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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1016 KB, 1920x1017, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59974823 No.59974823 [Reply] [Original]

fallenshadow looking to the right

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1709322708155002889

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>59932142

>> No.59974903


>> No.59974915
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>> No.59974956

Shondo loves Doomcock

>> No.59974957

Passionate love making with Shondo with tons of hand holding and neck kisses

>> No.59974975

wrong she loves my little pp she calls it her wiggly worm

>> No.59974982
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>> No.59974999


>> No.59975017


>> No.59975066

shondo in my arms while she gives me tons of wet kisses

>> No.59975136

shondo in my lap bouncing on my dick

>> No.59975251
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>> No.59975272


>> No.59975278


>> No.59975285
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>> No.59975296


>> No.59975305


>> No.59975317


>> No.59975365
File: 1.11 MB, 1185x667, 1671572752655191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59975406
File: 262 KB, 1000x1661, F3CraynXcAAo9en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi? She farts.
When she farts, it stinks.
Her chair is stained with the scent of her flatulent pheromones.
When your oshi forgets to mute or, god forbid, does sit-ups with her asshole pointing at the mic, I will be there.

>> No.59975426
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>> No.59975483


>> No.59975504

TvT I'd love to hear her toots

>> No.59975523


>> No.59975568

and this is why we are separated

>> No.59975589

I want to have kids with her so bad

>> No.59975617

>he doesnt know

>> No.59975628


>> No.59975639

nta but even though she cant I still want to impregnate her more than anything in the world

>> No.59975649

Immaculate conception

>> No.59975656

not what I meant >:)

>> No.59975661


>> No.59975663

its the >routine thread rape check
how is that double dipping? are you retarded?
its routine, and every thread.

>> No.59975714

I will fuck her so hard that your child is turned to pulp inside of her

>> No.59975723

>shes not doing birthday songs anymore
Dammit, and my birthday was just coming up

>> No.59975734

She's just focused on the game anon

>> No.59975750

She will if shes streaming on the actual day. bring it up during zatsu

>> No.59975762

only for favorites

>> No.59975775


>> No.59975790


>> No.59975800

stop whining, she wont ever do mine cause she will think that im just joking
i unironically have the worst birthday possible

>> No.59975817


>> No.59975822

you good?

>> No.59975825

april 1st? why would she

>> No.59975871
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>> No.59975874

The Dimensional Merge was real, I can't believe Chris Chan was right

>> No.59975894

Leap day?

>> No.59975916

im insecure about it, my whole life is a joke

>> No.59975954

Gay, who wants to learn they're a third tier cuck on their birthday

>> No.59975961

dont worry shes not streaming on that day next year

>> No.59975963

i just noticed those bots are still going
i dont get it

>> No.59975981

The idea is to either shit up chat with people who see it high up and ruining the vibe or to get her banned for viewbotting

>> No.59975984

Thanks for leaking the paris trip, wheelchairuser69

>> No.59975985

Whats even the point of doing that?

>> No.59975991

imagine slowly peeling off her sock, and as you're pulling off the last part she stretches her little toes ToT

>> No.59975994

great job now some /here/fag will mention it in chat and make her nervous

>> No.59976027

my rrat is that they're botting her and then massreporting her for viewbotting, hoping she gets banned for it

>> No.59976026

its a monday retard

>> No.59976033

can she get in trouble for someone else's actions like that though?

>> No.59976052

how do you know that she wont stream on monday

>> No.59976074

I never saw someone get in trouble for that

>> No.59976081


>> No.59976086

Will she finally start dying to combat in Hell? The game has been way too easy so far.

>> No.59976094

Nope, just a waste of money for retards who don't know better, even if she was the one viewbotting its basically impossible to prove shes the one doing it.

>> No.59976148

wtf, why does it move 1 weekday each year, thats so fucking weird

>> No.59976296

The entire game is easy

>> No.59976309

I'm blind, what bots?

>> No.59976321

1k+ worth of viewbots

>> No.59976327

She's on normal, which is basically easy in 2016

>> No.59976355

Is it really viewbots?

>> No.59976374

people saw it in action, it was like surges of 200 viewers at a time joining in the middle of the zatsu

>> No.59976390
File: 291 KB, 1878x1788, rank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondbros... im confused
> draw the bulge as joke.
> the bulge for some reason is highest so far ranked art

>> No.59976415

Sorry I'm too sexy

>> No.59976420

I'm just that sexy.

>> No.59976422 [DELETED] 

Troons want to commission art of her

>> No.59976431

you know what must be done

>> No.59976436
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>> No.59976451

shoggers are gay

>> No.59976484

give shondo a bulge next time to test

>> No.59976519

>still calling them daddy
so how do we feel about the extended cuck arc shoggers

>> No.59976521

>viewbots are gone
>-1000 viewers

>> No.59976530
File: 495 KB, 651x543, 1688585804021290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this enemy is annoying
this enemy is annoying
>this enemy is annoying and female

>> No.59976573
File: 3.57 MB, 1280x720, uoh-sex[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftrucmm.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomf plap plap plap

>> No.59976932

100 subs = €399 ($423)

>> No.59977261


>> No.59977332

I think she's falling for Mancubus too

>> No.59977374

yeah I wish I was her daddy too

>> No.59977443

She was too upset about killing her daddies to beat the challenge

>> No.59977566

she can read the lore but she can't read mission descriptions or UI elements

>> No.59977569

I miss when she did normal voice ara ara :(

>> No.59977756

one is genuinly interesting and the other is mansplaining

>> No.59977793

her mind works in mysterious ways
>you can just double jump
>wtf I double jumped at the guy above me and it didn't footstomp him syadouBrainless

>> No.59977794

waiting for her to say this is "bad game design"

>> No.59977899
File: 78 KB, 590x900, FV9aZRjXoAEcKZQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on tranimals
>kills demons
>is based
what did she mean by this?
best stream in ages

>> No.59977901

Its really cute when shes bad at games, real little sister experience

>> No.59977930

she always says this kek

>> No.59977954

she does good for the handicap but games aren't made for the handicapped

>> No.59977978

reminder that she is an alphabet soup girl herself
and is transage

>> No.59978013


>> No.59978021

Can't agree with that. The Slime Rancher stream last week was miles better, and even before that there were the Fahrenheit streams.

>> No.59978036

You forgot transheight

>> No.59978055

do not group her in with faggots and trannies you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.59978081

she literally bi

>> No.59978090

please ignore the antis for once

>> No.59978092

I think we found her new daddy

>> No.59978103

you are literally retarded

>> No.59978131

Yeah me

>> No.59978139

What is wrong with some of you guys? Actually

>> No.59978166

nice bait kek

>> No.59978211

and here I thought this thread couldnt be as bad as the last one

>> No.59978250

she doesn't want you in her community

>> No.59978261

threads are always fine until the muricans wake up

>> No.59978269

she doesnt want YOU in her community, you nasty troon

>> No.59978278

Please stop replying, the BBC poster is trying something new to bait you

>> No.59978282

Kill yourse- ah whatever. You will do that anyway.

>> No.59978284

she doesn't want people who pick fights in her community so gtfo

>> No.59978350

>literally wants the Baron of Hell to step on her
shes so slutty ToT

>> No.59978384


>> No.59978423

As much as I hate trannies. All of you fags shitting up the thread is worse, so fuck off.

>> No.59978427

dilate your rot pocket

>> No.59978477

did I strike a nerve or something you guys are real irritable

>> No.59978487

>sudden long stream
Nice, at this rate she should be able to finish Doom next week

>> No.59978513

>critter is gone at a sleepover so i can stream longer today
>i won't do that though because i want to watch movies with the elder and i'm tired
what the FUCK did she mean by this?

>> No.59978558

to let you know that she doesnt want to spend time with (you) specifically

>> No.59978563

that she spends most of her waking time with us or working with us so she treasures her opportunities to have quality time with her family?

>> No.59978591

newfag fuck off

>> No.59978598

She values her family

>> No.59978642

well of course, but why even say that she could stream for longer then? it just turned into some kind of weird tease. she should've just ended it at 11 and go hang out with her. i don't know why shoggers always take the worst possible interpretation of anything that's said and decides to run with it

>> No.59978672

So that people don't tell her it's time to end, because she doesn't need to end at her usual time, are you dumb?

>> No.59978685

to explain why she's going past time today, are you just taking the piss

>> No.59978700

retard holy fuck

>> No.59978706

>she should've just ended it at 11
But she is going for an hour longer. Got a problem with that antichama?
>i don't know why shoggers always take the worst possible interpretation of anything that's said and decides to run with it

>> No.59978751

We really need a break from these threads shoggers are losing their minds

>> No.59978776

to let (you) know where (you) stand

>> No.59978783

no, she immediately backpedaled and said she probably wouldn't do an hour, fucking threadshitter. watch the stream

>> No.59978816


>> No.59978817

It's morons replying to antis, nothing new

>> No.59978824


>> No.59978840

>grrr the threads
The threads are fine. Just because it's not the same level of saccharide as chat doesn't mean it's too nasty for any normal person

>> No.59978878


>> No.59978901

Retards replying to baits has been an issue since the very first Shondo threads

>> No.59978921

sissy ass bitch

>> No.59978938

she mentioned that she was ok on the time today because that tranny retard kiri faggot never shuts the fuck up about it SHONDO THE TIME

>> No.59978939

Come fuck my ass big boy

>> No.59978967

Just redo yesterday so no one makes a thread

>> No.59978978

she's giving herself too much credit that she webmd'd "my gash fucking spews blood regularly" and beat an ancient pajeet in a poor rural part of ingerland

>> No.59978988

thats why I go to the local carpenter whenever I have a headache

>> No.59978990

That lasted all of 2 hours

>> No.59978993

>29 IPs
>more than half of the posters are retared
every fucking time

>> No.59978995

she's so, fucking, stupid

>> No.59978999

it's possible to figure out her shoe size from this image if you knew those box dimensions haha

>> No.59979011


>> No.59979032

always go the pub and talk with the lads, they always help you

>> No.59979056

She said her shoe size plenty of times. Watch streams.

>> No.59979114

I went away for a hot minute what is she talking about?

>> No.59979177

>t. coping medicuck

>> No.59979179

How she used to blindly trust doctors before the string of fuck ups her local one made

>> No.59979178

the UK unironically sounds like some random 3rd world country

>> No.59979181

her personal grudge against one doctor and why that means most of them aren't trustworthy

>> No.59979207

her ego got stroked once in her life by being right over a doctor a singular time, and now the entire medical field is useless and everyone should just do their google research

>> No.59979208

bring it up again in chat, see if she agrees with you this time instead of shutting you down for the nth time

>> No.59979221

Shondo is the last person I would expect to >imagine the smell post considering her lack of smell

>> No.59979226

stop reading my messages it's creepy

>> No.59979227

>doctors are arrogant
>i know sometimes patients dont know what they are talking about, not me though im always right

>> No.59979240

i think its that most places are complete shit for various unique reasons

>> No.59979250

Thank you guys .

>> No.59979251

t. pajeet doctor

>> No.59979256

>wow doomguy must be so hot and sweaty ;)
shes so fucking horny this stream. literally never heard her get this horny on stream befor

>> No.59979285

It's good that she started to backtrack the second she looked at chat and saw that the entire chat was typing paragraphs instead of just emote spamming

>> No.59979329

medicucks seething that they wasted their lives for a useless voodoo field

>> No.59979349

she's probably more upset that he "killed" her grandfather by not putting him on a ventilator where he'd probably die anyway

>> No.59979356

shondo stop typing in the thread

>> No.59979368

true, must suck making $400k+ a year

>> No.59979375

>cum now
>I'm ready
Clip NOW

>> No.59979380

mass immigration innit

>> No.59979381

Its all the gore

>> No.59979384

I forgot to make a bait thread sorry guys. I'll do better tomorrow

>> No.59979404

She is right, most doctors are retarded. I mean, who the fuck wants to be a doctor anyway? It takes ages until you are one, you have to be around disgusting sick people all the time, and you don't get payed that much.

>> No.59979410

>uhhh but dey die on da vent
and he died off it. and it wasnt like in the hospitals where they had fucking 4 on a vent at a time

>> No.59979436

literally the best paid profession, but okay lol. where the fuck do you live?

>> No.59979439

cant make any money if you get no patients

>> No.59979442

What are more gore filled games for Shondo to play?

>> No.59979444

>$400k+ a year
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA in your dreams medcuck. You will be one of the first ones to get replaced by AI.

>> No.59979479

nah, people like you that do nothing but shitpost on the internet 24/7 were the first ones to be replaced.

>> No.59979484

Doctors that own strings of clinics and make millions a year are offsetting the chump who cant get hired by a hospital or cant get their residency and have that much in med school debt

>> No.59979491

this is what american big pharma and uk free healthcare does to your brains, people.
live in an actual first world country people.

>> No.59979547

what is with the thread today, can you guys talk like human beings

>> No.59979555


>> No.59979559

>literally the best paid profession
Maybe in your shithole where they are all in the pockets of big pharma, but a regular honest doctor doesn't earn that much.

>> No.59979561

Why are you fags so angry today?

>> No.59979569

No it's the big strong doomchads thundercock giving her what her husbands cant

>> No.59979582

some rednecks probably found their way into the thread

>> No.59979598

did a new KF fag start promoting her or something

>> No.59979605

Is anyone here actually watching stream? Why are you so mad today has been great

>> No.59979621

Yes, my wife is retarded and keeps shooting at a wall

>> No.59979671

the 1k bots dropped off, guess they got bored or smth

>> No.59979686


>> No.59979713

you people had a collective meltdown when i said i wanted to watch the game today because it would be kino and you called me a gamefag and insisted she should've kept talking about her audio issues instead or whatever. make up your fucking minds, retards.

>> No.59979745

We're just a bit cranky from getting kek'd all afternoon

>> No.59979753

wow you can really hold a grudge are you a woman by any chance?

>> No.59979752

Wanting to watch the game doesn't make you a gamefag, it's complaining about the zatsu.

>> No.59979797

this post was written by an underaged hormonal boy

>> No.59979849

>The only way to close a portal to Hell is to go to the Well
What's next, Cell?

>> No.59979902


>> No.59979911

shondo is the person they did the buckets of fluorescent yellow paint for

>> No.59979938

he will ring the bell to get in the cell too

>> No.59979937

doom in particular seems to raise the menhera in /shon/ by 500%. happened last time too

>> No.59979939
File: 737 B, 54x22, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, back to a 3view now

>> No.59979948

would Sho be a DBZ kinda guy or MHA

>> No.59979964

its almost 1100 for me

>> No.59979972

I told you, it's all the kekolding that gets shoggers panties in a twist

>> No.59979980

People always bitch about yellow paint and shit like that in games but forget that 90% of "gamers" are retards that need it

>> No.59979997

It just went up to 1075 for me.

>> No.59979998

it's moving up and down a lot for some reason. i think they're still trying to bot her

>> No.59980055

they're literally doing it here though, the way forward is marked with neon green lights that aren't ruining the level aesthetic

>> No.59980145

hahaha women

>> No.59980175

Why did Oli open a portal to hell?

>> No.59980207

one day she'll use that excuse when she does something extremely stupid and everyone will just accept it

>> No.59980219

for the hunky demons

>> No.59980235

Girls just wanna have fun

>> No.59980236

humans cant satisfy her

>> No.59980237

the only creatures that can satisfy her sexual urges

>> No.59980242

she already does. more likely is she gets uncomfortable cuz she made a fanbase that hates women so much.

>> No.59980254

she does that regularly

>> No.59980257

More meat for her to snusnu to death.

>> No.59980317

Just like Shondo

>> No.59980394
File: 6 KB, 580x443, 1694190124412145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top gear got cancelled
This is worse news than the queen dying, it's unironically shover

>> No.59980435

how does this affect the Shonomy

>> No.59980439

I thought it ended years ago?

>> No.59980447

damn thats crazy
dont care though

>> No.59980461

go vroom vroom somewhere else

>> No.59980520

Didn't the cast that actually made the show good was canned a few years ago?

>> No.59980568


>> No.59980579

>skipping having more air mobility
I'm gonna grab the controller from her

>> No.59980650

she's too horny to think straight, please understand

>> No.59980833

its unironically fucking over for me, i somehow managed to reset my 4chanx on accident and lost all filters

>> No.59980883

Backups exist for a reason

>> No.59980900

Need art of shondo getting fucked to death by some of the doom enemies

>> No.59980899

>needing filters
>not mentally filtering things

>> No.59980908

What did you filter? I never used any.

>> No.59980924


>> No.59980952

I know Shondo would unironically be into that cuckshit too. Just to piss her off, make it the pinky.

>> No.59980985

yeah im stupid
have fun mentally filtering 30 bbc and rekt threads every time you visit /gif/

>> No.59981017

>every time you visit /gif/
i only fap to shondo so its not a problem for me

>> No.59981027

your fault for visiting there

>> No.59981034
File: 524 KB, 726x778, 1685044915558713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I use /gif/?

>> No.59981076
File: 31 KB, 360x360, Ffzpy8EWQAIIkyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you looking at on /gif/ anon

>> No.59981109

/gif/ hasnt been good in millennia, wtf are you doing shogga

>> No.59981144

>almost aims at the back
>goes to the front
Violent choking body slam the second she finishes streaming

>> No.59981151

wmaf, asians, solo female

>> No.59981166


>> No.59981186

>no stream Friday to rest up for long sarurday
>OK doom but not a long stream
>OK longer than normal but not the full hour longer
>OK an hour

>> No.59981198

I love her so much

>> No.59981264

alright thats fine
planks is worth checking out

>> No.59981287

She's allergic to not streaming

>> No.59981347

that's going a bit far anon

>> No.59981378

Do you not remember the number of times she's tried to stream despite being too sick to do anything?

>> No.59981455

>running out of ammo
>refuses to use the chainsaw

>> No.59981495

she is really good at this game btw

>> No.59981529

>hello handsome ;) *chu chu*
it is sho shover

>> No.59981564

everything is relative anon. i'm impressed by how good she is all things considered

>> No.59981587

Shes like the overwatch players who think theyre pros just because they spent 1000 hours fapping to the models in SFM

>> No.59981589

Compared to most people I've seen play it for the first time? Absolutely, she also isn't over relying on the pistol.

>> No.59981595

That's one of the reasons why I hope she plays the original Doom before attempting Eternal and getting annoyed at the mechanics

>> No.59981662

clip that little girl hole part

>> No.59981675

thought she was done "performing" but she's still doing the "oops I just remembered I need to be intimate" kisses

>> No.59981682

Shondo's little girl hole ToT

>> No.59981701

She really wants Doom Guy inside her

>> No.59981718

eternal will filter her

>> No.59981724

also the "fuck me" parts

>> No.59981756

Yes, entirely due to how more difficult it is, especially on controller

>> No.59981757

I see you are performing as a retard? You are doing a good job

>> No.59981760

No, those were real, but those kisses were for the Doom Man. She dropped the decoy.

>> No.59981771

why don't you ever do anything yourselves

>> No.59981783

Stop replying to bait shogga

>> No.59981787

we're not getting an i love you today

>> No.59981838
File: 249 KB, 488x646, 1694640790239046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59981858

Absolutely not. She's speeding off to the bathroom to fap to doom fantasies.

>> No.59981921


>> No.59981925

i was making a joke about the chainsaw but that too

>> No.59981958
File: 174 KB, 378x305, 1679527198110882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending before 7 btw

>> No.59981962

she's about to end

>> No.59981974

remember when she came back to stream naked after she bathed, why hasnt she done it again since then

>> No.59982004

I simply notice things. She started doing them around when she started to "perform" in her words. It's the same as when she notices redeems.

>> No.59982006

You could hear her put her panties on ToT

>> No.59982036

what the fuck shogga, i was literally thinking about those subathon moments earlier today. but yeah, we're never getting that subathon level of intimacy ever again. that's just over

>> No.59982059

She hasn't bathed on stream since

>> No.59982077

she didnt say i love you

>> No.59982135

she's such a fucking contrarian brat. stop reading the thread shondo

>> No.59982144

>Watchalong tomorrow
>Already ate all my snacks earlier this week
It's shover

>> No.59982166


>> No.59982202
File: 1.24 MB, 922x800, 1671166016364337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am now imagining Shondo in a swimsuit

>> No.59982217

holy christ alice is so cute

>> No.59982219

Cucking Shondo by sobbing for Alice. That'll show her after today.

>> No.59982232

i am now imagining her with my cum dripping out of her pussy

>> No.59982251

we got it after all, but it was an "own the haters" one. idk how to feel

>> No.59982253

I see by the thread this was her worst stream in a while

>> No.59982259
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I'm not a swimsuit expert but I don't think that's how they're meant to work

>> No.59982265

bye shondo, alice is my oshi now

>> No.59982288


>> No.59982295

It gets me hard, so I'd say it works pretty well.

>> No.59982296

it was really good, the threads were dogshit though for some reason

>> No.59982317

>people actually staying instead of leaving directly
says alot about shonciety

>> No.59982321

it was alright

>> No.59982330

How can she raid someone with an outfit that cute and funny and not expect me to sob?

>> No.59982333

Threads still wearing off from the effect of the full moon

>> No.59982347

how new

>> No.59982375
File: 203 KB, 550x404, 1691778495834820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna watch Alice in the background while I work on shit anyways so it saves me time. Shondo has motivated to actually do the thing I wanted to do.

>> No.59982384

has alice always been this fucking sexy? her movements are so SEX

>> No.59982389

dogshit, she spent the whole time cumming to the doom man and the demons

>> No.59982402

I tend to stay after getting raided into her and I need to stay up anyways

>> No.59982408

fuck alice why are you so sexy, please shondo, steal me back from this harlot

>> No.59982443

You're all whores and should feel bad

>> No.59982489

Stream was good, thread was retarded for retards being fucking retarded.

>> No.59982510

Like fans like oshi

>> No.59982643
File: 3.34 MB, 600x340, 1694862829198895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have such a way with words anon

>> No.59982679

Pretty retarded way desu

>> No.59982733

>for some reason
do you really expect to see men watch their wife slobber over thick cock for 5 hours and not feel a little crazy

>> No.59982776

we're just ogling women alongside her

>> No.59982840

and shes going to go ogle more hunks with her grandma straight after

>> No.59982943

alice responds to more messages in chat than shondo... while in VR... while not used to this high of a CCV... sugoi

>> No.59983002

So this is the power of not having favorites...

>> No.59983006

and half of chat isn't useless emote spam

>> No.59983112

please rate the stream

>> No.59983134

move over shondo I have a new oshi

>> No.59983160

please rape the streamer

>> No.59983168

I'd rather not

>> No.59983183

suck my cock and balls shondo

>> No.59983212


>> No.59983213

7/10 - good, but nothing special

>> No.59983263

9/10 It's painfully funny seeing her get lost in the same section for the 10th time

>> No.59983275

3/10 retarded zatsu, retarded streamer, too much cuck content
it was kind of funny seeing her get stuck and fucked, but that was one pearl in a pile of shit

>> No.59983290


>> No.59983409
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>> No.59983480

You will never get that fumo. You will never get the stuffed shunny.

>> No.59983541

She will be mine and she will drown in my cum.

>> No.59983545

I will fuck the fumo

>> No.59983633

Interesting verbiage! Very familiar.

>> No.59983641

best raid in a long time/10

>> No.59983734

I don't get it.

>> No.59984000


>> No.59984200

Alice's stage outfit (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)

>> No.59984205
File: 171 KB, 729x703, 1696467766060636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tied my knot with shondo 2 years ago
>respected her wishes and her menheraness
>never watched anyone else
>eventually start feeling burned out for various reasons
>spend the past few days watching a few other vtubers
>slowly realizing i've lost out on A LOT of amazing experiences due to shondo's emotional blackmail
>you are here

>> No.59984232

Who are you quoting?

>> No.59984277

yeah its pretty fucked up. good news is she's mostly over it too so you can cum to her friends all you want, no sweat

>> No.59984291

What's next for you?

>> No.59984345

Oiling Nina's next Ninathon so we can actually get the daki

>> No.59984556

That’s nice anon maybe leave and go post in your 1view’s thread then

>> No.59984607

No one cared yesterday and no one cares today. Move on already if it's that big of a deal for you

>> No.59984650

He's one of those types that can't move on unless he gets attention for it (no one gives a shit what he does so it's an endless loop)

>> No.59984666

He's talking about his overall experience with Shondo so it's on topic. Why are some of you so defensive when people talk about leaving Shondo? If he leaves he's leaving Shondo not you.

>> No.59984670

Ok bye!

>> No.59984729

I'm sorry that no one gives a shit about you leaving anon, hopefully whatever 1view NGMI you're plaguing cares more

>> No.59984730


>> No.59984774

Any advice how to fall asleep, i'm going to sleep at 8Am since 1 week now and only fall asleep at 11, its terrible pls help me my shoggas

>> No.59984780

Alright ignore what my post said I guess

>> No.59984799

such is life with a pretend wife

>> No.59984825

I just listen to Shondo's ASMR until I doze off

>> No.59984929

yeah, its important to realize that no matter what she says, a performance is just a performance

>> No.59985195

Which 1view are you, I’ll drop you a follow

>> No.59985246

Stop giving the retard attention, anon

>> No.59985508

this is why you don't go the extra mile just to virtue signal about something she said is completely fine (watching other streamers)

>> No.59985520

this mindset will just keep you stuck here when you should be moving on

>> No.59985575
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, 1691674197077487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long is he planning to samefag

>> No.59985632

He's done it for months I don't think he will stop

>> No.59985642

>le samefagging

>> No.59986159

It is what it is. I'll still love Shondo

>> No.59986401

I hate that cat

>> No.59986435

when's he gonna grow into his skin

>> No.59986465
File: 419 KB, 2048x2015, 1679787493877683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 days

>> No.59986524
File: 288 KB, 2048x1454, F0Y87raXoAMhEdQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you

>> No.59986631

Are we ignoring the fact Shondo said she trained Otis to jump up to her chest for her to catch him with an audio cue
That’s kind of crazy I’ve never heard of anyone training cats to do tricks I thought they just didn’t

>> No.59986677

Doesn't sound too crazy, that said I don't own a cat so maybe it is

>> No.59987429

Goodluck anon, glad you found the motivation to do it

>> No.59987543

something something woman

>> No.59987749

why would shondo lie to you?

>> No.59987866

This is what she was talking about not hanging on everything she says, you can believe it, or you can just think she embellishing a story to be funny

>> No.59987937

But it's not even that insane of a story? She trained him to jump, that's like 90% of what cats do already, now he just does it on command.

>> No.59988049

She trained a cat to jump up using treats anon, that’s not exactly saying she’s a millionaire or can do insane calculations in her brain. Why do you try to discredit or pull down every little thing she says no matter how minor?

>> No.59988258
File: 303 KB, 2048x1430, F7zD8aRXoAAD9Xp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this retard.

>> No.59988321
File: 450 KB, 2048x1536, F7zD8aPW0AEPazc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thinks he can eat bottles, lmao.

>> No.59988411

I love this little weirdo freak

>> No.59988546

so when is the otis twitter arc over
