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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 203 KB, 1080x1080, F7F3CpTaIAAERv7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59830515 No.59830515 [Reply] [Original]

i need to find more of my ppl pls come be my friend, i am a really nice chuuba and only reek of pee sometimes


>> No.59831171

Buy an ad

>> No.59831202

Buy an ad

>> No.59831377

ok quest for ad and friends mm mm

>> No.59831748

I want to have sex with you!

>> No.59831881

I fucking love /here/ pandering chuubas, they're my guilty pleasure. And yes I will jerk off to this rabbit.

>> No.59831900

>only reek of pee sometimes
dropped, i only watch chuubas who reek of pee all the time

>> No.59832105

If this is yet another fucking Mel Nekomata identity I will stab you in your sleep

>> No.59832127


>> No.59832591

can u give me a mel nekomata lore dump.. did a google, much confusion nonnu

>> No.59832616

I'm not into piss. Pass

>> No.59832838

I don't think it's Mel, doesn't sound like her anyway and I don't think it's ai or voice changer, just looks like she saw kikis success and community and thought yeah I want that too, Kiki retweeted and such, kinda cute ngl
If it's Mel somehow I might rope myself

>> No.59833184

Umii you're not Mel (the braptuber) are you? Just want a confirmation

>> No.59833373

nein nonnu, poop bad!!! pee better plus looked into mel and she is evil.. umi is good and does not smell like poop!!

>> No.59833444

now I know what chuuba to avoid because they will have a cancerous fanbase. Thanks

>> No.59833592

hot diggity damn

>> No.59834032

Ok well I'm convinced. You're kind of retarded but that's good because retarded chuubas are very cute. I will follow you at an undisclosed randomised moment in time so you don't know it's me

>> No.59834153

Fank u nonnu, i hope we can become friends in the future! I t hink there is something wrong with me but thats ok cause like u said it is cute ^_^

>> No.59834232

I will watch you

>> No.59836635

Why the fuck am I so into crazy bitches...
Lord help me...

>> No.59836895

Yet another "teehee stinky" western vtuber, the fuck is wrong with society when you're all so lonely and miserable that stinking and not bathing and pissing all over the place is seen as a bonus? Japs are.pretty lonely too but I've never seen such a prevalent fixation on this stuff from them.

>> No.59837031

> pee better plus looked into mel and she is evil.. umi is good and does not smell like poop!!
Somehow it feels as though you should go advertise in /freak/. They might like this thing.
But hey, already got attention, got me replying, etc.

>> No.59837914 [DELETED] 

this is mel nekomata using an ai voice changer. dont fucking fall for it. of course shes going to deny being mel nekomata but she told us (her paypigs who buy content from her) about this account of hers. if you need further proof just wait for rei kirihara to go live and she will likely talk about this and deny it hardcore.

>> No.59838143

>I've never seen such a prevalent fixation on this stuff from them

>> No.59838640 [DELETED] 

pottery. if she would have just ignored it she might have gotten away with trying to grift and scam as this Umiisagi cunt. hey Mel/Umi, kill yourself! https://twitter.com/ReiKirihara/status/1709581615217676342

>> No.59839195

umi has a slight accent I don't think it's the same person

>> No.59839705

first of all I am from new zealand, she sounds american?? this is the last time i will be personally posting on 4chan and interacting in this vtubing community, gross deranged behavior.. was looking for ppl in this comm. who might have the same interests yikes

>> No.59839905
File: 100 KB, 336x336, image_2023-10-05_041615265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear if i was just baited, anyway peacefuckas

>> No.59840598 [DELETED] 

mel nekomata has stated on discord she downloaded and used an ai voice changed called w-okada, that's clearly what is happening here with this umi person who is clearly mel. she did it as nerissa delfina, she will do it again and again. kill yourself mel/umi, stop being a grifter and stop scamming people.

>> No.59841783

Its not the same person, you need to take your meds or something just listen again anon

>> No.59841993

Take your meds schizo is clearly not an ai voice changer anybody with two braincells could figure that out

>> No.59842098 [DELETED] 

holy this this exact same thing happened with nerissa delfina and you guys are all falling for it. when mel was nerissa she had an ai voice changer that gave her a retarded accent and thats whats going on here. whatever, enjoy being scammed to the point where you are homeless and die of starvation but dont say people didnt warn you.

>> No.59842185

Jokes on you, getting scammed by Mel gives me a boner so I'd do it even if this were her

>> No.59842213

Nobody's getting scammed, anon i dont know what youre on about. This Mel girl scam you because you were retarded or something?

>> No.59842237

>kikis success
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.59842281 [DELETED] 

not me, i never gave her a fucking penny. but she said she has gastric cancer and begged for money but that was a lie of course. she said she needed surgery for vocal chord nodules and begged for money but again that was a lie. shes been doing this for 3 years. enjoy getting scammed again, mel/umi will scam and then fuck off to a new vtuber persona.

>> No.59842285

Don't reply to the eternally scorned brapfag, you might trigger his paranoid schizophrenia.

>> No.59842345 [DELETED] 

dont insult me by calling me a brapfag, that is disgusting and anyone who likes it should be sent to north korea

>> No.59842402

You watch vtubers known for soiling themselves on stream. You are sick in the head.

>> No.59842501 [DELETED] 

actually i watch vtubers such as fauna and mumei. i dont watch mel, i just know of her and her illegal behavior these past 3 years. kill yourself faggot.

>> No.59842503

Honestly youre right its just this one guy samefagging and going on some schizo ramble

>> No.59842572

Sounds like you got scammed and now youre schizoposting and attacking anybody who vaguely sounds like this Mel girl, touch grass or something

>> No.59842691 [DELETED] 

i literally just said i never sent her a penny. are you cucks /here/ really okay with this grifting, scamming whore continuing her ways? shes been doing this for 3 years, lying about cancer and scamming money from people and you guys are just like "roru rumao based chuuba"??? i hope mel somehow joins hololive and ruins the entire thing, then maybe you blue dorito faggots will care.

>> No.59842707


>> No.59842708

Remember to mention her in your suicide note

>> No.59842869 [DELETED] 

Mel must have really hit the jackpot this time. Her Umi grift really paid off if you guys are outright denying this is Mel lol. Good work Mel, maybe as Umi you will get the success you want.

>> No.59843341

You need your ears checked

>> No.59844142


>> No.59845651
File: 757 KB, 2450x3266, FxC2xKoaEAAqETQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have sex toys on your wishlist and let guys online gift you them. You are the true definition of a whore. I can't imagine how much dick you take outside of stream. Will not watch, stay away from /here/ please and get a life.

>> No.59845923
File: 972 KB, 600x324, 1563557784765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black heart collar
She's a whore but damn that's hot as fuck. I'd drag the whore around in that and fuck her all day and night.

>> No.59848664

Does that flavor taste good

>> No.59849756

So Op you willing to timestamp a cup of piss to entice us or what?
Timestamped of course.

>> No.59852197


>> No.59852834

I went to your Twitter and saw you holding a buttplug, so I'm not sure what to think.

>> No.59855292

shes cute

>> No.59856353


>> No.59857402
File: 200 KB, 500x276, 1619731459932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op won't deliver sadly I guess.
Now I'm on my way home with a limp dick and sorrow in my heart.

>> No.59857491

cute whore

>> No.59859174

western whore "vtuber"

>> No.59861539


>> No.59861707

>I've never seen such a prevalent fixation on this stuff from them.
Are you serious?
The nips get arrested for stealing bicycle seats to sniff them. Let that sink in.

>> No.59861943
File: 187 KB, 347x433, 1671426144596348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girl talks to males in minecraft : >:(
>Girl receives buttplugs from males and talks about piss and farts: :O

This board fucking sucks and you're all big dumb retards

>> No.59865319

i like monster energy so i will watch you :)

>> No.59869035

bbbbbbbbad to the bone

>> No.59869273

How much to shill for chuubas with ads anyway? Do you need to get two because of mobile view and web view?

>> No.59869916

Minimum is 20 dollars for a campaign, but if have to put in a set amount of bidding. 10-12 cents per interaction usually wins the bid for the adspace
If you wanted your ad constantly up and to reach an unlimited number of IPs for lets say a week or 2, it would run you 40 dollars max.

>> No.59871045

Well in the grand scheme I think more anons are interested in the piss than sex toys or atlleast in this instance.
Maybe she can't afford to buy new dildos, maybe she's a kinky bitch that wants a plug up her butt, clamps on her nipples and a nice new dildo from anon #3001 shoved in her cooter.

>> No.59872398

make a vod channel dumb fuck

>> No.59878495

Kinda cute, kinda based game choices but I also recommend a vod channel. Idk if you'll strike it big shilling and pandering /here/ but good luck.
