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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60468717 No.60468717 [Reply] [Original]

okay guys
just hear me out here

>> No.60468874

Civirgins need to seriously fuck off already. It would be a 5 hour collab where they don't even interact and manage to complete like 10 turns.

>> No.60469191

stick with RTS or it's gonna be a 10 hour stream

>> No.60470186

why use ai art for their pictures here?

>> No.60470217

tremble in fear at your upcoming obsolence artfag

>> No.60470247

im not one of them, im just wondering why. just to troll?

>> No.60470306

It would be fun but they wouldn't be able to complete a game in one collab and organizing multiple collabs with that many people is near impossible

>> No.60470476
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>all out war

>> No.60470511


>> No.60470655
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Make it AOE2, 4v4, EN vs ID

>> No.60470705

I'm sorry, but no. I don't want my oshi collabing with Kiara. KFP are annoying as fuck.

>> No.60470937

They could easily do about 200 turns in a 3 hour stream, with 3 streams it's more than enough for a standard game of Civ. It's not a long commitment at all, they could do it over the course of a month.

>> No.60473806


>> No.60477378

Skill issue

>> No.60477466

>one noob goes for suboptimal pyramid or library and gets one-turned, irrel at turn 30
>someone else gets honor rushed by a neighbor at horses
>they have to sit in chat for the next 4 hours and watch other people play

>> No.60477557

WC3, make it happen cover, screw Blizzard

or a Hololive only TF2 server

>> No.60477664

Civ5? I only played up to 4 also isnt there alreadt a Civ6 out now?

>> No.60477926

Civ 5 is a better game in all respects

>> No.60478088

Civ 5's tech and civic tree is completely fucked, its a linear progression disguised as a branching tree, you are simply cluttered with wrong choices. Civ 6 early game progression is vastly different for different styles of civilizations, in Civ 5 you are simply a tradrat and you tech middle tree.

>> No.60478157
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thank you anon, now I want to spend +14h playing civ today...

>> No.60478219

5 is inferior to both 4 and 6 by a large margin

>> No.60478259

Civ2 almost led to me dropping out of college.

>> No.60478570

>Kiara, Fauna and Reine try desperately to fill the dead air for 6 straight hours
>And Anya is there too

>> No.60478597

>inferior to 4
>inferior to 6
LOL no 6 is a downgrade in so many respects it's like moving from playing factorio to playing duplo

>> No.60478677

Anon it's the weekend, you can in fact do that

>> No.60478863

second this. Imagine accusing someone for cheating and being inconsiderate when they fight back against her retarded castle strat.

>> No.60478939

Mad because bad

>> No.60482913

are you retarded?

>> No.60485912
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my guess is that OP made the picture too small at first and then used some "smart" upscale filter to fuck it up

>> No.60486062

That's why you set the timer and play on smaller maps

>> No.60486202

Civ is already takes too long when normal people are playing, imagine eight women doing it, it would be a 15 hour endurance stream

>> No.60486433

yeah if you want a 24-hour stream.

>> No.60486537

>LOL no 6 is a downgrade in so many respects it's like moving from playing factorio to playing duplo
How the fuck is it possible to be this wrong?

>> No.60491037

cope and seethe

>> No.60491315

Just play Starcraft 2. It can easily accommodate 8 player map.
Or maybe Red Alert 3, some of you weebs might like that better.

Yup, the most sore group on this board.

>> No.60491649

Mumei honestly doesn't have the mental fortitude to pay attention to the game as well as 7 other people.

>> No.60491707

Top 4 are going to be Moona, Kaelea, Fauna and Kiara

>> No.60491731

and ?

>> No.60492084

Which of those have actually played Civ? Civ 5 even?

>> No.60492215

woman only plays candy crush, anon.

>> No.60492258

Mumei's the only one I know for sure.

>> No.60492357
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Find better woman.

>> No.60492489
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Nah this is probably better.

>> No.60493408

I liked Civ III more

>> No.60494729
File: 312 KB, 1406x859, 1697081083741941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a single one of those bitches knew how to counter elephants
I hate women.

>> No.60495527

Kiara knew. She just didn't apply her knowledge, and Reine didn't build production infrastructure..

>> No.60495576

Why are Ottomans so shit in V?

>> No.60495635

I mean Fauna would just steamroll everybody again

>> No.60496070
File: 258 KB, 1500x1500, 1686659725879727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is such a degrading racist language. An ottoman also means those small chairs you rest your foot on.

>> No.60496220

Fine. Turks.

>> No.60497302

i want to watch fauna play arabia and camel archer rush all the others who will spend their time wonder whoring and building improvements on tiles they can't even work

>> No.60500824

I sleep

>> No.60500912

>only 10 hours
Poor, naive fool...

>> No.60500998

Speaking of long commitments, what happened to the BG3 streams?

>> No.60501022

>2v2 holo civ duels on west vs east never
Feels bad

>> No.60501181

Who cares?

>> No.60502178

I think Fauna played Civ V or was it VI? It's her fault I found the Civ games, I wasted more than a hundred hours on both and I enjoyed it

>> No.60503591

Instantly seething the moment someone attacks her
>Anya and Kronii
Don't even practice the basics before a collab stream

>> No.60503925

>Don't even practice the basics before a collab stream
Some of them deliberately go for the clumsy and retarded but cute, strategy.
It's easier this way so they can be lazier, plus it can get them more views in many cases compared to trying hard.

>> No.60504011

>Instantly seething the moment someone attacks her
stop projecting

>> No.60504191

He is right though.

>> No.60504472

Switch Kiara for Bijou, Shiori, Ame, Gura, IRyS or a smaller version of Kronii, then you have yourself a deal.

>> No.60504601

Tell that to Calli's dead channel. She tried the "idk what I'm doing (because I never tried to learn and will ignore anything anyone tells me while playing) OH I WON HAHAHAHA IM LOOOOUD. Wait, where did all my viewers go?"

>> No.60504664

Kobo can pull it off.

>> No.60505277

Alliance - Mumei
Horde - Bijou
Scourge - Mori
Night Elves - Fauna

>> No.60508822

Autistic retards who constantly push for the girls to play their gay ass map games for failson nerds are worse than homobeggars.

>> No.60508888

Mori's numbers have turned around a little bit. I thought she'd be a 3 view at this point, but somehow she's still beating Kiara and Bae and on a trajectory to overtake Ame again.

>> No.60513850

Actual brainlet take

>> No.60514947

If you play paradox games, you are admitting that you will never have sex and pass on your genes. You are a failure as a human. Civ is on the way there.
