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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60222861 No.60222861 [Reply] [Original]

these two are living proof that you CAN become japanese
just never give up

>> No.60223022
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but anons told me

>> No.60223101

My jaw dropped when I learned they weren't actually Japanese. like what the actual fuck?

>> No.60223111 [DELETED] 

They were brown, you shouldn't listen to browns.

>> No.60223147 [DELETED] 

you can't when your skin is even darker than sand

>> No.60223178
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No they didn’t.
They became kamis that Japanese people adore, and pray for.

>> No.60223185

You can never be japnese if you can't eat natto.

>> No.60223311

bau bau

>> No.60223323

but they cant speak good japanese

>> No.60223336
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 5ce7dfcc031dd864fa1aad589d400033fa4b2b84 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara and Bae can read more kanji than them.

>> No.60223377

They are better than any japanese, though.

>> No.60223395

Your race doesn't determinate your nationality faggots

>> No.60223423

Kiara sounds like a retarded kid with dyslexia. Bae is Australian.

>> No.60224021

I’m a native speaker of Japanese and I used to think fwmc were Japanese girls raised in a foreign country being taught the language by their parents.
And it turned out to be they were not.
Even either their parents was not a native speaker.

>> No.60224048

Still doesn't change the fact that they are better at reading Japanese than them.
Hell Anya whose Japanese is autismo level is on record saying Kiara's keigo is better than.hers.
Fuwamoco's Japanese isn't even top 3 in EN/ID.

>> No.60224115

What good is barely having an accent if you can't fucking read.

>> No.60224516

It’s not about accent, but more about their personality.
I feel the same vibe in fwmc as ours which is hyper sensitiveness to what other people think of you.
While other ENs speak what they think about it outright when they’re asked, fwmc are like
>w, what to do? Moco-Chan?
But behind that kawaiiness, they clearly know what’s going on and what’d happen if they say this or that.
And they choose the way that conforms most to the social norms or what people expect them to be. A typical behavior of Japanese girls.
You may know it if you live in this country for a while, and I have no idea in what way they learned it.

>> No.60224530

As a speaker of their first language we dont really have a noticeable accent because most of the noises japanese needs exists in our language already

>> No.60224594

Well yes and no. It should but we have dumb shit like multiculturalism and immigration.

>> No.60224618

Cut moco-chan some slack, fuwawa, she’s not as tough as you.

>> No.60224797

I thought their first language was English, but if it’s Nordic (Swedish, right?) it makes sense. In general Scandinavians have really good pronunciation when they speak in Japanese.

>> No.60225408

Yeah I am swedish and if I read romaji as if it were swedish then I would sound pretty much like a japanese person, the only problem is many of us vary our pitch like waves on the ocean (i.e. two of the same words can have a bit different pitch depending on where they are placed in the sentence) instead of by word so that is one thing I would need to be mindful of when speaking japanese. I think it is called prosody in linguistics

>> No.60225451

>but if it’s Nordic (Swedish, right?)
It's not

>> No.60225481

stop being racist

>> No.60225503

are they white chicks?

>> No.60225646

Their first language is English. I don't even know how /vt/ turned a couple mutts saying
>our grandparents on one side were swedish immigrants
>We are pure blooded saami ESLs

>> No.60225943

remember to thank janny for changing your diaper seaboy

>> No.60226207

They learned it from going deep into idol culture. They worked as idols in japan and overseas for a long time.

>> No.60226315

underground idols or vtuber idols? Props if its the former

>> No.60226499

Worse. Kiara was an underground idol but she was still IN JAPAN when she tried to make it big. They tried it outside Japan. They were firmly headed into a bad end version of Kiara's journey if they didn't get into EN3.

>> No.60226526

Underground idols, although more like small label idols, not anti-idol.

>> No.60226713

If you watch enough Japanese vtubers you would know that's not a requirement. Literacy is optional too.

>> No.60227025

Please don't bully my JP oshi just because she isn't high school kanji literate...

>> No.60227257
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It's not only Vtubers, but Japanese idol in general.
You may call it misogynic, but in Japanese entertainment world dumb girls are seen "cute".
The pic is an ex-famous idol and now a mother of 4 or 5, and she still fucks up with some very basic kanjis and audience don't take it seriously.

>> No.60227770

their english accent isn't even close to the swedish one

t. scandi

>> No.60227914

Son of a BITCH. They really did it. They really turned Japanese.

>> No.60227972

And FWMC are canuck mongoloids. What's your point?

>> No.60227974

>their english accent
So, in which country you can find a random people telling you like
>OOww daazhu ower djeer stranjer-san?
when you ask her/him how to get to the station?

>> No.60228240

Pretty sure it's just not that uncommon in the entertainment industry. I used to watch gaki no tsukai a lot and one of their regulars can't read basic newspaper level kanji.

>> No.60228325

>>ITT people are surprised that immigrants can actually assimilate and naturalize themselves into the host country

Why is this so impressive nowadays?

>> No.60228440

Kanji is pure aids and doesn't work even for their own native populace. Dear nips please vote in a hardcore nationalist already who will declare kanji the chinese caveman scribbles that they are and outlaw them once and for all.

>> No.60228446

Yes Kiara is autistic as fuck, its how she got where she is, by being autistic, which can be an endearing feature if you are female

>> No.60228528

Full on kanji like the chinks is retarded and over kill, the wai the nips and the koreans did it is fine
root of the word as a symbol and any derivatives are it plus Kana attached to it
way better than the clusterfuck a full alphabet becomes once you add a bunch of derivatives like romance languages do

>> No.60228613

Kanji are great, embrace them and they'll make things a whole lot easier.

>> No.60228746

It's great technology specifically meant for mocking cute anime waifus.

>> No.60228768

Both korea and japan have full syllabic alphabets. There's zero reason to keep kanji around except for things like poetry where you can play with meaning and readings and maybe making text take up less space on print and screen.

>> No.60228789

It's not their host country though
They did it by refusing to assimilate to their host

>> No.60229035

Full kana is a lot more annoying than kanji. I think it's fine to have a higher floor for literacy if thats the alternative.

>> No.60229037

Because most anons here rarely leave their home let alone their country.

>> No.60229045
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>vote in a candidate which will outlaw kanjis
Nyahello emperor, I'm your new pwaime minista.

>> No.60229136

Nothing is stopping the nips from dropping kanji in their daily lives. There's a reason nobody is publishing full kana novels.

>> No.60229174

Fuwawa skipped kanji reps in favor of eating natto.

>> No.60229321

Oh fuck I pray to god not, somebody tell me they aren't swedish

>> No.60229335

To be fair kanji were never intended to be learnt by women or even most men for that matter. They are chinese autist scribbles meant for and designed by scribes.

>> No.60229342

This is true for a lot of adults in Japan, not just entertainers. Japs learn most kanji purely for the sake of high school and college entrance exams. They immediately start forgetting kanji as soon as the exams are over. It's no different than like how after Americans take the SAT/ACT they'll start fading on how well they know trig, chemistry, obscure vocab, etc. I was a straight-A student in high school in honors classes and now as an adult I can confidently tell you that I have no idea what a logarithm is or what sin/cos/tan are used for.

Online resources will tell you that Japanese adults know "2000 kanji minimum to graduate high school" but I can tell you most of them probably use less than 1000 on a monthly basis and only really use like 300-500 on a regular basis, if even that.

>> No.60229524

The answer to both of these is societal pressure and trying their hardest not to stand out. Why make a fuss about it, when you can just scoot by and hope you won't get caught when you do encounter something you can't read. And why risk making a full kana novel and have people think it's for kids, that's just more trouble than it's worth.
That's why a nationalist angle might work. Make them hate the origin, and inversely anyone in opposition will be the one standing out and be labeled a filthy mainlander.

>> No.60229579

Thanks for the insights JP bro, that's good to hear straight from the source.
They've basically been obsessed with Japanese culture for two decades, to extents almost nobody could match - for years Mococo had been waking up in the middle of the night to catch concerts of her favorite idol group on NND even though the streams had like 10 live viewers. Fuwawa clearly put in a lot of effort to make their diet as Japanese as possible. They played a bunch of VNs and learned Japanese for the purpose of understanding their favorite underground idols and reading eroge. They must really believe in the ideals of idol dream and want to be idols themselves, already have plenty of experience in this regard too.

>> No.60229653

Is this the only country in the world where people are becoming less literate in their own native written language?

>> No.60229702

almost all countries are gradually becoming less literate ever since phones became a thing

>> No.60229796

They can still read whatever they're texting though, not being able to read kanji means there's gaps in your understanding of the sentence

>> No.60229902


>> No.60230017 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 498x578, 16943509292756618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's 納豆 true

>> No.60230043

based smoka

>> No.60230092


>> No.60230096

>they can still read
Based on interactions here and other places I have to doubt that. But yeah, I can see your point.

>> No.60230146


>> No.60230278

I dunno sometimes I think US zoomies are illiterate retards but then again people have been complaining that the new generation are drooling imbeciles since at least ancient Greek times so maybe it just means I'm old.

>> No.60230784

> think it's fine to have a higher floor for literacy
1/5 of Hololive JP members are only able to do manual labor jobs if it wasn't for Hololive because they're functionally illiterate and can only read shit aimed at middle schoolers.
Hell Haato has trouble with dialogue in gacha games. I wonder how much fucking youth unemployment kanji creates.

>> No.60232309

I know what you mean, but the level of technology now actually makes it more enticing not to learn or think for yourself then it ever has in the past.

>> No.60232843

Full kana sucks, same reason no one who is worth their salt as a Japanese teacher will teach you the language using Romanji only
There are so many homonyms in the language that a full Kana system would be hell

>> No.60232958

It's actually fucking crazy that 2 white Canadians weebed so hard that they became ESL's

>> No.60233048

on the flip side, think how much of a filter of shit workers kanji is

>> No.60233099

Are French white?

>> No.60233254


>> No.60233322

Nothing based about it

>> No.60233777

no one gives a shit about reading kanji, dogs are more fluid and natural speaking it. they sound very fluent in conversational Japanese, moreso than a lot of actual japs, let alone Kiara

>> No.60233895

They're unironically more autistic than Kiara. They basically spent the last ten years training for Hololive (indirectly).

>> No.60233968

you're literally posting in an SEA board. ask filipinos if they can speak their own language

>> No.60234022

they tried it in Japan then went back home and tried it at home, then COVID fucked that up

>> No.60234052

it's only annoying if you don't space the words, otherwise it objectively becomes an easier to read language

>> No.60234101 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone wanna be Japanese lmao

>> No.60238327


>> No.60238656
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Ask Pikamee, the actual Japanese who speak Japanese, raised in Japan, and treated like a goddamn pariah.

>> No.60240338

But Pika/Henya is Japanese, she has a Japanese mother and relatives. At the very least she's half Japanese while the two above have not a drop of Japanese blood in their veins.

>> No.60240741

>read word
>don't know what it means
>get out dictionary
>find the word easily because dictionaries are in alphabetical order
>read kanji
>don't know what it means
>don't even know what sound it makes
>get out dictionary

>> No.60241123

Objectively false. If they went to Japan they would experience the same shit that every non-Japanese experiences. Even when they RPing, they talk like babies so real JPs wouldn't be friends with them.

>> No.60241824

Good luck removing kanji to describe these words
It could be either 校内射精大会 or 校内写生大会, but you kaigai niki cannot understand shit.

>> No.60241848

lol lmao

>> No.60242481

You've never been to Japan so you know nothing of it, cretin.

>> No.60243388

Doesn't Korone barely know her kanji?

>> No.60246742

They're already friends with real JPs, this reads like some eop seethecoping.
