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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59276668 No.59276668 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like the work overload is starting to kick in. How long until they start cancelling streams because tummy hort?

>> No.59276777

Stop leaking, gifted membership piece of shit.

>> No.59277044

if one gets tummy hort do both of them get tummy hort

>> No.59277137

Sometimes I get tilted too when something goes wrong with my PC and I end up fixing this shit for few hours, I just want to smash my monitor at times like that, so I feel them.

>> No.59277581

Two more weeks

>> No.59277650

This is why gifted membership suck.

>> No.59277766

honestly this faggot would probably keep paying the $5 just to keep leaking the posts for (You)s anyways

>> No.59277867

threads like this used to get deleted in the past
they still get deleted today if you leak this kind of stuff from specific members

>> No.59277880

>newfags still insistent that membership leaking has never happened before gifteds

>> No.59277969

This is why I hate gifted memberships. Kys

>> No.59278001

((who)) do you think made the thread?

>> No.59278144

>Muh secret club

>> No.59278310 [DELETED] 
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Kys, giftnig

>> No.59278367

Membership post is limited for members for a reason. Pay for it if you want to know what's being posted there, poorfag.

>> No.59278548

don't worry this thread will be gone in a few hours. leaking membership is only allowed for non-dorito chuubas.

>> No.59278624

it won't
the last leaked membership FWMC thread archived after hitting bump limit and the jannies were deleting posts in the thread that were shitting on the OP to make sure the thread kept going for as long as possible too

>> No.59278684

great to hear, they must have booted the biased mods then.

>> No.59278749

No. The mods just dislike FWMC in particular

>> No.59278792

>spazzing out about a post on tech issues
Fucking autism. I'm sure nobody will ever buy the membership now that highly valuable content like this is leaked!

>> No.59278834

i hope they learn to hate the rest of them then.

>> No.59278909

Any jannies who do that are little babies. Public posts behind a paywall are not doxx. 'You wouldnt steal a car' tier, might as well start banning /vr/ if they accidentally prove they are playing an emulator and denied nintendo their hard earned 50$.

>> No.59278910

that won't make your shitty 3-2view chuuba any more interesting/popular/successful

>> No.59279044

i don't care about that. you guys are so numberbrained it's disgusting

>> No.59279051

All jannies do for almost every girl. This is paid content being shared freely.
It's one thing to link to a place where you can find paid content being shared linking it directly here has always been something that mods/jannies acted on

>> No.59279094

I don't know OP, but I'd like to have sexual relations with Fuwawa and Mococo simultaneously.

>> No.59279121

>All jannies do for almost every girl
in hololive only you mean

>> No.59279151

>I don't care about my chuuba being popular or successful
Oh you're one of those 2view groomers

>> No.59279207

There are threads on other boards dedicated to torrent archives of memberstreams and roommates. Its not a global mod thing otherwise those threads would be dead too; its just jannies on this specific board.

>> No.59279240

No. Mods and jannies clean up for you whores and homos too sister

>> No.59279312

>he literally can't make a post without numbers in it
jesus christ
the homos yes because they're also protected by the dorito but not anyone else lmao

>> No.59279311

torrents have always been fine since it's p2p
the issue has always been direct links or sharing images like this

>> No.59279373

do you think those 2 view you watch appreciate the fact that you refuse to tell anybody about them because you want to keep her to yourself, groomer-kun?

>> No.59279481

>he literally can't make a post without numbers in it

>> No.59279528

I assume jannies don't give a shit with this thread, so I can post member content from Myth and Council without getting banned, right?

>> No.59279556

you're a sad pathetic man trying to groom some girl who just wants to be famous
stop doing that

>> No.59279575

9 months from now

>> No.59279612

Nope. They will delete your specific post, ban you and leave the thread up.
I actually did that last time FWMC shit leaked and that's what happened to me

>> No.59279625

rotten brain. i hope you can get better some day.

>> No.59279701

I hope your oshi get better and more viewers who want her to be successful
Even if she's a whore she still deserves better than you

>> No.59279703

Stop posting here, Finana

>> No.59279721

>more numbers
it's not even funny anymore

>> No.59279786

Daily reminder seanigs will never respect privacy, unless they nuked that continent members content will always leaked

>> No.59279799


>> No.59279806

Why can't you guys post membership only content that's actually good or interesting like exclusive wallpapers and those huge diary posts the girls write sometimes about their general thoughts?

>> No.59279821
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>> No.59279863

are you screwing with me or is your brain so fucked that you don't even know what you just wrote

>> No.59279875

hey respect that guy
he almost has a heart attack when his oshi gets an unknown viewer

>> No.59279935

^you mean these numbers?
sorry hard to reply to your posts without including them

>> No.59279984

This thread is now about you being giftnig congrats brownman

>> No.59279994

>I hope your oshi get better and more viewers
i was talking about this, not the post number newfriend

>> No.59280011

I plan to member all Hololive talents using ARS currency, and then post every member's content here.

>> No.59280015

Purge the unworthy

>> No.59280016

i wonder what fanbase, with power in this board, hates fwmc

>> No.59280045

deadbeats feat. tempusisters

>> No.59280063

I love Fuwawa

>> No.59280094

That has never worked ever.
But I'll try

>> No.59280105

Try harder to make me like your boobs, Fuwawa

>> No.59280115

>spam your catchphrase in every thread nonstop for weeks while talking down every other vtuber, including those within Hololive
>hmmm... I wonder who hates us...
It's a mystery

>> No.59280135

those are not numbers you insane groomer

>> No.59280156

>This is paid content being shared freely.
Jesus Christ how did you people find /vt/?

>> No.59280161

FWMC love their paying and non-paying fans equally, I'm sure they won't mind if their membership content is shared so everybody can enjoy it. If they are unhappy about it they will let us know in the next FWMC morning. BAU BAU

>> No.59280193

you have severe numberbrain damage if you think every vtuber outside of hololive is a grooming victim.

>> No.59280205

Community means nothing, its ultimately just that you dont have a janny with determination to ban [thing] yet. Its not like ringo is killed on sight because some community hates it, its the autism of one guy who hid his intentions long enough to make it through auditions.

>> No.59280207

>Using every excuse under the sun to be a tranny drama catalog fag

>> No.59280206

came here when the board was created, was on /jp/ before
How about you newfag
How did you find this place?

>> No.59280226
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Look anon, it's a Bau Bau

>> No.59280227

it's bauver

>> No.59280237

Piece of shit leaker, please kill yourself

>> No.59280245

When the taxman started charging money for something awful.

>> No.59280259 [DELETED] 
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>> No.59280316

have jannies ever cared about people posting membership content?

>> No.59280318

>wearing sunglasses on your head indoors

>> No.59280337 [DELETED] 
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>> No.59280386


>> No.59280389

Until very recently yes they have always cared if you make a thread about it openly.
Everybody leaks shit on specific threads but if you try to start a new thread with membership content for almost any girl your thread will get deleted.

>> No.59280410 [DELETED] 
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>> No.59280426 [DELETED] 
File: 542 KB, 1024x1452, Pippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa bought me here. And I'm going to make it everyone else's problem

>> No.59280428

Am I supposed to know about that boobs girl because gahdang those milkers.

>> No.59280445

unless she's not in hololive, then it will hit bump limit

>> No.59280452 [DELETED] 
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>> No.59280461

Anon please stop posting these they're depressing

>> No.59280467

how new?

>> No.59280512
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>> No.59280513

I was away from this hellhole for 3 months man, I'm not keeping up with the recent happening

>> No.59280514

well nobody cares about people outside of hololive in any way shape or form so why would you expect members post to receive a different treatment

>> No.59280544

information wants to be free

>> No.59280560

now i know you are trolling because numberfags don't even believe that anymore after ui mogged the entirety of hololive

>> No.59280592
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>>59280513 (Me)
KEK Nvm, decided to just reverse search it and wtf

>> No.59280606


>> No.59280618

S-shes h-honorary

>> No.59280637

this shit is years old, you have to live under a rock if you still dont know

>> No.59280643

Ui is a holo, tho

>> No.59280650


>> No.59280678

>double the manpower
>the same issue as other streamers
>work overload

>> No.59280680

This is not from hololive so I don't care

>> No.59280729

it's bigger than anything hololive has ever done so you should care. i hope your 2view oshi can be as popular some day so she doesn't have to deal with a groomer like yourself.

>> No.59280792

my oshi is 5view though
still don't care about whoever this is

>> No.59280922

talking shit about ui won't make your oshi any more interesting/popular/successful

>> No.59280965

I'm not talking shit about Ui, whoever that is, I just said I don't care about her.

>> No.59281075

Let's not kid ourselves anon, Shig is probably the closest we ever got for a chuba to be a honorary holo.

>> No.59281082
File: 248 KB, 384x649, Ugly_Bastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to be groomed don't you? Come to daddy little kitten ill give you a nice home

>> No.59281097

sorry i was trying to make a point but you seem to be too low iq to understand it

>> No.59281140

oh no they are pregnant....

>> No.59281162

Their twins so when one feels bad so does the other. Also they get simultaneous periods so its not fun for anyone involved

>> No.59281205

Well, considering Shiori fags are always shitting up /baubau/....

>> No.59281215

How are tech issues a symptom of overwork?

>> No.59281238

I'm sorry... It was an accident...

>> No.59281273

>they still get deleted today if you leak this kind of stuff from specific members
Mumei, Fauna and IRyS to be precise

>> No.59281315
File: 143 KB, 660x742, 1671421965026025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tech issues
>"Looks like the work overload is starting to kick in "
Omoshiroi, anon-kun

>> No.59281411

G*ras pc hort once. Then she got a uncuruable disease from it.

>> No.59281474

I bet a Sapling made this thread

>> No.59281489

Nice try, kekbeat

>> No.59281507

That faggot probably doesn't have a credit card

>> No.59281548

I don't speak anime can you translate to English

>> No.59281558

Saplings love doggos phasecuck

>> No.59281561

The fact that you came to the defense so fast just proves it sapcuck

>> No.59281598

Nice deflection, kekbeat

>> No.59281609

It's kind of funny how /vt/ is MUST CONSUME MUST PAYPIG comparing to other boards.

>> No.59281645


it's all downhill from here

>> No.59281681

It's not anime retard, it's a sengoku era manga language.

>> No.59281686

consoom and literal corporate worship, that's how you know this is the reddit board

>> No.59281714

>work overload is starting to kick in.
wat work overload

>> No.59281738

tech issues are always fake
just unplug the cable lol

>> No.59281849

I kinda get it now like that guy from DragonBall. I do t understand the sen part tho is that one of his transformations?

>> No.59281940

It really is, I often think how people who post here look like, probably fat and brown lmao

>> No.59281978

post skin anon

>> No.59282045

I don't think I will, anon, I'm blackest gorilla nigger there is.

>> No.59282050

Nah, it's one of his sperm cell actually

>> No.59282079

If you don't report shitty threads like this you are part of the problem

>> No.59282141
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Wouldn't matter when there's a conscious decision from the jannies to let this kind of thread fester

>> No.59282183

Hot post moobs

>> No.59282198

Don't worry anon, surely it wouldn't be as dark as the OP's

>> No.59282262

yeah, I'm probably whitest in the thread right now, really makes you think.

>> No.59282283

Your right there's still 3d boobies in this thread and nobody seems to care or is jerking it before its disappears

>> No.59282329

show us your albino skin, anon

>> No.59282346

>People pay $5 a month to read this


>> No.59282391

Someone please post Enna's member post about her taking a shit

>> No.59282419

If you were a cute anime girl I'd pay to see you write nonsense and stuff nobody cares about

>> No.59282433

I'm shy, sorry, anon, only if you show me your penis.

>> No.59282438

>Hurr more viewers, fuck you
>Not numberfagging

>> No.59282501

If I can't hear the shit making a *doink* noise when hitting the water then don't bother

>> No.59282505

I'm shyer than you anon, please give me courage to post it after you post your blindingly white dick first

>> No.59282552

Not to mention saying "Reported" is grounds for ban. When jannies don't keep things tidy, who could? Reports are fucking useless.
Jannies are known numberfags too. They basically let every
>Hurr decline
Thread alive

>> No.59282575

It's just a femcel schizo who fantasizes about getting groomed by her viewers don't pay her any mind

>> No.59282627

I don't want to ban evade after...

>> No.59282655
File: 99 KB, 312x360, 1691562447893191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it's kinda hard when only Mococo does everything
Mococo deserves her own channel

>> No.59282665

I don't approve of membership leaking but still a very, very based post.

>> No.59282680

Are you a mod? If yes I love you <3 thnx for keeping this place in order <3

>> No.59282686

Do it for the glory of your kind anon. Show us your majestic form

>> No.59282705

Kys you fucking SEAnig ape
