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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, _6a34438f-ce8d-4ca1-8246-894f1bd31af8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60126594 No.60126594 [Reply] [Original]

Potato edition

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
PixelLink (Oct 30): https://www.pixel-link.com/audition
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>60088905

>> No.60128483


>> No.60128660

I love denpafish!

>> No.60128828


iLoidtupo is discussing his DBZ fan theories

>> No.60129132

Coco sex

>> No.60129652

I’m tired bros.

>> No.60129875

Which aspie is the most likely to sexual harass another aspie?

>> No.60131772


>> No.60131910
File: 232 KB, 720x1280, small daiya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiya is live!

>> No.60132356


>> No.60132734

i'd rather see the generic /asp/ OPs instead of this shit

>> No.60133202

would you rather do watch a streamer who's good at games or bad (funny to some?)

>> No.60133249

Nice voice.

>> No.60133338

old and from a thread that's knockin on death's door but I wanna comment on it anyway
It's a solid, if simple, design. I don't mean that as an insult mind you, I actually love more simplistic designs and feel like a lotta people go too far in the opposite direction at times. A simple way to make it stand out a bit more is to use one of the alternate outfits (I'd personally go for either the one with a tank top or the button-up shirt) for something a bit more unique. But really, either way, if the art style is sufficiently unique compared to a more, for lack of a better term, generic anime style then even a simple design will still stand out. Just look at VOMS.

>> No.60133456



>> No.60133461

Depends on the game. Watching someone be bad at a game where it causes chaos like most rage bait games (getting over it for example)? Funny. Watching someone be bad at a game where being bad just means the game stops (e.g. Apex)? Not funny.

>> No.60133835


>> No.60133877

I don't think being good at a game enhances the content that much but if you're bad at games and playing a game that requires skill to progress I also don't find that entertaining
just play what you think you'd enjoy and would be enjoyable to watch, if you're not good at games obviously don't try streaming kaizo mario levels or something
previous anon explained it pretty well but also ragebait games are always bad content and competitive multiplayer games like Apex are also always bad content don't stream either of those

>> No.60134025

Are we having a thread war because of OPs now?

>> No.60134444

it's not really a thread war if it's one autist demanding to make a new thread over nothing and getting a few stragglers that just open whatever was first in the catalog

>> No.60135127

I'm not moving to a second thread. Splitters get the rope.

>> No.60136554

I'm not zoomie enough to be entertained by a clown being bad at the game, especially rage games. It's alright if they're trying to learn, but some people also aren't good at learning, getting frustrated too easily.

>> No.60138146

>the two most popular types of game in streaming are bad for streaming

>> No.60138602

Unironically, yes

>> No.60139238

A comeback of the groom guide, or at least the original link would be useful, everybody here is completely antisocial so I had been tying connections all over the rest of the chuuba world but a more precise guide on how even more properly do so would REALLY help me!
And, if you understood what I said about (You), next time please take the lead instead of waiting for everything to be done on my end. I liked the experience, but I hated how much I had to work for it all to work darling...

>> No.60139419

>That's why they've been popular with content creators and audiences since the inception of video game viewing content

>> No.60139855

I am a (future) chuuba who uses linux exclusively.

There's a program called The Virtual Puppet Project or "vpuppr" that is available through flatpak. It supports tracking and rendering for glb and vrm filetypes. Thats for 3D.

For 2D there's a couple tools by Inochi2D, both for rigging and rendering an avatar, and these are on Itchio.
The major downside is you can only use their rigging program and filetype.

For PNG, I'd recommend PNGTuber+, also on Itchio.

Unfortunately, only the last option here is frequently updated, and Inochi is still beta. Although they are all still technically active.

>> No.60140375
File: 32 KB, 125x114, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mond posted in the schizo thread that she's live.

>> No.60140659

is denpa ever going to finish super mario world? iirc she made it to cheese bridge and just gave up

>> No.60141873

Denpa was talking about her Mario phobia on stream the other day, she's deathly afraid of Mario but she loves Yoshi.

>> No.60141965

Perfectly said

>> No.60142178
File: 413 KB, 1200x900, RURA_LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60142747

You had me concerned for a moment, anon. Tomorrow morning is not tonight.

>> No.60143099

allow me to single-handedly change that

>> No.60143192

Does she play anything other than Runescape?

>> No.60143623

I love this vampire so much

>> No.60143677

>she's deathly afraid of Mario
literally how?

>> No.60144155

She doesn't know why either but she said she won't even read threads if there's any pictures of Mario posted in them.

>> No.60144262

The games are not the main content it feels like. She could prolly play anything, her zatsus is the fun part

>> No.60144317
File: 212 KB, 590x750, image_2023-10-08_222957856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60144763

>>Is there an audience for X?
>Would you watch someone do X?
What a retarded take. Just because you would watch someone do whatever doesn't mean you wouldn't be the only one watching them do it.

>> No.60144946

That's fair. She is very cute.

>> No.60144987

was she drunk when she said this?

>> No.60145081


>> No.60145185
File: 146 KB, 1490x563, IMG_1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come if you want. Don’t if you want. Go to Hollywood if you want. You can dance if you want to.

>> No.60145513

Does anything genuinely productive go on in this thread beyond occasionally getting small indie streamers posting their links in the hopes it helps them gain traction?

>> No.60145616


>> No.60145621

I've commissioned multiple artists from here. Lots of people make friends and build support groups.

>> No.60145659

It's a networking circle just like any other forum online.
If you're looking for purpose on the channer boards idk what to say.

>> No.60145666


>> No.60145899

Not today, Satan

>> No.60145917

>Mond would pray herself to sleep
God she's precious

>> No.60146395

>Satan trips
>Phase connect
Makes sense, that place is cursed and the only watchable one there is Michiru

>> No.60146505

Is there any aspie that can speak jp?

>> No.60146535

im learning and im soon to share my stream

>> No.60146552


>> No.60146573

Somewhat but not very good.

>> No.60146614

I'm out of practice but I'm always willing to try

>> No.60146638

Hyde's streams have a veil of crazy weirdness, but everyone treats it like it's the most normal thing in the world in chat, maybe I'm the crazy one

>> No.60146674

i know a couple in past gens were studying/could understand a fair amount

>> No.60146675

Haru I think
I'm probably forgetting some, all of them are varying levels

>> No.60146729
File: 165 KB, 640x480, commandments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ Commandments
>1. Are you a girl or a boy?
It is not of our concern.
>2. Are you a babi or a femboy?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Did you guys see the aspie numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you see what twitter/discord is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>5. The baiters are insulting your aspies!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. Hey guess what I heard from /asp/cord!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>7. You guys should quit...
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.60146738

He has a level of unease. It's interesting.

>> No.60146779

Thank you for reposting, I didnt know!
Thank you all for talking to me. I am so happy right now

>> No.60146817

It feels like he's about to admit to having killed someone at any moment and that's exhilarating.

>> No.60146928

Happy to talk! Also, Mond, I would suggest checking out this page to see if you could make your mic sound a bit better. I think it would only take a few minutes to make a major improvement!

>> No.60147035

I started going to bed super early just so I could watch Daiya's streams, I wish I had that willpower to do other things in my life :<

>> No.60147235

Thank you so much, I will check it out now!

>> No.60147397

>Didn't call it Aspiring Tubers and Starch-ups

>> No.60147629

Kuromaru speaks a bit

>> No.60148270


>> No.60148304

Looking at all the replies to you fills me with a bit of dread as I reflect on how excruciatingly monolingual I am.

>> No.60148381

When will AI figure out how to fingers

>> No.60148561

That is cute.

>> No.60148610

Looking at the replies i got makes me dread not learning it when i was younger

>> No.60148699

Why not start now?

>> No.60148934

I feel I'm too old to start learning it, especially a language as complex

>> No.60149210


>> No.60149298

Wrong guy

>> No.60149530

I'm a guy but I always feel more comfortable interacting with girls. I mostly had female friends at school despite being extremely straight. In workplaces I always found it easier to get closer to my female colleagues and in life in general I seem to magnetise towards being friends with girls. This is now happening again as I'm entering the vtubing community. I almost exclusively am talking to girls privately despite guys also messaging me. I don't have an ulterior motive for only talking to girls, it just feels easier to chat to them and be more open. I want to talk to guys more but I never feel like I can carry the conversations as easily and I feel very awkward. I want to open up so that we can interact more and maybe do collabs together since I know that male-female collabs are more taboo. I do like a lot of the guys here and I think we could have fun, I just don't know how to talk to them.

How do I fix this?

>> No.60149584

you're straight.
>How do I fix this?
bend over.

>> No.60149670

Which girls are you even talking to?
There's only like 3 or 5 that are still active around here.

>> No.60149723

Not going to name names but it's also girls outside of /here/.

>> No.60149730

Talk to girls like Haru and Beryl to ease yourself into talking to guys.

>> No.60149776

why do all vtubers sound the same? why do they have the same kind of humor, the same movement of the avatar, the same everything..... is being original even worth it? or do you need to be another clone to get those 100 viewers

>> No.60149780

I assure you that you are more normal than Hyde is at least. <3
t. Hyde

>> No.60149795

You're late.


>> No.60149992

Kuku can!

>> No.60149996

that wasn't a dig at you btw, your streams are literally hypnotic to me

>> No.60150000

First Rura, and now Mond and Rinna. We're blessed with an abundance of adorable girls.

>> No.60150007

God this post is so real for me I thought I wrote it somehow. I want guy friends but I can't maintain long conversations, ever

>> No.60150033

Honestly I was the same in school because most guys my age were way more immature than the girls, and I didn't like the lewd/degenerate topics that came up all too often with guys. My only advice is to try talking more with any guy you find interesting! It's easy to generalize but every person is a unique individual, there isn't an intrinsic reason to have a harder time talking with guys.

>> No.60150042

Insecurity issue. Girls are safe. You'll never feel challenged by a girl. They're "nice" and non-threatening.
I've been there, as a youth.

Not a good place to stay, ESPECIALLY going into this hobby. You need to stick with men more than women, or at least equal parts of both.
We're all self-obsessed weaboos here. Take it in stride and try to make some actual friends for once. There are plenty of likeminded guys just like you. Look here's one now >>60150007

You can still try to be friends with girls, but you should know it's not the same. You don't share the same brain-chemistry with them. There's always gonna be >0% sexual tension. You can't be bros with a chick.

Good luck you effeminate bastard

>> No.60150087

Same, except I can't maintain long conversations with both men and women

>> No.60150094

I didn’t take it as a dig, anon. I recognize that I am perhaps less than ideally normal, yah know? It boggles my mind that people keep watching, but I appreciate everyone who does. You included. <3

>> No.60150181

I don't remember posting this...

>> No.60150300

Iriya and Hyde have a monopoly on crazy fags/woman

>> No.60150365

I thought that was Camui...

>> No.60150585

Camui is the brotuber of the bunch.

>> No.60150864

What do I talk about in DMs... I have no problems holding a conversation IRL or over voice, but communicating in text is so hard...

>> No.60150923

I just feel like, being a guy, I already know what they're going to say and think. I obviously don't but it's harder to get to that point. So it's not as interesting to me. I think guys also requires a shared activity to do, which is why I think collabs are a good idea so we have something to comment on but getting the social rapport high enough to collab is where I feel like I fail. Whereas girls are able to simply talk and keep the conversation flowing. Girls to me are just more interesting as people. I love hearing their perspectives on things and learning about how they view the world and what their interests are. The female mind is so colourful. It's so different and fun.

>> No.60150958


>> No.60150968

Thank you for finding us interesting

>> No.60150989


>> No.60151017


Iriya...your English gives you away

>> No.60151022

I wouldn’t say I even so much as entered a trust on such an audience. But I am as baffled as anyone, or more so, regarding any appeal I might be purported to have.

>> No.60151115

I don't care how straight you say you are, you are the biggest fag in these threads

>> No.60151363

They like psychos, the ones who stay here are less menhera so enjoy the audience

>> No.60151467
File: 248 KB, 678x865, Denpafish3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this denpafish?

>> No.60151528

Why do they keep asking over and over? Are they waiting for someone to say something bad?

>> No.60151559

I was asking about the artwork..

>> No.60151594


>> No.60151788

It's good

>> No.60152023

I miss Miri so much. I hope starting a kitchen fire didn't get her into too much trouble.

>> No.60152304

Yep, I passed the JLPT2 once upon a time, but I'm quite rusty these days. Would be fun to practice again.
Also, I'm going to stream Oblivion tonight

>> No.60152464
File: 95 KB, 1176x1061, F7JBy0bXIAAT68N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this frog makes my heart throb
please help

>> No.60152489


>> No.60152740

Do we have any confirmed neets?

>> No.60152792

I personally don't like her voice, content, or personality. She does have charming moments, but she doesn't align with my preferences.

>> No.60152801

Olga says she's a NEET

>> No.60152851

She is cute and was always very kind to me

>> No.60152890

what changed?

>> No.60152965

Haru is a neet

>> No.60152995

>can afford a trip to Europe

>> No.60153272

What a terrible name for a company

>> No.60153315

Nothing! I am ESL, sorry. "is"

>> No.60153317

She died

>> No.60153340

Me, technically, but every so often I get assigned work and lose NEET status

>> No.60153577

I'm not going to stream except if you want to hear my mother come out of no where speaking in russian or talking to my cats because I value all the time they need attentionor if you want to hear me mamble in pure ESL trying to convey my idea.
However I do want to make videos with a png (not like those damn westerner commentary png's tho).
But for now let me be a loyal viewer and draw weird requests on mspaint.

>> No.60153695

sounds like pure kino

>> No.60154241


>> No.60154618

>Walking around house
>See blinds in dimly lit room that are as high as I am tall
>think "haha that's half Herahera-chan's height"
Freeze in fear and stare as the low lighting makes it look as though they're shuffling towards me no matter where I look at them

>> No.60154778

who is live?

>> No.60154861

Nobody, now...

>> No.60154887

At this hour? Nobody

>> No.60154951

I am only die.

>> No.60155037

I only go live when I can overlap with at least three others

>> No.60155121

I'm gonna eat breakfast then go live

>> No.60155345

Mond is so endearing.

>> No.60155394

The spoilers are nothing other than huge buffs... well except maybe the first part. Also give them cats a headrub from me

>> No.60155639

Honestly as a pure viewer seeing those spoilers would be quite interesting.

>> No.60155655

There are no pure viewers. None of you are without sin.

>> No.60155674

Right now Cheen is live

>> No.60155700

Bitch my toaster can't handle streams so I'm pure af

>> No.60155708

name an aspie

>> No.60155716

I said what I said

>> No.60155728


>> No.60155774


>> No.60155790


>> No.60155834

what the fuck happened to the link

>> No.60155836


>> No.60155840

Edward Hyde.

>> No.60155852


>> No.60156108


>> No.60156143

Yeah, me

>> No.60156145


>> No.60156160
File: 129 KB, 470x595, 1693860698302172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty funny how Beryl streams at NEET hours despite having a full time job

>> No.60156256


>> No.60156291


>> No.60156499

someone needs to learn "a" from "some"

>> No.60156566

Would you be happier if I just posted several times pretending to be several people just so I can support all aspies I can recall? I can and would do that. Listing is easier tho.

>> No.60157542


>> No.60157546

Literally who?

>> No.60157633

Kokomelipan and never disrespect my wife like this again

>> No.60157645

I forgot that she changed name:

>> No.60157729

Simply jestin', brother, since she changed her name and all. We love and respect Koko in this house.

>> No.60158591

There's the new dino guy Mawg, he's on YouTube. He writes in JP a lot on Twitter, I've noticed.

>> No.60158630

When iriya has his meltdowns he types exlusively in jp

>> No.60159617

I love lava so much it's unfathomable

>> No.60159678

I got sketches for my model from my mama today... I am so cute >.<

>> No.60159690

Yes, we know Cheen.

>> No.60159732

Paid deposit on my artwork for next year's model. Now to sit on it for three months.

>> No.60160290

Not an aspie

>> No.60160344

He seems to be very prevalent in a lot of aspies chats.

>> No.60160416

gonna do my first stream on wednesday. I'm having a hard time deciding between just drawing and doing a low pressure chat stream or if I should play bideo game (probably dota which is still kinda low commitment). What do you think would be better?

>> No.60160506

>There's only like 3 or 5 that are still active around here.

>> No.60160515

Do you guys write the lore of your model

>> No.60160651


>> No.60160774

I never mentioned this place to him yet he mentioned it to me and commented on some of the things he read. I was surprised.

>> No.60161159

it's not like everyone that reads these threads needs to actively selfposting in them

>> No.60161241

I haven't gotten a piece of fan art in over a year and it makes me want to fucking kill myself

>> No.60161389

Self post more. Interact with drawfags more. Be a cute girl.

>> No.60161477

name now

>> No.60161681

Start with the drawing zatsu to gauge how you'd do interacting, you can always pivot to gaming

>> No.60161810

sucks to suck

>> No.60161887

"Fan art" implies fans. Build an audience.

>> No.60163377


>> No.60164183
File: 76 KB, 390x467, Screenshot_20231009_114504_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do innocent things with her (feed her soup, water her plants, brush her hair).

>> No.60164504


>> No.60165661

A lot of /asp/ies could do things like this for shorts, just voice out a stolen meme and maybe put your own spin on it

>> No.60166812

Anon, you're a genius! Making some Gianni Matragano-esque shitposts could be a lot of fun

>> No.60167074

I've considered doing something similar, I want to do Yugioh summoning chants

>> No.60167478
File: 44 KB, 399x694, vomsrura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

credit: nanahyaku7 mary on twt

>> No.60167637

Comfort me /asp/

>> No.60167714

I think you're right, thanks :)

>> No.60167788


>> No.60167819

C'mere, have a hug!

>> No.60167828

there there, it'll be alright

>> No.60167965

Hi Layla

>> No.60168112


>> No.60168169

Accuracy is at best 5%. As usual, you failed.

>> No.60168229


>> No.60168434

I see a wimp
I think of wisp

>> No.60168450

Skill issue

>> No.60168464

If you're happy to get literally anything i'd be happy to draw something for you (or anyone else in this general), although it'd be some /beg/ shit.

>> No.60168600
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, 1682613599257286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having one of those days where I feel like trying to be a chuuba but I can't think of a design to try
what would you do with this voice? and no I am not a femboy, I don't want to be one

>> No.60168696

Tells you how people feel about you

>> No.60168816

shota leprechaun

>> No.60169249

Watched Andy Graviti for the first time yesterday. She's a good speaker. Had nice little stories to tell.
I kinda fell for her voice and her laugh. They're really my type. I feel like her model is a slight debuff, though. Not the design, but the art style could be better.

>> No.60169314

>no I am not a femboy, I don't want to be one

Don't worry, you don't have a femboy voice, it reminds me of the voice of a pothead classmate I had in college, something a bit slurred and shy, just make a regular gamerbro model

>> No.60169701

Kuromaru should make an alt for all the Israel shilling. Really don't wanna see that kinda stuff on a vtuber focused tl

>> No.60169899

I think you're thinking about it wrong. Think of what you like and what you feel matches who you are as a person. voices mean different things to different people.

>> No.60169910

Chubba talking about politics? Heck yeah sign me up please.

>> No.60169951

It doesn't matter since you don't even watch him

>> No.60169968

We've told him about this before, he doesn't want to I guess.

>> No.60170024

weird post

>> No.60170033

It's an audience he wants, there are videos about politics on his channel

>> No.60170045

for me it's like, I literally cannot think of a good design whatsoever, I feel literal braindead at times, I'm not asking for my hand to be held it's just....I dunno what I even want at this point

>> No.60170083

Fits his image of being a demon and all

>> No.60170187

you could get an artist to try and do this. but it's frustrating working with someone who doesn't actually know what they want. I am doubling down in saying. What are your interests? Music? Games? Science? History? Medieval?

It can be just as valuable thinking about what you DON'T want as much as you do.

>> No.60170258

I started learning at 27. All it takes is the effort to do so. (And $17000 for a year of full immersion, that helps)

>> No.60170294

This vocaroo made me sad. How about a Jack in the box? Idk why but I get those kinda vibes here

>> No.60170524

I muted him lol

>> No.60170528

It's why I don't follow him or watch his content. Nothing against him personally, I just don't ever want to hear about politics in my life ever. Especially not in the fucking anime world.

>> No.60170670

What I did was listing all the things I thought were cool. Things like: characters, things, animals, places, clothes, shows, styles, etc. Then because I knew I kind of wanted a horror theme, I listed off all the things I found scary.

Then I built off of those.

>> No.60170726

how do i get schizos obsessed with me

>> No.60170771

Blogpost here a lot and interact with the girls

>> No.60170817

There used to be an albino furry in this thread. What happened to him?

>> No.60170818

Good timing.

>> No.60170829

You can start by just writing down a list of things you like. Not even design things, just things you really passionate about. Also as >>60170187 said, also include what you don't want in your design. Just remember that your interests don't have to mesh together at first. Just putting things down on paper will help you sort out what you eventually want. Also avoid trend chasing/"I think this would be a great meme" design choices/interests. You'll most likely regret those choices in the long run.

>> No.60170834
File: 317 KB, 640x658, initial impression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace it and become a chaVtuber

>> No.60170836

Are (You) applying to OffKai?
I am because why not

>> No.60170876

Haru? He's on vacation.

>> No.60170897

Post your link, anon, I promise I'll obsess over you and make walls of text here complaining every time after you finish your stream :>

>> No.60170923

No because I'm applying to Holostars even though I know I'm NGMI

>> No.60170928


>> No.60170929

List the things you like the most, base your design on one of these, then add details on the others. You may get something great or you may get something horrible, who knows, but at least you will have *something*, and then you can start to think about what works and what doesn't

>> No.60170971

wait offkai has a group???? confused

>> No.60170985

Listen to me very carefully.
Sentient cactus. With a tophat. And a cup of tea.

>> No.60170987

I'm 33 with no realistic budget to help

>> No.60171055

jk i saw the post, what makes you think any of us would guest at offkai TnT

>> No.60171061

Applying as a guest.
I believe in you anon!

>> No.60171062

I can be obsessed with you for half an hour every Saturday is that good enough?

>> No.60171081

Start from basic principles and build out. Are they human or something else? Are they tall or short? What do they do when they're not playing Minecraft on the Internet?

>> No.60171126

Is he Pro Israel?
Big yikes.

>> No.60171145

You can get books from the Library for free dude.
If you don't have the means to travel there, maybe you shouldn't be posting on the internet.

The dude that took a year in Japan for "Immersion" is a Grade A retard. You don't need to spend that much to learn a language.

>> No.60171159

Did you just never have a dumb OC when you were a kid?

>> No.60171184

It'd be funnier if he was just pro-war.

>> No.60171255
File: 1.24 MB, 838x869, orgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really do 5 guys

>> No.60171288

Just start studying, even if it's a few minutes a day, it only seems very complex because you're looking at things from a western perspective, I'd recommend starting with simple lessons on renshuu and when you have a foundation you'll be able to put together a study schedule yourself

>> No.60171327

I feel I'm too old for that shit.
Maybe if I was there representing a Corpo, but not as I am right now.
Also all the weird sexpest stories doesn't seem fun.

The dang place also makes absolutely no sense, seems like something Vtweeters go to.

>> No.60171545

Kuro should do a collab with gween

>> No.60171582
File: 1.79 MB, 1504x1449, olgizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy drawing

>> No.60171588

People over 30 need to leave this hobby.

>> No.60171617

Half of the JP holos are definitely over 30.

>> No.60171664

Get stuffed zoomer lmao

>> No.60171686

And they need to hop on my cock instead

>> No.60171695

You'll lose most of the good Corpo Chuubas lol.
Hell of a Monkey's Paw.
Hope you like watching Titty Mcgee for the 10th time.

>> No.60171756

Actually thinking about it, if /asp/ actually followed through on the Clover Corp larp, I could see it happening

>> No.60171766

Fuck you, you faggot. I hope you find a nice sexo hag you fall in love with and regret ever posting this shit

>> No.60171795

You gotta grind before you can get into Holo.
You need to either be a established content creator or an established vtuber, at least 1k followers.

>> No.60171812

Anons over 30 are very innocent, they always reply to the most obvious baits... very cute...

>> No.60171883

thank you for stopping by anon! i’m working on it!! the artstyle is shit because i made my png and design but i’m working on getting something better commissioned

>> No.60171904

No thanks, I'm not taking care of a used up roastie now that she's ready to settle down

>> No.60172022

So? They should move to management or behind the scenes work, like an actual adult.
I'll outlive you
Define "good".
Most good corpos started before they turned 30, but they should start retiring like Nina did.
I guess women over 30 who are too ugly and old to find a partner and start a family, and have nothing else going on in their boring christmas cake lives can get a slight pass.
Men over 30 have absolutely no business being a vtuber.

>> No.60172059

>Men over 30 have absolutely no business being a vtuber.
You never had a father and it shows

>> No.60172131

Lmao I'm not replying to bait anymore.
You got me, you widdle zoomer tyke.
Aww so blackpilled!

>> No.60172218


>> No.60172247

the toy in a box?

>> No.60172389

also I have access to an old clip twitter and youtube which is fairly inactive, is it okay to recycle it for my own project at this point or would it be rather scummy? the chuuba in question is now in a corpo and I don't clip them any more as they have tons of people to do that

>> No.60172395

If someone goes back to Video format (instead of streaming) as an aspiring vtuber, would they still be counted as an /asp/ie or is it only for streaming?

>> No.60172431

Once an aspie, always an aspie. If you aspire, you're an aspie.

>> No.60172534

I don't think it's scummy, but I don't know if it would be worth it, the people who liked your clips might not like you and the algorithm isn't kind to channels that have been inactive for a long time that come back to posting

>> No.60172549

the funny thing about this post? I literally just recorded a gameplay zatsu thing, I just need to find where my copy of sony vegas is so I can edit stuff out and cover up some things

anyone able to do me a solid? I had a link to vegas but it's gone from my search history

>> No.60172571

olga's a comfy person

>> No.60172628


>> No.60172670

how bad will the algorithm fuck me?
last upload was a few months ago
I have 2.09K subscribers on youtube and I think 800+ on twitter
yeah youtube is shit for chuubas but it would give me a buff with an existing channel?

>> No.60172768

>be me
>have over two year gap no uploads
>algorithm isn’t kind to channels that have been inactive for a long time that come back to posting
>check the algorithm’s favor on my recent videos
Sauce and/or clarification, please?

>> No.60172854
File: 599 KB, 754x455, OW Promo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First shooter in forever! We're playing Overwatch! Feel free to join the squad!

>> No.60172880

I don't want to link it as I'd get outed but last clip prior to a video upload was 1 year ago, the most recent clip is 2 months ago.

It's not that I hate the chuuba that they are now in a corpo (they've done really well for themselves and glad to see them break through) but I'm just thinking if their PL being showcased is even worth it now.

>> No.60172898

The only way to answer your question is to post some clips and see how much traction they get, good luck

>> No.60173193

i can make a clover corp logo…. :)

>> No.60173211

You are 30, type like a normal person.

>> No.60173323

how to get dedicated viewers?

>> No.60173400
File: 80 KB, 2133x630, IMG_1991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not, I have uploads from last year on this channel. Views so minuscule they don’t appear. I dunno anything about the algos being unkind to users with gaps in uploads.

>> No.60173424 [DELETED] 
File: 853 KB, 4096x3426, F7m38KRWkAAnJsV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ adjacent kyanvas is live

>> No.60173474

studying... with 3DIO on!

>> No.60173560

Be parasocial

>> No.60173587

Olga is streaming

>> No.60173588

Date your viewers

>> No.60173615

Just stream, if people like your content they'll come back

>> No.60173753

I dont think we should be posting her here.
She is literally not an aspie, and this isnt wvt.

>> No.60173861

Let her be. She is networking with aspies and drawing aspies. She belongs here too. We have space, everyone can join. Don't be a gatekeeper.

>> No.60174026

i'll be the first advocate for not gatekeeping too hard but lets be real, if they aren't even here then its not really gatekeeping, they just didnt even turn up at the gate to begin with

>> No.60174127

Its not gatekeeping, she is just not of this place.
Like I said, this is not /wvt/, so if people wanna post their own link its fine but shilling someone outside of this place because she drew rura once is retarded.
Maybe she doesnt wanna be associated with 4chan.

>> No.60174151

>Let her be
I'd be happy to welcome her, if she was actually here. Stop posting random people.

>> No.60174171

All information about the algorithm here is pure anecdote, just start posting and if it works it works if not try another way

>> No.60174172

yeah the fact she is drawing and interacting is why I'm fine with posting her, she probably is a poster too on /vt/

>> No.60174223

Everyone can be an /asp/ even drawfags.. Actually, can they count as /asp/ies?
Some people here are more active despite being viewers and want to become a vtuber but with some circumstances they cant. . . Like art fags. So i'm wondering if they even count as one?

>> No.60174300
File: 602 KB, 856x900, DigbyIsHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digby here, you know I'll always love you /asp/
Tonight I shall be proving that I can fly a fighter jet
So come watch me not crash ever!


>> No.60174355

Nigga, this is NOT /wvt/.
If you wanna shill her somewhere go there.

>> No.60174478

drawfriends facing chuuba allegations again...

>> No.60174505

If she's here, she's welcome to share her own link. I hate the recent trend of sharing links to random VTubers; it reminds me of WVT. If you'd like to share links to randoms, please consider doing so there.

>> No.60174609

I will never stream

>> No.60174652

a person who draw /asp/ies, clip /asp/ies, watch aspies and it's an active chatter
and stream, but doesn't selfpost here
that person is an /asp/ie adjacent
some people don't want to be associated with le edgy 4chan, but want to help /asp/ies

>> No.60174783

Some people posted here once and never again but still associate with /asp/-tubers, who would those be considered?

>> No.60175038

Self identifying here once is enough conformation desu. Shilling people who never posted is more of a /wvt/ thing. Self posting in /asp/ even once immediately gives you a pass to be shilled.

>> No.60175106

/wvt/ is a containment zone for the 4-5 /here/tuber girls who aren't popular enough to have their own thread on /vt/.

>> No.60175127

That doesn't make any sense. Someone could have someone skinwalk them and pretend to be them once, and then continue to be shilled afterwards then.

>> No.60175224

you post some draw/sketch or any other proof that only the person have, and is completely new to the internet (0 results on reverse google search and saucenao)

>> No.60175359

I'm just stating what I see. If you want a recent example, Chirami was gatekept until she self posted.

Skinwalkers don't skinwalk in good faith. They used to be more common, but haven't had one since the Camui incident.

>> No.60175439

Digby literally just posted there

>> No.60175483
File: 112 KB, 510x496, tornkite slep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small little sleepy stream! Continuing the Oblivion adventures https://www.twitch.tv/tornkite

>> No.60175610

Nah Chirami just hasn't posted a link recently
I think schizos will return next time

>> No.60175740

>until she self posted.
She has never self posted

>> No.60176250

she talked about how she didnt want to interact with men, at least be a schizo about the actual rrats

>> No.60176330

>doesn't want to interact with men
>posts on thread that's 90% men

>> No.60176471

i want my cock sucked, by a girl

>> No.60176506

She never self identified.

>> No.60176737

I exclusively use VTubing as an excuse to groom people.

>> No.60176748

Listen here you little shit

>> No.60176782
File: 416 KB, 1444x1298, Illustration10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60176844

She doesn't want to upset the simp market and anonymous posting doesn't really do that

>> No.60176862

Ogey Camui

>> No.60176970
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, Outlast 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60177014

Perfect timing

>> No.60177019

As soon as she has interacted with rinna the n this thread she made art of her and posted it on twitter, also has been in multiple aspies chats

>> No.60177031

I am skinwalked often even after the Camui stuff...

>> No.60177322

call it out then

>> No.60177429

No one is falling for your skinwalker, Layla. They're not very good at it.

>> No.60177480

I always try to call out when I see it.

>> No.60177526

Thank you for saying that XD it makes me feel a bit better

>> No.60177886

It's not really skinwalking, it's more of a satirical take on her, she's practically living off the attention she gets in the thread rather than focusing on being a vtuber

>> No.60178102


>> No.60178153

>no aspie in the op
seething ngmi baker

>> No.60179967


Guys I know he isn't an aspie, heck he isn't even a Vtuber. But he streams on twitch and a lot of us stream on twitch so I think it's fine posting him here. Go show him some love, he doesn't get any otherwise
