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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 74 KB, 290x290, Gawr_Gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59732215 No.59732215 [Reply] [Original]

She came back to bring her normie audience so they would watch Advent.
This also means all of her summer streams were ordered by management.

>> No.59732434

but she said she loved us

>> No.59732483

True but don’t expect /vt/ to believe you. Management wanted eyes on holo en again and got gura to draw viewers in. Most stuck to watching her like usual, but some did end up going from her stream to biboo or fwamoco most likely.

>> No.59732565

I think Gura's general behavior is pretty unfortunate, but this was a pretty obvious marketing campaign, which is totally fine.

>> No.59733957

anyone can see that is false
if any of that was true she would had offset and ended her streams quick to let her viewers watch advent instead of completely overlapping them making her viewers choose between gura or advent...

>> No.59734113

This. If you want people to watch other streams, you start an hour or two before them then either raid into them or remind your audience that they're streaming as you're ending your stream (before theirs starts). Not overlap for the exact duration of the person you're trying to "help"

>> No.59734185
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Not us, me

>> No.59734248

She lives in the same timezone as those she overlapped though

>> No.59734391

That sounds reasonable and management made some type of deal with Gura. They were hyping up Advent so they wanted her to stream for a while after their debuts. That way some fans who only watch Gura might notice the new girls and might try watching them.

>> No.59734476

yeah that excuse only works, was just streaming as normally, that we also know isnt true as she streamed 1300% more in those weeks around advent debut than in the rest of the year.

>> No.59734548

if gura was just streaming as normally*

>> No.59734871
File: 1.30 MB, 4032x3024, 1691892853252829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>management: god DAMN it gura just stream
>gura: nyo :3
>advent debut
>gura: heh, here's your streams
>management: wait why stream over advent, stop
>gura: you said stream, i'm streaming, make up your mind

>> No.59736680

We know that chumbuds have the least amount of overlap with other EN fan bases. Meaning they only watch Gura and literally no one else.

>> No.59736842

Exactly why gura was needed to come back. They weren’t going to stumble upon advent actually searching them up. So they see gura streaming, she ends and BAM new hololive cunny in your face. Not all of them stuck around obviously but they at least noticed new members

>> No.59737847

Who knows and who cares? If you don't like her just don't give her money.

>> No.59738099

You have to be a special kind of retarded to believe this.

>> No.59738124

You're fucking retarded

>> No.59739192


>> No.59740186

copebuds actually believe this

>> No.59743043


>> No.59743060

But it's the truth.

>> No.59744484
File: 149 KB, 1045x688, IHNyRA9DDN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah surely bijou losing 5k viewers when gura started to stream is just a coincidence

>> No.59744704
File: 830 KB, 1010x565, AOzBjVrYRU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg, just looked at the full graph she bleed more than half her viewers when gura started to stream around 12k viewers lost even when her graph was in steady increase

>> No.59745953
File: 596 KB, 1000x1415, Elementary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counterpoint: Biboo was just a glorified waiting room for gura. You know chumbuds watch only gura.

>> No.59746011
File: 69 KB, 203x203, 1693540015868800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumkeks are like battered wives. Gura only streams once every 3 months to farm money, but they have to make up lies to justify this abusive relationship

>> No.59746238

that would completely nullify your claim that she streamed in advent week to help them.
even if she didnt stole viewers of advent as your kind claim, is clear that she only streamed with the intention of hurting advent.

>> No.59746867
File: 185 KB, 512x512, Dumdum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's like you say. Gura doesn't stream, chumbuds don't watch any other vtuber. Gura streams, chumbuds don't watch any other vtuber. Your prize is picrel

>> No.59747385

I really wish it was legal to incarcerate retards like you.

>> No.59752433

>streams for two weeks and then stops again
>people want more streams
>they tune into the new girls who are streaming nonstop (namely Bijou and Fuwamoco who share elements with her)
I believe this.

>> No.59752676

>She came back to bring her normie audience so they would watch Advent.
You get it! Gura streaming is good for the HoloEN, always. No matter what.

>> No.59753003

I think it's far more realistic to believe that management just wanted to see how much overlap would harm advent.
they used gura not in the hopes of her fans being converted to advent because they already have the analytics that'll tell them that'll never happen. they wanted to stress test just how large the en chuba audience actually is by having gura, advent, and some of council all streaming at the same time and seeing how many overall views they capture and what trends emerge so they can further target niches in the future.

>> No.59753404

Based shark bullying tranny managers

>> No.59754816

Management seems to be actually trying to support Advent, unlike Myth & Council. It would make no sense for them to simultaneously treat it as a throwaway gen and do fucky experiments like this during debuts.

>> No.59755251

compelling rrat

>> No.59756238

I just want my sharkie back... I love her...

>> No.59756255

Not sure if bait or cope but either way lol. If that was true she woulda started a few hours earlier, or ended earlier, and hosted Advent or told her viewers to go watch them. She also woulda collabed with them at some point.

Instead she literally just streamed when Biboo streamed, ended when Biboo ended and said like maybe 2-5 sentences about Advent at all during all this time. She never hosted or said go watch anyone, she just peaced out pretty much soon as her mission was accomplished. She never collabed with them besides being dragged along for Gary's Mod, where I don't think she said more than maybe 1 sentence directly to anyone at Advent the whole time. She's had basically 0 involvement or interaction with Advent, as the biggest EN senpai this is pretty sad and speaks volumes about her character.

>> No.59756445

yeah thats why advent has been losing views since the first week buff ran out.

>> No.59757839

>said on stream "i didn't want to spoil their moment'' when advent were on discord during their debut

>> No.59757977

Imagine the moral of 30 chuubas even the most ambitious often tanking down because they know that they can't reach any milestone already broken by Gura.

How do you motivate your staff? by simply telling Gura not to stream anymore.

>> No.59760148

>normie audience
Gura doesn't have that.

>> No.59760255


>> No.59760278

So what you mean is that the chumbuds who never watched them in first place stopped watching them
Makes perfect sense

>> No.59760315

Not a single vtuber has that.

>> No.59760429

there is actual statistics that show the opposite, most of gura fanbase are normies that dont watch any other vt

>> No.59760582

Show these statistics. Present us this normie audience.
Captcha: DARAT

>> No.59760604

It's the most generous interpretations of Gura's actions, and the one that makes the most sense to me. Even if they watch only a minute of the other girls, there's a chance they decide to subscribe to "Gura's friends" while they're there.

>> No.59760921

The fact that she overlapped biboo the hardest by a wide margin makes me certain she wanted to kneecap the cunny in case she steals some pedo atms. The others might have been collateral damage

>> No.59761843
File: 410 KB, 664x670, FOULetL4z4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura shares the least amount of viewers with the rest of holoen.
gura with who she shares the most is (bijou)33%
while the rest of holo en with who they share the most is normally between 55% and 45%

>> No.59762103
File: 153 KB, 1023x450, GuLZnXEhEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was way worse the last year, my guess is that she lost normie viewers for not streaming.

>> No.59762396
File: 1.30 MB, 1605x6774, 1696072775688228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59762505

wow... so shameless how can chums even argue?
they should be ashamed for their oshi

>> No.59762606

A tip to newfags: chumkeks like to pretend they're a neutral and reasonable third party to defend her. This entire thread reeks of them. Regardless of what the intentions are behind the scenes, it's clear that gura streaming does more harm than good.
There are two main scenarios:
>People watch advent because gura streams around their debut like OP said
>People ended up missing advent streams because they're distracted by gura.
Realistically both scenarios are simultaenously true, but because gura had more gravity than the rest of advent combined, there are more people on the later scenario than the former.
Direct effect of this event:
>Advent ends up bleeding viewers more than gaining, especially bijou
Long term effect:
>Condition existing chumkeks to think new generation=gura streams. When a new gen comes around, they're excited to watch more gura instead of checking out the new girls
If what OP said is true, managment should take notes from >>59756255 and tell gura to promote advent in a more direct way and not fucking overlap with the new cunny.

>> No.59762856
File: 1.98 MB, 270x470, 1691324390314806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either she doesn't care about streaming, or she cares enough about streaming to try and poach viewers from Advent (just to fuck off again anyway). Take your pick.

>> No.59762945

Her last non-mandated stream was like 1.5 months ago

>> No.59763810

Gura really has an easy life, huh?

>> No.59763916
File: 494 KB, 1003x453, NO COOKING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to know

>> No.59764248

Every stream since the whole start of this "hiatus" has been mandated shit or concerts.

She just wants to do idol shit and not stream, I don't see why she doesn't just capitalize on not streaming and make yt videos instead to capitalize on a forgotten vt practice of like 2019-2020.

Literally make let's plays you stupid shark then people wouldn't be so pissed all the time.

>> No.59766752

mus tard

>> No.59767109

It seems that the problem lies with management not trusting chumbuds enough to have gura directly shill them. I don’t know why exactly but when’s gura last mentioned ANY of her genmates on stream or on twitter? Especially in a positive way. It’s something cover decided long ago that gura shouldn’t do

>> No.59767165

Gura could of timed it better then.

>> No.59767207

You just outed Gura as a scumbag, way to go chum bucket.

>> No.59767219

I watch only Gura and shitpost /here/

>> No.59767271

When the statisticians come in play the chumbuds hide away.

>> No.59767392

This day was honestly obvious as fuck to me, Gura hardly ever streams long hours but she was purposefully trying to keep pace with the young gen. Honestly it was noob farming which Gura loves to do in games, but the fact it's her gen mate made Gura look more like a bitch the longer her hours were getting just to keep up.

>> No.59771022

>chumbuds actually believe this
Gura is the absolute queen of normie ironic weebs

>> No.59771115

This anon is correct. In terms of simple raw numbers the majority of gura subscribers are not subscribed to any other member of holoen. Gura cannot steal viewership from hololive because gura watchers are not hololive watchers, they are gura watchers.

>> No.59771828

And she did similar when Council debuted... and I hate to say it, even Tempus. Nobody cares about them but for two weeks she suddenly learned to speak and was love bombing members with daily UwU cutesy messages and even leaning heavily into GFE with maid cafe asmr. Only to stop immediately after.

>> No.59772877

maliciously overlapping homos is based though

>> No.59773414

regardless, if what the previous anon said was true, then it shows Gura is not only not a team player, but she actively tries to sabotage her teammates in order to better herself.

>> No.59773635

>That way some fans who only watch Gura might notice the new girls and might try watching them.
