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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59718559 No.59718559 [Reply] [Original]

Would a male only vtuber company that is ran like a wrestling company work?

>> No.59718875

so constant drama and yabs but it's all sell?

>> No.59718975

>whoever lost the match gets graduated

>> No.59719608

I’m not sure if you’d have mass appeal but it would probably garber a niche audience and potentially be really funny. Unironically i’d like to see someone try this.

>> No.59719693

is gay sex involved? if not im not interested

>> No.59720175

Maybe, maybe not. Gachikoi would not be involved so they would need sponsorships to make money

>> No.59720418

No, having infighting within the company is a surefire way to fail

>> No.59720611

followed by the debut of a masked chuuba with a very familiar voice a week later

>> No.59720686

>/vt/ meta parody vtuber group wrestling

>> No.59720889
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>> No.59720977

would be kino but people on vt are too lazy to make this into a reality

>> No.59721008

male gym training arc would be kino

>> No.59721051
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Who's the Cream Team of vtubing?

>> No.59721667

On the one hand it could be extremely funny. On the other hand it would be an absolute nightmare to organise. You would constantly need to make sure that your chuubas still get along behind the scenes and on a personal level, that the drama on the screen doesn't become too real.
But the content could be gold and the meme potential is extremely high. Training arcs leading up to big matches, trashtalking each other's skills, an underdog challenging someone who's absolutely dominating in one game or genre to a match outside their comfort zone. Say challenging an Apex player to a game of Duke Nukem 3D.

There's definitely potential, but setting it all up would be hard.

>> No.59722544

only if it panders hard to fujoshis

>> No.59722844

It would be kino. Kayfabe is king, afterall.

>> No.59723006
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>> No.59723926

The issue with male vtubers is that vtubers in general are all based on lies.
Lying as a man is an undesirable trait.

You are never really going to fix this, men won't really watch male vtubers because of this and women eventually get tired of the lies.
Conversely, female vtubers can lie 24/7 and you'll always have people defending them.
It's just the natural state of things.

>> No.59723986

Brotuber levels would be off the charts!!!

>> No.59725455

The issue is the vtuber fanbase is so fragile and soft that any type of hostility whether fake or real would hurt their fee-fees, and this goes for Unicucks to Homobeggars to numberfags to even normies that just watch clips.
There is a reason why people like Kiara who seem like they are about to explode with frustration at their branch try to hold it in.

>> No.59725746

I am going to join this company upon creation and become the heel that addresses this and breaks the 4th wall. I will ultimately end up calling my opponents and the viewers neanderthals in love with pixels and really garner that heat.

>> No.59725922

Depends how well you sell the idea and if there's any market for that at all.

>> No.59726059

Would you be willing to be the inaugural champ so the corpo could build up a babyface to take you down?

>> No.59726137

Definitely anon. Sometimes you have to put others over for the benefit of all.

>> No.59726732

Yeah it’s called LotB2 (Lord of the Board 2)
If you lose, You have to delete your general

>> No.59730508

I'm now imagining a Hulk Hogan vtuber and I wish it was real. I'd watch the shit out of it.

>> No.59730668
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>> No.59734314


>> No.59734851

i swear we have this thread every 6 months

>> No.59737915

