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6043819 No.6043819 [Reply] [Original]

why was she sad about getting 1mil subs

>> No.6044038

Why aren't you rangebanned?

>> No.6046401

she knows she doesn't deserve them

>> No.6046497

>ahhhh help me jannies
pathetic, can you stay on topic?

>> No.6046528

she was last out of en

>> No.6046541

Buy a rope and a chair KFP.

>> No.6046854

I'm clearly an anti

>> No.6046920

Ungrateful and tone-deaf numberfag.

>> No.6047061

whatever you say KFP

>> No.6047347

because imposter syndrome is a thing, faggot. because people are their own harshest critics unless they're utter sociopaths like most anons.

>> No.6053441

Having reservations about one aspect of something doesn't mean you're sad about the entirety of it.

>> No.6053545

>not hating yourself makes you a sociopath
Whatever, still gonna love myself.

>> No.6054422

npc dialogue in action

>> No.6061278

No matter how hard she works, she will never be better than that lazy bitch Gura.

>> No.6066077


>> No.6069051

Digging this one up again? kfpfags are fucking desperate for falseflagging materials

>> No.6069935

Because numbers dictate your worth in this industry.
People love to hate on numberfags, but this isn't some hobby the girls are doing for fun. This is a job.
And Kiara is underperforming in comparison to her genmates, who are the only realistic point of comparison she can make.

>> No.6070634

Here you go, Anon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gln-E9L0U2w

I even gave you a clip since I know you don't like to watch streams

>> No.6070724

Because last EN, and she's self critical AF

>> No.6070916

>but this isn't some hobby the girls are doing for fun

>> No.6070926

>This. Kiara explain it herself.
But if being last for a couple of days makes her feel like that.
Imagine how does Flare feels being so far behind with all her genmates already long ago past 1M.

>> No.6070940

nobody englishes that way you moron

>> No.6070975

she gets less views than other Holos with half the subs

>> No.6071008

but still makes more money, ftfy

>> No.6071326

Because she knows deep down that she is the worst EN girl. She also sees it as a competition when it really isn't.

>> No.6071354

Kiara is the queen of pity subs and SCs in EN. Ever since the beginning crying from the self translate drama, over and over she looks for the attention because it gives her pity SCs.

>> No.6071355

KFP showing all their colours once again.

>> No.6071405

Would have been nice if I could have made fun of you KFP retards in one post but here's 2.

>> No.6071497

KFP are sure pathetic.

>> No.6071694

but that's not impostor syndrome. It's quite the opposite really.
People with impostor syndrome feel they are frauds and don't deserve the success they have, and attribute it to either luck or as a result of deceiving others. But they recognize they are successul, that's the conundrum they face, because they don't feel they deserve it.
That's not what Kiara has. Kiara doesn't recognize she is successful. She has very high expectations of herself that stem from a skewed perspective what counts as success, because she is in such a successful generation and only compares herself to them.

It's not
>I have so much success, I don't deserve this. Why is nobody pointing out I'm a fraud?
That would be impostor syndrom.
>I'm not successful at all. All the others are so much better.
(When she is in fact very successful)

>> No.6071732

Look at this armchair psychiatrist, what a joke
You know that you need to actually watch streams to make statements like that

>> No.6071766

Kiara is the opposite of imposter syndrome
instead of
>I have so much success. I don't deserve this.
she is
>I deserve more. Why aren't I more successful?
She's a narcissist basically

>> No.6072039

I have watched her streams. In fact, you can see what I'm talking about right there in the clip. >>6070634
In her own words:
>reaching 1 million sounds like a great achievement, but reaching it last again makes me doubt myself.
>I wonder if a lot of those subs were just pity subs.
She is completely diminishing her success and not even recognizing it. "Yeah, a million sounds great, _but_..." and "Those are pity subs, they don't count..."

She is very self-doubting, that's for sure, but that doesn't mean it's impostor syndrome.
I'm only pointing out the incorrect use of the term.
And you don't need to be an psychiatrist to know this, you only need to use google for 2 minutes. But apparently even that is asking too much.

>> No.6072290

KFP in their own environment

>> No.6072513

shes just sad her effort didnt pay out, anon. imagine you back at college, you studying harder than your whole class combined, but you score A- while this random bitch olivia score an A+ doing avsolutely nothing. you will be an absolute seething motherfucker too right, anon?

>> No.6072559

She was the last to make it despite all the begging and shithousery she pulled

>> No.6072600

Some people are born more talented than others and have to work less to achieve the same goals, anon.

Accept it and stop crying about it.

>> No.6072606

Ina is the only talented holoEN


>> No.6072735

this entire thread is a kfp circlecjerk

>> No.6072790

there are the elect who can tap into the world spirit, who just "get it"
then there are those who dont

>> No.6072829
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This is why

>> No.6073130

It took me a bit to understand the distinction you make. The difference doesn't seem so fundamental to me because "those were just pity subs" sounds a lot like "not gained by my own merit and thus not _my_ achievement". In the context always being suspiciously tied to Ina (a tie could never stay up for that long if they both gained subs purely based on their individual merit), you could even interpret it as "I only got here because I am the friend and genmate of other more successful people, those subs are me leeching off of them". You argue that getting 1 million does not count as success to her but then she would barely mind making it just a day after Ina. I would rather speculate that she is bothered by the possibility that she would not have gotten 1 million if it weren't for Ina conveniently getting there as well (and everyone else before them).
After her comments on AX yesterday, I think Mori feels that way too, actually, but she has a different way to communicate that.

>> No.6073309 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.6073344

Gura pls go to bed

>> No.6073386

stupid bitch. I'd take pity subs over no subs any day.

>> No.6073436 [DELETED] 

just thinking of her getting nailed by that black cock harder than i ever could as she cums with every thrust makes me hard

>> No.6073919

It's hard for me to interpret anything she says in a positive way now (sometimes thanks to this board). But hearing her feel sad about being the last out of EN to hit 1 mil makes it sound like she would be "happy" if someone else was below her - doesn't seem like a healthy mindset to be competitive so that you pride yourself on the "failure" of others. Would she ever be happy unless she was number 1?

And I take her worry about "pity subs" to be disrespect towards those who have subbed to her channel. I was once was subbed to Kiara and it was because I liked parts of HoloEN and wanted to sub to all 5 of them. It's remarks like this one here which makes me refuse to sub again to her. I can understand her desire for approval and validation; but on one hand she finds that approval through the numbers, and on the other hand she doesn't because she writes them off as "pity subs". It's hard to be a fan of someone who thinks and acts like that.

>> No.6074204

Is that so? She is thanking everything during whole endurance stream

>> No.6075113

She being sad for getting 1mil last is like a F1 driver getting sad for coming last to the finish line. She's the slowest in the league, but she's still so well off that it's hard to feel bad for her.

>> No.6075372

Mixed feelings

>> No.6077052

I find it interesting that Ina and Kiara stick to their schedules the most of the ENs but achieved the least amount of subs.

>> No.6078948
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>has enough self awareness to realize that a lot of her subs are pity-subs
>still does karaoke milestone streams which literally exist to farm pity-subs and bot-subs
What did chicken mean by this?

>> No.6079128
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Pro and anti KFPers can and should commit sudoku

>> No.6079482
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>> No.6079648

and it worked

>> No.6079735

the dichotomy of schizos

>> No.6079782

Because she got them last, considering the effort she puts into getting subs compared to Ina I can understand that getting 1mil after her makes her sad. I hope she'll learn to compare herself to her past self and not other people

>> No.6081213

Maybe people like disorganisation.
