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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59750196 No.59750196 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else struggle to understand what Fuwawa and Mococo are saying whenever they watch a stream? They are by far the most incomprehensible of HoloEN. I don’t know if it’s their accent or the way they speak. Or maybe I’m retarded.

>> No.59750286

I can understand bae and mumei fine but these dogs have such a weird accent

>> No.59750330

i have zero trouble understanding them. have you considered that you are a faggot?

>> No.59750408

Bae and Mumei are easily understandable.
Have you considered suicide?

>> No.59750418

>moco-chAn xhsjdkaldhnsla

>> No.59750518

It’s because they sound like toddlers just learning to speak

>> No.59750846

I used to struggle more with Sana than with them

>> No.59751038

I can understand them fine. Just wondering is English not your first language? Not knocking you. people who can speak multiple languages are cool imo.

>> No.59751320

yeah I do too. They put on an uwu loli voice for streaming which is hard to understand sometimes.

>> No.59751436

>Does anyone else struggle to understand what Fuwawa and Mococo are saying whenever they watch a stream?
Well yeah, sometimes they'll speak Japanese to each other.

>> No.59751513

>Bae and Mumei are easily understandable.
Most people on this board disagree for some reason

>> No.59751689

>Just wondering is English not your first language?
only ESLs can truly comprehend their accent

>> No.59751872

English is my first language. American born and raised. Probably explains why I’m retarded.

>> No.59751981

Americhad here
I have trouble understanding their bau bau speak too

>> No.59752128

bong here, i have trouble but that could just be the autism

>> No.59753801

yeah they really need to raise their voice when they speak, doesn't also help the shitty noise the flat twin makes

>> No.59754611

No problem whatsoever. ESL problem on your part.

>> No.59754978

I can understand them fine. Though I will admit that I've had ESL friends and coworkers who I could also understand while others needed them to repeat themselves multiple times.
So it's possible any accent they have is being interpreted by me unconsciously.

>> No.59755045

ina's the worst, sounds like she's too lazy to speak right instead of it being an accent or impediment

>> No.59755222

>Look mom, I posted it again!!!

>> No.59755329

no shit dumbass, do your reps

>> No.59755387


>> No.59755440

This retarded thread again.

>> No.59755463

ESLs have a hard time understanding mumei because she's pretty stream-of-conscious, doesn't use full sentences, and incorrect grammar

>> No.59755544

Those two retards filter out viewers with proper hearing.

>> No.59755608

>American born and raised
It explains why you can't understand English at least

>> No.59756233
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who cares they are cute and bau bau funni

>> No.59756838

It's their faggot filter, seems like it's working, desu

>> No.59757124

I can understand them but I’m still not watching them

>> No.59760031
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>same format thread since their debut
>the filtering goes on like a fresh brand new filter

>> No.59764940


>> No.59764966

Can't struggle to understand when I don't watch. Two steps ahead of you, anon.

>> No.59765026

i had this issue the first week and then my brain just learned how to process their way of speaking.

>> No.59765651

I guess it's that time where the faggot OP posts the same thread about not understanding them then samefags by responding to himself. I understand them perfectly you esl faggot retard.

>> No.59765753

no (you)'re just retarded, I have no issues understanding them

>> No.59765760

i'm very ESL. i've never spoken english irl with another person, even so i can understand them perfectly fine. i don't think that's an excuse either

>> No.59766955

They are literally boomhauer of vtuber

>> No.59767066

this is N1 english listening test

>> No.59769604

I had that issue when they first started, but I got over it within a week or so.

>> No.59769825

Not an ESL, I struggle to understand them at times, maybe it’s the volume or they don’t speak clearly at times. Some streamers are like this. It makes you appreciate how well spoken some are, really. Some people speak like they have things stuffed in their mouth.
It’s not that they’re speaking in broken English, they just need to enunciate better and speak more clearly.

>> No.59771061

>Or maybe I’m retarded.
Just maybe, yeah. Zero issues here, but to be fair my English teacher was really good at what she did.

>> No.59771836

>English teacher
Who tf learns English at school other than ESLs

>> No.59771963
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>> No.59771968
File: 1.82 MB, 1094x1060, Mococo Mumbling[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0sdkm0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your problem? I understand her perfectly.
To be real, when clipping, I sometimes don't hear some individual words, but in 90% of the cases you can fill the gap by context. Much easier compared to JP streams where I can understand only like 20-40%.

>> No.59772482

Mococo is fine, but like if a car drives by my house I'll miss half of what Fuwawa says.

>> No.59772628

Stop being ESL

>> No.59772659

In the US "English" is the class where you read books and learn how to write 5 paragraph essays and stuff

>> No.59772670

english is my third language and i can understand them fine, the fact that i am a certified esl prolly help somehow. bae is, for me, unironically harder to understand but its me problem not her, i just hate bongs so fucking much you cant believe how much cum i splurt out after reading 'uk get fucked by arabs immigrant' type of blogs.

>> No.59772696

>bae is, for me, unironically harder to understand
Lol it's the opposite for me

>> No.59772751

Being completely serious in my experience Americans really struggle with any non-American English speaking accents. Don't know why. Maybe because they travel abroad the least so have the least exposure to other accents.

I'm Scottish and I've never had even slight trouble understanding them or anyone in EN for that matter. It hasn't even crossed my mind.

>> No.59772805

Is it really brand new filtering, when the people making the thread are the exact same that were filtered in the past?

>> No.59773446

>Or maybe I’m retarded.
You're not only retarded, but you're also a faggot too.

>> No.59773471


>> No.59774701

You're just bau baunskilled

>> No.59774834

I'm not ESL so no.

>> No.59775007

You unfamiliar with japanese anon? They are coming out kicking with the weird japanese inflection shit like Mococo going "euhghuhg" after every noise she makes.

>> No.59775204

I can understand them fine, but of course often they make intentionally unintellible noises not meant to be understood. They also make up their own words.

>> No.59777565

>intentionally unintellible noises not meant to be understood.

>> No.59777700

The absolute state of amerimutts

>> No.59778062

Only Fuwawa sometimes because she goes into ASMR whisper mode right in the middle of a stream. Why she hasn't done a dedicated ASMR stream yet is beyond me.

>> No.59778119

More like Europeans have a major inferiority complex and will lie at any opportunity to make themselves seem better or smarter.

>> No.59778306
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I can understand both their English and Nihongo clearly and easily.
Skill issue.

>> No.59778447

Did you ever go to school? Try walk out your room.

>> No.59778521
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I’m an eop too but I understand them perfectly. Maybe it’s a regional dialect thing because I was raised in the Southern US.

>> No.59778523

sometimes they whisper something to each other a bit too quietly but that's only an issue with volume and it doesn't occur too frequently

>> No.59778787

I did but I wasn't nerdy enough to pay attention in class

>> No.59778823

all you need to understand is BAU BAU

>> No.59778835

I'm not ESL, so no. I understand them just fine.

>> No.59778840

I talk to a lot of JP nikis and they say that Mumei mumbles a lot, which makes her hard to understand. Don't know about Bae.

>> No.59779010

Difference in language skill level, you must train for another 1000 years !

>> No.59780329


>> No.59780377

I am ESL and I understand them just fine. OP is just deaf or something.

>> No.59780821

They stream late for me so I have to put them on at low volume, and I still understand.
Go see an hearing doctor, you could be going deaf. Or it already too late.

>> No.59781625

If English is your first language and you can't understand them you have no excuse. I swear them speaking is like an IQ dog whistle with how often this gets posted, they're literally just speaking plain Canadian-English with occasional Japanese references sprinkled in. I don't get where the confusion lies, can someone post an example of them of them where they're not speaking plain English?

>> No.59781811

>Does anyone else struggle to understand what Fuwawa and Mococo are saying whenever they watch a stream?
No, since i don't watch them
Why would i want to watch 2 retards larping as dora the explorer and her monkey, their streams are literally unironically for 5 year olds, and not those fags who act like they are kids, i mean actual 5 year olds

>> No.59782166

This. I'm baffled how many people can't seem to understand a slight Canadian accent. I honestly think it might be explained by poorfags using shit headphones or tinny phone speakers and confusing not hearing with not understanding.

>> No.59783378


>> No.59783487

I'm an ESL and have no trouble understanding them, but only if I turn up the volume.

>> No.59783889

exactly this, thanks for proving my point

>> No.59784146

I am deaf to the point that I have trouble understanding IRyS, so the doggos are impossible. If I watch them it's exclusively VODs so I can enable subs.

>> No.59784351
File: 138 KB, 896x628, 1696167820059297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually probably correct, as a speaker of rhotacized English you're closer to the inherent lambdacism of JP, the JP vowel space is going to feel a lot less flat from your perspective

look into korone's face and enter the bent lamdaspace automatically, this picture makes a noise in my head and it's very japanese noise

>> No.59784539

ESL spic here, I understand them just fine, the only one I had trouble with was Sana and that only lasted like a week, two tops

>> No.59786106

I don’t I’d rest and then but then again they’d do be talking like babies so maybe IQ be big not small like child and then understand

>> No.59786419

There are some oddities to their speech but it's nothing that major and I got used to it after a few streams. I do sometimes struggle to understand Fuwawa but that's only because she tends to speak EXTREMELY softly and I'm not wearing headphones.
I am ESL but I've been fluent for 20+ years.

>> No.59786462

I don't think they're super hard to understand but they definitely have among the worst enunciation in holoEN + it feels like they are more likely to trail off midsentence than any of the others. There's also the times when they accidentally talk over each other which is something you wouldn't get from just a solo streamer.
