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59667900 No.59667900 [Reply] [Original]

Did Bae's long-awaited 3D live performance live up to the hype for you?
Do you appreciate her a little more after all the work and stress she put into it?

>> No.59668106

once a homo cocksleeve always a homo cocksleeve

>> No.59668117

Mating press

>> No.59668125

I like her model so I fapped a lot.

>> No.59668130
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Bae cute
I loved her chiki chiki bam bam

>> No.59668143

it should've just been sex dancing from the start to the end. You will never be Japanese baelz.

>> No.59668189

How does it feel to have your asshole turned inside out after an entire week of shitposting that homos would be there you fucking whore?

>> No.59668249

even though i've been doing my reps for years, i didn't enjoy the game with the jps
that said, i enjoyed the rest of it

>> No.59668339
File: 3.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1696192023860571.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last 20 minutes were some of the finest performing I have ever seen in EN
The gameshow was fun too but I just wish it was 30 minutes shorter and more time was spent on just Bae being cute and dancing more

>> No.59668496

I don't even watch bar but this rat is, in fact, certifiably cute

>> No.59668672

I think she had kind of a miss with the board game format honestly, the games that resulted from it were fun but it was a little drawn out difficult to follow
I get it was for the punchline of rat in a cage at the end but it could've been a little more streamlined

>> No.59668784

I just feel like it could have been done in 15 minutes, maybe 20. 40 minutes really is too long and takes away a decent chunk of time from the showcase which have an hour limit

>> No.59669158

i haven't even been here in almost a month kek
it's funny that whoever posted that lives this rent free in your head tho lmao

>> No.59669241

That just means you homo addicted NPC pokemon are all the same which is arguably more sad

>> No.59669376

It did not in fact live up to my hype because I wanted more dances because goddamn this girl can dance

>> No.59669386

now type that without crying

>> No.59669543

me crying won't remove constant thoughts of homos from your head

>> No.59669841

I like her dance a lot

>> No.59670292
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x1024, Cute rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was fun and she looks really cute in 3D, her movements and energy is so bubbly that it makes my happy. My only gripe is that she should realize that she's a born performer and stop trying to do dumb Japanese games that no one cares about. People are there to watch HER dance and sing for her showcase, not speak moonrunes with holojps while playing budget mario party

>> No.59670350

Lol homobeggar so angry. You can cry all you want, fact is some fans don't like them, deal with it.

>> No.59670392

yes i rike

>> No.59670444

>R-Roberu will be there!
>No homos
Go kill yourself homobegger

>> No.59670745

>my head told me roberu will be there
>y-y-you are the homobeggar!
peak faggot.

>> No.59670775

The board game section was way way way too long, entirely spoken in a language that her core audience doesn't understand and wasn't really focused on her, in fact she was kind of sidelined for a lot of it. Would have been great as a regular collab but was a terrible choice for her 3D debut.
The music part was great as expected.

>> No.59670779

Rat + thematic park = success
That was fun. Too bad the jp game took most of it

>> No.59670878

Yeah that was the main problem of the whole thing. Bae was not the main focus

>> No.59671138

She's cute like always, the in-between loading scenes were great, but I wish that there would have been more English and that the game was a bit shorter. You can follow some of it but a lot of the interactions are lost when you don't know the language.

>> No.59672559

you crying won't change the fact that bae is a homo cocksleeve either and if it's not me someone else will call her out for what she is
cope, cry and seethe about it

>> No.59672769

Son, I can guarantee you that you spend a much more substantial amount of your waking moments thinking about homos than Bae
I reckon it's time to come out of the closet

>> No.59672947


>> No.59673183

>calling bae for what she is in one thread means you think about homos all the time
whatever helps you sleep at night, now go and cry yourself to sleep
>no argument
i accept your concession

>> No.59673213

Keep coping with your sexuality son

>> No.59673269

keep crying homobeggar

>> No.59673314

Says the one that cries with homodick in his mouth 24/7

>> No.59673370

>he says as he fiercely defends a homo cocksleeve
going a little hard on the projection there, aren't we homobeggar? keep crying

>> No.59673382

There was no Roberu in the showcase like you wanted sis

>> No.59673470

first 40 minutes was a dumpster fire. last 20 was kino and better than every other council showcase. so that makes it just OK.

>> No.59673484

i never said anything about roberu being in the showcase though? i understand you desperately want me to be whoever you think i am but i am not, take your meds

>> No.59673841

Gameshow was a 6/10
Concert was a 10/10
It was overall an 8.5 for me, 5 extra points for the excellent production value and cute date segments

>> No.59673904

>homo cocksleeve
Nobody takes subhuman slumdogs who use projecting buzzwords like you seriously

>> No.59674039

I forgot to mention this as well but yeah the production value was pretty high

>> No.59675122

please post more cute rat webms

>> No.59676943

So the only complaint everyone has is that there wasn't enough Bae, and the Bae parts were all 10/10?

>> No.59677432

yes. bae was amazing. my only complaint is that 2/3 of the showcase was in JP and i dont understand it

>> No.59677988

It was a wasted opportunity. I skipped to the performances at the end. Not only was the gameshow boring but the whole thing being in Japanese was stupid. I preferred IRyS's basically mini live and I wish Bae did a similar thing. She built it up so much that I thought it would be packed but there was so much padding

>> No.59682132

it did, but i was expecting bigger numbers.

>> No.59685301

it was trash

>> No.59685971

>Something I did not want to happen but convinced myself would happen did not actually end up happening, this is somehow a gotcha moment
This place is weird sometimes.

>> No.59690943
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>> No.59691828

I stopped watching because I didn't understand the first 30 minutes
EN btw

>> No.59692778

Based on her ad I thought there would be 4 Bae running around causing, you know, chaos. Would make sense given how apparently much she worked on it. I don't care as much about pure singing/idol stuff like some people do, so the last 20 minutes wasn't enough to make up for the lacking game part.

>> No.59693030

Funny how Bae just talked about this and addressed that she regrets the first segment leaning so much more on JP than english because she was so nervous at the time, at least she knows and will probably fix it for next time

>> No.59695203

There isn't a next time.

>> No.59695565

>you can only debut once
this is not true dayo

>> No.59697667

ITT: /vt/'s JP connoisseurs filtered by an actual JP experience. Go watch your bau bau saviors.

>> No.59697720

I didn't want to watch it just in case she beat Fauna's CCV

>> No.59698029

Still did

>> No.59698421

No one is telling you to graduate over that, Bae, calm down.

>> No.59702303


>> No.59702467

Homobeggar hands typed this

>> No.59705590

>en viewers get half a show catering to jp
