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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59510807 No.59510807 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.59510833

tick tock

>> No.59510968

We might even see more grim numbers from her if she does it... DO IT.

>> No.59510978

she wants the vshojo and mythic raids

>> No.59511018

yeah, and please don't come back

>> No.59511048

Clickbait, she decided against it

>> No.59511067

I refuse to believe she's that stupid

>> No.59511070

Why? Twitch is fucking dying. They have less and less viewers each year.

>> No.59511074

Of all ENs i though Ame would be the only one to make the switch.

>> No.59511105

You would be correct but most of these replies will just be reactions to the thumbnail

>> No.59511113

is she retarded? she waits until twitch goes to shit before switching. what?

>> No.59511118

Laplus switched to twitch?
I thought Cover was quite explicit about youtube only?

>> No.59511238

youtube is dying.

>> No.59511405 [DELETED] 

it might help revitalize her channel, twitch offers more visibility. Also it offers less chat delay, and she loves interacting with chat.

>> No.59511562

fuck off tranny shill

>> No.59511616

Yes she did
And no they aren't

>> No.59511707

>another site that collects your data
>jewish controlled site
At this point the only kikes I'm going to give my is jewgle. Fuck you

>> No.59511838

Isn't Twitch mostly softcore strip club and react streamers nowadays?

>> No.59511867

I'm so tired

>> No.59511893

Throw in 10,000 1view wannabe vtuber troons and you've nailed it

>> No.59511941

Imagine her on Kick

>> No.59511945

She was complaining that she wasn't getting views on her shorts and streams (she nearly exclusively streams valorant) so she moved to twitch because Lapu is the poster child of "idiot woman"

>> No.59511947

lap switched entirely to twitch? when and why?

>> No.59511989

>valo only streamer
oof. big L for the cover corp

>> No.59512019


>> No.59512074

She wouldn't do bad if she streamed in Just Chatting without her VTuber model and wore tight-fitting clothing.

>> No.59512097

>another clipper self-advertising thread

>> No.59512149

Valorant does something to women brains

>> No.59512423

Even the corpos know YouTube is garbage for streaming

The only reason they use it in the first place is because YouTube is more popular than NND and Twitch had no presence in Japan

>> No.59512484
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>> No.59512561 [DELETED] 

t. retarded nigger who mass replies.

>> No.59512593 [DELETED] 
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>> No.59512633

Think what you will about mass replying or me. Doesn't change how pathetic thumbreading is, offended snowflakes.

>> No.59512647

She could also stream wrestling

>> No.59512689

I'd like to watch that with /hfz/.

>> No.59512735

i'm not clicking giving a view to kiara, that's never gonna happen.

It's clear clickbait cause Kiara is the biggest brown noser shill corpa tuber.

she ain't never doin it. also her career would die faster than fire on gasoline (and every holochuuba) who try to stream on twitch.

>> No.59512754

I don't even need to read the thumbnail to tell you everyone knows YouTube streaming is trash.

Streamers say it outright.
When EN vtubers leave their companies, they start streaming on Twitch. Even ones who might have originally streamed on YouTube pre-corpo.
Several Holos and Nijis on both sides of the Pacific are using Twitch more and more often.
The ONLY people who go Twitch->YouTube are the ones who are either bought our or hired.

It's just how it is.

>> No.59512757

I watched the stream, I already knew

>> No.59512783

>10,000 1view wannabe vtuber troons
Why do you want to throw /vt/ in there?

>> No.59512941
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>called out for being ignorant shitters
>theyre still in the thread even tho they didnt even bother watching the clip
>immediate seethe

>> No.59513111 [DELETED] 

Shut up, shitskin. Go seethe about male collabs in catalog.

>> No.59513120

Investing in Twitch is short-sighted. Twitch is desperate enough to fuck over the streamers with worse and worse monetization cuts and to introduce annoying, hard-to-avoid midroll ads and even then it's not enough to reach the profitability goals Amazon demands.

>> No.59513295

yes switch
just like that retarded faggot laplus

>> No.59513347

God please yes. I need to watch her viewership crash even more.

>> No.59513412

I hate Twitch, but if she moves there I will follow my goddess.

>> No.59513419

The early gens all debuted on multiple platforms (no, I don’t mean just bilibili). I’m fairly sure them moving to YouTube was just part of a more general trend of Japanese content creators switching from domestic sites like niconico.
Once everyone was there, and this time the new site happened to be the one all the gaijins use, there was little reason to switch again.
Basically, the company never mandated one platform back when vtubing wasn’t as concentrated on YouTube, and now that it is, leaving YouTube means leaving the holobox.
Most of the time when Cover doesn’t have rules against something, it’s because it hurts your channel and is something most of the girls don’t want to do.
As long as most of the girls stick to CGDCT, most of them stream, and most of them stay on YouTube, it works. And most of them see no reason to hurt their bottom line.

>> No.59513526

No joke, nearly every EN chuuba in Twitch has the LGBT tag

>> No.59513552

let them cope.

>> No.59513573

Only reason to stream on Twitch is because you can play copyrighted music without getting your streams shut down, unlike on Youtube.
Other than that, Twitch is dogshit compared to Youtube, mainly because of insane corporate and political bias towards left wing, and because Twitch has just as bad monetization, as Youtube but with extremely annoying mid stream ads that get spammed a lot and only pay cents.
Twitch peaked from 2012 to 2018, and only started to go downhill afterwards.

>> No.59513576

Twitch will never be in the green. Just like YouTube. The operating costs at their scale are just too much and they only grow. If anything YouTube is more unsustainable because it has to keep adding storage for the literal exabytes of data it has to keep indefinitely.

As for the cuts, they're rolling out Partner Plus next month which gives 70/30.
As for ads, get an ad blocker. It isn't that hard.

>> No.59513589

Twitch advertisement money is bonkers right now. the girls have gotten whiff of it for sure.

>> No.59513591

God I hope she mores and stays on twitch

>> No.59513666

Clickbait troll thread

>> No.59513769 [DELETED] 

Nijiniggers tongue my anus

>> No.59514013

1. Google is way more willing to absorb YT losses than Amazon is with Twitch, and Youtube is way more valuable; Twitch is irrelevant for normalfags, YT is well-known and more global.
2. Reverting a bad change for some streamers doesn't bring back the goodwill they already burned, and losing more money isn't a great strategy either.
3. You or me might have an adblocker that works for Twitch, most people either don't have one, or one that Twitch circumvents. Imagine missing parts of a stream because of ads, it must suck.

>> No.59514184

All this blathering and Twitch is still the better site to stream on

>> No.59514305

Episode XX of OP trying to start an orange woman bait thread and getting derailed

>> No.59514429

Miko has been streaming on twitch for 2 years now but acknowledging this would kill the antis narrative

>> No.59514564

Why does she always gotta make everything about her?

>> No.59514657

Her stream reading her superchats talking about her career
What the fuck do you want her to talk about

>> No.59514697
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twitch viewers seem even more mindless and retarded in the chat. I don't know why. I'd say the constant emote and fotm meme spam. but the same shit happens on youtube too

>> No.59515941

Now that's what I call loyalty

>> No.59517123

Which Holo girl is this? Her model's insane!

>> No.59517379

Didn't Kiara quite literally decide against going to twitch? I'm confused on why he created this clip.

>> No.59517473

she should do it and never come back tbdesu

>> No.59518902

Because she considered the prospect of it possibly boosting her numbers

>> No.59519689

Did anyone actually watch the clip? She considered maybe streaming occasionally on Twitch (i.e. nothing like the Laplus situation). And that's only if she gets really desperate for numbers

>> No.59519797

i bet KFP could make some good 7tv emotes

>> No.59520127

You'll want to hit the /asp/ies
Only a few of them do

>> No.59520226

oh nononono clipbros how will we recover?

>> No.59520693

she's not switching. youtube pays more than twitch and she would have problems moving her viewers. anyone new would be twitch level mouthbreather. laplus 'switched' because she only cares about streaming valorant over there anyway. laplus basically soft quit hololive.

>> No.59520867

>Streamers say it outright.
The bad ones. Twitch biggest streamer literally switched to Youtube.

>> No.59520897

>Cover was quite explicit about youtube only?
no, bunch of holos have twitch channels and occasionally stream on it. Threadreader.

>> No.59520964

This. Twitch is very lurker heavy.

>> No.59521292

Mikochi's career is dead?

>> No.59521367


>> No.59521466

I support this idea, especially if she used my face as a chair.

>> No.59521597

>The ONLY people who go Twitch->YouTube are the ones who are either bought our or hired.
The only exception being Cr1TiKaL who literally just uploaded a video going over his experiences with both websites which ended with the conclusion that YouTube is only worth it for streaming if you already have an established audience.
And even then there are many things YouTube needs to improve on.

>> No.59521709

>Twitch will never be in the green. Just like YouTube. The operating costs at their scale are just too much and they only grow. If anything YouTube is more unsustainable because it has to keep adding storage for the literal exabytes of data it has to keep indefinitely.
Youtube is actually in the green, and has been for a while
Besides a better and mature relationship with advertisers, vods are actually BETTER than streaming for profitability since:
1. Storage is cheaper than bandwidth
2. They're no longer constrained with the expensive real-time encoding necessary for streaming
3. Streaming is a niche - vods are much much more popular while also being shorter, so they get far more views (and thus ad revenue) per encoded time unit
Like twitch, I suspect that streaming might be a loss-maker on youtube depending on how many "freeloaders" (1/2-views) there are wasting energy and bandwidth, while vods are the real moneymakers, particularly shorter videos like music

>> No.59522180

tl;dr for streamers, Youtube is better for straight streaming, much less so if you are dreaming to make it big. For viewers, it's much better if you are a passive viewer, infinitely worse as an active viewer.

Youtube streaming is fine. It's building an audience there that is harder. There's no good way to browser currently live Youtube streams. The search function just stops giving you results after a while, so searching for currently live streams for a game won't actually show you all the streams currently live for it.

As a streamer, streaming to Youtube is no harder than streaming to Twitch, and lets you give it a much higher bitrate to leverage their specialized hardware for transcoding the stream. They do bitstarve streams fairly heavily, with 1080p60 being set to ~4500kbps average, and 1080p30 set to like 2500kbps average. But for 1080p60 that still tends to look as good or better than a 6000kbps 1080p60 Twitch stream, because of course the specialized hardware will do a better job 9 times out of 10.
It won't outperform partners utilizing the 8000kbps bitrate allowance, though. It also performs worse if someone is coming over from or dualstreaming to Twitch, and thus still limits their bitrate to 6000kbps, but that's user error, not Youtube. This all assumes someone is watching Twitch using the Source output, of course. Else it all falls apart and Youtube is never worse, only on par or better.
Youtube also allows streaming at higher resolutions. I stream at 1440p personally, feeding it a 20000kbps NVENC encoded input.

As a viewer, there are also ups and downs.
If you are a passive viewer, who is just there to watch and not interact, Youtube wins outright. Ads are more easily blocked without a specialized adblocker that may or may not work.
The specialized Twitch ad-blockers haven't been working for me for months. I check occasionally, and just leave the site immediately when the pre-roll or a mid-roll ad plays. I don't understand how it working can vary from person to person, but no one that doesn't have issues seems to believe it's possible for it to not work. In my case I only ever really bother with mogra, ESA, and rtainjp, so it's not a heavy loss, and vods are still easily downloaded in the latter two cases.
If you are an active viewer, Twitch wins, no contest. Their chat is nice and slim, being an extension of IRC. There's also a lot of plugins streamers can use for viewer interactivity. Though I imagine some of that could be done on Youtube, it would just be a pain in the ass and break often, so it's not worth it.
Meanwhile, Youtube's chat is one of the most atrocious pieces of shit I have ever seen. You can tell whoever designed it expected there would never be more than 100-200 active chatters, chatting in a non-spamming fashion. The resource usage in ridiculous, and the data for each chat message is holy fuck bloated with unnecessary extra shit. I cannot blame anyone for being a Twitch-only fag if they actively use chat.

>> No.59522218

It's over.... this time next year she'll be streaming from an inflatable pool full of mineral oil, sucking sea salt popsicles in a microbikini, and shaking her sweaty ass for the camera.

>> No.59522337

Not clicking but I assume it was a passing thought she decided against that some faggot grifting clip nigger made a click bait video about

>> No.59522390 [DELETED] 


>> No.59522404


>> No.59522605

What would be the issue with a Holo making a Twitch channel that forever re-aired their Youtube content, kinda like what Pomu is doing on her Youtube channel (which is a bad idea for clickthrough rates).

>> No.59522623

It is impossible to find streams on Youtube.
In theory, on Twitch you click a category or a channel tag and can find all the relevant channels.
In Youtube you have to do some esoteric Search manipulation.
I tried searching Youtube for Vtuber live streams once and after a 100 they just stopped loading more.

Youtube hates you if you try to use the search bar for anything besides getting fed viral content.

>> No.59522686

Yes please take away your fans and never come back

>> No.59522908

>complaining about her numbers and that she deserves more
Look man, I like her but she is exactly as popular as she deserves to be. The sooner she and her fans realize this, the better.

>> No.59522909

Man it's next to impossible to even search for videos anymore, YouTube search is so fucked

Scroll down five videos and you start getting "recommended for you" that's entirely unrelated to your search. As if I don't have a fucking home page for that.

>> No.59523051

She should give it a go atleast a single stream a week or even a month. The hours she streams on yt are one of the two peak hours of twitch viewership

>> No.59523636

It wouldn't be a good move. The fabled "EU stream watchers" are already settled with EU streamers who speak their language. She wouldn't get any gains from diverting her YT audience. She honestly would have a bigger change of growing the EU audience but seriously trying for that EU singing/dancing contest. Her album is great but it's not enough of a normie push.

Hell uploading on tik tok would probably get her name out there more and tik tok is notoriously bad for growing on yt too.

>> No.59524560

>She honestly would have a bigger change of growing the EU audience but seriously trying for that EU singing/dancing contest
roflmao, actually

>> No.59526030

That was a really good video. Should really make a /vt/ thread talking about that.

>> No.59526778

NTA but there's a difference between streaming watchalongs on Twitch and having Twitch be your main platform for streaming.

>> No.59527620

Man most people would be over the moon for gaining 250k subs in 5 years let alone just 2. And she's saying she deserves more lmao. Damn girl

>> No.59527719

Kiara is the Kung Lao of Hololive.

>> No.59527990
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Moist Crikital is interesting, in that he first started streaming exclusively on youtube back in 2016/17, back when youtube streaming was in its beta.

He actually heavily shat on twitch and talked about not wanting to ever stream there, which makes it all the more ironic that he ended up being in the top 25 for twitch streamers 4 years later.

>> No.59529474

Reminder that if your oshi wants to switch to Twitch they're a whore. End of disscussion.

>> No.59530974

Twitch is too slow on my old crappy tablet I watch vtubers on.

>> No.59531412

I don't get why these holomems are not streaming on both services at the same time?
