, and he's just replying and samefagging here.

He comes across as a weirdo controlling faggot.

>> No.60502165

How did it even reach that point? He doesn't seem to be such a retard all the time. It is literally just stream and bed time, that make him mald and bitch.
Did the Sandman threaten him???

>> No.60502209

Some people care about their oshi more than others

>> No.60502246

I think we're up there with /ggg/ and /∞/ with how much anons here argue over paypigs and random fans, probably even in second place due to the fact that some paypigs seem to even have their own fans.

>> No.60502288


>> No.60502313

>pretty much directly saying to their face that you dislike her collabing with certain EN members.

>> No.60502337

>yf when your skev is delivered but you can't look at it because you are at work

Enjoy it for me

>> No.60502354

>stream and bed time
>two things actively harming her and ruining her quality of life
>two things she has complete control over
it's honestly not rocket science

>> No.60502366

There are always autists who think they "know better" than the streamer they watch. These people should ALWAYS be blocked but unfortunately Kiara is too nice to her fans

>> No.60502378

Kinda weird way to say you like controlling her and that you think you're always correct when you're obviously not.

>> No.60502388

Did you really come running here to get your ass cooked here. Come on now.

>> No.60502396

Thank you billy

>> No.60502417

Keep saying yes, even if it kills her. I hope you enjoy your petty likes

>> No.60502448

this looks like post-anal, wierd to see straight sex even implied like that in a monobe piece
very hot, though

>> No.60502454

i love wawaaa

>> No.60502471
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>> No.60502540

You think a retard like that knows how retarded they are? Once someone "logics" themself into thinking they're right they're too proud to see how dumb they actually are. Best way to get rid of them is public execution

>> No.60502548

Man, what the fuck

>> No.60502587

NTA but he hates Gura has complained about Gura and Myth collabs wasting schedule spots directly to Kiara on a few separate occasions and how they're instant skips and shitty. I remember one of the tweets being posted here about him not liking Gura and one of the first things anons here did was rush to defend him by shitting on Kiara, for some reason.

>> No.60502641

I don't say yes to everything and anything she's said/done/suggested.

But I also respect her enough to treat her like an adult when I do disagree with her. I don't think her going to sleep at her usual time is wrong/bad. You're literally overreacting and you're making her out to be a women child who can't sleep/eat/feed herself properly when that isn't the truth. Maybe at the moment she's been neglecting some self care, I even told her as much myself, but you're being obnoxious over nothing.

>> No.60502675

Looks like they were doing 69
very sus creaminess though

>> No.60502701
File: 493 KB, 240x240, samefag[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvm109y.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60502753

Man, you yestards are truly lost. Did you even watch the very member video shje's about to loop? She is not "ok". She fucks up her life and she needs a strong man to help her and fix it for her. Yes she IS a woman child. Being childless at THIS age literally means you never grew up. She calls her cats her babies.
She needs people to tell her to fucking wake up and fix her shit. Yesrats like you are not helping. Being awake at 3AM = BAD. Understand that.

>> No.60502760

>I don't think her going to sleep at her usual time is wrong/bad.
sure, you can just ignore the part where she is constantly tired and crying on her floor because she is adding easily preventable stress to the stress she can not lessen - then it is perfectly fine!

>> No.60502817

especially the bubble at Nerissa's anus is suspicious, how did a liquid even get there?

>> No.60502827

Kek the replies to this. ESLtard really is a massive manchild. No wonder he only posts here

>> No.60502894

>Arguing during the stream to the point of nobody discussing the stream past the second half
>Still arguing over 8 hours later

>> No.60502907

There isn't a true fix if she has a condition with her muscles. She's trying to strengthen her shoulders and that's about all she can do till she gets her roids.
She still gets plenty of sleep and eats well enough.

Going through it because of some shitty management decisions. Not the first or last time it's going to happen.
>bla bla she babies her cats
>that means she's crazy

Being awake at 3am if you're usually up at 3am = bad. Otherwise anyone who works evenings/nights into morning is irresponsible or some dumb bullshit. You're literally leaping to come to this conclusions.

>> No.60502964

I was discussing the stream. I just hid replies from the obvious troll

>> No.60502987

She's live btw
Her shoulder massage machine made her sleepy so she's starting it
Now behave yall

>> No.60503017

We've gone multiple days in a row with nonstop arguing, stop acting like this is surprising, retard. If you want actual pure stream discussion over Kiara then go to global while she streams. Otherwise stick in here and stop complaining about something that is a constant at this point. And there's quite literally no point to be here after Kiara is finished streaming if all you're going to do is complain about the thread being shitty when that is something that literally everybody else already knows.

>> No.60503062

>She still gets plenty of sleep and eats well enough.
if you watch Kiara for more than 5 minutes you know neither of those statements is true
and it's not about magically fixing everything wrong with her but she is actively making the bad hand she was dealt worse with her lifestyle

>> No.60503087
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>> No.60503134

>We've gone multiple days in a row with nonstop arguing
Incorrect. There was about a week of pretty much no arguing and pretty slow and comfy threads and the arguing only picked up again since the AoE2 stream. The eggo got pretty booty blasted after she reached 1.5M so now he's back here

>> No.60503143

This thread is infinitely better for Kiara discussion than fucking global, stop with this retarded angle.

>> No.60503157
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>> No.60503196

No one actually believe this.

>> No.60503209

she's here
Glad to see my feedback about her fucked up sleep helps her.

>> No.60503232

This thread has deeper discussions over paypigs than it does over Kiara, kek.

>> No.60503275

There was a time when we talked more about male fans than we talked about kiara herself

>> No.60503315

It can be when the obvious trolls are gone. Usually it just takes Kiara getting a big win for them to leave

>> No.60503330

She ain't mate

>> No.60503332

Which thread
>Have Kiara ritual post
>Talk in depth about what happen in Kiara stream
>Have large summary posts about every single Kiara stream
>Have a lot of Kiara OC produced beyond soundposts
And which thread
>Spend over 100 posts arguing over paypig
>Totally ignore the large majority of Kiara streams
>Spend more time anti-ing her than anything else

>> No.60503334

Nice to see her feeling relaxed

>> No.60503418

>Spend over 100 posts arguing over paypig
>Totally ignore the large majority of Kiara streams
>Spend more time anti-ing her than anything else
No no. That's just you.

>> No.60503447

50% him 50% you

>> No.60503491

Well thankfully I can catch the entire stream this time. Potentially multiple times now

>> No.60503547

I have exactly 3 posts in this thread anon.

>> No.60503569
File: 25 KB, 597x286, 1676231212701032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself faggot

>> No.60503582

Global has almost all of the KFP OC makers and Comicanon, has 99.9% of the KFP soundpost makers, good ritual posts. It does have anons who argue over mundane shit, but not the extent of this thread where it can completely take over discussions for entire days and normally the eggs post before and after Kiara streams, leaving a good window of relatively free shitposting hours most of the time. This thread is good for getting Kiara fanart and porn though.

>> No.60503705

Good. Maybe stop shitting up the thread with what little you do say and enjoy the stream

>> No.60503829


>> No.60503938

This sure is something to pick to have on loop

>> No.60503987

Kiara is extremely lonely. She's been watching all of her good friends and long ago friends getting married and making relationships that she herself either can't mentally or won't because of work.
I love my Wawa, and will enjoy her for ass long as she is willing to be around. I just hope she doesn't fuck herself up too bad.

>> No.60503999

>take a piss and stretch after FF
>get some dinner together, expecting a 9PM start
>come back after an hour
>65 posts
>twitter shittery
>containment breaking the fucking euro hours timeloop
>stream starto
It's all my fault, if I didn't close Youtube none of this asinine brain-damage would've happened.

>> No.60504067

Fucking menhera

>> No.60504153

That's a fun way to spell my wife.

>> No.60504162

yeah that whole "management" cope is bullshit. She's like this because she saw her fellow idol getting married. Her old cos friends are all in a relationship as well and have their own life going on. Meanwhile she has her "babies". She realised she's lonely and needs a boyfriend. asap.

>> No.60504204

Stop hating on the tiny hat wawa, it makes me sad.

>> No.60504290

>Rerun of the stream
>Rerun of the exact same arguments that happened during the stream

>> No.60504309

It's not cope, it's one of many things. Like she said, the the camel's back

>> No.60504336

Almost like some of us weren't able to watch it the first time and want to talk about it. Who would have guessed? I saw the second half and enjoyed the karaoke. Now I get the first half that I missed.

>> No.60504361

That's why it's so fucking tiring to follow Kiara
EVERY single celebration stream turn into sad shit and trauma dumping. She ruins EVERY single positive thing in her life.
This is a stream to celebrate 3 years of membership, but no, Kiara can't help but go menhera for 30 minutes before anything.

>> No.60504447

she's always been horrible with that and she's highly self destructive. I don't think she will learn at this point. I liked her more when she cared about numbers because back then she at least TRIED to improve.

>> No.60504460

I wanna know the other idea aaaaaaa

>> No.60504463

Kiara will NEVER be happy or satisfied, anon. That's something you just have to learn to live with. If it annoys you then watch somebody else, I've been watching other members more and more recently because I'm trying to slowly distance myself from Kiara and it has made me much happier.

>> No.60504509

Imagine being mad at someone who you supposedly like obviously having mental issues that she just wanted to talk about for a minute.
Yes, shit like depression can cause you to self sabotage or to try and downplay or ignore any positives, why the fuck would you be so fucking pissy about it. The most we can do is tell her that she really should go to therapy and not run away when the psychologist tries to delve, like when she doesn't want to hear 'lets talk about your dad/possible family issues'.

>> No.60504536

If I stop watching Kiara, I will just stop watching vtuber altogether, I honestly don't care enough about anyone else to try and follow them. I like Kiara enough to watch her over my other hobbies, but this isn't true for anyone else in hololive.

>> No.60504573

It was never advertised as a celebration stream. I'm happy she got to vent her feelings because keeping it bottled up wouldn't do her any good

>> No.60504577

It's not "just for a minute" it's quite literally every fucking week and it gets tiring having to here her bitch and trauma dump this often. And she doesn't listen to anybody telling her to seek help either.

>> No.60504600

You summoned the samefagging yesman

>> No.60504617

>Yes, shit like depression can cause you to self sabotage or to try and downplay or ignore any positives, why the fuck would you be so fucking pissy about it. The most we can do is tell her that she really should go to therapy and not run away when the psychologist tries to delve, like when she doesn't want to hear 'lets talk about your dad/possible family issues'.
Because she's been doing this for years, refused every single advice to change thing up for her, refuse to get professionnal help because she knows better. Trauma dumping on stream is not helping her, and it actively drag the mood down so fucking often and we can't do shit about it because she won't listen to any advice.

>> No.60504665

There's an X in the top right for ya

>> No.60504668

It is the 3 years members CELEBRATION STREAM. Can't she do it any other stream? Why this exact stream? It is supposed to be happy and we should be celebrating. But of course she has to make a bad mood and trauma dump

>> No.60504694

You said it's tiring to follow Kiara so it's pretty clear that its also affecting your mental health hearing her complain so much. Focus on yourself instead of trying to follow somebody that just causes damage to you. Kiara is pretty much too far gone at this point and I would advise you to try and distance yourself from her. You don't have to completely stop watching her, of course, but just distance yourself from her, find something else to fill in that gap.

>> No.60504735

Again, she's stuck in a mental loop. It happens easily to those who are depressed and have reoccurring, semi-constant depression. She normally hides a majority of it from us because she thinks it's not going to entertaining for us and that's her main goal. Just look at her trying to have fun with her karaoke right afterword and trying to bring up the energy. Every once in a while when she gets to her breaking point, she brings it to us via members streams. It's happened in the past, she seems to be a little more open to the idea of seeing a therapist now than she did before, and shit doesn't happen over night so it's just waiting and enjoying her when we want to.

>> No.60504782

Anon I'm not that anon

>> No.60504838

Did you mean to reply to >>60504536 or something?

>> No.60504861

You sissies react like we haven’t been through saviorfagging and concernfagging when Kiara had it rough many times before
Whatever happens she will persevere, and I will be there to see it

>> No.60504881
File: 28 KB, 699x168, Screenshot_20231014_182504_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you point out where it was ever said to be a celebration? It's not in the titles either.

>> No.60504905

>Whatever happens she will persevere
Obviously not, since whatever is wrong with her has been getting worse and worse.

>> No.60504932

>Whatever happens she will persevere
Cool. So nothing changes and she stays like this? I rather want her to improve and fix her life and be happy. But you do you.

>> No.60504938
File: 32 KB, 613x201, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIsingenuous faggot.

>> No.60505035

>persevere means nothing changes
you should have luked moar in english class

>> No.60505100

>you should have luked moar in english class
You're right. you seem to have a lot of experience with the english language. What is your most spoken word? "Yes"?

>> No.60505136

>Sang that Dojacat again
I remember when she first sang it I listened to her rendition so many times. I can't believe that was over 2years ago.

>> No.60505179

Does this mean timeloops until the stream ends
Dear god

>> No.60505214

Beyond >>60504938
She also said it multiples times on stream. Being a fucking threadreader doesn't really help your argument.

>> No.60505240

>Not everyone could catch live
>Also not archived meaning not able to watch on own time
Yes, yes it does mean time-looping. But we're in the karaoke portion so most of the talk is over.

>> No.60505307

>karaoke portion
so the worst timeloops are about to begin? gotcha

>> No.60505311

No you see, it's gonna happen again in a few hours. And then again. Oh lord

>> No.60505345

Considering this argument went on from when the stream started until like 7 hours later last time, it's probably going to be the same this time during the rerun since the thread is already almost a carbon copy of the stream down to the bit where the stream itself isn't being discussed anymore, just missing the anon who complains about song choice, but that one showed up later.

>> No.60505399

I mean I guess, but the only reason I'm engaging is because I DIDN'T get to see the first half of the livestream, so I'm here to talk about it until w get to the half that I have seen.

>> No.60505449

Yea that's fine, it's a fire stream overall but also good luck

>> No.60505461
File: 188 KB, 379x361, Ahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doja-Kiara cute.

>> No.60505509

Yeah I think some of you cunts should move on from Wawa.

>> No.60505564

Making a hololive problem about an RM problem reminds me of back when Kiara would have problems on her RM and anons would desperately try to make it a hololive issue instead, how times change.

>> No.60505585

Does it feel like this year had A LOT MORE merch than the last couple for ALL talents, not just Wawa?

>> No.60505625

People do move on from her, that's pretty clear when you're looking at her numbers. It's a slow process but she's already lost 40% of her CCV compared to last year. She's bleeding slowly but surely.

>> No.60505669

Part of HL expanding and going public is upping their manufacturing for greater profits. The 3d studio might not yield enough profit till way later.

>> No.60505676

I think so. Outfits didn't used to get merch, I don't remember individual anniversaries getting merch either. Then the EN concert, etc

>> No.60505713

NTA but I'm like 90% sure anons were trying to make it hololive related so that they could use it as a reason to discuss her RM, considering how anons used to love to do that.

>> No.60505728

wrong thread ny dude, you want to post it in Mori's

>> No.60505736

The whole industry is slowing, you know what he meant
The mask is slipping

>> No.60505798

Not sure about for "every talent" but for EN? Absolutely, maybe it's the change in management and just the sheer amount of events that happened but it felt like there was new merch every other month, compared to the previous years just having merch for the birthdays, anniversaries, and maybe one other instance.

>> No.60505849

It's sad because I used to buy all the merch she was in, but it's just too much lately so I just pick and choose.
On a similar note, what merch HAVE you guys bought?
For me it's usually just big events and non-standees. I feel bad for not having bought the Holotalk mug. I will say the Kiara blanket is amazing from last year and I used it any time I'm chilling on the couch. It's so comfy and cute. I should buy the Kotori now that there's a rerelease.

>> No.60505854

What are you saying anon? She has been open about her worries related to numbers/growth in the past months

>> No.60505930

Imagine coming home and being greeted by Wawa in only a baggy, oversized for her Frogiara teeshirt that goes just a little bit below her waist.

>> No.60505960
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>> No.60505979

Then why isn't she changing literally ntohing? Still shitty member games. still shitty non-member games. still delays, still doesn't prepare. still talks about cats (big turn off) still fails at time management. still meherra posts. still doesn't know when to shut up [...] and so on

>> No.60506042

It always makes me laugh when Kiara talks about making merch and goes "Well I use it often". Kiara, let me ask, how many men who aren't extremely flaming and flamboyant gays walk around with a fucking hand fan?
I can say I would probably take it to cons and carry it around for fun.

>> No.60506071

I've bought everything that isn't exclusive to a jp store I think, not all gacha either. But I'm runnung out of room. The past few deliveries I haven't even opened yet since I have nowhere to put them

>> No.60506105

Everything past this >>60485738 post has been almost nonstop complaining and arguing over Kiara. So pretty much the entire thread has been spent arguing over Kiara, kek.

>> No.60506146

I'm a degenerate weeb who lives paycheck to paycheck unfortunately but I got most of merch this year except the in person shit in Japan. I don't sc but I buy what I can.

>> No.60506211

And? Come back when we go three threads in a row of non stop arguing over Kiara again. This is nothing.

>> No.60506226

Weebness showing, but I'm still waiting for her to get her Nendoroid. I hope they didn't shelve it/the rest of Myth. I know there was a prototype for Ina and Ame I think.

>> No.60506464
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Did a small amount of digging.
>Report March 2023
>Figma release but no info on Nendoroid.

>> No.60506604

Goodsmile you fucks give me my wawa figurines faster
At least her popup got ready faster

>> No.60506643

wdym? The popup already released? Why didn't I get mine?

>> No.60506719

Yeah, the popup preorder ended a while back. I assume shipping for it will be relatively soon, but I don't care much for popups or figmas so I don't reallly pay attention to it.
I'm ready for weekly members streams.

>> No.60506768

I mean it was available to order already. I think it ships early 2024

>> No.60506781

Yeah I preordered it. But I thought you meant you already got it which confused me

>> No.60506852

I know you guys will hate me for this, but maybe with more members and watchalong streams, we'll get a little more anime that she's semi-interested in.

>> No.60506967
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I was wondering why the OP pic was that. I guess I missed out on the good half of the karaoke. Wawa love!

>> No.60507010

I wouldn't mind the monogatari watchalong

>> No.60507056

>watchalong spam

>> No.60507140

I used to care about that years ago but not anymore
I shitpost about likes though as if I was taking it seriously

>> No.60507212

The sheer passion when she sings that song

>> No.60507268
File: 737 KB, 454x454, Very gay, very gay [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fozmq12.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay song time ayy

>> No.60507285

>but unironically being dejected or angry for a lack of attention between hundreds of active members surely has to be mental illness.
It is. Unless the same fags are getting them over and over while others are being left out. Because then this means favortism. But this is another can of worms.

>> No.60507317

Yeah, it was real good. It sounded like she cheered up at least a little. I hope there was at least a little truth to it and not just for us.
And this is my queue to turn it off. Good chatting with the non-schizos, see ya'll next stream.

>> No.60507466

>lgbt song

>> No.60507478

I think she mentioned the song a few days before this. I feel like she needed to that one out

>> No.60507669

There was another wawa figure but it was not on good smile. I can't remember the website. Does anyone know what I mean?

>> No.60507753

she tried avoiding jrpgs for months to improve her numbers and now she's giving eurovision a chance
she will never shut up about her cats or tangents even if they turn tourists away. that's just her streaming style. kiara streaming cannot exist without tangenting (even if that interrupts game or doesn't lets viewers pay attention to the plot of the game)
She doesn't prepare (sometimes) because she's depressed and doesn't have discipline.
Your other complaints are non issues

>> No.60507861

So you're basically saying she doesn't improve the literal main issue and the main reason why people are not watching her?

>> No.60508026

You want the wawa stripped of her wawaness

>> No.60508112

Holy hell, she's butchering the song

>> No.60508156

Nta but what is it besides catering to eu time zones

>> No.60508254

Nobody says she has to stop tangenting. But she needs to manage her time better. Don't do it randomly during dialogues. Don't talk about cats all day. A woman talking about her cat babies is as big of a turn off as a man talking about his mom. During Elden Ring she got a shit ton of tourists and it was a really good chance to win some over. But she ruined it by constantly stopping and talking about shit that literally nobody cares about who is not obsessed her. I personally don't mind because I AM obsessed with her streams. But I recognize that normiefags don't give a fuck. Imagine you're a normie and you join some random streamers stream to see gameplay and he talks about real life shit you don't care about

>> No.60508373

And she dropped Elden Ring PRECISELY because she don't want those people as viewer.

>> No.60508424

I believe campfire tangents were cute af

>> No.60508459

No she dropped elden ring because le hard and she gives up way too fast. She refuses to learn basic game mechanics and even simple logical things like "hmm maybe after dying 50 times to this boss I should simply go and do some side stuff and level up"

>> No.60508516

They WERE cute AF. But they are not entertaining to normies who know absolutely nothing about her. Normies are people who watched some gameplay or trailers and then randomly get her thumbnail recommended. so they click on it to see this weird anime girl play a hard game. Then they find out she talks about cats for 40 minutes and does nothing and they simply leave and move on with their life.

>> No.60508593

She LITTERALY SAID, ON STREAM, that she was annoyed with the back seating and the elden ring fag invading her stream, she cleared multiples boss and she was past Godric, she didn't stop at a point where she was struggling at all, she stopped the game in the middle of nowhere because those people were insufferable.

>> No.60508632

She did that though. Then we got the bonfire tangents. But the backseating was too much. You saw today, the "ptsd" of rolling.

>> No.60508884

Nijisanji releases seasonal voice packs and merch for every big anniversary, debut or huge event, Cover realized just how much money that could bring in.
Like I was really surprised to see debut merch for advent.

>> No.60508960

I have been loving more voicepacks

>> No.60509116

Debut merch makes sense to me. Random merch for a small outfit release or just "We have x merch slots we have to use a year" is weird to me.

>> No.60509404


>> No.60509724

The only ones I'm aware of are the Pop Up Parade, the Nendoroid and the Figma. Do you remember any specific features?

>> No.60510086

Is pop up parade the same figure as the good smile company one or am I tripping? And yeah seems like I never heard about nendoroid or the figma (don't even know what either of them are lel) do you have a link for those 2?

>> No.60510312
File: 120 KB, 600x912, 20231014_200249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not up yet but we have pictures
Figma is pic related and

>> No.60510393
File: 353 KB, 2400x3700, 1695144006175449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her anons.

>> No.60510470
File: 155 KB, 570x800, 20231014_200505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the popup parade
I believe they are all goodsmile

>> No.60511063

So literally all 3 of them are from goodsmile then? and if I understand this right, I can NOT pre order the figma and the nendoroid yet, right? I didn't miss my chance?

>> No.60511280

Yes, all are goodsmile. The only one that was up for preorder yet was the Pop-Up. The other's can't be preordered yet.

>> No.60511370

Aright thank you anon. Then I didn't miss the other 2. I was getting worried for a sec
