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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60349352 No.60349352 [Reply] [Original]

>hololive birthday stream
>barely cracks 1000

What happened?

>> No.60349414

homos and e-celebs, you would think that ollie's massive incline and catastrophic decline would act as a cautionary tale to the rest of the hololive girls, but some girls like mel apparently didn't get the memo

>> No.60349496

homos and ecelebs
treat yourself as a high value product and people will treat you as a high value product. treat yourself as a bargain bin organ then people will treat you as a bargain bin organ
this is well known in entertainment and especially busking, if i dress nice and wear nice makeup i get high irl donos while busking than if i dressed like trash

>> No.60349960

Lack of meaningful talent combined with insufferable personality finally outweighed the blue dorito buff.

>> No.60350062

She needs correction (yeah by me).

>> No.60350177

Face reveal hit her hard

>> No.60350195

>Kaela, Kobo, Anya, Reine overlap holy shit they hated her fr

>> No.60350231

That's what happens when you're a homo and e-celeb cocksleeve. Particularly when you make it your entire identity. Ollie didn't care and did what she wanted to do despite what others might think and this is the result. She didn't realize that a lot of them were just using her for clout either. To make matters even worse, she boasted about bringing down the "wall" that separates the Hololive girls and HoloStars, and has attempted to do so, but in the end all she managed to do was kill her own numbers.
Funniest part is that now she's complaining about bad numbers and how she's doing badly compared to everyone else in Holo. Anything she says about having accomplished what she set out to accomplish in Hololive is just her coping. She lost and fell off hard. She made her bed and now she has to lie in it. It's as simple as that.

>> No.60350318

She's on her way out. She became a Holomem to make friends with streamers/youtubers she likes but they only use her for clout. Trash Taste won't even mention Vtubers anymore.

>> No.60350372

Filtered unicorns refusing to watch kino

>> No.60350437


>> No.60350534

more like they saw the hololive audience and noped the fuck out, kek

>> No.60350695
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I remember when all those trash taste guys showed up for her first birthday along with a bunch of other twitch E-celebs. Why didn't they show up this time?
It's almost like they stopped giving a shit about her because she can't get them a collab with the big holos. I hope she learned her lesson.

>> No.60350840

I genuinely would be very sad if Ollie graduated.

>> No.60350933

They needed to be gatekept. Holofags can be cringe but imagine dealing with your oshi attached to Conner in every stream or clip.
She apparently is considering not renewing her contract.

>> No.60351184
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mori does her job well
thank you, if you ever stick around just to kill shit members, thank you.
waiting to update the kill list.
that day we will have many keks and lols and joy laughing at the sisters.
it's almost every other month they be the joke of the board

>> No.60351192

You say this like it’s some sort of loss for us

>> No.60351264

The overall vtuber market has declined, there are more vtubers chasing a smaller audience, and global recession means less free time for most people. Hololive JP has weathered the decline better than most but EN and ID are both getting lower numbers.

>> No.60351493

>Things ollie and mori fags tell themselves to cope with their decline
All of ID gained massive amounts of viewers after ID3 debuted except Ollie because she chose to pander to underage retards that got bored of her instead of gachikois.

>> No.60351533

I hope she takes out Ina and Kronii too

>> No.60351753

Face reveal hurt her and she never came back fully.

>> No.60351790

Not only she wanted to destroy what Hololive stood for, she made an ass of herself constantly trying to be funny
>Collab with Selen where she acted like a dumb broad, way worse than Vshojo
>Wanting to destroy the wall between stars and Hololive
>Trying to trick CGDCT girls into an amogus collab with Stars
>Tricked moona into a collab with connor and later twitted how they spent the whole night playing offline with him and how moona was acting so shy the whole time
And recently she's been talking a whole lot about graduation because she think she's done everything you can do in Hololive, bitch sees that everyone is inclining but her and tries to blame it on the Holobox, Ollie is a fucking joke.

>> No.60351908

Tell that to tiktok celebrities. Things have changed already

>> No.60352240

She’s never been a good fit for Hololive, whoever approved her application made a serious mistake. Her graduating would be the best thing for all involved.

>> No.60352985


>> No.60353075

>Things ollie and mori fags tell themselves to cope with their decline
hear hear
i like how even now mumei and fauna be rising to the top

>> No.60353132

Ollie has played multiple Mario Party rounds with Mori and is still there, she has only been biding her time really before she got reaped.

>> No.60353214

And that's a good thing. Take a look at what happened with Ironmouse. Every fucking clip of her involves Connor in some way.

>> No.60353231

mindbroken by dicks
mindbroken by numbers

>> No.60353379

Samefagging for days on end with PARAGRAPHS filled with nothing but seething and malding on a mongolian basket weaving forum. Atleast change your writing style up if you're gonna continue.
Did you finally realize the girls you so highly put on a pedestals aren't actually yours? (YOU) need to find things other than vtubers that you can make your personality. Go outside and make your first friend ever or something. I assure you its 1000x better than what you're doing right now.

>> No.60353471

she was too naive and let people use her for clout, she's easy prey for ecelebs compared to gura for example who had a bunch of "high" profile streamers and anitubers in her chat, sykunno with that "vouch" conversation, etc, but she ignored them all

>> No.60353645

Anitubers and e-celebs just come off as a bunch of fair weather scumbag friends from what happened to her. She seemed like the Kobo before Kobo of the ID branch at the time with how fast she hit 1m, and she gets some of the lowest viewership numbers now

>> No.60354156
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Worst one is, it will become a downward spiral since more people will turn away over time once they feel the vtuber is feeling uncomfortable with what they're doing. I think she honestly needs someone to show her how to get out of that slump, someone (or something) that helps her giving herself a new perspective or a new burst of motivation - well implying she still has a slight spark of interest left in her despite being vocal about her concerns.

>> No.60354951
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Meds. You are mentally ill. Also stop projecting already.

>> No.60355016

Why are numberthreads allowed outside of /#/?
Why hasn't SEA been rangebanned yet?

>> No.60355270

The real answer is that she's burnt out, and not doing anything interesting. She was never unicorn friendly, but used to be really hyper and yab happy to draw in that crowd. She's just doing the bare minimums, and no one really wants to watch to a SEA do that. It doesn't help that Kobo covers every niche she did and more.

>> No.60355585

E-celebs are fairweather scumbag friends to everyone, not just Ollie. They interact based on what will grow their audience and make them money, then drop their "friends" at the first hint of controversy or diminishing returns.

>> No.60355594

Only singers can overcome the male debuff. When you don't have some kind of niche beyond being a woman and you do male collabs you're pretty much fucked.

>> No.60355637

She had the talent and the drive, she was a huge Hololive simp and really energetic, nobody knows how things are gonna go when you are actually live. Ollie on paper was a really good and solid choice.

>> No.60355782

loud, annoying and crude personality, causes issues with other holomems, male collabs. doesn't sing, plays apex, is ID. what does she have going for her?

>> No.60357163

it was just countdown stream, not birthday one

>> No.60357244

Her voice is loud and obnoxious. It's like listening to a fork against a plate

>> No.60357307

So it's the same as the chicken's

>> No.60357549

We aren't talking about Kiara. We're talking about Ollie

>> No.60357664

It's too bad. Ollie gets a lot of flack but she's the only holo to support small indies.

>> No.60357781

Too dedicated to being a holostar and eceleb shill, doesn't care about keeping things related to hololive only.

>> No.60357951

She need to attract people from ID. She hit 1m subs quickly because there wasn't much EN option, but after council and advent debuted, her EN viewers all went away.

>> No.60357981

Her last big projects (Apex tournament) got backlash from unicorn

>> No.60358279
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Is Ollie worth saving?

>> No.60358917
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this might be the updated new kill play

>> No.60358974

It's pretty simple, HoloID never had that much popularity outside of:
>Gen 3
>Moona during the pekora minecraft arc
Even back when Ollie's gen had the enormous buff of being the first set of debuts to come right after MYTH, it wasn't enough. GEN 3 is where all the indos and general fans are watching.

>> No.60358976

the OG homobeggers squad who knew
that's why i stop watching those begging faggots.

>> No.60359398

No but I'll still try.

>> No.60359441
File: 135 KB, 1078x391, kobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ollie... If only u followed the right path....

>> No.60359568

This was the right answer but the thread kept going.

>> No.60360646

And thank god for that, being able to filter cancer like anitubers is a positive

>> No.60361432

To normal people reading this thread for some reason: remember there will be increased shitposting aimed at Ollie in coming days. Dogs sniffed out the weakness and are on the hunt.

>> No.60363173

>Mori claiming Ina and Kronii
Based, get rid of the depressed Korean Canadians
>Mori getting rid of Fauna

>> No.60363364

>Mori getting rid of Fauna

>> No.60364357

Thank you anon, I was worried for a minute. Next time I’ll just check YT myself.

>> No.60364411

Imagine being ollie's whiteknight, turbo cuck behavior

>> No.60364752

>To make matters even worse, she boasted about bringing down the "wall" that separates the Hololive girls and HoloStars
Kek, and that goal advanced in the opposite direction lmao

>> No.60364979

>a fucking groomer that tried to make his way into hololive the same way he does with IM
>an unironic nijifaggot that talked shit about Nene
Nothing of value was lost

>> No.60365034

It's weird that "people" like you exist. They're streamers. You idiots treat them like xbox VS ps2 VS gamecube. Weirdos.

>> No.60368047

homos, e-celebs, and forcing Apex Legends.

>> No.60368572

keep doing this btw

>> No.60371953

>only person talking about dicks is (You)
Anon...? At least tell your parents you're gay so they know they've got a genetic dead end in the family

>> No.60374807

I happened

>> No.60375782

Please, Ollie is a dreamcast at best

>> No.60376495

I will always laugh that she wasted her 1 million wish into some homo pandering Apex tournament that didn't had a single iconic moment

>> No.60379231

>Why hasn't SEA been rangebanned yet?
Jannies would get range banned as well

>> No.60381410

I only knew about this girl's existence, what's the tl'dr on her and why do (You) personally not like her?

>> No.60382150

It's been proven time and again that chuubas turn to a korean cave painting forums for insights that they can't get from analytics.

They are not owned by anyone but themselves, but their audience is also not obliged to continue supporting them if the audience disagrees with what they do. And the audience has the right to express why they support or drop them.

>> No.60382654

Shes a big unity girl, which causes tribal hui hui fags assmad.

>> No.60382755

>that didn't had a single iconic moment



>> No.60383100

Me personally, I don't really follow vtubers anymore after Beatani left XP hill, but from what I remember my Ollie dislike started because she's too loud and obnoxious, and that clip of her being a bitch towards indonesian only speakers, also she liked streaming with m*le vtubers. I didn't know her numbers were so bad nowadays, she was the top indonesian holo vtuber when I stopped caring about Hololive, so it makes me happy seeing her struggle now. Love karma

>> No.60383108


I think her decline is a bunch of factors.
- People got tired of the constant thirst act.
- She really ditched the high energy she had at launch.
- More ID came out that offer similar energies / experiences as her, but better.

>> No.60383178

Considering all the other supposed ones were Mario Party and Mori has done dozens of other collabs, no, it's not.

>> No.60383782

dimeless geek never drew a dime in her life

>> No.60384497
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Time to join the team that will take better care of you ollie #TALENTFREEDOM

>> No.60384640
File: 217 KB, 696x195, Screenshot 2023-10-12 234353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her "Count Down" was shit, but it's not her actual birthday stream.

>> No.60384709
File: 231 KB, 399x258, Screenshot 2023-10-12 234144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a countdown, not a birthday stream

>> No.60384829

The smart ones preserve their mentals and avoid this place like the plague, and if anyone goes to the sea of piss for insight, it's a manager.

>> No.60386445

Ollie should quit before HoloID loses perms.

>> No.60390828

>but some girls like mel apparently didn't get the memo
You mean 'like Nerissa'

>> No.60391272

Ollie should just become my wife instead and then i can give her all the numbers she wants. in sperm cell count for her womb

>> No.60393997


>> No.60395005

>rent free

>> No.60395497

oh i really feel bad... was she at least happy?

>> No.60396373
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>Birthday party close to midnight East Asian time
>basically lunch hour for Americans
She had no one to blame but herself. Certain Ex-Star can attest of this dead hour.

>> No.60397685

that is actually a good point. all those leeches abandoned her now

>> No.60398227

>Mori getting rid of Fauna
that'll never happen the Gura fairy has blessed Fauna and Mumei and gave 1 chance to kronii
it's up to them now.

>> No.60402492

I don't see an issue.

>> No.60402770

grey skin is ugly i could never jerk off to ollie

>> No.60404121

>collab with grifters and clout chasers
>get pump and dumped
Many such cases

>> No.60407497

Just go to VShojo

>> No.60409949

We dont want her

>> No.60410345

Speak for yourself, bitch.
