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File: 191 KB, 1070x1261, Yakuza banned Chine Kiryu Coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6024342 No.6024342 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6024366
File: 362 KB, 640x656, ezgif.com-gif-maker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Kek

>> No.6024372

Probably just burgerland clickbait since they cant stop seething that chinkland is increasingly making them irrelevant

>> No.6024377

Surely there must be some chinese who don't really care about politics, and this type of thing must annoy them.

>> No.6024397


>> No.6024420

I bet they are really mad now, that noone can pirate their game from that site anymore.

>> No.6024441
File: 415 KB, 1080x1080, EjUax6KXkAIWoN4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes a whole country seeth.

>> No.6024471

Even after she's gone she's still living in these retards' heads rent-free.

>> No.6024487
File: 43 KB, 700x394, E3aVUlyXoAE1KU8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Coco is what finally inspires more companies to tell the mainland Chinese to fuck off I can only applaud.

>> No.6024546

Coco graduated. What more do the zhangs want?

>> No.6024562

devs need to start thanking coco to keep their games off chinese pirates

probably not too different from western politics (e.g. being hounded for not supporting blm, lgbt++, etc.)

>> No.6024568

>happened almost three weeks ago
>ragebait sites like techraptor are only starting to report about it
they're definitely not HERE or they would have seen the threads when the chinks first sperged about it

>> No.6024867

True, there are normal chinks out there. It's just that the only ones you see on the internet have to be mentally insane enough to breach their national firewall containment.

>> No.6024935

a higher social credit score

>> No.6024995

Well they'll get the exact opposite for using VPNs. Unless they're literal paid government shills that is.

>> No.6025073

Earning social credit score for beheading those who insult ch*na online makes every single one of them a paid government shill

>> No.6025091

You'd be surprised how many Chinese are actually well-adjusted, decent people - just being well-adjusted they don't spend tons of time trolling on banned websites, and being decent they don't tend to end up in visible positions in politics, public services or international trade because these industries are notoriously cut-throat and only psychos tend to survive.

Most just don't talk about politics other than in face-to-face interactions with people they can trust. The less travelled / educated still have some batshit ideas about certain things, but considering their education system and media, it can't be helped.

>> No.6025209

>Paid government shill
Boy oh boy do I have something funny to say about that.

>> No.6025263

They don't earn credit score like that. Their government will fuck them in the ass once it detects that they're using VPNs. Only those literally employed by the government to shitpost past the firewall are allowed to exist.

>> No.6025322

I saw this posted on some chink site like the day of his tweet so i doubt its clickbait just people are slow.

>> No.6025423

They don't even do it for free, they LOSE social credits to shitpost

>> No.6025899

everyone should interact with Coco immediately to ward off chinese pirates

>> No.6026122

Bootleg Chinese Hololive merch in shitty vendor sites like Wish or Shopee also don't include Coco, this isn't really surprising

>> No.6026135
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really have the thinnest skin. Why? Stupidity? Limited access to information? CCP cuckoldry?

>> No.6026164

This silent majority bullshit is just cope (not just for chinks either), all this means is that they wont do jack shit to wrangle their schizos that are actually doing damage.

>> No.6026169

No like most things in china even though it's illegal you'll be ok as long as you know someone in the provincial office that handles that matter and don't raise too much of a fuss with your activities. You only get busted if you don't have any government connections or if someone important has a new initiative that needs the crackdown.

>> No.6026250

I doubt they have such connections. Sure, they won't get v&, but they'll lose even more social credit. I think one of them even posted that his life was ruined and took a screenshot of his social credit

>> No.6026272


>> No.6026374

Why are the bootleggers the guys who simp most for government?

>> No.6026390
File: 166 KB, 512x512, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. Rando old man will literally murder their neighbors for a few dollars. The culture of fuck you got mine is so prevalent that even little kids will attack each other for things as small as candy. That's not even getting into chinese peoples inability to be honest. It does not matter where they are from or move to they will always cheat, always. Just go to any college, they have groups dedicated to it.

Remember bugs get squashed.

>> No.6026413

Stop, you'll upset the janny

>> No.6026416

Sure thing burger.

>> No.6026494
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, bugmen_cant_resit_roach_bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you agree!

>> No.6026716

Not really, it just depends how you take it.
"The silent majority" is the same as its always been, the vast majority of the people in any country are just living day by day not giving a fuck about politics or the world as a whole. Sure they have some opinions here and there, but nothing the super strongly believe in outside maybe 1 or 2 factors.

People just want to live a comfortable and better life without worry, with the potential for improving their standing if they feel like it. As long as they have that they don't care if their government is communist, capitalist, royalty, whatever.

The people who sperg about random politics are just people who are bored and trying to pass time and thus become obsessed with random shit. Its like the holobronies, except instead of retarded anime girls they latched onto retarded politics.

>> No.6026806

I hung out with a chinese girl in college, she was really nice. There is the prevailing attitude of "if you get fucked that's your fault for getting fucked" but honestly its about the same level as republican shit here of "hurr durr just pull yourself up faggot, its your fault for being too poor for college" or "lol just vote with you're wallet, its your fault that there's only 1 company that services you so you have no choice but to buy their product"
at least on the chink side its more just them being realists and recognizing people are going to be shitty and out for themselves, so its on you to expect that from them. they don't idealize cheating, they just know its how the world works. (though as such they just blatantly do it as opposed to someone like X-company who'll just pretend they didn't hire someone from Y-company for the sole sake of trade secrets)

>> No.6026902

>all this means is that they wont do jack shit to wrangle their schizos that are actually doing damage.

Yeah, that's... that's the whole planet, Anon. One day you'll leave highschool and get a job.

>> No.6026930

I mean, the Chinese attempted to wrangle the schizos who were doing the damage, and they ended up with Mao.

>> No.6027001

Isn't piracy ol in China a nono because of theft or is it some weird loophole because the game is already out there for "free" and if you pay you're a chump

>> No.6027069

Honestly, I'm more surprised it was blocked sooner because of how some of the earlier yakuza games are anti-chinese at time.

>> No.6027318

Based, now they'll have to pay for the games instead.

>> No.6027328

Anytime the Triad appears they get their shit rocked

>> No.6027373

China is just asian america.
Complete with retards and all.

>> No.6028652

no china is the asian africa. (that's why xi is shipping the undesirables there en masse)

>> No.6028738

piracy is gigantic in china, it's such a problem that it's frustrated and changed releases practices for a bunch of japanese media, see the attack on titan anime and pretty much any shounen jump manga

>> No.6028744

i am angry because that is a picture of ichiban kasuga not kiryu kazuma

>> No.6028993

>There is the prevailing attitude of "if you get fucked that's your fault for getting fucked" but honestly its about the same level as republican shit here of "hurr durr just pull yourself up faggot, its your fault for being too poor for college" or "lol just vote with you're wallet, its your fault that there's only 1 company that services you so you have no choice but to buy their product"
You sure you're not talking about burgers? This is pretty much what you hear from a typical shapiro speech.

>> No.6029044

Think everyone hates China because they're a cancer to everything to get involved with.

>> No.6029100

There are but they afraid of speaking out for fear of being an enemy to their government and thrown in a concentration camp

>> No.6029228

>but honestly its about the same level as republican shit here
reading comprehension anon.
the point is i was drawing the comparison between the two.

>> No.6029247

I'm sure there are some americans that don't care about politics either, too bad the only ones you'll see here are retarded mutts screaming about DA JOOZ

>> No.6029329
File: 67 KB, 464x661, 596613FD-B978-4912-B7F8-B71EB9B1796A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Author of the Fullmetal Alchemist did something similar.
She rereleased an old comic of her in which Mao Tsedong lookalike appear as a zombie and zhangs removed the pirated copies of FA soon after

>> No.6029373


>> No.6029402

holy based

>> No.6029430

cultural trauma as their entire history consists of a never ending cycle of getting raped by foreign invaders and dying in the millions from rebellion, starvation, plague, and tyrants killing their own.

>> No.6029546

Less about thin skin, more just recognizing they have an easy weapon at their fingertips to abuse.
People meme about cancel culture and bullshit like that in America. And while its somewhat true, its not easy to get that ball rolling and you need to be able to get a large mob rolling on your side to "cancel" someone.

In China you just say someone did the CCP wrong and the government will instantly swoop in and dispose of them. Naturally Chinese twitters will be filled with people bitching about how [person they don't like] did [thing that was horribly against China] because its their way of easily ruining someone's life. Its victim culture taken to 11, but where you just make China the "victim"

>> No.6029560


bug brain.

>> No.6029599

only from Hong Kong and Taiwan. The rest are all brainwashed by the CCP.

>> No.6029629

When you think about it, China is just like a very big Poland.

>> No.6029634

Maybe Sega can remove Denuvo from Yakuza 3 - 7 now.

>> No.6029675
File: 1.83 MB, 2048x1536, Pikina 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Coco

>> No.6029744

ogay zhang.

>> No.6029785

>this entire week: "G-guys! Don't blame the Chinese! They aren't ALL bad..!"
Yeah sure, you know I will tell you where every good Chink is, not in China. Oh wait. That means they aren't Chinese funny how that works right? Split an atom by accident in the center of Peking please, hopefully near a dam.

>> No.6030403

To stop Chinese piracy we insult China.

>> No.6031417

Do it more.

>> No.6031513

your bug colony is also irrelevant as fuck. all you bugs do is chimp out and bring chink cancel culture.

>> No.6031904

I don't see anything wrong here. Chinese game piracy sites are private businesses and they have the right to do as they please :)

>> No.6032178

Unironically based.

>> No.6032204

....Oh my god.

>> No.6032273

Sure there are non-retarded Chinks, but if they raise their voices they get shipped into happiness camps.

>> No.6032421

Absolutely fucking based

>> No.6033063

No they aren't. And the vast majority of the non-western world doesn't hate China at all.

>> No.6033217

lol w.e. you say buddy.

>> No.6033596
File: 41 KB, 750x500, kiryu coco got fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism and the corruption/insanity it brings destroys the ability for people to be human. It takes generations to undo the damage.

>> No.6033612

how come the strongest country in the world is also somehow simultaneously the weakest piece of shit, its truly baffling

>> No.6033791

>under Communism Soviet Russia went from backwater, wartorn, destroyed shithole to global superpower in the span on 30 years
>under Capitalism Russia has stagnated and been a shithole of drugs and suffering that shows no sign of recovery, ever
Communism is better than Capitalism

>> No.6039759

There has never been a communist country ever.

>> No.6040367

>Your oshi, Kiryu Kazuma, is getting his game pirated
>Your actions stop the game from being pirated

So this is...good? Coco just single handedly stopped piracy, and people will have to buy the game. Am I missing something?

>> No.6040554

We know. You're irrelevant whores who go to the biggest pimp.

>> No.6040575

sooo... what your saying is a pirateing website, as in a site dedicated to STEALING games without paying for them, is vowing to stop stealing the Yakuza series because the Dragon of Dojima gave Coco a warm send off?

Sounds like they are Coco fans. that or just really really stupid.
