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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 872 KB, 713x1024, ASP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59587665 No.59587665 [Reply] [Original]


What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
PixelLink (Oct 30): https://www.pixel-link.com/audition
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>59567548

>> No.59587882
File: 197 KB, 640x480, commandments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ Commandments
>1. Are you a girl or a boy?
It is not of our concern.
>2. Are you a babi or a femboy?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Did you guys see the aspie numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you see what twitter/discord is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>5. The baiters are insulting your aspies!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. Hey guess what I heard from /asp/cord!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>7. You guys should quit...
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.59587910


>> No.59587941


>> No.59587985
File: 1.09 MB, 3500x4000, gugu-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is sexo?

>> No.59588025

Is hug

>> No.59588033

cute, and hot but is only my opinion

>> No.59588036
File: 58 KB, 500x500, IMG_1147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for announcing my strim in this thread!!!

I have no clue what this game is about

>> No.59588059

Why does he stream so late at night? 2am PST is ridiculous.

>> No.59588124

I'm getting yandere vibes
so yes, very yes

>> No.59588228

I’ve noticed that illustrators and character designer vtubers have a very hard time actually streaming because they can never settle with one design for themselves.

>> No.59588382

I like all the colors and the general style, but torso is too small compared to head. Make it a little wider/longer
I've had a minimum of 5 different concepts before settling on my current (and ideally final if I can control myself) one.

>> No.59588492

they have too much power on their hands

>> No.59588526

Who is this?

>> No.59588541

first watch, it's an excellent design but i cannot understand a single word

>> No.59588563

Very cuto. very sexo

>> No.59588610

UUUU I miss Haru

>> No.59588813

Same, except I really like his acent. Reminds me of a time when I worked with a nice old German lady at a grocery store

>> No.59588926


>> No.59589060


>> No.59589234

I am shy on discord. Who should I DM to rate my design?

>> No.59589294

Me, I'm definitely not a groomer and you can trust me to groom you efficiently.

>> No.59589430

Me, but only if you're a cute girl

>> No.59589466

I would say me but idk anything about designs and can barely hold a convo so I’d say try Sun Albionis#9921 He’s a cool dude and knows art/design stuff so try him

>> No.59589514

About to stream Mega Man 2, come on by!


>> No.59589665

Male or female?

>> No.59589781

It shouldn't matter if it's babi.
Femboy is objectively worse than babi.

>> No.59589793

Keitaro and Daiya
Sitting in a tree

>> No.59589811

Posting images of your model/game will help your post stand out in a sea of text, anon.

>> No.59589934

Who’s a babi here

>> No.59589951
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>rat ears

>> No.59590011
File: 86 KB, 862x966, BE5BF75C-530E-48DA-8804-5EDE93ED3609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I told you there wasn’t enough room in this town for both of our ships. Cabu/Daiya is the way

>> No.59590044


>> No.59590088

I think LCOLONQ is the only recent babi. There are some older ones too.

>> No.59590297

Gen 3 was the last great babi gen. I'm hoping Gen 6 will be the return of glory for the babis

>> No.59590326
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>> No.59590353

There was no glory in babis

>> No.59590377

Irina's collab with a babi shows us that there's hope for them.

>> No.59590391

Rura should know that carnotaurus tails were very inflexible and basically just stuck out straight to act as balance while they ran

>> No.59590398
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>> No.59590544

By gen 6 we might be to the point that AI voice changers will be good and accessible enough that guys pretending to be females will explode. We aren't very far off right now. So you might be right.

>> No.59590609

Going live in 5 minutes!

>> No.59590714

>Coco's demon hag bod for warmth
>Rura's petite dinogirl bod for cooling
At last, my woman-based duplex heat regulation system is complete

>> No.59590870

daiya isn't a necrophiliac

>> No.59590892
File: 36 KB, 193x213, 1684533892468429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Affiliate push continues, can I hit it before Disgaea marathon on Tuesday? Come lurk!

>> No.59590956

>consider making a vtuber avatar cause am artist
>all my ideas dont fit my voice

>> No.59590997

Vocaroo. NOW.

>> No.59591037

>going to miss the streams

I'm sorry Wanners.

>> No.59591245

Yeah but they look cooler when there's dynamism in the way that tails pose so they bend now

>> No.59591339

>I'm a carnotaurus
>also nothing about me relates to carnotaurus
>but look guys I have triangles on my head!!

>> No.59591397

my voice as a man is an embarrassment

>> No.59591491

I dont know, I feel like it lacks that one thing that makes someone go "sexooo"
Maybe change the socks to a bodystocking?

>> No.59591672

It's probably my own bias (or lack thereof) speaking here, but I find your voice to be alright. What kind of ideas were you contemplating?

>> No.59591760

Someone whose dinosaur autism runs deeper than Rura's...curious

>> No.59591815

something male, but genuinely i dont really have a good idea for the concept. what i DO know is that if i were to pick up on vtubing, i'd like to also do song covers. i want to make a design thats flexible for the main idea of covers + streaming. ever since i was like, a kid, i wanted to be a utaite lol

>> No.59592172

Daiya x Albert failed
Daiya x Cabu failed
Daiya x Keitaro is the only pure, cute and innocent ship between 2 cute boys

>> No.59592259

What the hell do you even like? Themes? Ideas? You can’t say you have no idea what to work with

>> No.59592310

I can't think of an idea for it yet but I like your voice

>> No.59592351

Artist and a singer? It might seem a little obvious or on the nose, but maybe go with a painter look, or maybe something like one of those male idol anime?

>> No.59592362

You sound like a tranny

>> No.59592560

would it be retarded to say that i'd like to go for an aquatic / marine animal theme? im super fucking autistic about marine biology and i can't imagine anything else at the moment. i could go for a simple water yokai since im a jap and all
thanks, im not too fond of it being so un-masculine, but that makes me feel better!
an underwater artist.. or idol, maybe not idol?

>> No.59592998

Just pick what you think is coolest. The content you make won't be held back by your design so long as all your choices follow your own preferences.

>> No.59593043

>lost a subscriber

Why did they leave? Do they not like me anymore? What did I do wrong? Why don't they like me? Am I annoying? Were they not happy with me? Did I upset them? What can I do to make them come back? I want them to come back. I want them to like me.

>> No.59593085

Tranny is not a compliment.
Just go full Babi, your voice will never work on a male body.

>> No.59593186

>go full babi
go away groomer

>> No.59593211

https://www.twitch.tv/denpafish HOTGLUING A DEMON HANDCAM

>> No.59593225

It might be cliche, but some sort of cephalopod inspired design could work. It would tie in with the artist aspect because of the chromatophores and extra appendages for holding brushes/pencils. Also your voice makes me think of Squidward a bit in a good way. A mantis shrimp might be cool too.

>> No.59593282

>Marine animal
You have a favorite marine animal, or a set of such creatures that you have fondness for? Or yeah, some sort of water yokai theme would work pretty well? Shit, you could be the, uh, tsukumogami of an old paintbrush/palette or something, I dunno.

>> No.59593337
File: 273 KB, 865x1301, aaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<<` up-and-coming (almost affiliate) indie mouse gamer pngtuber bcat (the b is always lowercase, please) over at https://www.twitch.tv/bcatgamering

Being completely honest I'm very new to this whole thing, but looking to stick it out, since other than this I'm just a house spouse mouse. Feel free to check me out, or not~

>> No.59593391

Fuck off to /wvt/

>> No.59593417

slender androgynous zora boy

>> No.59593434

I asked if i should record something or get a snippet from my stream for feedback on my voice a while back but just now decided to post something from my VOD, any advice on what to improve on?


>> No.59593565

This is a tranny btw, and unlike Gween, doesn’t make any effort in his voice.


>> No.59593579

hi guys its me mori calliope aka eminrm white womban

>> No.59593597
File: 39 KB, 789x301, IMG_1862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cephalopod aspie
Yes please. Or a sea slug. Some of them get really pretty colourations. Blue glaucus aspie would be kino.

>> No.59593600

Thanks brother, will do next time!

>> No.59593632

Babi or femboy? Doesn't matter, I will sexpest you

>> No.59593638

NTA but you are the crabbiest motherfucker I've ever seen. Go back to the /bucket/ lmao

>> No.59593660


>> No.59593679

silly songs with larry (mary)

>> No.59593746

Why don't you just DM him, he's open

>> No.59593771
File: 3 KB, 149x173, IMG_1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not Camui
Sorry anon. Can’t help you there.

>> No.59593779

>cephalopod-esque artist
hmm.. sounds familiar, but you arent wrong about it working with the artist aspect
i mean it when i say i love marine animals in general, but the idea of being a tsukumogami of an old paintbrush isn't bad.. hmm! many things to think about.
imo, i'd pull the microphone a bit back because it sounds like you're REALLY up close to it and it makes it more apparent when you've got like.. that cottonmouth (muffled) speech. i'd say to often clear your throat or swallow the spit in your mouth because it's easier for viewers to listen to a clear voice that isnt muffled. i might be wrong and biased, but in general, it's best to speak clearly.

>> No.59593834

This is not a “dump your link for support and leave” thread.
New people like Merlie make an effort to connect with the asp community. The last thing we need is for this thread to become a dumping site to shill your failing vtuber career.
Look at the color scheme, that’s a tranny, and the annoying kind that is in your face. I’d bet money that faggot has colored/bleached hair irl.

>> No.59593898

Because he’s not gay

>> No.59593897

Is it just me or does this chuuba sound somewhat close to how Beryl sounds

>> No.59593910

Uhh neither I guess? I dunno. I don't think too much about gender stuff desu. I'm kinda just here to play games and hang out with people. I have a dick, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.59593961

Well you have a good voice. I'll check out your next stream.

>> No.59594000

I think your model is cute....

>> No.59594002

How the hell do you confuse both of their voices?

>> No.59594054

>I don’t think too much about gender stuff
>Has the tranny flag color scheme

Also >desu
Please fuck off to twitter or r/transgamers

>> No.59594129

Damn how new do you have to be to not even know about wordfilters lol

>> No.59594174

I'm not gay but...
bottom or top?
Your design is making me feel things

>> No.59594181

Bro your tourism is showing…

>> No.59594236

They both have calm soft voices and speak with the sort of same inflection

>> No.59594254

People who use desu/get filtered means they are tourists, retard

>> No.59594311

>I have a dick

>> No.59594378

Just saying, if you’re not trans, that’s an extremely unfortunate color scheme. If you are, just know you’ll most likely be shoehorned into a certain stereotype involving trans vtubers (namely how they have to tell everyone they’re trans). You’ll get a decent amount of support from that community but the general vtuber populace considers them their own niche group most of the time.

>> No.59594432


It's small :)

>> No.59594437

Oh, you have “any pronouns” on twitter…

>> No.59594459

That sounds retarded, desu

>> No.59594480

His twitter says “any pronouns”.
That’s a tranny.

>> No.59594540

LMAO holy shit you really don’t know jesus christ, write “ t b h” without spaces you absolute dumbass

>> No.59594557

Small from the estrogen.

>> No.59594624

I'm going to masturbate to you now.

>> No.59594638

I know that it turns the word into desu you retard, that’s why no one uses it anymore.
It’s an easy way to tell when a redditor or twitter fat comes here because they love using that word.

>> No.59594726
File: 704 KB, 1080x1972, Screenshot_20230930_160013_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi friends,
im thinking about getting dance lessons or joining some kind of dance-cardio to get myself back into condition (ive had a lot of health complications in the past year and at this point i just wanna start doing things ive always wanted to do). however, even though some days I'm okay, I am afraid of showing my face very much, even if ive already done it a few times. however, I have a somewhat similar build to my model and ive been thinking about doing something like this since i can't afford 3d tracking hardware or a decent looking 3d model.
is this something that would be cool? similar to this chuuba

>> No.59594859

I'd watch it! But it can't be live because that's way too much of a risk imo, you'd have to do prerecorded dance content, but as long as the music's good and the moves are on point, I see nothing wrong with the concept.

>> No.59594903

No no sexo she looks like a kid.. It still looks very sick ! ggs

>> No.59594924

That's kinda how it is, I guess; I'm not super bothered by it either way. A friend of mine designed the outfit and did the art, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Not opposed to getting more outfits in the future when I'm less broke though, lol.

>> No.59595014
File: 37 KB, 594x269, ss+(2023-09-30+at+06.23.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people knew who I was, their opinion of me would never be the same

>> No.59595047

Mine would be higher, especially if you're a woman.

>> No.59595159

legitimately how can you have a score this low, I can't wrap my head around it, does everyone party all the time and attend orgies and shit? is that the norm? are virgins a tiny minority on /vt/?

>> No.59595170

Any bull prepping tips, my friend?

>> No.59595323

>Ryuuta and Manasong are tranny chasers

>> No.59595722

Completely unironically I would love a fish chuuba called Anne Chovy.

>> No.59595741
File: 132 KB, 600x600, NeptuneShrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a lot of the questions are just really redundant in a way to just inflate or deflate the score. Like, there are three separate questions for if you have or had your butt, chest, or nads groped, and I would imagine if you've done one, you've done all three. And then just a few questions later, for some reason, giving and receiving oral are different questions while the previous three all had giving/receiving count towards the same question. It feels like being in a relationship at all at any point in your life will just naturally bring your score down because of the things a relationship would entail.
Wait, that almost sounds like saying unicorns are right

>> No.59595814

What about a mobster goon chuuba called Tony Rigatoni?

>> No.59595989

I'd rather a L2D rigger called Rigger Tony, for a mobster he'd have to be like....Spageddy Fazool

>> No.59596069

Hell yeah! CabuVR is the only aspie VDancer rn. I’d love to see more! That said, def talk to a professional/watch yourself and do what >>59594859

>> No.59596086

Fuwacoco is a leech, sex predator, never streams, and manipulates her viewers for money.

>> No.59596106

you can get it to 40 if you fuck the brains out of your older spouse, without any drugs or crime. Just need 1 partner to do absolutely everything with.

>> No.59596113

I'm fond of a L2D rigger (forma de edgelord) called Rigger Mortis, personally.

>> No.59596112
File: 91 KB, 850x367, Screenshot 2023-10-01 102935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It feels like being in a relationship at all at any point in your life will just naturally bring your score down because of the things a relationship would entail.
This is 100% true. Pic related, my score after a relationship, but I ran the test again without everything I did in it, and got 85. I kind of wish I were still that pure tbqh

>> No.59596134

Yes please. But with a salty personality.

>> No.59596171

I'm trans btw not sure if that matters

>> No.59596370

I wish Coco would prey on me

>> No.59596403

Fuwacoco more like Sewer-caca

>> No.59596474

Don't care, still want to put a soccer team's worth of kids in her.

>> No.59596684

I want Fuwacoco to give me a sloppy paizuri

>> No.59596763
File: 133 KB, 964x604, Screenshot 2023-09-30 194229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is my limit... I see...

>> No.59596830
File: 393 KB, 1025x868, vampiresquid idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im.. getting somewhere atleast. im thinking of a vampire squid design since cephalopod is so out-there and im sure there's plenty of octopus themed chuubas. im trying to see what i can do to get that vampire squid idea across.

>> No.59596845

Ik you aren’t gonna believe me bc crab, but Coco is one of the sweetest people I know in the asp community. Is she a degenerate? Absolutely. Sexpest? Probably. But she has genuinely been so sweet and respectful of boundaries with me. She’s the one of the ones I go to first if I need advice.

>> No.59597035


>> No.59597066

The asp community is full of wonderful people. A little broken, but great people. The world is just too unkind to such beautiful souls.

>> No.59597276

Don't listen to the other weirdos in this thread. Your design is cute and there's nothing wrong with the color scheme, trans or not.
Keep up the good work!

Also a word of advice, if you are trans, you probably shouldn't advertise on 4chan of all places.

>> No.59597402

Vampire squid sounds cool

>> No.59597519

>Vampire squid
Rad! I'm looking forward to occasional updates as you iterate and progress with the design!

>> No.59597728

Thanks for the kind words; they mean a lot! Also, I legit don't even know if I count as trans or not, lmfao. I just kinda don't care one way or another about that sort of thing for me. I'm just here to make friends and play games.

>> No.59597857

I want to call you based, but the color scheme brings you down to "pretty cool"

>> No.59598013
File: 37 KB, 583x227, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59598254
File: 30 KB, 158x186, heretic d&#039;sparil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two wizards, one arena... and the 50+ Apprentices that D'Sparil summons.
Round 2 with the final boss of Heretic. I hope to finally finish this poser today then try my hand at the extra challenge levels after.
I'm a bit sleepy, tho.


>> No.59598567
File: 131 KB, 748x625, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might aswell go all out with some sort of punk artist look, right? vampire squids have like spikes !

>> No.59598642
File: 81 KB, 846x886, 14969C27-5F39-4FDD-875B-A51B66044DD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Color schemes are color schemes. I mean look at me. My color scheme is gay af!

>> No.59598711

Holy shit it’s Shien from Holostars

>> No.59598821

have a stake going through your neck for extra edge

>> No.59598838

NOOOO D: i admire boss but not like this..
im gonna have to find another way to put a coat in the design

>> No.59598844

I don't know who to draw, which aspies don't have much art?

>> No.59598922

Ace P Caswell
Wanners Blue

>> No.59598947


>> No.59599050

Alto doesn't have that much art, plus his birthday was a few days ago

>> No.59599196
File: 71 KB, 398x490, Pardun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys how goes it?

>> No.59599331
File: 492 KB, 2894x4093, F7R6ylcacAANRz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59599444


>> No.59599589

I'm tired of pretending I don't need a sloppy blowjob from a female /asp/ie

>> No.59599875

You are very cute slushy, let me slurp you until you are dry

>> No.59600295

I am going to FUCK coco

>> No.59600404

Get in line, and don't forget to take a card when you're done

>> No.59600562

Bc I am a humanoid Slushy that’ll probably kill me, but if it’ll quench your thirst, anon…<3

>> No.59600579

Are you not gay?

>> No.59600635

1960's fast food mascot lookin ass

>> No.59600682

Bi but that’s besides the point :)
Companies WISH they had me as a mascot

>> No.59600754


Kind of a shame, I know I'm hard to understand but I'm actually trying to talk in a more intelligible manner. Then again, my want to actually speak English more is one of the reasons I got into this hobby. Otherwise I'll never be able to speak it.

Still hope the two of you enjoyed the strim tho, as unintelligible as I am

>> No.59600771

Wait you’re actually a genius I need to commission a 1960s style logo

>> No.59600788

> <3
It keeps spreading. The infection is reaching pandemic levels. And goddamn if I don’t love to see it. <3

>> No.59600800

hardest /asp/ies to draw?

>> No.59600876

Momo’s tentacles might be a good challenge

>> No.59600919

Love your color scheme! The rainbow is very cute!

>> No.59601004

momo made me me enter a training arc so him

>> No.59601080

What is going on in the MoMoMo stream right now?

>> No.59601165

Was just gone and didn't have a "brb" screen...

>> No.59601248

denpa because its hard to not give her a massive fucking forehead

>> No.59601341

Best part of being an ESL is that I can understand Momo just fine even though I'm not a fellow German

>> No.59601629
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2023-10-01 10-56-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now! Going to be checking out some demos and then taking a look at some other cool early access games that I might play at a later date!

>> No.59601740

At this point I'm convinced burgers have some kind of mental issue for real, how is it that they instantly become unable to understand anything when the person talking doesn't have a burger accent.

>> No.59601833
File: 184 KB, 220x221, sips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new post from the spy arg aspie
Shes such a fucking dork... I like her enthusiasm

>> No.59602107

I will fix her autism with my dick

>> No.59602300

clonk is tricky to do accurately

>> No.59602329

>wakes up
>no Haru ny my side
day ruined

>> No.59602730

If you're an aspie reading this, I will will cuddle (You).

>> No.59603233


>> No.59605521

Which /asp/ies from old gens (at least 1 year) are still active 2views?

>> No.59605585

Older aspies are either 3view or quit.

>> No.59605599

bread dying…
itt, say something you admire about another chuuba

>> No.59605827

Your double dubs compel me.
I really like how Ori wants to work harder to improve her speaking abilities!

>> No.59605862

Nah a lot still stream for the same small circle they did years ago

>> No.59605976

Dammit right as you say that I join Ori’s stream to see the ending stream :(

>> No.59606031

huh? Dunno when exactly you wrote it but it seems like it was when I was taking like a 5 minute break...? Just needed to stretch a bit!

>> No.59606062

Name them

>> No.59606112

And Momo stream is over too. fuck me

>> No.59606136

I can't believe my tentacles are torturing you guys this much... I am sorry broskis TT

>> No.59606848

Fortnite battle pass

>> No.59606901

The relentless drive to improve despite or because of the misplaced but basal and relatable human feelings of inadequacy.

>> No.59606936

Dw captain. In my fantasies they’re totally worth it :)

>> No.59606976


>> No.59607273

my rice purity score is too high to be considered realistic by most but thats what happens when you are a genuine loser throughout your entire life

>> No.59607390

What if I stopped aspiring?

>> No.59607439

There was already a 98, don't worry!

>> No.59607450

vtubers that say NIGGER on stream?

>> No.59607453

Auxilia, Abigail, Mazoku, Eraxs, KnightChase, Gween, Krunch, Thaumologist, Jaydead, Charlie, Elliot, Bibi, Alto, Kuma, Noona, Ainslie, Kitsura, Coyote, Gelisor, Yuuyami, Kliff, Primrose, Freeofme, Lance, Nue, Jester and some more I can't remember. All of them been streaming for at least a year

>> No.59607698

I am not alone then

>> No.59607956 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.59608055

Debut right now

>> No.59608152

Herahera-chan has been saying it every strean this past week

>> No.59608252

Hera's been streaming?

>> No.59608260

Who is this?

>> No.59608398

you're right and so much more is wrong :))(( I think horns are the most iconic part even if my horns aren't the most accurate shape either, I experimented making it like that but it looked less cute so at least I have horns of some kind. In addition to what you pointed out, I have two radiuses and two ulnas in the skeleton arm since carnotaurus arms are so stubby and I didn't want to have a stub arm, it's sooo wrong but I prayed no one would notice since I couldn't think of how to translate the anatomy to "anime girl", but I did try base of the shape off excavations even if it's now mechanically wrong and converted to a palm. I have some sketches of my V2 with tail pointing backward but I'm too weak with foreshortening drawing to make it look 3D and it ends up looking so short and I gave up since no one will see it when I stream, also if it was the accurate bone number I'll die animating it, so instead I made it in a 2D view, and very loosely try to base the shape off the vertebra but it's not like anyone's gonna know cause it's a bit loose and I can't draw well. In short i tried but suck at drawing, don't know what to do, need to be simpler to l2d animate, needs to look like "cute" anime girl, and don't know what the hell I am doing hahahuhu. Anyway I can talk all day about why a dinosaur fan might get mad at my character design (I understand, it's pain). I did consider making some parts dinosaur flesh or dinosaur hoodie to have more elements but I feel those are too overdone and wouldn't stand out as much. anyway you're right my entire design very mechanically wrong if you base off dino mechanics. (and I knew from the start no one's gonna realize I'm a carny, so the tiny references are..more personally just for me just cause they're cute)

>> No.59608426

Adding onto >>59607453 there's other non 3views from earlier gens that are still streaming such as: bodega, kaji, cain, kenji, bloom, atropa, callidora, gyaru, colt, and tomakeys

>> No.59608527
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oops forgor to attach image

>> No.59608568


>> No.59608800

Calm down rural your model is cute and the horns+tails+your name makes it obvious where your designs comes from

>> No.59608909
File: 6 KB, 862x621, pottattot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potato discusses every thing for the sake of entertainment on a just chatting night

>> No.59608948


>> No.59609067

Bodega is a 3view

>> No.59609454


>> No.59609451

How so? Nobody watched him and >>59608909 is the same shit

>> No.59609573

one was an actual menhera and one is groomed by one

>> No.59609583

I like how nice and comfy all the /asp/ies I know of are. that, and how magnificent their designs look. they're so cool! and their voices fit them well. I wish I had the time to watch and interact with everyone more

>> No.59609827

How do you stream for that long without ever inclining or at least hitting partner?

>> No.59609930


>> No.59610030

Can I get a name?

>> No.59610427

Not everybody aims for that. I’m gen 5 but I was streaming for 6 months before I became an aspie. During that time I streamed mostly to friends I knew irl so I never hit affiliate during that time. Some people just enjoy it or do it on the side. Also stop numberfagging

>> No.59610583

It's really hard unless you go all out at it.
You either need a viral moment or to stream as much as possible.

>> No.59610677

>Stop vtubing
>Immediately forgotten
Crying and wailing

>> No.59610765

To some people this is just a small hobby they can't invest too much time of effort in due to other life commitments

>> No.59610867

she's getting there! 80 ccv for 30 day average looks good, she's just gotta get to the point where she's a 75 without raids
some of them have found varying degrees of inclines and hitting partner is pretty rare in the first place; only a handful of aspies have gotten it (calliecalico, clauvio, lex; miru was able to apply but got rejected then moved)
just like with gens 4 and 5, most were streaming for fun with only a handful aiming for partner specifically and when you don't have that goal in mind it really is up to chance if you incline unless you go out of your way to shill and market yourself.
with a lot of gen 4 approaching or having past their half year milestones, it'll start being more apparent with them as well

>> No.59611559

>got rejected then moved

>> No.59611600

I love Lcolonq (no homo)!

>> No.59611721
File: 44 KB, 448x448, Dante_BIIG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just glad my day job doesn't involve selling coffee to strangers.

>> No.59612004

she moved from Japan to Hawaii and wasn't able to stream for a long time which killed her momentum so she's at around 50 ccv now

>> No.59612291

Karaoke stream but I sing along to gachi songs and make all the noises

>> No.59612998

That's a massive cope

>> No.59613174

I wasn't ever aiming for partner but my channel was in stagnation or decline view wise. I was at least glad to get it to affiliate before restarting anew.

>> No.59613175

How's your incline to partner going?

>> No.59613416

Dumb question: Why do most people debut on Saturdays? Is it bad to do it on a weekday?

>> No.59613424
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Haha, yeah...

>> No.59613447


>> No.59613451

This potato is so sexy, he gives me big ASMR jiggles

>> No.59613699

>Be me
>Lonely guy
>Life feels kinda empty
>One day, browsing /asp/
>Stumble upon this small dinosaur named Rura
>Instantly smitten
>Start watching her streams
>Her infectious laughter brightens up my world
>She loves playing fighting games, just like me
>Every afternoon I tune in to watch her
>She notices me
>Heart skips a beat
>We start chatting more often
>She's so sweet and funny
>Send her stories I've been working on
>She loves it
>We become close friends
>Spend hours together
>Share our secrets and dreams
>Loneliness fades away
Because in this dorky dinosaur girl, I found my happiness
Thanks, Rura, for lighting up my life

>> No.59613921

It's a day when most people, streamer included, are likely to have free time to watch a stream.

>> No.59614067


>> No.59614117
File: 97 KB, 811x669, 16901840890111903541854338420732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out autism causes anger and meltdowns. I thought it was something wrong with me as a person, like some deep personal issue that makes me easily angered or something I lacked. I didn't know it was just fucking autism. Why did none of my family or any doctors or fucking anybody tell me this? Now that I know what the fuck is wrong with me I might be able to do something about it and try vtubing again
Might just wait longer and reincarnate instead of bringing pic rel back, I don't know

>> No.59614306

What are their numbers like?

>> No.59614309

Wait for Gen 6 and reeincarnate then, new identity.

>> No.59614746

Stop fucking coming here holy shit

>> No.59614831

Could be anyone, anon.

>> No.59615188

Yeah but it'll be super obvious it's me
I don't have anywhere else to talk about vtubing, I will lurk here and you will not be able to do anything about it

>> No.59615332

>Be me
>Lonely guy
>Life feels kinda empty
>One day, browsing /asp/
>Stumble upon this small potato named Tupo
>Instantly smitten
>Start watching his streams
>His infectious laughter brightens up my world
>He loves playing Game & Watch games, just like me
>Every afternoon I tune in to watch him
>He notices me
>Heart skips a beat
>We start chatting more often
>He's so sweet and funny
>Send him stories I've been working on
>He loves it
>We become close friends
>Spend hours together
>Share our secrets and dreams
>Loneliness fades away
Because in this dorky potato boy, I found my happiness
Thanks, Tupo, for lighting up my life

>> No.59615717

Unpopular opinion: Iriya's obsession with Rura sets off every single danger response in my body. I don't think it's healthy or going to end well.

Screencap this.

>> No.59615784

in order of who I listed, theirn30 day averages are:
80, 18, 22, 15, 46, 9, 11, 11, 33, and 66

>> No.59615873

I don't even know who you are

>> No.59616228

nini my vtubing frns!! good luck & good dreams >^,,^< zzzzzz

>> No.59616256

How is Cain so low? He seems talented and well connected.

>> No.59616392

Sleep tight bby, hope your dreams are sweet!

>> No.59616525

male vtuber

>> No.59616527 [DELETED] 

i hate my life

>> No.59617214

I'm a dateless touch less virgin but my rice purity is low because of the drugs alcohol and crime/rulebreaking questions. Also I've masturbated before.

I'm so lonely man

>> No.59617289

Based iriya

>> No.59617301

same here but without the drugs and alcohol
some people were just born to suffer

>> No.59617550

Potato bro, can you share a guide for setting up commands using streamelements? I only really wanted the 8ball for myself but I can only find decent guides for stuff like nightbot.

>> No.59617894

I think it's Han. He's the only other person who would catch Rura in the afternoon.

>> No.59617959

or GClef

>> No.59618152

Gclef is Aussie?

>> No.59618213

>tfw you were the cool edgy kid people thought was attractive
>had girls openly approached me all through schooling
>didn't have any autistic hangups and down for whatever
>plenty of friends male and female
>once had a night a drunk girl banged on my dorm room door and demanded I fuck her
>really sweet /asp/tier girl does her best to try to come on to me and wanted to eat lunch together

Its astonishing that I'm still a virgin whose never had a gf. A virgin over 25. I feel like if 4chan guys saw a movie of my life they'd actually murder me

>> No.59618222

No but he is also a Rura sexpest.

>> No.59618450

I'm starting to get convinced people posting about me just want people to dislike me since I can't think of anyone at all who would even fit that description

>> No.59618705

Lucky bastard. You didn’t lose your chance to be a wizard.

>> No.59618815

feel like drawing rura but brain empty, anybody got a suggestion

>> No.59618817

Iriya gives off extreme virgin energy

>> No.59619087

If Iriya isn't the one who made that post, it genuinely makes me sad then

>> No.59619174

can someone make a dice roller for /asp/ies or put them in a roll list for drawfags

>> No.59619208


>> No.59619289

what is a dice roller?

>> No.59619296

Do Rura chasing chickens at her dad's chicken farm

>> No.59619333

The top 3 being bodega, bloom, and tomakeys seems weird, I get why bodega does well but not the other 2

>> No.59619462


>> No.59619544

idk like you press a button and then it selects a random aspie, and maybe you can select by gens

>> No.59619687

Iriya's like me in a way

>> No.59619739

Rura means the world to me. There's no one else who even comes close to her. I often fantasize about a future where we can be together forever, and deep down, I have this feeling that fate will eventually bring us together.

>> No.59619774

he should be the chosen one!

>> No.59619808

I don't waste my time thinking about numberfaggotry and I refuse to indulge it beyond this response but if you ever have to ask "why is X doing good, I don't understand it" the simple answer is usually that they appeal to a specific niche that you aren't a part of

>> No.59619818

Bloom debuted at the right time basically.
He is also well connected and is very talented.
If he wanted to go Partner he probably could.

>> No.59619967

rura is hands down the most amazing girl on /asp/. The others never stood a chance.

>> No.59620146

It's insane what having a cute design does to some people.

>> No.59620211

I can't actually understand him for shit...

>> No.59620330

is he well connected? it feels like he doesn't do many collabs

>> No.59620885

Is this how the Herahera-chan voice changer was for people

>> No.59621041

Han was literally streaming and still is, him and iriya are in Australia so the timezones makes sense with the whole afternoon thing, also Iriya is totally the type to show his feelings to everyone

>> No.59621105

Feel like I've been getting supported a lot more than I've been supporting around here, what can I do?

>> No.59621205

He is well connected with a lot of /wvt/.
Just because he doesn't collab, doesn't mean he isn't connected.

>> No.59621246

Support more?

>> No.59621314

How's this?

Like, comment, clip, follow and subscribe.

>> No.59621425

Going by that anon's list
PNG male debuff
Babi debuff
PNG babi debuff
PNG and ESL male debuff
idk, never watched him
Trans debuff
Bad model male debuff
idk, never watched him
idk, never watched him
idk, never watched him
Niche games and he doesn't stream much, also male debuff
Not enough self promo
ESL male and ugly model debuffs
PNG debuff
Babi debuff
Babi debuff
Voice and game debuffs, allegedly trans
ESL male and ugly model debuffs
Babi debuff
idk, never watched her
idk, never watched him
Not enough self promo
idk, never watched him
Didn't he quit?
Babi debuff
Menhera debuff

>> No.59621437

oh no, rinna doesn’t exist

>> No.59621458

Why only Gen 5? He said /asp/ies.

>> No.59621588

Does gen 4 not exist anymore? I never see any mentions of them anywhere anymore

>> No.59621642

pretty good,would be cool to have all of the /asp/ies, at least from gen 3-5

>> No.59621834

any time I see him mentioned in wvt or other threads it's mostly bad things so it makes sense why he isn't partner

>> No.59621930

People still talk about Lavandel, Daiya, Beryl, Kankuro, sometimes Olga, Laine and Coco (like earlier today).
Others don't get mentioned as much.

>> No.59622112

Groomers failed at having sex with gen 4 and are trying their new toys.

>> No.59622147

This is the first time I've seen myself in one of these generation collections, feel like a king. You're the best. I should definitely try to give other's posts as much attention as I can!

>> No.59622305

Sun and Cats also get talked about sometimes.
Denpa and Gumpai (was she Gen 4?) are also spoken about sometimes, but mostly drama shit.
Tally and Vampirstation don't stream anymore.
Everyone else doesn't get mentioned.

>> No.59622330

My bad, I just assumed he meant Gen 5.
Also my bad, and I forgot about the new dino guy Mawg.

I made it possible to copy the wheel and make a new one - Just press the "Copy to Your Wheel" button to start editing your own and link it here.

>> No.59622481
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>> No.59622613

Skeleton handjob

>> No.59622778

>Don't get mentioned much
>Realize that I don't do much to warrant being mentioned
Gonna try to work a little harder.

>> No.59623040

Me too brother, let's do our best. We're all gonna make it

>> No.59623053

>close stream
>open Premiere
>open a game I'll stream next week

>> No.59623449

would you rather get mentioned a lot but only because people don't like you

>> No.59623502

Dante, please, your e-mail reps...

>> No.59623627

Who gives a fuck about Tom Brady
He’s a fuckin loser, I don’t even fuckin care

>> No.59623630

If you're autistic enough about a certain topic, sometimes people will still bring you up without you needing to bring yourself up first

>> No.59623662

I've got a massive crush on an /asp/ie but they're not really mentioned often, so I'll keep their name to myself. I can't help it, I adore them and it makes me super shy.

>> No.59623767
File: 232 KB, 720x1280, small daiya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiya is live!

>> No.59623833

I don't check email often. You're better off getting in touch with most people through discord

>> No.59623906

share with the class

>> No.59624114

Filling the ones anon doesn't know
Obnoxious and boring
Average male with no entertaining qualities
Too much of a zoomer, no self promo
Obnoxious and publicly menhera(male)
Barely streams, bad game choices
Is inclining recently, seems to be more on the grind
Average male with no entertaining qualities
He came back

>> No.59624190

Imagine being Hyde's girlfriend and hearing him say "right...? right" three hundred times in the span of a minute in that psycho voice of his, unfortunately God made me a very straight man and I'll never enjoy those pleasures

>> No.59624339

Hi there! I recognize you. I'm sorry for not being able to catch your streams. I'm usually at work when you go live. Hopefully, I'll be able to join in for the next one

>> No.59624444


>> No.59624591

I find it hard to understand him, so I think the ESL is a bigger debuff.

>> No.59624653


>> No.59624905

Should I share a link to the Gen 5 Discord? Is there anyone here who hasn't joined yet but wants to?

>> No.59624932

Yeah it can be hard for us to all be best buds in real time when we're in so many different places and countries, watching Daiya right now but it looks like his stream just went and died

>> No.59625025

And all the Red Sox players
Should get paid more than the Yankees do

>> No.59625140

Thanks, but I'm good. Girlcord is all I need.

>> No.59625195

Post the link so I can spam slurs

>> No.59625561

Could be fun to join the gang, deadset never used Discord before though

>> No.59625716

how is it that you cannot understand potato? literally sound like an average joe

>> No.59625941

How do I join the mancord?

>> No.59625986

Say that you are a woman and wait to be groomed.

>> No.59626192

He's either fucked 100 girls or none. It's how his type of schizo works. Seen it before.

>> No.59626868

>My bad, I just assumed he meant Gen 5.
This is what people were talking about when they said gens were an awful decision

>> No.59627501

Trans isn't necessarily a debuff if you know how to use it but I don't think I want that kind of audience

>> No.59627528
File: 28 KB, 400x400, HjbPVEax_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Heed a warning to you anons.

Do not trust Vfleet, or any associated parties with them. They're led by a corrupt groomer who only wants to make his vtuber talent his personal harem. Avoid Vfleer like the plague.

Pic related. It's their logo

>> No.59627822

Anon, I've never voice trained in my life until a few months ago and haven't been consistent with it till a week or two ago.

>> No.59627966

he hasn't been streaming as much recently and he doesn't market himself much

>> No.59628083

you're hot and have a cute voice gween

>> No.59628334

Those 100 are definitely the kind of ‘women’ that get passed around the local Dungeons and Dragons group

>> No.59628617

gween <3

>> No.59628720
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>> No.59628852

