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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60180638 No.60180638 [Reply] [Original]

Vent your thoughts and feelings about vtubers here

>> No.60180680

I wish Japanese wasn't so hard to learn. I just want to get to the immersion phase already.

>> No.60180855

I once checked vtubers outside of hololive, it took me a week to go back and never try ever again. The only indies that I follow now are ASMR chuubas that lick my ears and kiss me

>> No.60180870

Why hasn’t EN done any big projects like JP doing their rust server/ Mario kart tournament. Does hololive EN even care?

>> No.60180882

This kind of threads suck because every boring motherfucker here thinks he's a comedian

>> No.60180965

The 3d live last night doesn't count? Personally I don't care about Mario kart or rust.
Anyways all vtubers should be legally required to include their bodycount and relationship status in their profiles.

>> No.60180963

Small corpos are better

>> No.60181135

There's something I'd certainly wanna get off on Biboo's chest.

>> No.60181136

Not really since it has merch shilling so I’m assuming it’s hololive mandated.

>> No.60181619

I feel like the mindset of "I don't want to watch other vtubers stream because I have to stay loyal to my oshi" is retarded. Like why do you think she gives a fuck? She reads livechat and superchat messages from other men, your loyalty means nothing to her. Whether you enjoy other vtubers' content or not is a different matter, but deliberately not giving them a chance because you're in the illusion of being in a relationship with your oshi is just insane. You are replaceable.

>> No.60181761

I want to fuck some of them. Some of them need to go outside and face reality.

>> No.60181955

They need to communicate more often than my junkie sister that comes by to ask me for money once a month when the rent is due.

>> No.60182001

English speaking vtuber fans are so fucking stupid and contemptible, especially the female ones. I really wish vtubers were not so beholden to their fanbase. I actually like some male vtubers a lot and seeing them get dragged down to the level of the socially retarded teen girls that watch them is really miserable. Not just them though, in general vtuber fans are just like average anime fans where they only want to see the most boring schlock imaginable and love to see the same shit over and over and over again.

>> No.60182202

Modern vtubing is the first time I've ever felt like putting myself out there and being part of a "fandom", and to this day I'm not entirely sure whether all of those are this dedicated or we are just prone to be more obssessive. Whatever it is, I like how much creativity the whole community exudes.

>> No.60182532
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most chuubas don't actually have the balls to start a playthrough of a real game and then complete it
it's fucked

>> No.60182608

i've wasted 3 years on this "hobby" and i don't know how to stop

>> No.60182776

I hate all Vtubers who do GFE/BFE bullshits. I watch Vtuber for funny anime characters playing games i like.

>> No.60182829

I'm so fucking tired of the endless amount of drama, ragebaiting, shittery, and flipping out over mundane bullshit that has infected everything
I just wish people could be chill and decent human beings

>> No.60182864

Rape biboo in the ass

>> No.60183086

Vtubing as a whole is the celebration of mediocracy. Not a single good celebrity level vtuber since Kizuna AI. I don't even watch streams anymore because it's all the same, but I still believe somewhere out there is the one who will save us. Someone to raise the bar so damn high that all other vtubers will be ashamed. They are biding their time. Honing their skills. Planning. They see us. They hear us. I don't need much. Just 2 years of awesome content, and then they disappear and delete everything. Like a dream. Where are you, the one most high? My lord. I kneel.

(Did I full retard, or would this be interesting to see?)

>> No.60183244
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Yes, I do get off on Biboo's chest. How did you know?

>> No.60183552

When my oshis aren't streaming I feel the need to kill myself, that's why I have multiple oshis, because if I spend one day without watching them the depression hits me like a truck.
I also really really hate nijisanji.

>> No.60183608

I hate yurishit, i given up on finding an oshi because every chuuba does yurishit.

>> No.60183633

lol spotted the chumbud

>> No.60183709

more of a streamer in general thing but i hate when they talk about the game. just shut up and rant about costco or something

>> No.60184043
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I'm infatuated with Raden and I don't know how

>> No.60184296

I think that Gura genuinely hates streaming to the point where we'll never reach levels of kino that will be on par with her off collab birthday karaoke, her city pop shark phase or karaoke streams with random gimmicks (Red Gura, campfire ukelele).

It's nice to see Councilrys stepping up to fill the kino gap (no, I will not refer to them as Promise), and maybe Advent will top both Myth and Councilrys 3d showcases in the future, but it's all overshadowed by the fact that the original group has lost it's magic and everything going forward has that disgusting corpo-flavor sprinkled all over.

Yes, I've already taken my meds

>> No.60184437

About to start learning JP as a side hobby soon. How rough is it until you start to actually comprehend things?

>> No.60184991

FSP need to hurry the fuck up and debut their gen, i need monster boys

>> No.60185071

the fuck since when was this a thing and why??

>> No.60185102

I checked out Twitch vtubers from my country (Poland) and got into communities related to them. It was novelty to me that 2view actually reads and replies to my comment, and I've been stuck there for some time.
Thankfully I checked out Advent and especially Fuwamoco debuts and it pulled me out of it.
Fuwamoco has JP quality. Polish are all fucking lazy NPC whores. If JP is multiple times better for you when compared to EN, then to me EN is multiple times better than PL and now imagine my fucking emotions when I gradually got into Fuwawa more and more. It is like discovering your reason to live.
I don't want to even look at polish women anymore.
Also I think there is a reason why 2views are 2views. They are so egoistic that they think that their fanbases should be thankful for their weekly stream of Genshin Impact. They think that just because they are women, they deserve to be praised just because of their basic human functions. Now compare that to some la creatividad, singing and basically going through games with mindset that you are there to entertain them and not "those nerds should be glad I'm such a gaming girl. I don't give a shit about this game, but don't backseat".
They don't value people's time. The audacity of thinking that their shitty 'content' is better spent time for someone than watching some anime or playing game by themselves

>> No.60185197

yeah dont put any fucking w*men in there, im so sick of companies ruining gens with adding those

>> No.60185334

I legitimately despise that we can't have nice things like holoJP. What I mean by that is chuubas who care about their audience genuinely and love their job. I realize there are exceptions like Bijou and Kaela and the like but they're way to fucking rare.

I just want my English equivalent of Sora. Is that really an unfair ask? Am I really being some insane, frothing at the mouth mysognist incel because I want a pure, seiso idol?

>> No.60185394

>They are so egoistic that they think that their fanbases should be thankful for their weekly stream of Genshin Impact.
those are the worst. literal npc's who go live with 4 hours of some slop like honkai star rail or valorant or whatever and wonder where their viewers went

>> No.60185496

>I just want my English equivalent of Sora.

>> No.60185604

I want Gura to graduate

>> No.60185639

I think TENMA should do a cooking stream

>> No.60185665

Why is the argument always that Bijou is the only one in EN that cares about her fans? This legitimately just feels like dramabait from Pebbles every time.

>> No.60185674

HoloEN as a whole seems very spread out in terms of timezones and flexibility in gaming genres, also last Rust server was Mori being lonely, Ame and Gura at each others throats, and everyone else barely signing on. Doubtful they'd do a NijiEN/HoloEN female only collab, They sure as hell won't do a Hololive/Holostars EN collab anymore, and despite Niji being ass, they wouldn't extend the olive branch to any other corpo beyond them for a massive event

>> No.60185729

if they were normal streamers instead I would be disgusted with myself

>> No.60185795

I'd be fine watching Ina's art streams or Ame's CSGO/2 streams

>> No.60185820

Unicorn LARPing is really fucking annoying and invites SEAfags and burgers to act like insane caricatures of JP uniforms because they want to fit in but the worst part is that it actually makes its way to the talents

>> No.60185839

Nah, I just used her as an example. I don't mean they're the only two outside Jp

>> No.60185914

Actually streams+ hates men and anything that isn't Hololive= she cares about us

>> No.60185964

Pebbles are the new Chumkeks, so are you really surprised?

>> No.60186037

I actually don't mind excessive unicorns. Nijisanji unisex content is bad example. I want K-on, not shitty Disney drama with sex jokes and curses

>> No.60186048

this, i hate seeing them play an interesting game and never touch it again bc it isn't fotm shit.

>> No.60186057

Literally no talent gives a shit about their fanbase beyond the amount in its actual representation. As in they do not care about (You), but they will do whatever song and dance is required of them to make sure (You) tune in and (You) spend your money on their merch
To assume any talent cares about individuals, regardless of corpo or 2view, is the peak of delusion, bordering on insanity

>> No.60186067

Every time I find an indie vtuber I really like 9 times out of 10 it's a few weeks before they announce a graduation announcement. I'm almost starting to believe I'm genuinely cursed. I can't even joke that I'm scaring them off by being in their chat because I don't type in chat at all.

>> No.60186132

>got into a indie vtuber
>they buckle up and stream for 2 months
>then just suddenly ghost and then return to do 1 stream a month to try and keep a few people paying
This has happened 3 times now, maybe I should just stick to corps

>> No.60186198

This is the real answer. People chimp out when streamers say they aren't their friends, but that's the truth no matter if you threaten to dox and kill their career or not. Genuinely believing a streamer remotely cares about some random name on the screen is something I've never understood.

>> No.60186360

Watching way homuran desu

>> No.60186912

Most people don't finish most of the games they play, anon. That's hardly a vtuber problem.

>> No.60187348

Vtubers made me realise why incels are alone. That might be a real "no shit retard" statement to a lot of people, but before now all I knew about them was through the lens of twitter faggots bitching about them and extreme examples like elliot rodger. I still believed a lot of them were just dudes that were down on their luck or extreme cases of social awkwardness, but I see in the splits especially a lot of the shit that explains why they're alone. It's especially evident in ones like /wah/, /hirys/, /uuu/ and /baubau/. Having random meltdowns because they associated with someone they didn't like or hold a belief contrary to their own no matter how insignificant, incessantly shitting on their friends, interpretating any kind of trivial statement or sometimes a lack thereof as hostility and spamming posts about how much they hate them and want to kill them after saying they were genuinely in love with them the day before. I think /baubau/ was what finally made the penny drop with their pledge. Someone came to them with a promise of unconditional love and appreciation with no strings attached and their first response was to weaponise it, saying they failed to protect their smiles for so much as acknowledging a branchmate. Trying to use textbook fucking emotional blackmail against someone that doesn't even know they exist.

Yeah this is all inconsequential because it's /vt/, who gives a shit since the girls won't see it anyway and a lot of it probably is shitposting but not all of it. It's just if they're like this towards their fake internet girlfriend they'd probably end up on the news within a week if they ever got a real one.

>> No.60187554

You can care about a group of people. Like for example, Joe biden cares a lot about Jews and Blacks despite not being able to know every individual like or nigger.

>> No.60187684

Nobody is like this in real life. 99% of the "incel" posts here are dramafags stirring shit for entertainment.

>> No.60187892

It's okay to switch oshi if you can't enjoy your current oshi anymore. I don't know why people like to torture themselves like they have already signed a pact to stay loyal or something.

>> No.60187963
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>> No.60188225

Exactly. Like, he used /hirys/ as an example, but the holizontal shitshow showed that most of the problems with that thread are due to people coming in from the outside to shit up the threads. While all the usual IRyS antis were taking advantage of the opportunity to bring their shitposting board-wide, /hirys/ was just calmly hanging out and going "what the fuck is everyone freaking out about, it's not even a male collab. Oh well, let's post cheebs until we hit the image limit." Honestly it was the best any split has been in like a year. It's the same with the other threads, too, any unicorn friendly vtuber has dramaniggers waiting for any opportunity they can find to stir shit up.

>> No.60188286

I've come to like Shiori but fucking hell the contrast of her and the model still gets me. Like that model is so gorgeous and alluring but anytime I've had the idea of getting off to her I instantly lose all interest when I imagine her voice, speaking mannerisms and personality. It's like she's anti-sex incarnate in a pure sex body, it's maddening. She really should have just gotten some bookish looking model.

>> No.60188460

oh we're still doing this since last time? A breath of fresh air from the dogshit shitposters lmao

>> No.60188518

I hate the black-and-white "with us or against us" mentality that permeates this board. It's impossible to have any kind of debate that doesn't amount to calling each other buzzwords.
You prefer to watch female Vtubers, so you stick to them while not having anything against males? You're an incel unicuck.
You are fine with mixed gender collabs, but don't force any member to do them because you don't comment or whatever? You're a homobegging sister #insertmadeuphashtag.
You have legitimate grievances with a member and try to air them out in a respectful manner? You're a nijikek pushing for holo vs holo, or viceversa.
There is no nuance allowed. You MUST fit into a camp so you can be attacked. I thought Vtubing was an escape from the culture and gender wars happening on twitter, so why the fuck are they here?
And I know it's 95% shitposters dramastirring for (you)s, but still. I shouldn't need to think "we really need a /vtg/ and leave this board to rot" but here we are.

>> No.60188531

Any -- and I mean ANY -- picture of Biboo makes me hard

>> No.60188538

yeah I felt that, I do recall Kiara actually finishes her playthroughs so she deserves props there

>> No.60188556

Vtubers who are too lazy to stream at least 3 times a week dont deserve to be vtubers.

>> No.60188614

Yeah, it kind of sucks because I did see a lot of clips and videos based on those kino moments. I'm not a chumbud but I feel for you guys. Not a shitposter, genuine.

>> No.60188725

I've gotten use to the voice but I know what you are saying; expected a more mature less nerdish in tone. Bijou is the one that gets to me though; being more timid/smooth and less like an unnatural two year old would do wonders for her.

>> No.60188770

I wish Gura wasnt a lazy uncaring cunt and I wish the other chumbuds wouldnt defend her garbage behavior so much
I miss old Gura

>> No.60188794

Baused, I'm a Ruffian and can 1000% totally understand. They have said a few times that they value their viewers time and you can see that they don't waste their time through their approach. You'll notice as you watch them live that they've been consistent in starting 5 minutes early for their scheduled streams. I feel like they really focus on super high quality moments as much as possible during the livestream format.

It's really unfortunate that the 2views are ungrateful because I also feel that when I watch some Twitch streams in general, it feels like a huge void and not worth watching sometimes

>> No.60188822

The backlash against any criticism or even just some light whining is the most annoying. I understand to a degree since shitposting and bots are enough of an issue that it might be for the best to just hold your tongue and suck it up, still though it's fucking 4chan, people can take the piss out of things they like, it's not all automatically schizo, anti, bot, etc. shit.

>> No.60188934

Almost based.....now if only Holo wasn't full of normie whores like Mori, Ame, Kronii, Shiori etc, maybe it could actually be good. ASMR GFE is all you need, and if Holo doesn't offer it, go elsewhere. Surprisingly some of the smaller corpos do offer some of that ear licking affection, so give them a shot (Phase, (ex) Kawaii, Idol, (ex)Tsunderia, etc)

>> No.60189035

>" deliberately not giving them a chance because you're in the illusion of being in a relationship with your oshi is just insane. You are replaceable.i"
tell that to the small minority here who are actual unicorns

>> No.60189063

you do realize there are so many dramafags and shitposters trying to fuck up not just the catalog but also the splits, right? I do think the incels who take all of this at face-value are genuinely retarded but that's not our responsibility. If they can't sift through retardposts and genuineposts while also realizing they're on fucking 4chan, that's their fault. Also, yeah these incels will get on the news but this place is being monitored for better or worse from relevant stakeholders including law enforcement

>> No.60189066

I only want to have sex with about half the vtubers I watch

>> No.60189143

yeah it kills my interest to read sometimes but maybe that's the point for some of these shitposters.

>> No.60189519

I never got why this statement makes autistic virgins so upset when its simple biology. There are studies showing that human brains can only keep up with roughly 100 relationships that could actually count as "acquaintances" at most and more than that amount just blends into the faceless masses.
Its literally physically impossible for a chuuba or any other celebrity for that matter to genuinely care about a horde of faceless fans

>> No.60189632

>"a lot of it probably is shitposting but not all of it"
yeah not all of it, only like 99,9%

>> No.60190196

Yuriposting is fucking annoying with KFP being the worst for it.
>omg INNUENDO they wanna FUCK
>what kind of sex are they having right now
>look at this fresh fanart off twitter from the ship artists/ship art tags I follow religously

It's annoying tumblr shit when it's stretched out and pushed all the time
>that's gay
Gossiping about relationships relentlessly is fucking gay

>> No.60190976

My oshi: cute
Your oshi: cute just not in the way I find my oshi cute

>> No.60192039

Gura is done with vtubing and it's perfectly fine, I just wish she would give a notice about it

>> No.60192426

I dunno man, I've seen vtubers remember even semi-frequent donators. Like sure, that's not friendship by any stretch, but it is some kind of relationship.

>> No.60192443

Donothons unless for extreme circumstances are exploitative. It shouldn’t be up to the viewers to crowdfund projects. Vtubers can still do creative things on a minimum budget or by goofing around OBS

>> No.60192563

I am angry. Angry at the lack of Battletech tubers.

>> No.60192794

The Hololive fanbase, especially the segment of it exemplified by this board, is a net negative on the vtuber community and a mental health risk for Hololive talents

>> No.60193182

this board should have been the holoboard, nijis are just antis and most of the small company and indie fans are just jelly faggots, you just need to read this thread, they are insufferable.

>> No.60193657

Because the anime girl actually interacts with them, while the CCV count is literally just a number that bounces around randomly.

>> No.60193741


>> No.60193858

NTA, I've been /here/ on various boards off and on since I think 2005 and I still unironically do not understand what makes people want to shitpost and stir drama like that.

>> No.60193969

AC6 has been popular on Twitch lately, I bet you could get at least one of those chuubas to try Battletech.

>> No.60194053

The two faces of /vt/

>> No.60194635

the only reason /vt/ even exists is as a containment board for holofags

>> No.60196022

SEA is the worst thing to happen to vtubing. I fucking hate Kiara. I want cover to stop fucking nerfing my oshi by giving her JP songs.

>> No.60196043

healthy and based

>> No.60196683

The fuck is a real game?
Plenty of chuubas have started and completed Souls titles. Are those not real games? What about lengthy RPGs? Are Nintendo Platformers real games?

>> No.60197100

Take out anime and tuber from what you wrote and you just described the dumbing down of all entertainment to meet the desires of the brain dead masses.

>> No.60197217

>They think that just because they are women, they deserve to be praised just because of their basic human functions
This is true outside of vtubing as well anon.

>> No.60197336 [DELETED] 

Spoken Japanese is easy af lmao
you don't even have to learn kanji

>> No.60197371

With the most bizarre part being that both posters actually believe the opposite of what they posted.

>> No.60197402

they don't care. and they're just lazy. coping faggots will say timezone but it's only kiara that's really affected. most of them are in NA, it's a max of 3 hours between PST and EST. EST and JST are about 11 hours apart. they can schedule events around 10pm EST/7pm PST and the JPs would join at 9am JST. it's not that hard.

>> No.60198148
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I had a dream about shiori the other night. It made me realize how lonely and pathetic I am

>> No.60198406

After 2 years of watching vtubers on and off, I discovered my oshi because of her collabs with a fleshtuber

>> No.60198480

Production Kawaii deserves more success, fans don't know what's good.

>> No.60198535

Phase Connect is the pinnacle of vtubing. Sad girls = best girls.

>> No.60198603
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>> No.60200724

I’m the exact same way but for some reason she’s fine for me in collabs it’s super weird. It’s like kiara for a lot of others where her voice is just completely unbearable

>> No.60201006
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what I'm saying is
a game with an actual end to it
that's not melon game or some shit
just use your brain

>> No.60204395

I don't care about tangents. Just play the game, game player.

>> No.60204632

I love my oshi a ton but i wish she would play stuff outside artsy indie games. Some can be great but i just want her to go outside her comfort zone.

I want a chuuba that plays exclusively RTS games.

I sometimes want to be a vtuber myself as a Lich avatar but i realize i would be a no name 0 views failure.

>> No.60205017
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The following holos are my wives:

The following holos are my mistresses:

>> No.60207450

Mumei's new song is good

>> No.60207881

I tried searching for Thai girls to see if they're cute and the results were very questionable

>> No.60208182

I highly doubt Bijou has a penis

>> No.60208387

Fauna's original song is better than Mumei's original song

>> No.60208658

Most VTubers are really fucking boring. Particularly your oshi.

>> No.60211414
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Subaru's streaming "duck" voice is incredibly unpleasant and irritating. I would never understand people defending her in that regard. Her voice can be labeled as funny at max. And I know for a fact that she sounds much better without her playing a character.
I'm not an anti, I watched many of her streams and playthroughs, she's a great entertainer, but the voice still filtering me.

>> No.60211833

Life is good and I'm happy watching chuubas I enjoy.

>> No.60211955

i love my chuuba, but sorry im not gonna spend my hard earned money on some shitty mech that the delivery fee alone is higher than the merch itself, then had to wait like 3 months to get her, never again

>> No.60212156

I still hate Kiara to this day.

>> No.60212199

They are nothing. Go back to anime and watch the classics.

>> No.60212308

People really don't watch streams in here???

>> No.60212385

With Advent debut this board degraded from "Stream with homo = whore" to "She WILL stream with homo = whore".

>> No.60212456

That's because Advent was literally a golden gen, compare it to council debuts where people were digging deep dirt within 10 seconds of each girl talking.

People wanted to shit talk advent but had VERY little to work with, so the shitpost standards had to go lower.

>> No.60212493

Yes totally normal Hololive fans. And Sane people. I think majority are normies.

>> No.60212676

Watame would look better with slightly smaller breasts, there I said it.

>> No.60212908
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Fauna is cute! There, I said it.

>> No.60213799

I thought Shiori would be a big deal but unless she's hiding something she's mediocre. Have fun GFEs.

Nerissa probably isn't a cunt, but she sounds like one. Her vampire cover made me cringe, her kamipoi cover was meh. Ashite was great, hopefully it wasn't a fluke. Not "special" imo.

>> No.60214794

he's never been the same since the pot play...

>> No.60215020

>I shouldn't need to think "we really need a /vtg/ and leave this board to rot" but here we are.
Add ID. Flag is optional.

>> No.60216521

I get incredibly jealous and angry when my oshi reads someone in chat more than me to the point I started to actually pay more attention to the chat and who she reads than her actual streams.

>> No.60217190

I want more chuubas who are actually passionate/become passionate about the games they're playing, and not just to shit out content/use as a vehicle for zatsu.

>> No.60217229

>artsy indie games
tell me who is this right fucking now

>> No.60217585

It was kinda funny to see idol vtubers get mogged by ui. And her song was supposed to be an in-joke between her fans, making fun of them for being cunny lovers. Idk if there's any vtuber now that can top the success that her song is having rn.

>> No.60217611
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I wish Hololive would get badly hit in December sub-purge
"80million fans across the globe" my ass, you got about 5 and half of them are dead subs, the company and talents are in dire need to touch the grass

"nijiseethe" reply would be technically correct, but I'm more concerned about them taking the 1st place as granted, not really investing into their viewers anymore, just pushing out new merch at ridiculous rate

>> No.60217729

My former oshi stole the donation money and ran away

>> No.60217894

retardsis, its called "not being a neet and only having a limited amount of time to watch vtubers"

>> No.60217942

>It's impossible to have any kind of debate that doesn't amount to calling each other buzzwords.
There's nothing left to actually debate, and way too many people are desperate for (You)s despite how easy they are to get.
>I thought Vtubing was an escape from the culture and gender wars happening on twitter, so why the fuck are they here?
People don't come here to escape, they come here to seethe.
>I shouldn't need to think "we really need a /vtg/ and leave this board to rot" but here we are.
If quality standards were actually enforced, this board would already be /vtg/.

>> No.60218055

This is only true for indies, corpo 2views are more likely to be 2views because the corpo is shit and doesn't give them any direction. I also know some indies that are unpopular simply because of how niche they are. But yeah, some of these shitters are just awful, the difference in attitude between them and typical aspiring 3views is just night and day.

>> No.60218407

I've become happier and started enjoying vtubers more after I stopped watching Hololive and moved on to smaller vtubers, but I've also become more schizo as a result because of the uncertainty it brings. You never know when someone is going to retire, so I've started over-analyzing every little thing just to prepare myself for bad news.

>> No.60218896

Hey, me too. I feel like it's becoming more toxic, so I've been avoiding my oshi's streams lately to heal myself.

>> No.60219488

Most Vtubers be it men or woman are narcissistic bat shit crazy E whores larping as anime woman and men because they know nerds are easy 99% of them dont give a shit about you or me they just want your praise and money

>> No.60219651

I regret shilling and trailblazing vtubing tech in the west in 2019/2020. I should have never aided the plebs to get a platform and should've just joined a corpo as a software developer

t. dev

>> No.60220124


>> No.60220371

I can't bother with Hololive because they all play the asme fucking games

>> No.60220400

I want to impregnate japanese women.

>> No.60220459

I want to cum inside Bae

>> No.60220825

I'm genuinely infatuated with my indie oshi and have spent years supporting her and her friends. They used to be low two-views and now they're comfortable mid-size streamers.
My efforts went unrecognised, but now they have a big enough fanbase that nothing I do for them is uniquely beneficial.
I'm going to stop watching and I don't think they'll notice.
In fact I hope they don't.

>> No.60220992

Literally this
God bless that all corpos with exception of nijisanji are good in filtering them off

>> No.60221030

I want to stay pure.

>> No.60221142

If everybody else wants me to not care about their personal lives, then shouldn't they not mention it on stream? That seems fair to me.
" I don't know what you do off stream, You get to do your personal shit in peace."
Letting us know about it is inviting us to give a shit about it.

>> No.60221388

>I don’t hate Kiara’s not making chicken voice, or even like her raw speech.
>I like Mori’s stream.
I’m pretending an anti of those old myths. Because everybody here will bully me if they find I’m a fan. What a weakling.

>> No.60221465

i think hololive english should have started with gaijin living in japan and fluent in japanese (like kiara and calli) and natives fluent in english (like irys)
i think it’s important for the girls to be close to each other, and be close to cover to have access to their resources

but i guess it still worked out as the girls are still here
at least cover seems to have learned, considering the advent girls all met each other before debut

>> No.60221474

this is so pathetic

>> No.60221617

You don't have to tell me, I know.

>> No.60221827

I saw a compilation of one introvert streamer girl becoming an amazonness chinning up 20 times a day.
Originally she takes about video games and anime, but in the end her topic was only fitness and MMA. She told her initial fans she didn’t need them anymore and they should go somewhere else if they wanted to see girls she used to be.

>> No.60222124

It's simple. People are incels because they are all about making retarded choices and they can't help themselves.

>> No.60223197
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>> No.60224024

I swear /vt/ would be just as good as any other non-election tourist blue board just by banning 10-15 people, but they're discord friends with some of the active mods or are janitors themselves so they get a pass. I pray for the day an actual well-meaning poster gets past the application filter and leaks everything

>> No.60225902

Hey, nice to see I wasn't the only one. At some point, I noticed she started reading me out less and less, so I began paying more attention to chat and noticed who were getting read the most. With the pass of months, my parasocial attachment faded and I began realizing it was the main reason I still watched her at all, I realized her content and sense of humor had long lost my interest and I only kept watching because of the attatchment and the dopamine from chatting. I began watching less and less streams, only tuning in when the game or theme looked interesting. Didn't help that I also started to get bored of the thread and its stale sense of humor, so I, after a last significant playthrough I had been wating for, decided to drop her. It's been a little more than a year ago since then. If you feel the stream doesn't make your day better, you should try taking a break like >>60216521

>> No.60226165

how do i use this board? i saw some vtuber called pekora playing papers please. i never watched a vtuber before and just wanted to watch someone play papers please and find a thread about it but i cant see any
is this just not a big vtuber to warrant a thread or is this not a board for that

>> No.60226275

nobody watches vtubers here, they just shitpost and stir drama like teenage schoolgirls

>> No.60226374


>> No.60226442

Ignore whiny shit like this >>60226275, plenty of people watch streams. Your issue is simply that the board revolves around livestreaming so discussion is inevitably going to be wrapped up in what is happening and the future. Notable/controversial streams will get people talking a bit after but inevitbaly die down.

Also if you really are new in general and can't get with the culture and anti-pc stuff that's on you, this isn't a safe space

>> No.60226497
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As someone who watches mainly Hololive, I don't get why other Holo fans hate Elira so much. I get that she's in Nijisanji and all, but other than that I don't understand the hatred for her in particular.

>> No.60226960

the pekora papers please stream is live

>> No.60228842

I'm not even a chumbud, but I think Gura's indifference has negatively affected the rest of the Myth girls (aside from Mori who always had a good work ethic and her own goals she's pursuing) or even EN in general.

I don't blame Gura for being the way she is, but I really hate the effect it has on disenfranchised chumbuds and how they've poisoned the rest of the fanbases with their shenanigans

>> No.60229000

kinda rude

>> No.60229179

>he's polish

>> No.60229816

Dude, it takes zero fucking effort to remember a name. Especially if it’s someone who gives you money. You’re retarded if you think it means anything

>> No.60230223

/vt/ is mostly for vtubers that speak english, so despite Pekora being quite popular, you might not find too much active discussion of her streams.

But either way,
Pekora thread is 兎田ぺこら
Hololive JP thread is ホロライブ
And the general Hololive thread is Hololive Global

>> No.60232539

gacha streams suck theyre not funny le gambling with your stupid amounts of youtube bux isnt funny every gacha game has pity systems anyway and 90% of the time they dont even play the actual "game" anyway. I hate horse girls.

>> No.60233598

Going from being chumbud to being a ruffian was an experience as if I took a step and then found myself in another universe completely unlike the one I lived in before. That's it I guess.

>> No.60233797

I think Hololive should mandate that all their chuubas have to take 2 days off a week to recharge themselves physically and emotionally. Case in point, FuwaMoco. They love streaming and this is their dream, but managers need to step in and make them take a break to rest. Some people need to be protected from themselves.

>> No.60234211

I think Hololive should mandate that all their chuubas that take more than 2 days off a week without a proper cause for it stream. Case in point, Gura. She loves streaming when she's streaming and this is her dream to be like Miku, but managers need to step in and make her actually stream. Some people need to be protected from themselves.

>> No.60234685

I think Hololive should terminate any talent that doesn't stream at least once a week.

>> No.60234713

If i had acute asian gf i wouldn't even care vtubers

>> No.60234736

I'm just tired of my "oshi" for not putting in the work, stick with professional vtubers, bros

>> No.60234906

Kiara and Shiori are the only genuinely interesting holoENs.
Everyone else is boring as fuck and have nothing interesting going on in their lives, and doubly uninteresting pasts.

>> No.60235131
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This brat owes me sex.

>> No.60235455

That's weird. She's the only NijiEN that I don't see any genuine hate posts about
