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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59520053 No.59520053 [Reply] [Original]

Idk this just made me laugh really hard

>> No.59520179


>> No.59520278

If you want people to stop using the hard r like retards then your entire community needs to stop saying the word entirely. There is no "it's our word now" because that just keeps the word in the modern lexicon. It's a good thing she feels uncomfortable, it means she can stop saying it and potentially get other people to stop saying it.

>> No.59520958

if you're not black, but use a black avatar, can you get away with saying nigger without people sperging out?

>> No.59521037

this off branch I'm a black vtuber and suffering movement is on par with twitlonger drama whores and valorant brain rot vtubers, a rare but equally cringe side of the space. I hate them all.

>> No.59521179

Just say it my nigga, I'm white as snow and I say it all the time.

>> No.59521470

My nigga! Don't be scared to say nigga it's literally just a word I'm black as fuck and I think its funny when white people say nigga. They say it wierd.

>> No.59521804
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>> No.59521853

does her profile say nigumi? is that like an in-joke?

>> No.59521860

Thanks for the laugh OP.

>> No.59521950
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>> No.59522084


>> No.59522286

Comes with white people treating it like saying Voldemort around anyone but their friends. It's kinda sad that the only ones who aren't scared are the ones who don't want to hang with you anyway.

>> No.59522921

I don't want to start of this post by being cringe and saying "as a black person" but making this preamble is already cringe, so fuck it.
As a black person I always absolutely fucking hated the "black community" claiming that word as theirs in the name of empowerment or some bullshit, but the thing is, if someone not black saying it incites such strong feelings within you, even if they're just reciting it from lyrics, then it was never your word. The most absolutely fucking retarded thing this community has done is banning any other race from using it, whilst they themselves use it as often and liberally as if it were just any other word. If you think it's a slur that you don't want others to say, then don't say it yourself. It's just idiotic.

>> No.59523077

asserting your dominance on the lesser races and dictation what they can and cannot say is a power move and pretty based, sad that you can't see it my nigga

>> No.59523099

this. just get on with your lives stop labeling yourself this and that you are only hurting yourselves

>> No.59523123

kek! wtf!

>> No.59523253

I always laugh a bit when I see people sperging out over a white person saying the N word in any capacity when blacks say it often in America to simply refer to eachother. Words never going away if blacks call eachother by it, and it’s never going to be less offensive with how it’s treated when any non black uses it. America moment.

>> No.59523416

the logic was literally "we deserve to have something be irrationally 'ours' because of the mistreatment we suffered". Like the entire point was "Yes, what we are doing does not make sense, but fuck it we want it anyway"

And sure, out of a sense of politeness blacks got to have it for a while, because they did get treated pretty badly. But it was always an inherently unstable proposition; the more time went on the more people were going to be like "Alright, that's enough, this makes no fucking sense"

>> No.59523802

Black people don't even say that

>> No.59523984

hearing a vtuber say the word "nigga" is fucking cringe and sends shivers down my spine honestly and i come from a mixed race family, we dont' use that stupid word. it's dumb low IQ dialect. it doens't really fit in with the whole vtuber image, but if that's what they want to be like cool go for it.

why would they write that on twitter even tho, fucking dumb ass attention seeking whore moron twitter users. omg i hate them all so much lol

>> No.59524523
File: 139 KB, 355x345, 701ED300-C5B8-43CA-8A25-F7FE1B6FEB6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has always been the end goal of liberals. To erase any and all existence or identity of race. Whether or not you think that’s a good or bad thing is up to you, but it’s simply a fact that that’s their end goal and they’re succeeding.

>> No.59524645 [DELETED] 

What is your honest opinion on niggers?

>> No.59524654


>> No.59524667

>We got them to ACTUALLY call each other that its hilarious
>Ok next step is to convince them mumbling to sampled music from the 70s is high art

>> No.59525212

I wouldn't have gotten into Vtubers if it wasn't for Miko saying nigga

>> No.59525501


>> No.59526201

If blacks only spoke that word every once in a while I might understand, but how the fuck they get offended by a word that themselves unironically use every 10 seconds
Btw blacktubers sound so funny

>> No.59526302

I tried to avoid saying nigga in VC because I couldn't show my hands.

Then another black 2view told me "nigga please".

>> No.59526467

Is this person aware of the whole niji racism arc?

>> No.59526514

Yeah they do

>> No.59526558
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>> No.59526559

I wonder what does Elira think on the matter

>> No.59527514

Perpetuating the use of a racial slur with the excuse of "reappropiating" it, only to get mad when others use it due to how ubiquitous you made it is utter retardation, yes.

Curious how they have to separate themselves from mainstream black culture to notice how dumb and crass that custom is.

>> No.59527721

Nothing in the tweet was even funny you /pol/ faggot, just a negress asking dumb fuck questions. Your sense of humor is garbage, kill yourself

>> No.59528774 [DELETED] 

You seem to have met some pretty articulate house niggers, anon

>> No.59530908

The funniest part to me is that nigger wasn't even a slur in the "bad old days" it was just a neutral descriptive term like saying "asian" today. In lat am we still say negro or negrito (the equivalent of saying niggerboy) and its not its not seen as any kind of insult.

>> No.59531363
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>because they did get treated pretty badly
by jews, btw. both the ship owners/captains, slavers and the plantation owners. not all, but by a huge %.

>> No.59531431

baffling post

>> No.59531443

I'm white as snow and I say nigga casually. Hell I remember the black kids in my class begging me to say nigga because they thought it'd be funny

>> No.59531491

These posts' screenshots are hitting it off on gradeschool tiktok

>> No.59531497

Or…maybe since vtubing is connected to anime culture, vtubers prefer to not lean too hard into their race (ethnicity is different, and that’s because certain groups like Hispanics and flips flock to anyone of their kind, so it’s often smart to reveal that).
It’s not like you can’t casually mention that you’re black, and with the kind of accents you see right now no one will really care if you talk like a black person. But anime characters don’t say nigga, since it’s not 2019 anymore and everyone knows what it means now.
Saying nigga as a vtuber is just asking to be pigeonholed as “the black vtuber”. And isn’t that what most black people trying to become vtubers DON’T want?

>> No.59531578

Wth is she on about?
Black people can freely say nigga, it's just the other races that can't.

>> No.59531922

am i allowed to say nigga when i'm 30+ white male larping as submissive choco shota?

>> No.59531989

She’s complaining that other black vtubers don’t even though they can. Because apparently not wanting to stick out like a sore thumb by using a slur only your race can use means you’re self-hating.
The word was original reclaimed as an in-group thing anyway. Maybe some black people just don’t *want* to say nigga on-stream when they know most of their chat isn’t black

>> No.59532822

If they aren't "v", wouldn't that mean they're just streamers?

>> No.59532991

>This has always been the end goal of liberals. To erase any and all existence or identity of race.
Now (You) understand how the woketards are not liberal, trying to make everyone care constantly about race and all the million other labels they can stick on themselves and each other.
>and they’re succeeding.

>> No.59533640

Why are black people so retarded when it comes to the word nigga? Why does a sound make them seethe so much? I can call asians chinks and they'll laugh it off, despite the fact that chinese people were also mistreated and had less rights in America. Same goes for Mexicans. Hell, even Jewish people won't react so strongly when you call them a kike, and they had it way worse than black people. So why are they so quick to anger? Don't they know that if they keep getting angry about it, it's all the more potent to use against them? I think a truly self respecting black person would react to being called nigger the same way a white person would to being called gringo or whitey. It's only because some part of them associates being black with being inferior that they feel like they're being attacked when being called what they are. Thinking a race is inferior, does that mentality sound familiar? It's called racism. Black people are racist against themselves, ironically only now that they've been acknowledged as equals. It's just kind of sad to see how they misguide themselves. My niggas.

>> No.59533796

Youtube and Twitch would both kill your account so it wouldn't even be worth it.

>> No.59533814

has any blacktubers done mukbangs?

>> No.59533863

If she wants to say nigga she should just say it instead of asking for the permission/opinions of other black people.

>> No.59534005

She cam do it, sounds trashy as fuck tho. I like vtubing because at least the culture is not the trashy mess that we currently have.

>> No.59534045

Anon, (You) are far too sane and rational to be here.

>> No.59534126
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Why do they keep pointing out their own race? It'll be if a vtuber kept saying "I'm Asian, I'm Asian", or "I'm White, I'm White".
And why do they get angry when people treat them differently even though they WANT to be treated differently?
Is this a US thing?

>> No.59534135

Being kind to one another is literally the easiest thing to do. I'm doing it right now. Give it a shot.

>> No.59534224

You've clearly never seen 2 nigs arguing with eachother, some of them make the kkk sound progressive

>> No.59534277

Nigga is just a quicker way to say nigger

>> No.59534345

You should read a post before replying to it.

>> No.59534363


>> No.59534383


>> No.59534394

Perpetual victimhood for the purpose of garnering sympathy or excusing niggerish behavior.

>> No.59534406


>> No.59535167
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pinku privilege

>> No.59536525

It's only cringe if you make it cringe.

>> No.59536712

We're slowing going back into racism. Remember that whole fad where businesses would have a sign outside that said "black owned business" that's literally a Jim crow law.

>> No.59536780

Jannies have decided to neuter free speech by marking a mere word as racism. Fuck 'em.

>> No.59536827

Is she black? I though she was Canadian chink

>> No.59536906

It's just networking. When you make it big, you no longer have to rely on a community and can showcase your own talents.

Like going to a Women's only, or Black only even/career network.

>> No.59536999

Language segragation, then business, safe spaces.

>> No.59537010

Yes. Pls post channel that sounds so hot

>> No.59537053


>> No.59537795

They do

>> No.59538089
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>> No.59538363

Nigga I'm surrounded by so many snowflakes I can't risk it

>> No.59540261

why are these people even vtubers?

>> No.59541598

You've never watched an ishowspeed stream/video obv.

>> No.59541818

As a white boy who grew up in a ghetto, yeah the fuck they do. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard one of the black moms yell something along the lines of "Get your nigger ass back here" To one of the kids on the block, I'd have not been living there long.

>> No.59542630
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>> No.59542755

shut up or they will learn that by actively promoting themselves as black it makes it easier to avoid them

>> No.59543092

Correct, niggers aren't people.

>> No.59543329

Like seanigggers seamonkeys schizophrenia people from Indonesia too.

>> No.59543909

That anon is right though. If you're old enough and from the south and south-west you'll remember allot of the old timers talking about "nigras" in 100% non hostile and even complimentary ways.
Ofcourse it was also used as a word of derision but that wasn't it's exclusive use. In a weird way the old-time racists were much less racially aggravated than the wannabe neo-nazi's we have today. The effect of the 1950's and 60's Klan revival under Eldon Edwards and Roy Davis at the dawn of the Civil Rights movement did allot to fundamentally alter the way most people perceive the history of American race relations.
It's really complicated and highly contextual in ways most people don't care to really look into.

>> No.59543980

Shut the fuck up Linus

>> No.59545953

Well, yeah. Fairly clear that the chuuba in OP’s picrel just wants other black chuubas to use it so she won’t suffer the consequences of sticking out by using it herself.

>> No.59547112

I thought her name was Nigumi at first

>> No.59547706

kek what a nigtuber

>> No.59549008

I like saying nigger randomly when I'm alone. It just rolls off the tongue so nicely.

>> No.59549391

only racists say the N word. no excuses.

>> No.59550164

I think it's funny because identity politics has absolutely 0 influence in the vtuber realm.

Japanese digital avatars didnt comit slavery. They have no institutional racism. So it's silly to project such ideas or culture onto the hobby, like worrying about the n-words or whatever.

>> No.59550283


>> No.59550481

THIS 100%, it's even worse when people who had nothing to do with that shit (non-americans) learn about the word because haha funny meme or songs made by black singers, they end up thinking nothing about the word and say it, sometimes it escapes your mouth because you joke with your palls and call each other niggers.
I bet that same shit happened to pewdiepie at the bridged when he said nigger when someone killed him, it was not out of pure racism but everyone, including black people, have enabled that word way too fucking much

>> No.59550602

you guys, are some based niggers. Not bad.

>> No.59555154

what a fucking retarded thing to post on twitter
