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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59959138 No.59959138 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesnt watch female vtubers for the sole purpose of wanting to mate them
what's the point then? if you're not watching them because you want to fuck them, then why the FUCK are you wasting your time? women CANT BE FUNNY, THEY'RE NEVER FUNNY, they qre UNABLE TO BE FUNNY.
>but xx is funny
no you DUMB APE, you only "express" at finding it funny but you know it in your soul that you only find it funny and typing lol or 草 in chat is for the sole purpose of increasing your chances of GETTING TO FUCK HER. THATS EQUIVALENT TO LAUGHING AT HER JOKES SO SHE'LL FUCK YOU. THATS YOUR PRIME APE BRAIN DOING EVERYTHING IN ITS POWER SO YOU CAN REPRODUCE. IN TRUTH WOMEN ARE NEVER FUNNY. thats because MEN are superior and has always been, MEN ARE FUNNIER, AND DO BETTER AT EVERYTHING.
>so should i watch male vtubers?
you can, but that would make you A GIANT FAGGOT. imagine having MALE voices SPEAKING THROUGH YOUR HEADPHONES. GROWN ASS MEN speaking at your ears. only a HOMO would want that.
>what should i do then?
watch female vtubers WITH the intent of ultimately having sex with them. I guarantee you, that is how you will find happiness.

>> No.59959181

You ever hear about something called the honeymoon phase? You can start watching somebody because you love and want to fuck them, but eventually the feeling wears off. After that point what keeps you watching is dedication and/or obsession. If you have not reached that point you are probably a casual and/or clipfag.

>> No.59959322

This, but unironically.

>> No.59960402

This is the kind of attitude that prevents men from being able to engage in conversation with women without them assuming they're trying to hit on them.

>> No.59960574

What if I am asexual?

>> No.59960623


>> No.59960657

I agree, but I would also like to add that male/female collabs are LITERAL SEX and if you like watching for entertainment you are a KEK!!!

>> No.59960715

I am at a point where I don't fucking know whatever this kind is post is shitpost or not

>> No.59960931

this is your brain on /vt/

>> No.59961027
File: 240 KB, 1676x2048, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_itagaku__6f826fb8d18526f86cffd681fee9ff3f (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I want her to achieve her dreams and be happy

>> No.59961075

I should do some doxx and take a vacation

>> No.59961104

they are cute, men arent cute

>> No.59961161

didnt read lol

>> No.59961214

mucho texto

>> No.59961259

A sexual what? Predator? Doesn't matter. You still want to fuck them either way

>> No.59961270

I already have someone else for that and so what about the funny, I care more about the cute or seiso.

>> No.59961407

you will literally never find a partner whom you'll have a genuine connection with and I honestly don't feel sorry for you.

>> No.59961486

>thats because MEN are superior and has always been
Yes, men are superior, funnier, better. But not you anon. Not you.

>> No.59961508

Then i will rape you to change that, sorry anon

>> No.59961644

Maybe we can have a genuine connection. We both like vtubers

>> No.59961747

>he thinks he has a genuine connection with a vtuber
